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Some Memorials Of The Globe Lodge, No. 23, And Of The "Red Apron.''
Some Memorials of the Globe Lodge, No . 23, and of the "Red Apron.''
THIS year . 1810 , there appears to have been some little trouble with the landlord , probably the house had changed hands , and a motion was made in April to remove the Lodge , which motion was eventually negatived at the June meeting , when " Br . Gowing proposed that this Lodge do pay
the landlord three shillings for each member for supper , and to include S . Beer , Bread , & c , which was seconded and carried in the affirmative . " "S . Beer" probably meant strong beer , served as a sort of appetizer , many of the dinner bills of Lodges in the 18 th century being headed , " strong beer and bread . "
On the 7 th of February , 181 r , we read that "Br . Gill proposed Br . John Waterhouse , Esq ., who was initiated into Masonry in the Society held under the sanction of the Duke of Athol , to be admitted a member of this Lodge , which was duly seconded and carried unanimously . He was then
introduced and duly obligated in the different degrees , and admitted a member accordingly . " At this period the Secretary appears to have been particularly careful in not committing too much of the transactions of the Lodge to writing , leaving very little worth
transcribing . Having , however , given the minutes of the first meeting recorded in this book , in extenso , it seems but right that the last transactions should be treated in like
manner . " Friday , April 5 , 1811 . Members Present . Br . Millett , R . W . M . Waterhouse .
Gilkes , S . W . Serjeant . Richardson , J . W . Gill . Miller , P . M . Manson . Gowing , Sec . Wood . Vale , Steward . Hawes .
Abram . Tiley . " The Lodge being opened in due form , the minutes of the last Lodge were read and confirmed . " Br . Frampton proposed Mr . Alexander Wm . Mills , of Great Shire Lane , to be made a Mason on the next Lodge
night , seconded by Br . Tiley , and referred for ballot to the next Lodge night . " * £ s . d . £ s . d . "Bal . Brot . fd 5 13 11 " Pd . Ho . Bill 612 6 Br . Tiley 1 1 o Tyler 046
Hawes 1 1 0 Bal . in lid o 18 11 £ 7 1 5 11 " £ 7 15 11 "
There is now a wide and lamentable gap in the records of the Globe Lodge , embracing a period of twenty-three years , during which an event of supreme importance in the history of English Masonry had taken place—the union of the former rival Societies under one Grand MasterHis Royal
, Highness the Duke of Sussex—and had the minutes of the Lodge been still available , they would probably have thrown much light on this auspicious occurrence . Unfortunately we have nothing in the shape of Masonic journalism to refer to for assistance , as the first Masonic periodical in England was
not started until the beginning of the year 18 34 , while the minute book now under examination was begun on the 13 th of November of the same year . We know , however , that the Lodge had been making satisfactory progress from the fact of the Grand Stewards and Masters having been regularly returned to the Grand Lodge .
From a printed copy of the Lodge by-laws , revised in 1821 , we learn that the regular meetings were then held on the second Thursday in the months of January , February , March , April , May , June , November , and December . That there were 52 subscribing members , including W . C .
Clarkson , Past Grand Treasurer ; Robert Gill , Past J . G . Warden ; James A . Frampton , Past S . G . Deacon ; and W . D . Cummins , Grand Sword Bearer , the list being headed by the name of John Abram , Past Treasurer , who had been a regular member of the Lodge from 1784 .
The initiation fee was five guineas , exclusive of the fees for registering and Grand Lodge certificate ; the joining fee three guineas , the annual subscription four guineas , and the visiting fee fifteen shillings . Having transcribed the first minutes in the earlier book
I will do the same by the second one . " GLOBE LODGE , NO . 23 , FREEMASONS' TAVERN , Nov . 13 TH , 18 34 . Present ,
Br . Langley , W . M . „ Bell , S . W . ,, Roberts , pro tem ., J . W . „ Fenn , P . M . ,, Morgan , P . M .. „ Hazard , J . .
„ Fell , l . G . „ Bulmore . ,, Kemball . „ Walmsley . " Lodge opened in clue form in the 1 st Degree . Minutes
of the last Lodge were read and confirmed . " Lodge opened in the 2 nd Degree . " Lodge opened in the 3 rd Degree . " Br . A . C . Kemball was raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason .
" A letter was received from Br . Mills tendering his resignation , which , on the motion of Br . Clarkson , seconded by Br . Morgan , was accepted . " Br . Bell proposed for initiation , and to become a member of the Lodge , Mr . Charles Moreing , of Great Marlborough Street , Architect , seconded by Br . Walmsley . " Lodge closed in harmony . "
" Dr . Treasurer . Cr . " To Balance from Old Book , £ 84 5 s . " We gather from the above that in 18 34 the preceding minute book , since missing , was then in possession of the Lodge , that the attendance of members was smaller than heretofore , that the receipts and expenditure were not
recorded in the minutes of each meeting , and that the Treasurer had a good balance in hand . The regular meetings were held on the same days as in 1821 , and at the next meeting on Dec . nth , at which , notwithstanding that it was election night , only six members
were present , the sum of five guineas is entered as having been paid in March to the Gilkes' tribute—a monument erected by subscription in St . James' Church , Piccadilly , to the memory of Peter Gilkes . At the installation meeting , Jan . 8 th , 18 35 , eleven members
attended and one visitor . The accounts are fully recorded , and we find that the tavern bills from Nov ., 18 33 , to June , 18 34 , inclusive , amounted to ^ 89 13 s . The annual subscription appears to have been reduced since 1821 from four guineas to two guineas-and-a-half , and the visitor's fee increased to one guinea . Br . Knowles , S . Warden and Grand Steward , was elected Master on Dec . 10 th , 18 35 , but
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Some Memorials Of The Globe Lodge, No. 23, And Of The "Red Apron.''
Some Memorials of the Globe Lodge, No . 23, and of the "Red Apron.''
THIS year . 1810 , there appears to have been some little trouble with the landlord , probably the house had changed hands , and a motion was made in April to remove the Lodge , which motion was eventually negatived at the June meeting , when " Br . Gowing proposed that this Lodge do pay
the landlord three shillings for each member for supper , and to include S . Beer , Bread , & c , which was seconded and carried in the affirmative . " "S . Beer" probably meant strong beer , served as a sort of appetizer , many of the dinner bills of Lodges in the 18 th century being headed , " strong beer and bread . "
On the 7 th of February , 181 r , we read that "Br . Gill proposed Br . John Waterhouse , Esq ., who was initiated into Masonry in the Society held under the sanction of the Duke of Athol , to be admitted a member of this Lodge , which was duly seconded and carried unanimously . He was then
introduced and duly obligated in the different degrees , and admitted a member accordingly . " At this period the Secretary appears to have been particularly careful in not committing too much of the transactions of the Lodge to writing , leaving very little worth
transcribing . Having , however , given the minutes of the first meeting recorded in this book , in extenso , it seems but right that the last transactions should be treated in like
manner . " Friday , April 5 , 1811 . Members Present . Br . Millett , R . W . M . Waterhouse .
Gilkes , S . W . Serjeant . Richardson , J . W . Gill . Miller , P . M . Manson . Gowing , Sec . Wood . Vale , Steward . Hawes .
Abram . Tiley . " The Lodge being opened in due form , the minutes of the last Lodge were read and confirmed . " Br . Frampton proposed Mr . Alexander Wm . Mills , of Great Shire Lane , to be made a Mason on the next Lodge
night , seconded by Br . Tiley , and referred for ballot to the next Lodge night . " * £ s . d . £ s . d . "Bal . Brot . fd 5 13 11 " Pd . Ho . Bill 612 6 Br . Tiley 1 1 o Tyler 046
Hawes 1 1 0 Bal . in lid o 18 11 £ 7 1 5 11 " £ 7 15 11 "
There is now a wide and lamentable gap in the records of the Globe Lodge , embracing a period of twenty-three years , during which an event of supreme importance in the history of English Masonry had taken place—the union of the former rival Societies under one Grand MasterHis Royal
, Highness the Duke of Sussex—and had the minutes of the Lodge been still available , they would probably have thrown much light on this auspicious occurrence . Unfortunately we have nothing in the shape of Masonic journalism to refer to for assistance , as the first Masonic periodical in England was
not started until the beginning of the year 18 34 , while the minute book now under examination was begun on the 13 th of November of the same year . We know , however , that the Lodge had been making satisfactory progress from the fact of the Grand Stewards and Masters having been regularly returned to the Grand Lodge .
From a printed copy of the Lodge by-laws , revised in 1821 , we learn that the regular meetings were then held on the second Thursday in the months of January , February , March , April , May , June , November , and December . That there were 52 subscribing members , including W . C .
Clarkson , Past Grand Treasurer ; Robert Gill , Past J . G . Warden ; James A . Frampton , Past S . G . Deacon ; and W . D . Cummins , Grand Sword Bearer , the list being headed by the name of John Abram , Past Treasurer , who had been a regular member of the Lodge from 1784 .
The initiation fee was five guineas , exclusive of the fees for registering and Grand Lodge certificate ; the joining fee three guineas , the annual subscription four guineas , and the visiting fee fifteen shillings . Having transcribed the first minutes in the earlier book
I will do the same by the second one . " GLOBE LODGE , NO . 23 , FREEMASONS' TAVERN , Nov . 13 TH , 18 34 . Present ,
Br . Langley , W . M . „ Bell , S . W . ,, Roberts , pro tem ., J . W . „ Fenn , P . M . ,, Morgan , P . M .. „ Hazard , J . .
„ Fell , l . G . „ Bulmore . ,, Kemball . „ Walmsley . " Lodge opened in clue form in the 1 st Degree . Minutes
of the last Lodge were read and confirmed . " Lodge opened in the 2 nd Degree . " Lodge opened in the 3 rd Degree . " Br . A . C . Kemball was raised to the Sublime Degree of a Master Mason .
" A letter was received from Br . Mills tendering his resignation , which , on the motion of Br . Clarkson , seconded by Br . Morgan , was accepted . " Br . Bell proposed for initiation , and to become a member of the Lodge , Mr . Charles Moreing , of Great Marlborough Street , Architect , seconded by Br . Walmsley . " Lodge closed in harmony . "
" Dr . Treasurer . Cr . " To Balance from Old Book , £ 84 5 s . " We gather from the above that in 18 34 the preceding minute book , since missing , was then in possession of the Lodge , that the attendance of members was smaller than heretofore , that the receipts and expenditure were not
recorded in the minutes of each meeting , and that the Treasurer had a good balance in hand . The regular meetings were held on the same days as in 1821 , and at the next meeting on Dec . nth , at which , notwithstanding that it was election night , only six members
were present , the sum of five guineas is entered as having been paid in March to the Gilkes' tribute—a monument erected by subscription in St . James' Church , Piccadilly , to the memory of Peter Gilkes . At the installation meeting , Jan . 8 th , 18 35 , eleven members
attended and one visitor . The accounts are fully recorded , and we find that the tavern bills from Nov ., 18 33 , to June , 18 34 , inclusive , amounted to ^ 89 13 s . The annual subscription appears to have been reduced since 1821 from four guineas to two guineas-and-a-half , and the visitor's fee increased to one guinea . Br . Knowles , S . Warden and Grand Steward , was elected Master on Dec . 10 th , 18 35 , but