Article United Grand Lodge of England. Page 1 of 1 Article United Grand Lodge of England. Page 1 of 1 Article The New Grand Officers. Page 1 of 7 →
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United Grand Lodge Of England.
United Grand Lodge of England .
cThe Srand ^ Festival .
THE annual festival of Grand Lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall on Wednesday , April 27 th . The Deputy Grand Master , the Right Hon . Thomas F . Halsey , M . P ., presided , and the limited accommodation provided by the Temple was insufficient for the large number
of brethren present . After the reading of that portion of the minutes relating to the election of the Grand Master and Grand Treasurer , R . W . Bro . Frank Richardson , P . Dep . Grand Registrar , Acting Grand Director of Ceremonies , proclaimed his Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught and
Strathearn , M . W . Grand Master for the ensuing year . The M . W . Pro Grand Master , the Earl Amherst , and the Deputy Grand Master , the Rt . Hon . T . F . Halsey , M . P ., were similarly proclaimed .
The Deputy Grand Master announced that the M . W . Grand Master , in exercise of the power given him by the Constitutions , had been pleased to empower Provincial and District Grand Masters during the ensuing year to confer Past rank in certain proportions , according to the number
of lodges in each province or district . The Deputy Grand Master also announced that the M . W . Grand Master had been pleased to restore to the Old King ' s Arms Lodge , No . 28 , the privilege of annually nominating a member of the lodge to serve as Grand Steward
for the ensuing year , thus increasing the number of lodges so privileged to nineteen . The Grand Officers for the ensuing year were then appointed and invested as follows : — Bro . The Earl of Malmesbury S . G . Warden .
„ Viscount Grimston ... ... ... J . G . Warden . „ The Very Rev . W . Lefroy , D . D ., x Dean of Norwich ... ... - G . Chaplains . ,, Rev . James Holme Pilkington , M . A . J
,, Fitzherbert Wright G . Treasurer . ,, John Strachan , K . C . G . Registrar . „ Mr . Justice Warrington ... ... Dep . G . Registrar . „ Sir Edward Letch worth G . Secretary . „ Col . Sir Henry M . Hozier , K . C . B . N
„ George Charles Fitzwilliam ... V S . G . Deacons . „ F . Holme Sumner ... ... .. J „ S . H . Tatham Armitage , M . D . ... N „ G . Parker Wilson ' - J . G . Deacons . „ Herbert F . Burrows /
„ Henry L . Florence G . Sup . of Wks . „ Frank Richardson , P . Dep . G . Reg . G . D . C . „ Henry Times Dep . G . D . C . „ Alfred Page > „ Rev . C . L . Roco ' Asst . G . D . Cs .
„ J . W . Gieve J „ Lt .-Col . E . Newnham Davis ... G . S . B . „ Major Frank Griffith Dep . G . S . B . „ Harry Nicholls ) „ , ~ „ . r G . Std . Bis . Robert D . Cummmgs J
„ „ Fredk . J . W . Crowe G . Organist . „ William Lake Asst . G . Secretary . „ Gotthelf Greiner A . G . Sec . Ger . Cor . ,, James Graham ... ... ... G . Purst . „ Charles G . Hatt Asst . G . Purst . „ Henry Sadler Grand Tyler .
United Grand Lodge Of England.
Past Grand rank was also conferred on the following brethren : — / Bro . Rev . Augustus Jackson , M . A . P . G . Chaplains ...-, „ „ H . T . Hayman , M . A . I „ „ C . E . Roberts , M . A .
P . Dep . G . Registrar ... „ E . James Castle , K . C . ¦ ' ,, Sir Simeon H . L . Stuart , Bart . 1 „ J . E . Greaves . D n ^ , J „ G . S . S . Strode . P . G . Deacons ( Senior ) % e . , nl „ , rT . , , . v ' ) „ Sir Thomas Brooke-Hitching .
„ F . T . Elworthy . ' „ Lt .-Col . Henry Whitehead . C „ Lt .-Col . R . W . Inglis . P . G . Deacons ( Junior ) -. „ Chas . Sheath . I „ Henry Slade Childe .
P . G . Supt . of Works ... „ Walter J . Ebbetts . ,, Spencer W . Morris . „ William Cock . „ J . Campbell Maclean , M . D . ™ A ^ -. £ r > » F - H - Corder . P . A . G . D . of Cers . ... < " „ . . „ 1 Edwin
„ Fox . I „ A . Simner . „ A . G . Hayman . I „ C . C . Wakefield . P . G . Swd . Br . ... „ Lt .-Col . Davies Sevvell . P . Dep . G . Swd . Br .... „ F . G . Swinden .
l ' ,, Arthur Blenkarn . J ,, Walter Glazier . P . G . Std . Bis . ... <; „ MavkWhyley . / „ J . J . C . Turner . ' , „ T . S . Carter . P . G . Organist ... „ William H . Stocks .
The list of Grand Stewards nominated by the respective lodges and approved by the Grand Master , was then read by the Grand Secretary , viz . : — Bros . Percy Leftwich , No . 1 ; Pridham H . Pridham-Wippell , No . 2 ; Albert Ellis , No . 4 ; Reginald Harrison ,
No . 5 ; John Abercrombie , M . D ., No . 6 ; Samuel Chalkley , No . 8 ; George Phillips Parker , No . 14 ; William John Lancaster , No . 21 ; Thomas Stephenson Cooke , No . 23 ; Thomas Greenwood , No . 26 ; Temple Septimus Brodie , No . 28 ; Gilbert Bartholomew , No . 29 ; William Ridley
Whitley , No . 4 6 ; Stanley W . Duttson , No . 58 ; Alexander Burnett Brown , No . 60 ; William Alexander Perry , No . 91 ; Alderman Howard Carlile Morris , No . 99 ; Wells Hood , No . 197 ; and Spyridion Mavrojani , No . 259 . Grand Lodge was then closed .
The Grand Stewards of the year afterwards entertained the Grand Officers and brethren to the number of about 300 , as well as a large number of ladies , to an excellent banquet , followed by a concert in the Temple , which was conducted by the retiring Grand Organist , Bro . Wetton .
The New Grand Officers.
The New Grand Officers .
SENIOR GRAND WARDKN . Bro . the Earl of Malmesbury , on whom the M . W . Grand Master has been pleased to confer the collar of Senior Grand Warden , was initiated in the Hengist Lodge , No . 195 , in 1 9 , and in the same year joined the Boscombe Lodge ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
United Grand Lodge Of England.
United Grand Lodge of England .
cThe Srand ^ Festival .
THE annual festival of Grand Lodge was held at Freemasons' Hall on Wednesday , April 27 th . The Deputy Grand Master , the Right Hon . Thomas F . Halsey , M . P ., presided , and the limited accommodation provided by the Temple was insufficient for the large number
of brethren present . After the reading of that portion of the minutes relating to the election of the Grand Master and Grand Treasurer , R . W . Bro . Frank Richardson , P . Dep . Grand Registrar , Acting Grand Director of Ceremonies , proclaimed his Royal Highness the Duke of Connaught and
Strathearn , M . W . Grand Master for the ensuing year . The M . W . Pro Grand Master , the Earl Amherst , and the Deputy Grand Master , the Rt . Hon . T . F . Halsey , M . P ., were similarly proclaimed .
The Deputy Grand Master announced that the M . W . Grand Master , in exercise of the power given him by the Constitutions , had been pleased to empower Provincial and District Grand Masters during the ensuing year to confer Past rank in certain proportions , according to the number
of lodges in each province or district . The Deputy Grand Master also announced that the M . W . Grand Master had been pleased to restore to the Old King ' s Arms Lodge , No . 28 , the privilege of annually nominating a member of the lodge to serve as Grand Steward
for the ensuing year , thus increasing the number of lodges so privileged to nineteen . The Grand Officers for the ensuing year were then appointed and invested as follows : — Bro . The Earl of Malmesbury S . G . Warden .
„ Viscount Grimston ... ... ... J . G . Warden . „ The Very Rev . W . Lefroy , D . D ., x Dean of Norwich ... ... - G . Chaplains . ,, Rev . James Holme Pilkington , M . A . J
,, Fitzherbert Wright G . Treasurer . ,, John Strachan , K . C . G . Registrar . „ Mr . Justice Warrington ... ... Dep . G . Registrar . „ Sir Edward Letch worth G . Secretary . „ Col . Sir Henry M . Hozier , K . C . B . N
„ George Charles Fitzwilliam ... V S . G . Deacons . „ F . Holme Sumner ... ... .. J „ S . H . Tatham Armitage , M . D . ... N „ G . Parker Wilson ' - J . G . Deacons . „ Herbert F . Burrows /
„ Henry L . Florence G . Sup . of Wks . „ Frank Richardson , P . Dep . G . Reg . G . D . C . „ Henry Times Dep . G . D . C . „ Alfred Page > „ Rev . C . L . Roco ' Asst . G . D . Cs .
„ J . W . Gieve J „ Lt .-Col . E . Newnham Davis ... G . S . B . „ Major Frank Griffith Dep . G . S . B . „ Harry Nicholls ) „ , ~ „ . r G . Std . Bis . Robert D . Cummmgs J
„ „ Fredk . J . W . Crowe G . Organist . „ William Lake Asst . G . Secretary . „ Gotthelf Greiner A . G . Sec . Ger . Cor . ,, James Graham ... ... ... G . Purst . „ Charles G . Hatt Asst . G . Purst . „ Henry Sadler Grand Tyler .
United Grand Lodge Of England.
Past Grand rank was also conferred on the following brethren : — / Bro . Rev . Augustus Jackson , M . A . P . G . Chaplains ...-, „ „ H . T . Hayman , M . A . I „ „ C . E . Roberts , M . A .
P . Dep . G . Registrar ... „ E . James Castle , K . C . ¦ ' ,, Sir Simeon H . L . Stuart , Bart . 1 „ J . E . Greaves . D n ^ , J „ G . S . S . Strode . P . G . Deacons ( Senior ) % e . , nl „ , rT . , , . v ' ) „ Sir Thomas Brooke-Hitching .
„ F . T . Elworthy . ' „ Lt .-Col . Henry Whitehead . C „ Lt .-Col . R . W . Inglis . P . G . Deacons ( Junior ) -. „ Chas . Sheath . I „ Henry Slade Childe .
P . G . Supt . of Works ... „ Walter J . Ebbetts . ,, Spencer W . Morris . „ William Cock . „ J . Campbell Maclean , M . D . ™ A ^ -. £ r > » F - H - Corder . P . A . G . D . of Cers . ... < " „ . . „ 1 Edwin
„ Fox . I „ A . Simner . „ A . G . Hayman . I „ C . C . Wakefield . P . G . Swd . Br . ... „ Lt .-Col . Davies Sevvell . P . Dep . G . Swd . Br .... „ F . G . Swinden .
l ' ,, Arthur Blenkarn . J ,, Walter Glazier . P . G . Std . Bis . ... <; „ MavkWhyley . / „ J . J . C . Turner . ' , „ T . S . Carter . P . G . Organist ... „ William H . Stocks .
The list of Grand Stewards nominated by the respective lodges and approved by the Grand Master , was then read by the Grand Secretary , viz . : — Bros . Percy Leftwich , No . 1 ; Pridham H . Pridham-Wippell , No . 2 ; Albert Ellis , No . 4 ; Reginald Harrison ,
No . 5 ; John Abercrombie , M . D ., No . 6 ; Samuel Chalkley , No . 8 ; George Phillips Parker , No . 14 ; William John Lancaster , No . 21 ; Thomas Stephenson Cooke , No . 23 ; Thomas Greenwood , No . 26 ; Temple Septimus Brodie , No . 28 ; Gilbert Bartholomew , No . 29 ; William Ridley
Whitley , No . 4 6 ; Stanley W . Duttson , No . 58 ; Alexander Burnett Brown , No . 60 ; William Alexander Perry , No . 91 ; Alderman Howard Carlile Morris , No . 99 ; Wells Hood , No . 197 ; and Spyridion Mavrojani , No . 259 . Grand Lodge was then closed .
The Grand Stewards of the year afterwards entertained the Grand Officers and brethren to the number of about 300 , as well as a large number of ladies , to an excellent banquet , followed by a concert in the Temple , which was conducted by the retiring Grand Organist , Bro . Wetton .
The New Grand Officers.
The New Grand Officers .
SENIOR GRAND WARDKN . Bro . the Earl of Malmesbury , on whom the M . W . Grand Master has been pleased to confer the collar of Senior Grand Warden , was initiated in the Hengist Lodge , No . 195 , in 1 9 , and in the same year joined the Boscombe Lodge ,