Article Nil Sine Labore Lodge, No. 2736. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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Nil Sine Labore Lodge, No. 2736.
Nil Sine Labore Lodge , No . 2736 .
THE installation meeting of the above lodge took place at the Criterion on the nth April , when V . W . Bro . E . Letchworth , Grand Secretary , performed the ceremony , and installed Bro . Captain A . R . Liddell as Master . Before the lodge closed , Bro . Colonel F . T . Clayton , C . B ., the retiring Master , was presented with a very handsome silver
salver , and Bro . Staff-Sergeant-Major S . J . Smith , the late Secretary , with a marble clock . After the appointment and investure of the officers , a banquet was held in the Victoria Hall of the Criterion .
The usual loyal toasts were given , and V . W . Bro . E . Letchworth , Grand Secretary , responded to that of " The Grand Officers . " In replying to the toast of " The Worshipful Master , " Bro . Captain Liddell said there were times in one ' s existence when words seemed hardly sufficient to do justice to one ' s
feelings , but it would be his ambition to prove worthy of the honour done him , and he would aim at handing over the lodge to his successor in as equally good and efficient a state as he had found it . The toast of "The Installing Master" was given by
Bro . Colonel Parkyn , P . M ., P . G . S . B ., to which the Grand Secretary replied . In proposing the toast of " The I . P . M . and Past Masters of the lodge , " the W . M . expressed a feeling of confidence in having several old esteemed Past Masters although the lodge
was young , and he looked forward to his year of office with a degree of courage he would not have felt had he not their counsel and assistance to rely upon . Bro . Colonel Clayton , in replying , said he did his very best for the lodge , but owing to a great deal of official work he had not been able to do all he would have liked .
In proposing the toast of " Ihe Visitors , W . Bro . Colonel Parkyn coupled the names of Bro . Ford , Broad , Cook , and Wishart , all of whom said a few words in reply . The W . M . then proposed the toast of " The Officers , ' and said , as a head without a body would be useless , so should he be powerless without their cordial support , and he
llattered himself that he would not find them wanting . " Our brethren in South Africa " was then proposed by Colonel Parkyn , who wished them a speedy and safe return , and , needless to say , it met with a very hearty reception . During the dinner and evening the band of H . M . ' s Royal Artillery performed .
MUSIC IN OUR LODGE CEREMONIES . TheHicksBeachMasonicMusicalService FOR THE THREE DEGREES OF CRAFT MASONRY . THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE SERVICE EVER PUBLISHED . Selected and arranged by WOR . BRO . HAROLD CADLE , W . M . Zetland Lodge , 1005 , Prov . Grand Organist Gloucestershire , Music composed by BROS . C . H . LLOYD , MUS , DOC , REV . G . C . E . RYLEY , M . A ., Mus . Bac , HAROLD CADLE , and other well-known Organists . A great assistance to the Dignified rendering of the Ceremonies . 40 pages Imperial 4 to , strongly bound cloth ., price 2 / -. SPENCER & . CO ., 15 , Gt . Queen Street , London , W . C .
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Nil Sine Labore Lodge, No. 2736.
Nil Sine Labore Lodge , No . 2736 .
THE installation meeting of the above lodge took place at the Criterion on the nth April , when V . W . Bro . E . Letchworth , Grand Secretary , performed the ceremony , and installed Bro . Captain A . R . Liddell as Master . Before the lodge closed , Bro . Colonel F . T . Clayton , C . B ., the retiring Master , was presented with a very handsome silver
salver , and Bro . Staff-Sergeant-Major S . J . Smith , the late Secretary , with a marble clock . After the appointment and investure of the officers , a banquet was held in the Victoria Hall of the Criterion .
The usual loyal toasts were given , and V . W . Bro . E . Letchworth , Grand Secretary , responded to that of " The Grand Officers . " In replying to the toast of " The Worshipful Master , " Bro . Captain Liddell said there were times in one ' s existence when words seemed hardly sufficient to do justice to one ' s
feelings , but it would be his ambition to prove worthy of the honour done him , and he would aim at handing over the lodge to his successor in as equally good and efficient a state as he had found it . The toast of "The Installing Master" was given by
Bro . Colonel Parkyn , P . M ., P . G . S . B ., to which the Grand Secretary replied . In proposing the toast of " The I . P . M . and Past Masters of the lodge , " the W . M . expressed a feeling of confidence in having several old esteemed Past Masters although the lodge
was young , and he looked forward to his year of office with a degree of courage he would not have felt had he not their counsel and assistance to rely upon . Bro . Colonel Clayton , in replying , said he did his very best for the lodge , but owing to a great deal of official work he had not been able to do all he would have liked .
In proposing the toast of " Ihe Visitors , W . Bro . Colonel Parkyn coupled the names of Bro . Ford , Broad , Cook , and Wishart , all of whom said a few words in reply . The W . M . then proposed the toast of " The Officers , ' and said , as a head without a body would be useless , so should he be powerless without their cordial support , and he
llattered himself that he would not find them wanting . " Our brethren in South Africa " was then proposed by Colonel Parkyn , who wished them a speedy and safe return , and , needless to say , it met with a very hearty reception . During the dinner and evening the band of H . M . ' s Royal Artillery performed .
MUSIC IN OUR LODGE CEREMONIES . TheHicksBeachMasonicMusicalService FOR THE THREE DEGREES OF CRAFT MASONRY . THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE SERVICE EVER PUBLISHED . Selected and arranged by WOR . BRO . HAROLD CADLE , W . M . Zetland Lodge , 1005 , Prov . Grand Organist Gloucestershire , Music composed by BROS . C . H . LLOYD , MUS , DOC , REV . G . C . E . RYLEY , M . A ., Mus . Bac , HAROLD CADLE , and other well-known Organists . A great assistance to the Dignified rendering of the Ceremonies . 40 pages Imperial 4 to , strongly bound cloth ., price 2 / -. SPENCER & . CO ., 15 , Gt . Queen Street , London , W . C .