Article Scottish Freemasonry in Calcutta . Page 1 of 1 Article "Sit Lux et Lux Fuit." Page 1 of 1 Article "Sit Lux et Lux Fuit." Page 1 of 1 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Scottish Freemasonry In Calcutta .
Scottish Freemasonry in Calcutta .
AN official visit by R . W . Bro . Dr . John Pollen , L . C . D ., Grand Master Depute of till Scottish Freemasonry in India , w ; is recently paid to Lodge St . Thomas-in-the-East , No . 414 , Calcutta , and the meeting was largely attended by brethren and visitors from sister lodges . An address of
welcome was presented to the Right \\ orshiplul Depute Grand Master , and the proceedings were of a very enthusiastic character . We have the pleasure of presenting to our readers the portraits of the brethren forming the deputation .
"Sit Lux Et Lux Fuit."
" Sit Lux et Lux Fuit . "
BRO . Robert R . Grey , P . M . and Secretary of Lodge Harmony , No . 298 , Rochdale , sends us the following . Our readers , we feel sure , will be interested in his scholarly criticism of the well known Masonic motto : — " The words , Sit Lux et Lux Fuit are very generally used as a motto on lodge summonses , & c , and are supposed to be
a quotation from the Latin version of the Volume of the Sacred Law . They are , however , not a quotation at all , but appear to be a retranslation , of private and unskillful manufacture , from English into Latin . A quotation ought to ¦ consist of the actual words used by the authority quoted .
'' The translation , moreover , does not accurately convey the ideas which are expressed in the Latin Vulgate and in the Authorised Version with equal correctness . The word si I means ' lei ( something ) exist , which may ( or may not ) exist already . ' It may express permission or concession , as well
as command ; but the words in Genesis were used as a ¦ command only—that light , which previously had not existed , should come into existence . Such a command is properly conveyed by the word fiat . Full , being in the perfect tense , means that the act of existence was completed and done
with—an assertion contrary to fact . The proper expression is facia est—w ; is made . The entire passage in the Vulgate is— 'Dixilque Dens , Fiat lux ; el facia esl lux . '
"Sit Lux Et Lux Fuit."
" The words , ' Let there be light , and there was light , ' whether expressed in Latin or any other language , consisting of two sentences , coupled together , in appearance , by and ; although mentally they are incapable of any real connection , being of different natures—the one a command , and the other an assertion of fact , and are unintelligible unless the previous
words and God said are used . Then a connection is established between said and was . If , therefore , the command—Fiat lux only was used , accompanied ( or not ) by a representation of the dawning of the daylight , it would be free from the reproach of canine Latinity , and would possess that brevity which is as desirable in a motto as in wit . "
IMPORTANT NOTICE . Owing to the great success that has attended our offer of
a free platino-type photograph and the great demand our photographers , the Elite Portrait Co ., have had , we have found it necessary to suspend the issue of coupons for a time , but it is our intention to again offer our readers the same privilege at an early date .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Scottish Freemasonry In Calcutta .
Scottish Freemasonry in Calcutta .
AN official visit by R . W . Bro . Dr . John Pollen , L . C . D ., Grand Master Depute of till Scottish Freemasonry in India , w ; is recently paid to Lodge St . Thomas-in-the-East , No . 414 , Calcutta , and the meeting was largely attended by brethren and visitors from sister lodges . An address of
welcome was presented to the Right \\ orshiplul Depute Grand Master , and the proceedings were of a very enthusiastic character . We have the pleasure of presenting to our readers the portraits of the brethren forming the deputation .
"Sit Lux Et Lux Fuit."
" Sit Lux et Lux Fuit . "
BRO . Robert R . Grey , P . M . and Secretary of Lodge Harmony , No . 298 , Rochdale , sends us the following . Our readers , we feel sure , will be interested in his scholarly criticism of the well known Masonic motto : — " The words , Sit Lux et Lux Fuit are very generally used as a motto on lodge summonses , & c , and are supposed to be
a quotation from the Latin version of the Volume of the Sacred Law . They are , however , not a quotation at all , but appear to be a retranslation , of private and unskillful manufacture , from English into Latin . A quotation ought to ¦ consist of the actual words used by the authority quoted .
'' The translation , moreover , does not accurately convey the ideas which are expressed in the Latin Vulgate and in the Authorised Version with equal correctness . The word si I means ' lei ( something ) exist , which may ( or may not ) exist already . ' It may express permission or concession , as well
as command ; but the words in Genesis were used as a ¦ command only—that light , which previously had not existed , should come into existence . Such a command is properly conveyed by the word fiat . Full , being in the perfect tense , means that the act of existence was completed and done
with—an assertion contrary to fact . The proper expression is facia est—w ; is made . The entire passage in the Vulgate is— 'Dixilque Dens , Fiat lux ; el facia esl lux . '
"Sit Lux Et Lux Fuit."
" The words , ' Let there be light , and there was light , ' whether expressed in Latin or any other language , consisting of two sentences , coupled together , in appearance , by and ; although mentally they are incapable of any real connection , being of different natures—the one a command , and the other an assertion of fact , and are unintelligible unless the previous
words and God said are used . Then a connection is established between said and was . If , therefore , the command—Fiat lux only was used , accompanied ( or not ) by a representation of the dawning of the daylight , it would be free from the reproach of canine Latinity , and would possess that brevity which is as desirable in a motto as in wit . "
IMPORTANT NOTICE . Owing to the great success that has attended our offer of
a free platino-type photograph and the great demand our photographers , the Elite Portrait Co ., have had , we have found it necessary to suspend the issue of coupons for a time , but it is our intention to again offer our readers the same privilege at an early date .