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An American Host.
An American Host .
AT the Imperial Restaurant on Monday , the 28 th March , Sir Knight M . Martin Kallman gave a dinner to a party of Knight Templar friends , among whom were a number of the delegates to the Triennial Knight Templar Conclave , which will be held at San Francisco in September next . The
table was profusely decorated with American beauty roses , and all the arrangements were carried out with that thoroughness and thoughtfulness which so distinguishes our American brethren .
SIR . KNIGHT M . JIARTIN KALLJIAN . After dinner an excellent entertainment was given by the following artistes : —Miss Millie Lindon , Miss Alice Venning , Mr . John Le Hay , Mr . Chas . Coborn , Mr . Walter Graham ,
Dutch Daly , and the " Follies Quartette , " Mr . Sinclair Mantell , accompanist . During the evening several toasts were proposed . Sir Knight Strachan , in speaking on behalf of the guests , said that from the gathering he had learned seme new thoughts
in Masonry . The arrangement of the table and the sumptuous repast of which they had partaken were evidences of the brotherly love which Sir Knight Kallman felt for his brother Sir Knights in this country . If the dinner and entertainment were a specimen of the hospitality which the
delegates would receive on the other side , there was a danger that they would not return . He concluded by drinking " The Health of the Host" and wishing him health , long life , and prosperity . Sir Knight Kallman , in responding , expressed the pleasure
which he felt in having some of his friends around him that evening , and to have the opportunity of reciprocating the many courtesies which he had received at their hands during his sojourn amongst them . He desired that they should spend a pleasant evening , and if they did that royally he
should be more than satislied . He went on to say that he desired to avail himself of the occasion to present to Eminent Sir Knight R . Clay Sudlow a banner as a token of the esteem in which he is held by himself and his brethren in the Knight Templar Order . He hoped that the banner would wave and
float over him for many years , and that he would be able to look back upon that occasion as a manifestation of a desire which was ever in their hearts to show their appreciation of the beautiful work he had always given them . In a few words he then thanked them all for their company that
evening , and specially mentioned the name of Eminent Sir Knight Sudlow , to whom he wished a most hearty and prosperous future .
Sir Knight Sudlow , in reply , said that if be the rule that " out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh , " he was certainly an exception , because when his heart was full he found it very difficult to express what he felt in an adequate manner . He was overwhelmed by the kindness shown to him . In the lives of most men came red-letter days—days
which , by reason of some exceptional event or pleasant experience , stood out from others and were treasured in the memory , never to be forgotten . Such a day was this to him , and he thanked Sir Knight Kallam most sincerely and from the bottom of his heart for his exquisite gift . He would
value it , not only because of its intrinsic beauty , but because of what it symbolized to him . He might not be able to say , like our Grand Master of old , that the " banner over me is love , " but he was sure he might claim that it is true friendship . He thought he knew almost all there was to know about
Masonry , that he was saturated with its principles and its teachings , but his intercourse with their host had taught him that there were higher ideals in Masonry than he had hitherto realised , and to which as yet he certainly had not attained . Recognising this , he took this banner , " the banner with the
strange device , " and should endeavour to carry out the spirit of the word " Excelsior . " Before he sat down he should like to say how much the pleasure of the presentation was enhanced by its being made in the presence of some of the high dignitaries of the Order , of E . Knight Kiralfy , who
introduced him into Knight Templary , and of Knight J . D . Langton with whom he had been associated in Masonry for over a quarter of a century .
GOOD work executed with BETTER than the average taste upon BEST goods only .
At strictly reasonable fixed charges with a genuine \ o ° / o Discount for Cash
, .
Freehold Land the safest investment —Land to suit all classes of customers , MESSRS . PAYNE , TRAPPS & CO ., in conjunction with Messrs . Protheroe & Morris , beg to announce the following forthcoming SALES of FREEHOLD LAND in plots : — MARGATE , THURSDAY MAY 5 th , 1904 . ASHFORD , MIDDLESEX , TUESDAY , MAY 10 th , 100 4 MARGATE , THURSDAY , MAY 12 th , 1004 . ROMKORD , ESSEX , TUESDAY , MAY 17 th , 1904 . MARGATE , WEDNESDAY , MAY iSth , 1904 .
The land will be sold free of tithe and land tax . The new roads at Ashford and Romford are kerbed , and the surface water drains laid in accordance with the local by-laws . The new roads at Margate are xell formed , free of expense to the purchaser . Intending purchasers will leave London on morning of sales . Luncheon free . For full particulars , tickets , & c , apply Messrs . Payne , Trapps it Co ., 11 , Queen Victoriastreet , E . G .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
An American Host.
An American Host .
AT the Imperial Restaurant on Monday , the 28 th March , Sir Knight M . Martin Kallman gave a dinner to a party of Knight Templar friends , among whom were a number of the delegates to the Triennial Knight Templar Conclave , which will be held at San Francisco in September next . The
table was profusely decorated with American beauty roses , and all the arrangements were carried out with that thoroughness and thoughtfulness which so distinguishes our American brethren .
SIR . KNIGHT M . JIARTIN KALLJIAN . After dinner an excellent entertainment was given by the following artistes : —Miss Millie Lindon , Miss Alice Venning , Mr . John Le Hay , Mr . Chas . Coborn , Mr . Walter Graham ,
Dutch Daly , and the " Follies Quartette , " Mr . Sinclair Mantell , accompanist . During the evening several toasts were proposed . Sir Knight Strachan , in speaking on behalf of the guests , said that from the gathering he had learned seme new thoughts
in Masonry . The arrangement of the table and the sumptuous repast of which they had partaken were evidences of the brotherly love which Sir Knight Kallman felt for his brother Sir Knights in this country . If the dinner and entertainment were a specimen of the hospitality which the
delegates would receive on the other side , there was a danger that they would not return . He concluded by drinking " The Health of the Host" and wishing him health , long life , and prosperity . Sir Knight Kallman , in responding , expressed the pleasure
which he felt in having some of his friends around him that evening , and to have the opportunity of reciprocating the many courtesies which he had received at their hands during his sojourn amongst them . He desired that they should spend a pleasant evening , and if they did that royally he
should be more than satislied . He went on to say that he desired to avail himself of the occasion to present to Eminent Sir Knight R . Clay Sudlow a banner as a token of the esteem in which he is held by himself and his brethren in the Knight Templar Order . He hoped that the banner would wave and
float over him for many years , and that he would be able to look back upon that occasion as a manifestation of a desire which was ever in their hearts to show their appreciation of the beautiful work he had always given them . In a few words he then thanked them all for their company that
evening , and specially mentioned the name of Eminent Sir Knight Sudlow , to whom he wished a most hearty and prosperous future .
Sir Knight Sudlow , in reply , said that if be the rule that " out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh , " he was certainly an exception , because when his heart was full he found it very difficult to express what he felt in an adequate manner . He was overwhelmed by the kindness shown to him . In the lives of most men came red-letter days—days
which , by reason of some exceptional event or pleasant experience , stood out from others and were treasured in the memory , never to be forgotten . Such a day was this to him , and he thanked Sir Knight Kallam most sincerely and from the bottom of his heart for his exquisite gift . He would
value it , not only because of its intrinsic beauty , but because of what it symbolized to him . He might not be able to say , like our Grand Master of old , that the " banner over me is love , " but he was sure he might claim that it is true friendship . He thought he knew almost all there was to know about
Masonry , that he was saturated with its principles and its teachings , but his intercourse with their host had taught him that there were higher ideals in Masonry than he had hitherto realised , and to which as yet he certainly had not attained . Recognising this , he took this banner , " the banner with the
strange device , " and should endeavour to carry out the spirit of the word " Excelsior . " Before he sat down he should like to say how much the pleasure of the presentation was enhanced by its being made in the presence of some of the high dignitaries of the Order , of E . Knight Kiralfy , who
introduced him into Knight Templary , and of Knight J . D . Langton with whom he had been associated in Masonry for over a quarter of a century .
GOOD work executed with BETTER than the average taste upon BEST goods only .
At strictly reasonable fixed charges with a genuine \ o ° / o Discount for Cash
, .
Freehold Land the safest investment —Land to suit all classes of customers , MESSRS . PAYNE , TRAPPS & CO ., in conjunction with Messrs . Protheroe & Morris , beg to announce the following forthcoming SALES of FREEHOLD LAND in plots : — MARGATE , THURSDAY MAY 5 th , 1904 . ASHFORD , MIDDLESEX , TUESDAY , MAY 10 th , 100 4 MARGATE , THURSDAY , MAY 12 th , 1004 . ROMKORD , ESSEX , TUESDAY , MAY 17 th , 1904 . MARGATE , WEDNESDAY , MAY iSth , 1904 .
The land will be sold free of tithe and land tax . The new roads at Ashford and Romford are kerbed , and the surface water drains laid in accordance with the local by-laws . The new roads at Margate are xell formed , free of expense to the purchaser . Intending purchasers will leave London on morning of sales . Luncheon free . For full particulars , tickets , & c , apply Messrs . Payne , Trapps it Co ., 11 , Queen Victoriastreet , E . G .