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At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
There was a very large gathering of the Craft at Tyne Dock , Durham , on the 26 th April , on the occasion of the opening of a new Masonic Hall , which has been built by the Lord Barnard Lodge , No . 2935 , the opening ceremony being performed by the R . W . Provincial Grand Master ,
Lord Barnard . The officers of the Province of Durham , the officers and members of the lodge , and a numerous concourse of visiting brethren assembled in the building , and the W . M ., Bro . Geo . Beattie , on behalf of the brethren , expressed the pleasure they felt at having the presence of
the R . W . Provincial Grand Master on the occasion . He was sure his lordship would feel proud to see the progress that the lodge , which was consecrated by him within the previous two years , and the name of which was his title , had made .
© © © Bro . Geo . Harland , I . P . M ., P . P . J . G . D ., then , at the request of Bro . John Page , the architect , presented to the R . W . Provincial Grand Master a handsome gold key with which to open the hall . The key bore the following inscription : —
" Presented to the R . W Provincial Grand Master , the Right Hon . Lord Barnard , by W . Bro . James Page on the occasion of the opening of the Masonic Hall , Tyne Dock , April 26 th , 1904 . "
© © © Lord Barnard , in accepting the key , said it was with great pleasure he was present that afternoon to witness that move forward on the part of the first lodge he had the honour of forming after he took over the reins of office in the Province of Durham . It was with gratification he noticed
the great progress the lodge had made , and he trusted that it might continue its prosperous career . His lordship then performed the opening ceremony .
© © © The Lodge of Instruction appears not to have taken root so generally as an established institution in America as in this country , but the Masonic Voice Review says that the Grand Lodge of Freemasons in Illinois is pursuing a wise course by annually holding a series of schools of Masonic
instruction . It is very important that officers and other members of lodges be properly instructed in the ritual by duly authorized brethren , and the Illinois brethren are amply provided for in that respect . They have official instructors who are as familiar with the ritual as they are with the
English alphabet , and who thoroughly comprehend the ceremonies and skilfully confer the degree . Of course , this implies that the instructors inculcate standard work and promote uniformity , and that is precisely what they should clo . During fully thirty years this work has been going on ,
and the good accomplished by it has been experienced and enjoyed by every Mason in Illinois ; also by many who have gone elsewhere and received Masonic honours .
© © © One of our American comtemporaries , in referring to the brethren who idle away their time in the ante-room , says that the ante-room of a Masonic lodge is no loafing place . A most reprehensible habit obtains in some—yes , many—of
our lodges , of tolerating the congregating of idlers about the Tyler ' s room . These brethren are prone to consider it a part of their prerogative as Masons to sit around the stove , upon chairs , benches or tables , tell stories and conduct a " smoker" during the time the lodge is in session on the
other side of the outer door . These conventions partake of the nature of the old-time country store meeting , and often discussion is carried on in such a loud tone of voice as to disturb the brethren in the lodge room at their labours . " If every W . M . whose work is interrupted by these ante-room
meetings will give orders to the Tyler to send such brethren either into the lodge room , where they belong , or home to their families , a crying nuisance will be abated . "
© © © Secretaries and members of lodges on the look out for summer outings who are tired of the regulation launch party , should suggest to their fellow Craftsmen the novelty of taking a peep into Shakespeareland . For the sum of 12 s . a head ( about one-half the cost for a launch trip per head ) , that most
enterprising of all railways , the Great Central , will provide a rail ticket from London to Stratford-on-Avon and back , a luncheon at the "Golden Lion" Hotel , known as "Ye Peacocke Inn " in Shakespeare ' s time , and a dinner in dining car express train on the return journey to London . These most delightful trips are made on Mondays , Thursdays , and Saturdays , throughout the season .
© © © One can start at 10 a . m . and arrive at Marylebone at 10 p . m . The journey taken is over the new direct route , and occupies about two hours . We strongly advise Secretaries to consider this matter , as we are confident that a journey into Shakespeare ' s country would prove both a delight and novelty .
© © © THE NEW PALACE STEAMERS , LTD . —The coming Whit Saturday , the 21 st inst ., will again see the re-commencement of the sailings of the popular passenger steamers , " Royal Sovereign " and " Koh-i-noor . " They will start as usual from Old Swan Pier , London Bridge , at 8 . 50 and 9 . 20 a . m ., and
will sail to Southend , Margate , and Ramsgate , and the fares will also be the same as formerly . The Company announce that during the past winter months the steamers have been thoroughly overhauled and all the Board of Trade requirements have been complied with and improvements made , so
that the public may rest assured that everything possible has been arranged for their safety and comfort . They also announce that they are prepared to offer specially reduced fares for parties of 12 and over , and party organisers will clo well to write to the Company at their offices at 50 , King
William Street , E . C ., for particulars of their trips and reduced fares , before deciding on their excursions . The catering on board the steamers will be on the same liberal scale as hitherto , and worked entirely by the Company . July and August will see a new departure in these trips , as the
" Koh-i-noor " will then sail four days a week to Deal and Dover and back , allowing sufficient time on shore to fully view the various attractions of these places .
Electrical Engineers And Contractors . .
Telephone : No . 4048 GKKRAKU and 3772 CENTRAL
^J\^ J^^\ , , . .
Again,andAgain,andAgain. Ayaln we ask you to drink Yi-Coeoa . Itr . Tibbies * Vi-Cocoa is neither a medicine nor 11 mere thirst-assua ^ er . It is a food at the same time thai it is a beverage , and thus answers a double purpose in ( Jie building up of the human roust it tit inn . You can try it free of expense . Merit alone Is what is claimed for Dr . Tibbies' VICocoa , and ( lie Proprietors are prepared to send to any reader who names this Journal ; i dainty sample tin of Dr . Tibbies' VI-Cocoa free and post paid , upon receipt of a postcard to the Head Office , 60 , Itmiliiil Jtoari , London , K . C . ; or you < uu purchase a 6 d . packet or 9 d , or Is . 6 d . tin from any grocer or stores . Vi-Cocoa fs ( he Wieape . sC and best food beverage in the world . BetterthanMoneyinthe SavingsBank. The worklnjf man to-day tflves more attention to the fond he lias to eat ( ban his forefathers ^ ave , as lie realises his health-bis bank- depends very largely upon ( he properties of what lie eats and drinks . It follows , then , that the popular article of food is that which is easy to digest ; but more popular still are preparations which are found to aid arid strengthen the digestive organs , and also to ai't as an eucryiser for the whole system . Dr . Tibbies' Vl-C ' ocoa Is such a food . It places a means in ( lie bunds of everyone to build up and maintain a sound constitution , which enables its possessor ( o ( ravel his life ' s journey without the aches and pains which are In iminy cases preventable . Thus we come round nguiii to sound common sense based on experience .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
There was a very large gathering of the Craft at Tyne Dock , Durham , on the 26 th April , on the occasion of the opening of a new Masonic Hall , which has been built by the Lord Barnard Lodge , No . 2935 , the opening ceremony being performed by the R . W . Provincial Grand Master ,
Lord Barnard . The officers of the Province of Durham , the officers and members of the lodge , and a numerous concourse of visiting brethren assembled in the building , and the W . M ., Bro . Geo . Beattie , on behalf of the brethren , expressed the pleasure they felt at having the presence of
the R . W . Provincial Grand Master on the occasion . He was sure his lordship would feel proud to see the progress that the lodge , which was consecrated by him within the previous two years , and the name of which was his title , had made .
© © © Bro . Geo . Harland , I . P . M ., P . P . J . G . D ., then , at the request of Bro . John Page , the architect , presented to the R . W . Provincial Grand Master a handsome gold key with which to open the hall . The key bore the following inscription : —
" Presented to the R . W Provincial Grand Master , the Right Hon . Lord Barnard , by W . Bro . James Page on the occasion of the opening of the Masonic Hall , Tyne Dock , April 26 th , 1904 . "
© © © Lord Barnard , in accepting the key , said it was with great pleasure he was present that afternoon to witness that move forward on the part of the first lodge he had the honour of forming after he took over the reins of office in the Province of Durham . It was with gratification he noticed
the great progress the lodge had made , and he trusted that it might continue its prosperous career . His lordship then performed the opening ceremony .
© © © The Lodge of Instruction appears not to have taken root so generally as an established institution in America as in this country , but the Masonic Voice Review says that the Grand Lodge of Freemasons in Illinois is pursuing a wise course by annually holding a series of schools of Masonic
instruction . It is very important that officers and other members of lodges be properly instructed in the ritual by duly authorized brethren , and the Illinois brethren are amply provided for in that respect . They have official instructors who are as familiar with the ritual as they are with the
English alphabet , and who thoroughly comprehend the ceremonies and skilfully confer the degree . Of course , this implies that the instructors inculcate standard work and promote uniformity , and that is precisely what they should clo . During fully thirty years this work has been going on ,
and the good accomplished by it has been experienced and enjoyed by every Mason in Illinois ; also by many who have gone elsewhere and received Masonic honours .
© © © One of our American comtemporaries , in referring to the brethren who idle away their time in the ante-room , says that the ante-room of a Masonic lodge is no loafing place . A most reprehensible habit obtains in some—yes , many—of
our lodges , of tolerating the congregating of idlers about the Tyler ' s room . These brethren are prone to consider it a part of their prerogative as Masons to sit around the stove , upon chairs , benches or tables , tell stories and conduct a " smoker" during the time the lodge is in session on the
other side of the outer door . These conventions partake of the nature of the old-time country store meeting , and often discussion is carried on in such a loud tone of voice as to disturb the brethren in the lodge room at their labours . " If every W . M . whose work is interrupted by these ante-room
meetings will give orders to the Tyler to send such brethren either into the lodge room , where they belong , or home to their families , a crying nuisance will be abated . "
© © © Secretaries and members of lodges on the look out for summer outings who are tired of the regulation launch party , should suggest to their fellow Craftsmen the novelty of taking a peep into Shakespeareland . For the sum of 12 s . a head ( about one-half the cost for a launch trip per head ) , that most
enterprising of all railways , the Great Central , will provide a rail ticket from London to Stratford-on-Avon and back , a luncheon at the "Golden Lion" Hotel , known as "Ye Peacocke Inn " in Shakespeare ' s time , and a dinner in dining car express train on the return journey to London . These most delightful trips are made on Mondays , Thursdays , and Saturdays , throughout the season .
© © © One can start at 10 a . m . and arrive at Marylebone at 10 p . m . The journey taken is over the new direct route , and occupies about two hours . We strongly advise Secretaries to consider this matter , as we are confident that a journey into Shakespeare ' s country would prove both a delight and novelty .
© © © THE NEW PALACE STEAMERS , LTD . —The coming Whit Saturday , the 21 st inst ., will again see the re-commencement of the sailings of the popular passenger steamers , " Royal Sovereign " and " Koh-i-noor . " They will start as usual from Old Swan Pier , London Bridge , at 8 . 50 and 9 . 20 a . m ., and
will sail to Southend , Margate , and Ramsgate , and the fares will also be the same as formerly . The Company announce that during the past winter months the steamers have been thoroughly overhauled and all the Board of Trade requirements have been complied with and improvements made , so
that the public may rest assured that everything possible has been arranged for their safety and comfort . They also announce that they are prepared to offer specially reduced fares for parties of 12 and over , and party organisers will clo well to write to the Company at their offices at 50 , King
William Street , E . C ., for particulars of their trips and reduced fares , before deciding on their excursions . The catering on board the steamers will be on the same liberal scale as hitherto , and worked entirely by the Company . July and August will see a new departure in these trips , as the
" Koh-i-noor " will then sail four days a week to Deal and Dover and back , allowing sufficient time on shore to fully view the various attractions of these places .
Electrical Engineers And Contractors . .
Telephone : No . 4048 GKKRAKU and 3772 CENTRAL
^J\^ J^^\ , , . .
Again,andAgain,andAgain. Ayaln we ask you to drink Yi-Coeoa . Itr . Tibbies * Vi-Cocoa is neither a medicine nor 11 mere thirst-assua ^ er . It is a food at the same time thai it is a beverage , and thus answers a double purpose in ( Jie building up of the human roust it tit inn . You can try it free of expense . Merit alone Is what is claimed for Dr . Tibbies' VICocoa , and ( lie Proprietors are prepared to send to any reader who names this Journal ; i dainty sample tin of Dr . Tibbies' VI-Cocoa free and post paid , upon receipt of a postcard to the Head Office , 60 , Itmiliiil Jtoari , London , K . C . ; or you < uu purchase a 6 d . packet or 9 d , or Is . 6 d . tin from any grocer or stores . Vi-Cocoa fs ( he Wieape . sC and best food beverage in the world . BetterthanMoneyinthe SavingsBank. The worklnjf man to-day tflves more attention to the fond he lias to eat ( ban his forefathers ^ ave , as lie realises his health-bis bank- depends very largely upon ( he properties of what lie eats and drinks . It follows , then , that the popular article of food is that which is easy to digest ; but more popular still are preparations which are found to aid arid strengthen the digestive organs , and also to ai't as an eucryiser for the whole system . Dr . Tibbies' Vl-C ' ocoa Is such a food . It places a means in ( lie bunds of everyone to build up and maintain a sound constitution , which enables its possessor ( o ( ravel his life ' s journey without the aches and pains which are In iminy cases preventable . Thus we come round nguiii to sound common sense based on experience .