Article The New Grand Officers. ← Page 4 of 5 →
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The New Grand Officers.
Bro . W . T . Page has for the past tAventy years been an active Masonic worker in the province of Worcestershire . Initiated in Semper Fidelis Lodge , No . 529 , in 1882 , he , after filling various offices , Avas installed in the Master's chair in 188 9 , and in 1891 became Secretary , which office he held until 18 9 6 . He was exalted in St . Hulstan ' s Royal Arch
Chapter in 1886 , and became First Principal in 18 9 8 . In 188 9 he took part in founding Semper Fidelis Chapter , acting as Scribe E . during the first year , becoming M . E . Z . in 18 93 , and again during the present year . Bro . Page is also a member of the Mark Degree and of the Order of Knight Templars , in which bodies he has occupied the chair
respectively of Worshipful Master and Eminent Preceptor . In Provincial Grand' Ledge Bro . Page has filled the office of Grand Secretary , and is at present Deputy Provincial Grand Master as Avell as Provincial Grand J . in the Royal Arch . He has taken much interest in the local charitable organisations as well as in the central charities , for each of \ vhich he has served several SteAvardships . During the present year
BUO . AV . T . PAGE .
Worcestershire has contributed a very large amount to the Benevolent Institution , and the services of Bro . Page in connection therewith were recognised by his election as Chairman of the Board of SteAvards at the recent Festival .
Bro . J . R . Cleave was initiated in the Lodge of Concord , No . 1133 , so long ago as 18 79 , but his more active career as a Mason may be said to date from 18 93 , in which year he joined the Molesey Lodge , No . 2473 ; this was followed b y membership of the Eccentric Lodge , No . 24 88 , and of the Abbey Lodge , No . 2030 , in 18 94 , the Marcians Lodge ,
No . 26 4 8 , of which he was a founder and first Master , and the jubilee Masters Lodge , No . 2712 , in 18 9 8 . Of these lodges he has occupied the Master ' s chair of the " Molesey , " the " Marcians , " and the " Eccentric . " In 18 9 6 he was appointed Provincial Grand Deacon of Surrev . Bro . Cleave was exalted in the Holmesclale Royal Arch Chapter , No . 874 ,
and subsequently joined the " Abbey , " the " George Price , " the " Eccentric , " and the " Emblematic " Chapters , in each of which he has filled the chair of First Principal , besides attaining the rank of Grand J . in the Provincial Grand Chapter of Surrey . Bro . Cleave has seiAecl on several occasions for each of the Institutions , and is a Vice-Patron of the Boys' School and a Vice-President of the Benevolent Institution and of the Girls' School .
BRO . . 1 . B . CLHAVE . GRAND SWOKD BEARER . The office of Grand Sword Bearer has recently been fittingly filled by brethren who hold His Majesty ' s
commission , and not the least distinguished of these is the brother Avhose appointment Ave have the pleasure to record . Bro . Major-General Astley Terry has seen much service in different parts of the world , and as an evidence of his enthusiasm for the Craft it may be stated that whenever an opportunity arose he never failed to attach himself to a Masonic lodge if one
existed in the district . He was initiated in Lodge Astiiea , No . 13 86 , Burma , and joined successively the following lodges : —Victoria in Burma , No . 1134 ; St . John and St . Paul , No . 349 , Malta ; the United , No . 6 97 , and the Angel , No . 51 , Colchester ; the British Union , No . 114 , Ipswich ;
Natalia , No . 1665 , Natal ; Albany , No . 151 , Newport ; and many others . He AA as W . M . of the Eaton Lodge , No . 533 , Congleton , in 18 76 , and still retains his membership . In 18 77 he was appointed Provincial Grand Sword Bearer of Cheshire . Bro . Astley 'Ferry was exalted in St . George ' s Royal Arch
llllO . MA . l ()! t- ( JI-:. \ . ASTLKY TKIIItY .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The New Grand Officers.
Bro . W . T . Page has for the past tAventy years been an active Masonic worker in the province of Worcestershire . Initiated in Semper Fidelis Lodge , No . 529 , in 1882 , he , after filling various offices , Avas installed in the Master's chair in 188 9 , and in 1891 became Secretary , which office he held until 18 9 6 . He was exalted in St . Hulstan ' s Royal Arch
Chapter in 1886 , and became First Principal in 18 9 8 . In 188 9 he took part in founding Semper Fidelis Chapter , acting as Scribe E . during the first year , becoming M . E . Z . in 18 93 , and again during the present year . Bro . Page is also a member of the Mark Degree and of the Order of Knight Templars , in which bodies he has occupied the chair
respectively of Worshipful Master and Eminent Preceptor . In Provincial Grand' Ledge Bro . Page has filled the office of Grand Secretary , and is at present Deputy Provincial Grand Master as Avell as Provincial Grand J . in the Royal Arch . He has taken much interest in the local charitable organisations as well as in the central charities , for each of \ vhich he has served several SteAvardships . During the present year
BUO . AV . T . PAGE .
Worcestershire has contributed a very large amount to the Benevolent Institution , and the services of Bro . Page in connection therewith were recognised by his election as Chairman of the Board of SteAvards at the recent Festival .
Bro . J . R . Cleave was initiated in the Lodge of Concord , No . 1133 , so long ago as 18 79 , but his more active career as a Mason may be said to date from 18 93 , in which year he joined the Molesey Lodge , No . 2473 ; this was followed b y membership of the Eccentric Lodge , No . 24 88 , and of the Abbey Lodge , No . 2030 , in 18 94 , the Marcians Lodge ,
No . 26 4 8 , of which he was a founder and first Master , and the jubilee Masters Lodge , No . 2712 , in 18 9 8 . Of these lodges he has occupied the Master ' s chair of the " Molesey , " the " Marcians , " and the " Eccentric . " In 18 9 6 he was appointed Provincial Grand Deacon of Surrev . Bro . Cleave was exalted in the Holmesclale Royal Arch Chapter , No . 874 ,
and subsequently joined the " Abbey , " the " George Price , " the " Eccentric , " and the " Emblematic " Chapters , in each of which he has filled the chair of First Principal , besides attaining the rank of Grand J . in the Provincial Grand Chapter of Surrey . Bro . Cleave has seiAecl on several occasions for each of the Institutions , and is a Vice-Patron of the Boys' School and a Vice-President of the Benevolent Institution and of the Girls' School .
BRO . . 1 . B . CLHAVE . GRAND SWOKD BEARER . The office of Grand Sword Bearer has recently been fittingly filled by brethren who hold His Majesty ' s
commission , and not the least distinguished of these is the brother Avhose appointment Ave have the pleasure to record . Bro . Major-General Astley Terry has seen much service in different parts of the world , and as an evidence of his enthusiasm for the Craft it may be stated that whenever an opportunity arose he never failed to attach himself to a Masonic lodge if one
existed in the district . He was initiated in Lodge Astiiea , No . 13 86 , Burma , and joined successively the following lodges : —Victoria in Burma , No . 1134 ; St . John and St . Paul , No . 349 , Malta ; the United , No . 6 97 , and the Angel , No . 51 , Colchester ; the British Union , No . 114 , Ipswich ;
Natalia , No . 1665 , Natal ; Albany , No . 151 , Newport ; and many others . He AA as W . M . of the Eaton Lodge , No . 533 , Congleton , in 18 76 , and still retains his membership . In 18 77 he was appointed Provincial Grand Sword Bearer of Cheshire . Bro . Astley 'Ferry was exalted in St . George ' s Royal Arch
llllO . MA . l ()! t- ( JI-:. \ . ASTLKY TKIIItY .