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Consecration Of St. Catherine's Park Lodge, No. 2899.
Consecration of St . Catherine ' s Park Lodge , No . 2899 .
r P * HE consecration of the above lodge took place at the I Freemasons' Hall on the 25 th of March , and was attended by a large number of Grand Officers and about seventy brethren . V . W . Bro . E . Letchworth , Grand
ItRO . \\\ II . HALE , W . M . —( '' *» ' « E ! it < - I'urlmil Cu . ) Secretary , was the Consecrating Officer , and the following brethren were appointed as officers : —Bros . W . H . Bale , P . M ., as W . M . : W . F . Lamonby , P . A . G . D . C , acting I . P . M . ;
} . Reynolds , S . W . ; S . E . Young , J . W . ; R . W . Benns , P . M ., Treasurer ; R . Gabell , P . M ., Secretary ; R . Fitch ,
S . D . ; C . G . Butler , J . D . ; F . A . Bint , P . M ., D . C ; E . Hancock , I . G . ; and G . H . Russell , Steward . The Consecrating Master and his assistants were elected honorary members of the lodge , and the Grand Secretary was presented with a founder ' s jewel of the lodge . At the banquet which followed ,
Bro . Inspector-General Belgrave Ninnis , M . D ., P . G . D ., in responding to the toast of " The Grand Officers , " said it was , he was sure , the ambition of every Freemason to aspire to the honour of being appointed Grand Officer , and he would not be surprised if the W . M . of St . Catherine's Park Lodge
found himself amongst the " purple world . " Bro . W . F . Lamonby , in proposing the toast of " The Consecrating Officers , " told the brethren of a very interesting incident that happened to him in the Australian Bush some years ago , when he performed the duties of consecrating
officer at a lodge 200 miles from Melbourne . The Grand Secretary , in responding , wished the lodge every success . Bro . Col . G . J . Parkyn , P . G . S . B ., gave the toast of " The Worshipful Master , " and said he was sure the lodge was
most fortunate in having the right man in the right place . The Worshipful Master , in replying , assured the brethren he would do his best to bring the lodge to success . It was their intention to class it as a non-dining lodge , as he felt sure everyone realised the true spirit of Masonry was centered in its workings and Charities .
In proposing the toast of " The Visitors , " the Worshipful Master mentioned they had forty-four guests , and he called upon Bros . Major Walls , P . G . Std . Br ., Robins , Lake , Clayton , and several others to reply . The toast of "The Officers" followed , and the Worshipful Master referred to the merits of each individually , after which the Tyler ' s toast brought an enjoyable evening to a close .
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Consecration Of St. Catherine's Park Lodge, No. 2899.
Consecration of St . Catherine ' s Park Lodge , No . 2899 .
r P * HE consecration of the above lodge took place at the I Freemasons' Hall on the 25 th of March , and was attended by a large number of Grand Officers and about seventy brethren . V . W . Bro . E . Letchworth , Grand
ItRO . \\\ II . HALE , W . M . —( '' *» ' « E ! it < - I'urlmil Cu . ) Secretary , was the Consecrating Officer , and the following brethren were appointed as officers : —Bros . W . H . Bale , P . M ., as W . M . : W . F . Lamonby , P . A . G . D . C , acting I . P . M . ;
} . Reynolds , S . W . ; S . E . Young , J . W . ; R . W . Benns , P . M ., Treasurer ; R . Gabell , P . M ., Secretary ; R . Fitch ,
S . D . ; C . G . Butler , J . D . ; F . A . Bint , P . M ., D . C ; E . Hancock , I . G . ; and G . H . Russell , Steward . The Consecrating Master and his assistants were elected honorary members of the lodge , and the Grand Secretary was presented with a founder ' s jewel of the lodge . At the banquet which followed ,
Bro . Inspector-General Belgrave Ninnis , M . D ., P . G . D ., in responding to the toast of " The Grand Officers , " said it was , he was sure , the ambition of every Freemason to aspire to the honour of being appointed Grand Officer , and he would not be surprised if the W . M . of St . Catherine's Park Lodge
found himself amongst the " purple world . " Bro . W . F . Lamonby , in proposing the toast of " The Consecrating Officers , " told the brethren of a very interesting incident that happened to him in the Australian Bush some years ago , when he performed the duties of consecrating
officer at a lodge 200 miles from Melbourne . The Grand Secretary , in responding , wished the lodge every success . Bro . Col . G . J . Parkyn , P . G . S . B ., gave the toast of " The Worshipful Master , " and said he was sure the lodge was
most fortunate in having the right man in the right place . The Worshipful Master , in replying , assured the brethren he would do his best to bring the lodge to success . It was their intention to class it as a non-dining lodge , as he felt sure everyone realised the true spirit of Masonry was centered in its workings and Charities .
In proposing the toast of " The Visitors , " the Worshipful Master mentioned they had forty-four guests , and he called upon Bros . Major Walls , P . G . Std . Br ., Robins , Lake , Clayton , and several others to reply . The toast of "The Officers" followed , and the Worshipful Master referred to the merits of each individually , after which the Tyler ' s toast brought an enjoyable evening to a close .