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Installation Meeting Of The St. Martin's Lodge, No. 2455.
Association formed by so many lodges , chapters , and lodges of instruction , the latter especially . The Emblematic , 1 3 , which had in the last few years subscribed over £ 1000 through the energy and zeal of the W . M . of the evening , Wor . Bro . Godson . Bro . Berry particularly pointed out the easy way they could become Life Subscribers and Governors ,
and also mentioned how by five brethren subscribing one guinea each , or ten at half-guinea , and balloting for same , the successful one having that amount placed to his name-In conclusion , it was sincerely hoped that the W . M . ' s list for the Girls' Institution would excel all others and be at the top
of the London list , so as in some measure to recompense Bro . Godson for his great labour for the grand Masonic Charities .
The toast of " The Visitors" was next given and was responded to by Wor . Bro . Kennaby , P . M ., and Wor . Bro . Godson , P . M ., brother of the Wor . Master . The toasts of " The Past Masters , Treasurer , and Secretary , " and " The Officers of the Lodge " followed , and
were duly responded to . A very high class musical entertainment was provided under the direction of Bros . Herbert Hodge , P . G . O . Middlesex , F . R . C . O ., A . R . C . M ., and Francis G . Sanders , Mus . Bac . Oxon ., F . R . C . O ., and among the artistes were the
well known names of Madame Somers-Cocks , Miss Cissie Bushell , Bros . Edwin Wareham and John Sandbrook . The Tyler ' s toast brought a most successful evening to a close .
Installation Meeting Of The Borough Of Bethnal Green Lodge, No. 2896.
Installation Meeting of the Borough of Bethnal Green Lodge , No . 2896 .
A LARGE gathering of the members of this lodge and fifty-three visitors assembled at the Great Eastern Hotel , Bishopsgate Street , E . C ., on the 15 th March , the occasion being the installation of Bro . W . A . Hudson , an esteemed and popular member of the lodge . Bro . J . W . Moorman , P . M ., W . M ., presided .
THE WORSHIPFUL MASTER . Bro . Hudson was installed in a most able manner by Bro . Moorman , after which the newly-installed W . M . appointed and invested his officers . The W . M . then initiated
Messrs . R . H . Dabbs and E . B . Evans . The excellent working of the ritual was much appreciated by the very large gathering . The W . M ., in presenting a Past Master ' s jewel to Bro . J . W . Moorman , I . P . M ., remarked that his great services to the lodge would never be forgotten . Bro .
Moorman acknowledged the jewel in brief but feeling terms . Other business followed , after which the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to a sumptuous banquet , which fully maintained the reputation of the Great Eastern Hotel . During the banquet the string band of the East London Royal Engineers ( V . ) by kind permission of Bro . Lieut .-Col .
D . de Lara Cohen , V . D . ( conductor , Bro . T . Jarvis , B . M . ) , performed a beautiful selection of music , which was much appreciated and deservedly applauded and several of the pieces were encored . In proposing the toast of " The Worshipful Master , " Bro .
J . W . Moorman stated they had a W . M . they were all proud of . He was endeared to the hearts of all the members , as he was also with the members of the St . Ambrose Lodge , which was testified by the presence of so man ) - of its Past Masters . He would be able to do everything asked of him
in the lodge , and its prosperity would not suffer in any way during the time he was in the chair . The toast was enthusiastically received , and Bro . Hudson , W . M ., in thanking them all sincerely for the way the toast had been proposed and received , said that it would fortify
him for his year of office . When he was admitted he was inspired with an ambition to become W . M ., and now that he had attained that high office he could hardly realise it . He would do his best to uphold the dignity of the Borough of Bethnal Green Lodge , and he hoped , with their kind
assistance , to carry out his duties to their satisfaction . Other toasts followed , and that of the Tyler brought a most enjoyable evening to a close .
The W . M ., Bro . W . A . Hudson , who is thirty-seven years of age , was initiated in May , 18 95 , in the St . Ambrose Lodge , of which he is now J . W . He , in conjunction with several brethren ( Councillors of Bethnal Green ) , assisted in founding the Borough of Bethnal Green Lodge in March , 1902 , and he was invested as the first J . W ., which was a wise selection ,
as was proved by the manner in which he carried out the duties of W . M . at his installation . The lodge had twentyone founders , and now boasts of seventy-two members , showing what a popular lodge it is in the East End of London . Bro . Hudson intends to take an interest in the
Charities , and will represent the lodge as a Steward . He is a most active and enthusiastic Freemason , and the Borough of Bethnal Green Lodge is quite safe in his keeping .
The Farrar Memorial Committee has laid before the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury a proposal to fill in the west window of the Chapter House of Canterbury Cathedral with stained glass as a memorial of the late Dean . The renovation of this building , which was in a dilapidated condition , was
one of the purposes for which the restoration fund raised by Dean Farrar was applied . The Freemasons of Kent provided a sum of . £ 1000 for the filling in of the east window , and designs were prepared and approved for like treatment of the west window , but the funds did not permit of this being carried out . The Chapter agreed to accept the offer of the Memorial Committee .
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Installation Meeting Of The St. Martin's Lodge, No. 2455.
Association formed by so many lodges , chapters , and lodges of instruction , the latter especially . The Emblematic , 1 3 , which had in the last few years subscribed over £ 1000 through the energy and zeal of the W . M . of the evening , Wor . Bro . Godson . Bro . Berry particularly pointed out the easy way they could become Life Subscribers and Governors ,
and also mentioned how by five brethren subscribing one guinea each , or ten at half-guinea , and balloting for same , the successful one having that amount placed to his name-In conclusion , it was sincerely hoped that the W . M . ' s list for the Girls' Institution would excel all others and be at the top
of the London list , so as in some measure to recompense Bro . Godson for his great labour for the grand Masonic Charities .
The toast of " The Visitors" was next given and was responded to by Wor . Bro . Kennaby , P . M ., and Wor . Bro . Godson , P . M ., brother of the Wor . Master . The toasts of " The Past Masters , Treasurer , and Secretary , " and " The Officers of the Lodge " followed , and
were duly responded to . A very high class musical entertainment was provided under the direction of Bros . Herbert Hodge , P . G . O . Middlesex , F . R . C . O ., A . R . C . M ., and Francis G . Sanders , Mus . Bac . Oxon ., F . R . C . O ., and among the artistes were the
well known names of Madame Somers-Cocks , Miss Cissie Bushell , Bros . Edwin Wareham and John Sandbrook . The Tyler ' s toast brought a most successful evening to a close .
Installation Meeting Of The Borough Of Bethnal Green Lodge, No. 2896.
Installation Meeting of the Borough of Bethnal Green Lodge , No . 2896 .
A LARGE gathering of the members of this lodge and fifty-three visitors assembled at the Great Eastern Hotel , Bishopsgate Street , E . C ., on the 15 th March , the occasion being the installation of Bro . W . A . Hudson , an esteemed and popular member of the lodge . Bro . J . W . Moorman , P . M ., W . M ., presided .
THE WORSHIPFUL MASTER . Bro . Hudson was installed in a most able manner by Bro . Moorman , after which the newly-installed W . M . appointed and invested his officers . The W . M . then initiated
Messrs . R . H . Dabbs and E . B . Evans . The excellent working of the ritual was much appreciated by the very large gathering . The W . M ., in presenting a Past Master ' s jewel to Bro . J . W . Moorman , I . P . M ., remarked that his great services to the lodge would never be forgotten . Bro .
Moorman acknowledged the jewel in brief but feeling terms . Other business followed , after which the lodge was closed , and the brethren adjourned to a sumptuous banquet , which fully maintained the reputation of the Great Eastern Hotel . During the banquet the string band of the East London Royal Engineers ( V . ) by kind permission of Bro . Lieut .-Col .
D . de Lara Cohen , V . D . ( conductor , Bro . T . Jarvis , B . M . ) , performed a beautiful selection of music , which was much appreciated and deservedly applauded and several of the pieces were encored . In proposing the toast of " The Worshipful Master , " Bro .
J . W . Moorman stated they had a W . M . they were all proud of . He was endeared to the hearts of all the members , as he was also with the members of the St . Ambrose Lodge , which was testified by the presence of so man ) - of its Past Masters . He would be able to do everything asked of him
in the lodge , and its prosperity would not suffer in any way during the time he was in the chair . The toast was enthusiastically received , and Bro . Hudson , W . M ., in thanking them all sincerely for the way the toast had been proposed and received , said that it would fortify
him for his year of office . When he was admitted he was inspired with an ambition to become W . M ., and now that he had attained that high office he could hardly realise it . He would do his best to uphold the dignity of the Borough of Bethnal Green Lodge , and he hoped , with their kind
assistance , to carry out his duties to their satisfaction . Other toasts followed , and that of the Tyler brought a most enjoyable evening to a close .
The W . M ., Bro . W . A . Hudson , who is thirty-seven years of age , was initiated in May , 18 95 , in the St . Ambrose Lodge , of which he is now J . W . He , in conjunction with several brethren ( Councillors of Bethnal Green ) , assisted in founding the Borough of Bethnal Green Lodge in March , 1902 , and he was invested as the first J . W ., which was a wise selection ,
as was proved by the manner in which he carried out the duties of W . M . at his installation . The lodge had twentyone founders , and now boasts of seventy-two members , showing what a popular lodge it is in the East End of London . Bro . Hudson intends to take an interest in the
Charities , and will represent the lodge as a Steward . He is a most active and enthusiastic Freemason , and the Borough of Bethnal Green Lodge is quite safe in his keeping .
The Farrar Memorial Committee has laid before the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury a proposal to fill in the west window of the Chapter House of Canterbury Cathedral with stained glass as a memorial of the late Dean . The renovation of this building , which was in a dilapidated condition , was
one of the purposes for which the restoration fund raised by Dean Farrar was applied . The Freemasons of Kent provided a sum of . £ 1000 for the filling in of the east window , and designs were prepared and approved for like treatment of the west window , but the funds did not permit of this being carried out . The Chapter agreed to accept the offer of the Memorial Committee .