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History Of The Emulation Lodge Of Improvement, No. 256.——(Continued).
private life—whose loss they sincerely deplore , whose memory they affectionately reverence , and whose name they would not ' willingly let die . ' " That in paying this last tribute of respect to the memory of their departed Brother , they forbear to speak of his practical skill and ability , his consummate knowledge , and unrivalled attainments in Freemasonry , because they consider it a privilege and a duty , appertaining only to the Craft at
ROBERT T . C'RUCKFIX , M . I ) ., P . G . D ., P . M . OF TUB UAXK OF ENGLAND LODGE , Ch . urimui of tl „ - frtliral , Orli . ler : > lh , 1 S 3 S . large , to do honour to his public character as a Mason ; they cannot , however , refrain from expressing their feelings of
gratification and pride that the name of their revered Brother will be transmitted to posterity by a monument worthy of the Freemason and the man—the Asylum for Worthy , Aged , and Decayed Freemasons , and that this noble Institution , founded by his benevolent exertions , will perpetuate the
memory of his eloquent , unceasing , and heartfelt advocacy of the cause of Masonic Charity . " " Resolved : That a copy of the foregoing resolution be written on vellum , be framed and glazed , and suspended in the Lodge at all future meetings of the Brethren , in the hope
that the respect thus shown to the memory of a good man may influence all who read it to reverence his virtues and emulate his example . " For the three rare portraits illustrating this article we are indebted , in the first place , to the Bank of England Lodge
( always an ardent supporter of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement ) , and secondly to the skill of Mr . Harold W . Lane , who kindly photographed them from the series of beautifully executed portraits of its Past Masters in the lodge album , painted in water colours by Edwin Dalton Smith , himself a Past Master of that lodge and a member of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement .
The Freemasons' Quarterly Review for September , 18 39 , contains the following : — " Master Masons' Lodge of Improvement at Brother Evans ' s Grand Hotel , Covent Garden , has , as usual , remained open all the summer , thereby continuing its sphere of utility when nearly till other lodges have closed . The Anniversary will be held on the first Friday
in October , which will doubtless be well attended on that evening . The election of Treasurer and Secretary will take place , and the sessional arrangements will be made . The great service which the lodge has rendered the Craft is felt and appreciated by the London and Provincial Brethren . "
The same journal for December following thus comments on the removal of the lodge to the Freemasons' Tavern , "At length this Lodge of Instruction—formerly , par excellence , termed ' Peter Gilkes' Master Mason ' s Lodge , ' has made a stout march to the Tavern , and there is much promise in the
removal . On the first night , as was expected , the meeting was crowded , and the brethren were compelled to adjourn to the " Crown " Room , where the first lecture was most ably worked and the business conducted in the very first style . Amongst those present were several Provincial Brethren . Brother Key sat as Master ; Brothers Graham and Warriner
as Wardens . Brothers S . 13 . Wilson , Savage , and many other " operatives " were among the throng . Having now reached a topmost height as regards locality , we must admit that the next removal of this Lodge should be to some quarters of its own , and then , indeed , it would set an example ; and what a
progress it would make in good order and excellent propriety ! Think upon this hint , good friends . " It will thus be seen that for upwards of sixty years the Emulation Lodge of Improvement has held its meetings on the Grand Lodge premises , thereby furnishing conclusive
evidence of the regularity of its proceedings and the correctness of its method of working the ceremonies and lectures of the Craft . In order to avoid repetition , the reader will please to understand that all further quotations , down to 1859 , when
the existing written records of the lodge begin , are from the Freemasons' Quarterly Review or its successor , the Freemasons ' Magazine , unless otherwise stated , and that these journals only reported the annual Festivals of the lodge .
At the annual Festival on the 2 nd of October , 1840 , Bro . John Savage " was presented with a very handsome jewel , which had been subscribed for by the brethren to mark their sense of his kind and efficient services as secretary for several years . Br . S . B . Wilson was elected treasurer , and Br . Richard Daly , of the British Lodge , No . 8 , succeeded
Br . Savage in the office of Secretary . " From the year 1841 to 18 44 nothing calling for notice relating to the lodge appears in the only Masonic journal of the period , save that in 1842 the editor says : " Every meeting of this lodge adds to its importance . Intelligence and discipline are promoted , and
we are happy to observe that provincial and foreign Brethren profit by the opportunity afforded them to witness the purest working of our Order . " In 18 44 the Anniversary Festival was held on the second Friday in November instead of the first Friday in October as
heretofore . We have editorial authority for stating that on this occasion many excellent addresses were given , including one from Bro . Crew ( Secretary of the Girls' School ) , who also delighted the party with several songs during the evening ; but , as neither speeches nor songs were reported , their
nature and quality must be left to the reader's imagination . In 18 45 we are told that " a committee has been formed to select from among talented competitors an improvement in Tracing Boards . Bro . Harris has been the successful candidate , and from the sample we have seen , the selection is very creditable to the committee . "
At the Festival held on the 14 th of November following , the new Tracing Boards were produced , " and were submitted to a very close and critical inspection , and Bro . Harris was deservedly complimented on his success . " A vote of thanks was passed to Bro . S . 13 . Wilson and the other members of the committee for their great attention
to the subject . On the 17 th of March , 18 4 8 , a banquet was held , the occasion being the presentation of a testimonial , consisting of a service of plate , to Bro . John Savage , Vice-President of the Board of General Purposes , a former Secretary of the
lodge , and one of its most earnest and regular supporters . Although this testimonial was not restricted to the members of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement , as a mark of respect to the recipient it was decided that the presentation should be made under the auspices of that lodge .
Several highly eulogistic speeches were made by the distinguished brethren present , but as they were mostly of a personal character we have not deemed it advisable to reprint them . Early in this year ( 18 4 8 ) the Masons of Birmingham
applied to the " Emulation " to depute some eminent authority in their body lo visit them and adjust the differences that existed in their working . To this request the lodge promptly
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
History Of The Emulation Lodge Of Improvement, No. 256.——(Continued).
private life—whose loss they sincerely deplore , whose memory they affectionately reverence , and whose name they would not ' willingly let die . ' " That in paying this last tribute of respect to the memory of their departed Brother , they forbear to speak of his practical skill and ability , his consummate knowledge , and unrivalled attainments in Freemasonry , because they consider it a privilege and a duty , appertaining only to the Craft at
ROBERT T . C'RUCKFIX , M . I ) ., P . G . D ., P . M . OF TUB UAXK OF ENGLAND LODGE , Ch . urimui of tl „ - frtliral , Orli . ler : > lh , 1 S 3 S . large , to do honour to his public character as a Mason ; they cannot , however , refrain from expressing their feelings of
gratification and pride that the name of their revered Brother will be transmitted to posterity by a monument worthy of the Freemason and the man—the Asylum for Worthy , Aged , and Decayed Freemasons , and that this noble Institution , founded by his benevolent exertions , will perpetuate the
memory of his eloquent , unceasing , and heartfelt advocacy of the cause of Masonic Charity . " " Resolved : That a copy of the foregoing resolution be written on vellum , be framed and glazed , and suspended in the Lodge at all future meetings of the Brethren , in the hope
that the respect thus shown to the memory of a good man may influence all who read it to reverence his virtues and emulate his example . " For the three rare portraits illustrating this article we are indebted , in the first place , to the Bank of England Lodge
( always an ardent supporter of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement ) , and secondly to the skill of Mr . Harold W . Lane , who kindly photographed them from the series of beautifully executed portraits of its Past Masters in the lodge album , painted in water colours by Edwin Dalton Smith , himself a Past Master of that lodge and a member of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement .
The Freemasons' Quarterly Review for September , 18 39 , contains the following : — " Master Masons' Lodge of Improvement at Brother Evans ' s Grand Hotel , Covent Garden , has , as usual , remained open all the summer , thereby continuing its sphere of utility when nearly till other lodges have closed . The Anniversary will be held on the first Friday
in October , which will doubtless be well attended on that evening . The election of Treasurer and Secretary will take place , and the sessional arrangements will be made . The great service which the lodge has rendered the Craft is felt and appreciated by the London and Provincial Brethren . "
The same journal for December following thus comments on the removal of the lodge to the Freemasons' Tavern , "At length this Lodge of Instruction—formerly , par excellence , termed ' Peter Gilkes' Master Mason ' s Lodge , ' has made a stout march to the Tavern , and there is much promise in the
removal . On the first night , as was expected , the meeting was crowded , and the brethren were compelled to adjourn to the " Crown " Room , where the first lecture was most ably worked and the business conducted in the very first style . Amongst those present were several Provincial Brethren . Brother Key sat as Master ; Brothers Graham and Warriner
as Wardens . Brothers S . 13 . Wilson , Savage , and many other " operatives " were among the throng . Having now reached a topmost height as regards locality , we must admit that the next removal of this Lodge should be to some quarters of its own , and then , indeed , it would set an example ; and what a
progress it would make in good order and excellent propriety ! Think upon this hint , good friends . " It will thus be seen that for upwards of sixty years the Emulation Lodge of Improvement has held its meetings on the Grand Lodge premises , thereby furnishing conclusive
evidence of the regularity of its proceedings and the correctness of its method of working the ceremonies and lectures of the Craft . In order to avoid repetition , the reader will please to understand that all further quotations , down to 1859 , when
the existing written records of the lodge begin , are from the Freemasons' Quarterly Review or its successor , the Freemasons ' Magazine , unless otherwise stated , and that these journals only reported the annual Festivals of the lodge .
At the annual Festival on the 2 nd of October , 1840 , Bro . John Savage " was presented with a very handsome jewel , which had been subscribed for by the brethren to mark their sense of his kind and efficient services as secretary for several years . Br . S . B . Wilson was elected treasurer , and Br . Richard Daly , of the British Lodge , No . 8 , succeeded
Br . Savage in the office of Secretary . " From the year 1841 to 18 44 nothing calling for notice relating to the lodge appears in the only Masonic journal of the period , save that in 1842 the editor says : " Every meeting of this lodge adds to its importance . Intelligence and discipline are promoted , and
we are happy to observe that provincial and foreign Brethren profit by the opportunity afforded them to witness the purest working of our Order . " In 18 44 the Anniversary Festival was held on the second Friday in November instead of the first Friday in October as
heretofore . We have editorial authority for stating that on this occasion many excellent addresses were given , including one from Bro . Crew ( Secretary of the Girls' School ) , who also delighted the party with several songs during the evening ; but , as neither speeches nor songs were reported , their
nature and quality must be left to the reader's imagination . In 18 45 we are told that " a committee has been formed to select from among talented competitors an improvement in Tracing Boards . Bro . Harris has been the successful candidate , and from the sample we have seen , the selection is very creditable to the committee . "
At the Festival held on the 14 th of November following , the new Tracing Boards were produced , " and were submitted to a very close and critical inspection , and Bro . Harris was deservedly complimented on his success . " A vote of thanks was passed to Bro . S . 13 . Wilson and the other members of the committee for their great attention
to the subject . On the 17 th of March , 18 4 8 , a banquet was held , the occasion being the presentation of a testimonial , consisting of a service of plate , to Bro . John Savage , Vice-President of the Board of General Purposes , a former Secretary of the
lodge , and one of its most earnest and regular supporters . Although this testimonial was not restricted to the members of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement , as a mark of respect to the recipient it was decided that the presentation should be made under the auspices of that lodge .
Several highly eulogistic speeches were made by the distinguished brethren present , but as they were mostly of a personal character we have not deemed it advisable to reprint them . Early in this year ( 18 4 8 ) the Masons of Birmingham
applied to the " Emulation " to depute some eminent authority in their body lo visit them and adjust the differences that existed in their working . To this request the lodge promptly