Article Over the Border. ← Page 2 of 2 Article At the Sign of the Perfect Ashlar. Page 1 of 4 →
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Over The Border.
Assuming that an applicant might claim as a right the votes of every extraneous body of which he was a member , it is not inconceivable that he might be able to turn an election in his own favour . It is also conceivable that the imjioverished condition which is responsible for his application is partly due to his having spent so much money that he could ill afford in this way .
A good many of concomitant Orders are inter-dependent . That is the degree for instance of Royal Ark Mariners can only be conferred upon a brother who has taken the Mark . The Orders of Chivalry , that is the Templar and Malta degrees , are only attained through the Royal Arch , whilst the Royal Arch itself , under certain jurisdictions , pre-supposes
the possession of the Mark and the Cryptic degrees . And all of them demand testimony of an unblemished career in Craft Alasonry . In fact many of these degrees only acquire the claim to being described as Alasonic , by reason of membership being recruited solely from the Craft .
Of all these emanations from the original Order , perhaps the widest in extent is the Alark . As regards its impressive ceremonies and its lofty teaching , the Order of St . John of Jerusalem is not surjiassed . The Antient and Accepted Rite recruits its highest ranks by selection , and this fact proves
an attraction to the Alasonic student . Moreover the brother whose object is to accumulate Alasonic distinction , is attracted by the mystic figures which his membership of that Order allows him to attach to his name . Another curious feature in connection with this Order is that it represents to the
popular and uninstrttcted world who are not Freemasons , the ne plus ultra of Freemasonry , in fact one of the popular conceptions of Freemasonry is that it comprises thirty-three degrees . We jiropose to refer with more particularity to these Orders at future dates .
At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar.
At the Sign of the Perfect Ashlar .
On the several occasions when Past Grand rank has , for some special reasons , been conferred on a number of brethren , Provincial and District Grand Masters have been permitted to follow the same course in their respective provinces and districts . The announcement in the agenda paper for the
next Grand Lodge that permanent additions will be made to the number of Provincial Grand Officers is a natural corollary to the recent alteration of the constitutions with regard to the number of Grand Officers to be appointed each year . Considering the vast increase in the Craft since the last addition
was made to the list , it cannot be said that the change was uncalled for or that it has gone beyond the reasonable requirements of the Order .
< 5 > 0 i < J > The unfortunate differences which have sprung up between the Grand Lodge of England and that of \ ew South Wales are the subject of a paragraph in the Report of General Purposesand a special report by the Grand Registrar , in
, which he ably , and to our minds conclusively , demonstrates the illegality of the means by which the so-called Grand Lodge of Queensland has been called into existence , and the irregular , not to say unfriendly action of the late District Grand Alaster of Xew South Wales in regard thereto . The
rejiort is somewhat too lengthy we fear to interest the ordinary Alason in the subject , but we are far from saying that this imjiorlant subject should have received briefer treatment . If not read by man ) -, it will remain as a comjilete justification of the action taken by this Grand Lodge as well as that of the Sister Grand Lodges of Ireland and Scotland .
The notice of motion by Bro . Smithers that the resolution of Grand Lodge , acknowledging that the disqualification for holding the office of Grand Treasurer on the part of Past Grand Officers did not apply to Past Grand Stewards should be emphasized by a note to that effect added to Rule 19 , would perhaps make assurance doubly sure , but in tace of the resolution in question it would hardly appear to be
necessary . Grand Lodge will no doubt receive with the respect due to the distinguished brother who has given notice of motion to make the rank and office of Grand Registrar one of emolument , and if it comes to a decision in favour of the
resolution it will be conceded by all that the jiresent holder of the office is by virtue of his zealous and able services entitled to the fullest consideration at the hands of Grand
Lodge . 0 . > <© It is to be assumed that the Sjiecial Committee ajijiointed to deal with the question of the Freemasons' Tavern and the property ot Grand Lodge is actively engaged in formulating a scheme for re-building , and for resuscitating the
business which was so suddenly brought to a stoji nearly a year ago , but there is no indication yet of their having arrived at any definite scheme to put before Grand Lodge . In the Agenda of Grand Lodge business for the 6 th June , appears the following : — "The Committee litis held several
meetings and duly considered numerous jirojiosals connected with the object of its appointment . It has also consulted with the Grand Superintendent of Works with a view to the jirejiaralion of a scheme which will best utilise our jirojierty for the benefit of the Craft . It has been found imjiossible ,
however , to comjilete this scheme in time for the approaching meeting of Grand Lodge , and the committee can do no more at present than thus rejiort jirogress . "
< 5 < O < 5 s This being so , the Craft must possess its soul in patience until such scheme has been evolved . It is better , jierhaps , so much time having been wasted on abortive plans that a little more time should be devoted to what it is to be hojied will jirove a satisfactory solution of an ajijiarently difficult problem .
Q > < 5 » 0 A somewhat mysteriously worded anonymous circular has been in circulation during the last week or two urging all brethren who are eligible to attend Grand Lodge on June 6 th next , and stating that it is expected that jirojiosals of great interest lo the Craft and of sjiecial significance for London
Masons will be considered , adding that " probably the agenda may , when jiublished , adumbrate the form of the jirojiosals . " We have read the Agenda , and although it contains many matters of general interest we can lind no mention of anything of special interest to London Alasons . Can
it be that it refers to the attemjit on the jiart of a section of Aletrojiolitan Masons to revive interest in the question of the division of London into provinces ? if so , the legal adviser of Grand Lodge has ruled that the discussion of the question in Grand Lodge would be out of order , inasmuch as the
creation of provinces and districts is the prerogative of the Grand Alaster , and any intervention in such a question would be an interference with that prerogative . Ajiart from the merits of this question or of any other that may come before Grand Lodge , it is to be hojied that the London brethren
will not be induced to attend in their thousands , seeing that the Temple of Grand Lodge is only capable of containing more than the normal number , usually about live or six hundred . <•;•» < s » « s »
The Cornwall Masonic Charity Association has just attained its twenty-first year of existence , and marked the occasion by raising 600 guineas , an amount never jireviously equalled in one year . During its existence a total of . £ 7 , 0 ^ 7 15 s . has been raised by the Association , the St . Alartin Lodge and Chapter , Xo . 510 , Liskeard , talcing jiremier position among the subscribers , with a total of 7 . \ Sto .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Over The Border.
Assuming that an applicant might claim as a right the votes of every extraneous body of which he was a member , it is not inconceivable that he might be able to turn an election in his own favour . It is also conceivable that the imjioverished condition which is responsible for his application is partly due to his having spent so much money that he could ill afford in this way .
A good many of concomitant Orders are inter-dependent . That is the degree for instance of Royal Ark Mariners can only be conferred upon a brother who has taken the Mark . The Orders of Chivalry , that is the Templar and Malta degrees , are only attained through the Royal Arch , whilst the Royal Arch itself , under certain jurisdictions , pre-supposes
the possession of the Mark and the Cryptic degrees . And all of them demand testimony of an unblemished career in Craft Alasonry . In fact many of these degrees only acquire the claim to being described as Alasonic , by reason of membership being recruited solely from the Craft .
Of all these emanations from the original Order , perhaps the widest in extent is the Alark . As regards its impressive ceremonies and its lofty teaching , the Order of St . John of Jerusalem is not surjiassed . The Antient and Accepted Rite recruits its highest ranks by selection , and this fact proves
an attraction to the Alasonic student . Moreover the brother whose object is to accumulate Alasonic distinction , is attracted by the mystic figures which his membership of that Order allows him to attach to his name . Another curious feature in connection with this Order is that it represents to the
popular and uninstrttcted world who are not Freemasons , the ne plus ultra of Freemasonry , in fact one of the popular conceptions of Freemasonry is that it comprises thirty-three degrees . We jiropose to refer with more particularity to these Orders at future dates .
At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar.
At the Sign of the Perfect Ashlar .
On the several occasions when Past Grand rank has , for some special reasons , been conferred on a number of brethren , Provincial and District Grand Masters have been permitted to follow the same course in their respective provinces and districts . The announcement in the agenda paper for the
next Grand Lodge that permanent additions will be made to the number of Provincial Grand Officers is a natural corollary to the recent alteration of the constitutions with regard to the number of Grand Officers to be appointed each year . Considering the vast increase in the Craft since the last addition
was made to the list , it cannot be said that the change was uncalled for or that it has gone beyond the reasonable requirements of the Order .
< 5 > 0 i < J > The unfortunate differences which have sprung up between the Grand Lodge of England and that of \ ew South Wales are the subject of a paragraph in the Report of General Purposesand a special report by the Grand Registrar , in
, which he ably , and to our minds conclusively , demonstrates the illegality of the means by which the so-called Grand Lodge of Queensland has been called into existence , and the irregular , not to say unfriendly action of the late District Grand Alaster of Xew South Wales in regard thereto . The
rejiort is somewhat too lengthy we fear to interest the ordinary Alason in the subject , but we are far from saying that this imjiorlant subject should have received briefer treatment . If not read by man ) -, it will remain as a comjilete justification of the action taken by this Grand Lodge as well as that of the Sister Grand Lodges of Ireland and Scotland .
The notice of motion by Bro . Smithers that the resolution of Grand Lodge , acknowledging that the disqualification for holding the office of Grand Treasurer on the part of Past Grand Officers did not apply to Past Grand Stewards should be emphasized by a note to that effect added to Rule 19 , would perhaps make assurance doubly sure , but in tace of the resolution in question it would hardly appear to be
necessary . Grand Lodge will no doubt receive with the respect due to the distinguished brother who has given notice of motion to make the rank and office of Grand Registrar one of emolument , and if it comes to a decision in favour of the
resolution it will be conceded by all that the jiresent holder of the office is by virtue of his zealous and able services entitled to the fullest consideration at the hands of Grand
Lodge . 0 . > <© It is to be assumed that the Sjiecial Committee ajijiointed to deal with the question of the Freemasons' Tavern and the property ot Grand Lodge is actively engaged in formulating a scheme for re-building , and for resuscitating the
business which was so suddenly brought to a stoji nearly a year ago , but there is no indication yet of their having arrived at any definite scheme to put before Grand Lodge . In the Agenda of Grand Lodge business for the 6 th June , appears the following : — "The Committee litis held several
meetings and duly considered numerous jirojiosals connected with the object of its appointment . It has also consulted with the Grand Superintendent of Works with a view to the jirejiaralion of a scheme which will best utilise our jirojierty for the benefit of the Craft . It has been found imjiossible ,
however , to comjilete this scheme in time for the approaching meeting of Grand Lodge , and the committee can do no more at present than thus rejiort jirogress . "
< 5 < O < 5 s This being so , the Craft must possess its soul in patience until such scheme has been evolved . It is better , jierhaps , so much time having been wasted on abortive plans that a little more time should be devoted to what it is to be hojied will jirove a satisfactory solution of an ajijiarently difficult problem .
Q > < 5 » 0 A somewhat mysteriously worded anonymous circular has been in circulation during the last week or two urging all brethren who are eligible to attend Grand Lodge on June 6 th next , and stating that it is expected that jirojiosals of great interest lo the Craft and of sjiecial significance for London
Masons will be considered , adding that " probably the agenda may , when jiublished , adumbrate the form of the jirojiosals . " We have read the Agenda , and although it contains many matters of general interest we can lind no mention of anything of special interest to London Alasons . Can
it be that it refers to the attemjit on the jiart of a section of Aletrojiolitan Masons to revive interest in the question of the division of London into provinces ? if so , the legal adviser of Grand Lodge has ruled that the discussion of the question in Grand Lodge would be out of order , inasmuch as the
creation of provinces and districts is the prerogative of the Grand Alaster , and any intervention in such a question would be an interference with that prerogative . Ajiart from the merits of this question or of any other that may come before Grand Lodge , it is to be hojied that the London brethren
will not be induced to attend in their thousands , seeing that the Temple of Grand Lodge is only capable of containing more than the normal number , usually about live or six hundred . <•;•» < s » « s »
The Cornwall Masonic Charity Association has just attained its twenty-first year of existence , and marked the occasion by raising 600 guineas , an amount never jireviously equalled in one year . During its existence a total of . £ 7 , 0 ^ 7 15 s . has been raised by the Association , the St . Alartin Lodge and Chapter , Xo . 510 , Liskeard , talcing jiremier position among the subscribers , with a total of 7 . \ Sto .