Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A Concise History Of Freemasonry.
concise form . To my mind it represents Bro . Gould at his best , and the handsome volume if it has anything like the circulation I anticipate , will lead to an increase taste for Masonic study throughout Great Britain and Ireland . I am glad it has been copyrighted for the United States , for in
that great country , with Canada , India and Australasia , the demand for such a compendious treatise is sure to be widespread . A most useful index and a few choice and suggestive illustrations add much to the attractiveness of the history ,
the style of which reflects great credit on the publishers , Messrs . Gale and Polden , Limited , of London and Aldershot . W . J . HUGHAN .
A CONCISE HISTORY OF FREEMASONRY . By Robert Freke Gould , Past Senior Grand Deacon of England . Author of " The History of Freemasonry , " " A Commentary on the Regius MS ., " " Military Lodges , " etc ., etc . London : Gale and Polden , Ltd ., 2 , Amen Corner , Paternoster' Row , E . C . 1903 .
$ * . W ^ v ^ B fl Jk * ' K B ^ KKW D S 8 ? """* fmWi iln ^ iig ^ fa-rtt-4—^ St ** ) - " J T ^ "*« i I WS ** ^ k IHBKlW * - " ^¦ ' ¦ nr- ¦ W « | THE MABVBLLOtTS EGYPTIAN REMEDY FOR PAIN , For the removal of Stiffness and Soreness of the Muscles and Joints , as well as all Aches and Pains . A grand thing for Athlttcs and Sportsmen , as it makes the muscle * pliable and strong 1 "< sitive cure for Rheumatism , Neural g ' a , Lumbago , Golf Arm , Toothache , Feetaohe , Sprains , Bruises , Cramp , " G-mit , Headache , Weak and Painful Ankles , Stiff Neck , Quinsey , Chilblains , Pleurisy , Sciatica , and Neuritis ( Nerve Pains ) . Invaluable for Coughs , Sore Throats , Colds , Croup . Bronchitis . Laryngitis , Whooping Cough , Pains in the chest , under the Shoulder Blades , and in the Small of the Back . There is no preparation in the world that will act so quickly and effectually . FOR OUTWARD APPLICATION ONLY . 1 14 and 2 6 per bottle , of Boots' Days' and Taylors' Stores , ar . d all Medicin e Dealers ; or Direct from the Proprietors . The 2 / 6 size holds three times as much as the 2 / l . V size , and both hold 25 per cent , more than any other oil for outward application Free Siniiplr on applit-titimi fu GYPTICAN OIL CO ., Ltd . ( E - 5 iu £ g £ ? 0 , Fleet House , Farringdon Avenue , London , E . C . THK GYPTICAN OIL COMPANY are issuing their marvellous Gcddes Weather Forecast and Calendar , a book which predicts the state of the weather day by day for 12 months ahead . Tt is really worth having , and a copy can he procured from any of Boots * , Days ' , and Tailors' Stores , or the Proprietors will send direct on receipt of Id . stamp . I ' V ^ BB ^ B ^^ HBMHHH ^ Hai ^ l ^ HHBHEBBa
Masonic Benevolence In West Yorkshire.
Masonic Benevolence in West Yorkshire .
'"PHE annual meetings of the Charity Committee of West I Yorkshire Freemasons and of the Provincial Educational and Benevolent Fund were held at the Masonic Hall , Dcwshury , recently , Bro . H . S . Childe , Wakelield , the Chairman , presiding . The report stated that the subscriptions of the brethren
of the province to the Masonic Charities during the past year had reached the unprecedented sum of £ <) 20 j , cSs ., exclusive of the contributions to the West Yorkshire Fund . During the year two girls , three boys , three men , and one widow had been elected to the Masonic Institutions , and one girl ,
two boys , and one man had been presented . There were at present 71 children and annuitants for West Yorkshire upon the funds of the London Masonic Charities , and there were three annuitants , one widow , and one boy in receipt of grants from the West Yorkshire Fund . At the meeting on Saturday three additional girls , one boy , one old Mason , and three
widows were adopted as candidates for the elections to the Masonic Institutions in April and May next . Bros . W . S . Childe and W . P . Rayner , Hudderslield , were re-elected Chairman and Vice-Chairman respectively , and the Chairman , Vice-Chairman , Bro . C . Stokes , Sheffield ; Bro . H . Bromet , Tadcaster ; and Bro . Major H . G . E . Green were appointed a sub-committee to conduct the election of West Yorkshire candidates for the Masonic Institutions .
With respect to the West Yorkshire Educational and Benevolent Fund , Bro . K . Wilson , the Treasurer , stated that they had ^ 2000 invested , and a balance of ^ 300 in the bank . They had spent the interest in relieving necessitous cases , and in the past year their expenditure reached ^ 120 . The time had arrived when an energetic appeal should be made for the fund .
( Art Etching on the Human Skin ) by
ALFRED SOUTH , Tattoo Artist
Pall Mall , London , S . W . Piilronisctl by Royalty , Officers of His Majesty ' s Services , and leading Members of Society .
Masonic Jewels , Badges , and Emblematic Designs artistically and accurately etched on the Skin . Sporting Pictures , Studies of Animals . Dogs' and Horses' Heads reproduced in Tattoo from Sketches or Photographs . Coats of Arms , Crests , Monograms , Initials , and Inscriptions . Illustrated Articles and Press comments on Alfred South ' s work appeared in all the leading Papers at home and abroad . ELECTRIC INSTRUMENTS ( OWN PATENT ; . IKKMS MODKKATK . HOUKS 10 a . m . to 7 p . m . Telephone : 3037 Central . Telegraphic Address : Tattooing , London .
= = ,
v \ ff \ T AlliT k f \ "WT III PI II III Alt Y 1 / 11 IjUlflllv 1
« TMTr"r- -MOTOR BICYCLE ( protc-dc-d bv Letters Patent ) is ; i solid advance over all other makes . The . ^ iafffinflr"Ihsr ^ i ^ worm drive and chain combined ' make the most effective method of transmission extant . It ^ vS ^ P ^ H ^^?^* CYCLKS - A " Models lilted with Kree Wheel and two Brakes . ^ * SL % MW W , g * PBP * ^ FEATHERWEIGHT AT 14 GUINEAS . "The most attractive machine for 1904 . " ^/ JmmT " . WUr ^ A ^ ' WRITE FOR NO . 62 CATALOGUE . Cyclist Trade- Review , January 21 st , 1904 MANUFACTURERS
THE SWIFT CYCLE CO ., Ltd ., COVENTRY . BICYCLE IN THE WORLD . LONDON—15 & 16 , Holborn Viaduct , E . C . DUBLIN—34 , Dame Street . BELFAST—86 , Royal Avenue
. rtHMMtSk F ^ W \ BBfifm W ^ THE ^¦¦ WWlM J ^ H ^^^ KflnA /^^ ¦^^^^ Hutt \ / j ^ nlS ^^^^ IHl ' U ^ Bjj ^^^^^ HMl J ^^ M ^^^ K ^^ BM . ^ M ^^^^^ H ^^ B ^^^^^^^^^^ l I HflHHIHH .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A Concise History Of Freemasonry.
concise form . To my mind it represents Bro . Gould at his best , and the handsome volume if it has anything like the circulation I anticipate , will lead to an increase taste for Masonic study throughout Great Britain and Ireland . I am glad it has been copyrighted for the United States , for in
that great country , with Canada , India and Australasia , the demand for such a compendious treatise is sure to be widespread . A most useful index and a few choice and suggestive illustrations add much to the attractiveness of the history ,
the style of which reflects great credit on the publishers , Messrs . Gale and Polden , Limited , of London and Aldershot . W . J . HUGHAN .
A CONCISE HISTORY OF FREEMASONRY . By Robert Freke Gould , Past Senior Grand Deacon of England . Author of " The History of Freemasonry , " " A Commentary on the Regius MS ., " " Military Lodges , " etc ., etc . London : Gale and Polden , Ltd ., 2 , Amen Corner , Paternoster' Row , E . C . 1903 .
$ * . W ^ v ^ B fl Jk * ' K B ^ KKW D S 8 ? """* fmWi iln ^ iig ^ fa-rtt-4—^ St ** ) - " J T ^ "*« i I WS ** ^ k IHBKlW * - " ^¦ ' ¦ nr- ¦ W « | THE MABVBLLOtTS EGYPTIAN REMEDY FOR PAIN , For the removal of Stiffness and Soreness of the Muscles and Joints , as well as all Aches and Pains . A grand thing for Athlttcs and Sportsmen , as it makes the muscle * pliable and strong 1 "< sitive cure for Rheumatism , Neural g ' a , Lumbago , Golf Arm , Toothache , Feetaohe , Sprains , Bruises , Cramp , " G-mit , Headache , Weak and Painful Ankles , Stiff Neck , Quinsey , Chilblains , Pleurisy , Sciatica , and Neuritis ( Nerve Pains ) . Invaluable for Coughs , Sore Throats , Colds , Croup . Bronchitis . Laryngitis , Whooping Cough , Pains in the chest , under the Shoulder Blades , and in the Small of the Back . There is no preparation in the world that will act so quickly and effectually . FOR OUTWARD APPLICATION ONLY . 1 14 and 2 6 per bottle , of Boots' Days' and Taylors' Stores , ar . d all Medicin e Dealers ; or Direct from the Proprietors . The 2 / 6 size holds three times as much as the 2 / l . V size , and both hold 25 per cent , more than any other oil for outward application Free Siniiplr on applit-titimi fu GYPTICAN OIL CO ., Ltd . ( E - 5 iu £ g £ ? 0 , Fleet House , Farringdon Avenue , London , E . C . THK GYPTICAN OIL COMPANY are issuing their marvellous Gcddes Weather Forecast and Calendar , a book which predicts the state of the weather day by day for 12 months ahead . Tt is really worth having , and a copy can he procured from any of Boots * , Days ' , and Tailors' Stores , or the Proprietors will send direct on receipt of Id . stamp . I ' V ^ BB ^ B ^^ HBMHHH ^ Hai ^ l ^ HHBHEBBa
Masonic Benevolence In West Yorkshire.
Masonic Benevolence in West Yorkshire .
'"PHE annual meetings of the Charity Committee of West I Yorkshire Freemasons and of the Provincial Educational and Benevolent Fund were held at the Masonic Hall , Dcwshury , recently , Bro . H . S . Childe , Wakelield , the Chairman , presiding . The report stated that the subscriptions of the brethren
of the province to the Masonic Charities during the past year had reached the unprecedented sum of £ <) 20 j , cSs ., exclusive of the contributions to the West Yorkshire Fund . During the year two girls , three boys , three men , and one widow had been elected to the Masonic Institutions , and one girl ,
two boys , and one man had been presented . There were at present 71 children and annuitants for West Yorkshire upon the funds of the London Masonic Charities , and there were three annuitants , one widow , and one boy in receipt of grants from the West Yorkshire Fund . At the meeting on Saturday three additional girls , one boy , one old Mason , and three
widows were adopted as candidates for the elections to the Masonic Institutions in April and May next . Bros . W . S . Childe and W . P . Rayner , Hudderslield , were re-elected Chairman and Vice-Chairman respectively , and the Chairman , Vice-Chairman , Bro . C . Stokes , Sheffield ; Bro . H . Bromet , Tadcaster ; and Bro . Major H . G . E . Green were appointed a sub-committee to conduct the election of West Yorkshire candidates for the Masonic Institutions .
With respect to the West Yorkshire Educational and Benevolent Fund , Bro . K . Wilson , the Treasurer , stated that they had ^ 2000 invested , and a balance of ^ 300 in the bank . They had spent the interest in relieving necessitous cases , and in the past year their expenditure reached ^ 120 . The time had arrived when an energetic appeal should be made for the fund .
( Art Etching on the Human Skin ) by
ALFRED SOUTH , Tattoo Artist
Pall Mall , London , S . W . Piilronisctl by Royalty , Officers of His Majesty ' s Services , and leading Members of Society .
Masonic Jewels , Badges , and Emblematic Designs artistically and accurately etched on the Skin . Sporting Pictures , Studies of Animals . Dogs' and Horses' Heads reproduced in Tattoo from Sketches or Photographs . Coats of Arms , Crests , Monograms , Initials , and Inscriptions . Illustrated Articles and Press comments on Alfred South ' s work appeared in all the leading Papers at home and abroad . ELECTRIC INSTRUMENTS ( OWN PATENT ; . IKKMS MODKKATK . HOUKS 10 a . m . to 7 p . m . Telephone : 3037 Central . Telegraphic Address : Tattooing , London .
= = ,
v \ ff \ T AlliT k f \ "WT III PI II III Alt Y 1 / 11 IjUlflllv 1
« TMTr"r- -MOTOR BICYCLE ( protc-dc-d bv Letters Patent ) is ; i solid advance over all other makes . The . ^ iafffinflr"Ihsr ^ i ^ worm drive and chain combined ' make the most effective method of transmission extant . It ^ vS ^ P ^ H ^^?^* CYCLKS - A " Models lilted with Kree Wheel and two Brakes . ^ * SL % MW W , g * PBP * ^ FEATHERWEIGHT AT 14 GUINEAS . "The most attractive machine for 1904 . " ^/ JmmT " . WUr ^ A ^ ' WRITE FOR NO . 62 CATALOGUE . Cyclist Trade- Review , January 21 st , 1904 MANUFACTURERS
THE SWIFT CYCLE CO ., Ltd ., COVENTRY . BICYCLE IN THE WORLD . LONDON—15 & 16 , Holborn Viaduct , E . C . DUBLIN—34 , Dame Street . BELFAST—86 , Royal Avenue
. rtHMMtSk F ^ W \ BBfifm W ^ THE ^¦¦ WWlM J ^ H ^^^ KflnA /^^ ¦^^^^ Hutt \ / j ^ nlS ^^^^ IHl ' U ^ Bjj ^^^^^ HMl J ^^ M ^^^ K ^^ BM . ^ M ^^^^^ H ^^ B ^^^^^^^^^^ l I HflHHIHH .