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Consecration Of The Citizen Lodge, No. 2911.
Consecration of the Citizen Lodge , No . 2911 .
THE consecration of the above lodge took place at the Holborn Viaduct Hotel on Thursday , 24 th April . V . W . Bro . E . LetcliAvorth , Grand Secretarv , Avas the Consecrating Officer , and Avas assisted by Bros . G . Everett , P . G . Treasurer , as S . W . ; W . M . ByAvater , P . G . SAvd . Br ., as J . W . ; the Rev . Sir Borradaile Savory , Bart ., G . Chaplain , as Chaplain ;
Frank Richardson , P . Dep . G . Registrar , as D . C . ; and Chas . J . R . Tijou , P . G . Std . Br ., as I . G . The Chaplain , in an eloquent and forcible oration , referred to the duties—at once important and serious—of a citizen of any country . A man Avho is permitted to take part in the
legislation of his country or city , must be deliberate in his actions , judicious and careful in his opinion . When such a man Avas also a Freemason his duty became more responsible , and he trusted that the HCAV lodge would be a centre where the practice of brotherly love , relief , and truth would obtain .
Fhe following founders were appointed officers : —Bros . Henry Grimsdall , W . M . ; John Lionel Goldstein , Acting I . P . M . ; William Foxton , S . W . ; Maurice Miroy , J . W . ; John Henry Merrett , Treasurer ; F . Trehawke Davies , Secretary 7 ; W . J . Lodge , S . D . ; Isaac Seaman , J . D . ; W . F . Millmaker , I . G . ; Claude Basil Lumley , D . C . ; Maurice Garland and
"W . Bradford Smith , SteAvards ; and Samuel Ellis , Tyler . Bros . C . H . Ellis , A . C . Burnley , W . J . Webster , J . Bannister Howard , G . W . Peters and C . W . Bradshaw are the remaining founders . At the close of the proceedings the Consecrating Officers
were unanimously elected honorary members and presented with the founder ' s jewel , which is of appropriate design , and may be thus described : —In the centre is sheAvii the Monument as being typical of the energy of former Citizens of London in rebuilding the City after the
Great Fire . The supporters of the City arms are here supporting the column . On a garter surrounding the emblem of oi ' fice is a record that the lodge was consecrated in the Coronation year , 1902 . A banquet afterwards took place , and the Worshipful
Master proposed the usual toasts , that of " The Grand Officers " being responded to by Bro . the Rev . Sir Borradaile Savory , P . G . Chaplain .
In proposing the toast of " The Consecrating Officers , the Worshipful Master , in a happy speech , referred to the approaching marriage of the Grand Secretary , and on behalf of the lodge presented him with a rare punch bowl , of LoAA-estoft ware of the year 1790 . It is believed to be the only perfect piece of its age now in existence .
The Grand Secretary made a feeling reply , and assured his hearers that the gift would be valued not only for its rarity and intrinsic worth , but also for the kindly thought which prompted his friends to think of him . Bro . C . J . R . Tijou proposed the toast of "The Worshipful
Master , " and as Bro . GrimsdalPs oldest friend at that table he could say that in him as a Master they would find an ever ready friend , one who knew his work thoroughly and would perform it eloquently , and who at all times would conduct the affairs of the lodge with honour to himself , and would
fully justify the good judgment of the founders in nominating him iirst Master . The Worshipful Master responded , thanking the proposer and the brethren for the warm-hearted way in which the toast had been received . He fully recognised that his place
Avas one of trust and responsibility , and whilst the duties of a citizen were by no means light , the association with it of the duties of a Mason , if properly performed , would enable them to act as became good citizens . He hoped that at the end of his year the lodge would be able to show a good balance sheet , and that would be ample reward .
The Worshipful Master then proposed the toast of " The Visitors , " whom he thanked for coming in such large numbers and giving them such an excellent send-off . Amongst those who responded were Bro . Dr . Scott Sommerville , of Orange , NCAV Jersey , U . S . A . ; Bro . Meyer , the W . M . of the Benevolentia Lodge ; and Bro . J . Percy Fitzgerald .
The Worshipful Master next proposed the toast of "The Treasurer and Secretary , " who were friends of his youth , and paid a handsome compliment to the Secretary , Bro . F . Trehawke Davies , for the able way in which he had carried out the work which had culminated that evening .
An excellent musical programme was given by Bro . Herbert Schartau , assisted by Miss Lilian Gardner and Bros . F . Tebbutt , George Stubbs , and C . Emlyn Jones .
Festival Of The Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls .
THE 115 th Annual festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls Avas held at Freemasons' Hall on the 14 th May , under the Presidency of the Earl of Lathom , R . W . Provincial Grand Master for the Western Division of Lancashire , and upwards of 700 brethren and ladies were present .
The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and duly honoured , that of " The Grand Officers" being replied to by R . W . Bro . Wesley Francis , District Grand Master of Natal , who gave some interesting particulars respecting Freemasonry in South Africa , remarking that as an evidence
of the genuiness of the bond of brotherhood which existed even among those who were engaged in mortal strife , that although even churches did not escape desecration , and in some instances destruction , there Avas not a single instance of the wanton destruction or even of injury to a Masonic
lodge room . He also paid a sympathetic tribute to the memory of the great man who had passed away—Cecil Rhodes —who had been a warm supporter of Freemasonry in Rhodesia . The Chairman , in proposing the toast of " Success to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , " referred in feeling terms to the interest taken by his father in the Institution , and expressed his earnest resolve , as far as in him lay , to continue
that interest . He delighted in visiting the Schools : there was something to his mind particularly touching in the sight of those children in the Alexandra Hall , which he had witnessed at the distribution of prizes on the previous Monday . He AA'as not ashamed to confess that it almost brought tears to his eyes to see all those children so very
bright and happy , so very proud of the Avay r in which they did their drill , and as one AVIIO had formerly had experience of such work amongst soldiers , he was pleased to compliment them upon their performance . He said God bless them now and God bless them in all their life in future .
Bro . Henry Smith , P . G . D ., replied to the toast , and the Secretary of the Institution , Bro . Hedges , then read a summary of the lists brought up by the SteAvards , which amounted to the splendid total of £ 30 , 000 , being made up of subscriptions of £ " , 098 is . 6 cl . from London , and
£ 17 , 901 18 s . 6 d . from the provinces , of which sum . £ 7 , 6 5 8 was contributed by the Chairman ' s Province of West Lancashire . The announcement was received with enthusiastic applause . Other speeches followed , and the company then joined the ladies in the Temple , where a concert AA'as being given under the direction of Bro . Dennant .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of The Citizen Lodge, No. 2911.
Consecration of the Citizen Lodge , No . 2911 .
THE consecration of the above lodge took place at the Holborn Viaduct Hotel on Thursday , 24 th April . V . W . Bro . E . LetcliAvorth , Grand Secretarv , Avas the Consecrating Officer , and Avas assisted by Bros . G . Everett , P . G . Treasurer , as S . W . ; W . M . ByAvater , P . G . SAvd . Br ., as J . W . ; the Rev . Sir Borradaile Savory , Bart ., G . Chaplain , as Chaplain ;
Frank Richardson , P . Dep . G . Registrar , as D . C . ; and Chas . J . R . Tijou , P . G . Std . Br ., as I . G . The Chaplain , in an eloquent and forcible oration , referred to the duties—at once important and serious—of a citizen of any country . A man Avho is permitted to take part in the
legislation of his country or city , must be deliberate in his actions , judicious and careful in his opinion . When such a man Avas also a Freemason his duty became more responsible , and he trusted that the HCAV lodge would be a centre where the practice of brotherly love , relief , and truth would obtain .
Fhe following founders were appointed officers : —Bros . Henry Grimsdall , W . M . ; John Lionel Goldstein , Acting I . P . M . ; William Foxton , S . W . ; Maurice Miroy , J . W . ; John Henry Merrett , Treasurer ; F . Trehawke Davies , Secretary 7 ; W . J . Lodge , S . D . ; Isaac Seaman , J . D . ; W . F . Millmaker , I . G . ; Claude Basil Lumley , D . C . ; Maurice Garland and
"W . Bradford Smith , SteAvards ; and Samuel Ellis , Tyler . Bros . C . H . Ellis , A . C . Burnley , W . J . Webster , J . Bannister Howard , G . W . Peters and C . W . Bradshaw are the remaining founders . At the close of the proceedings the Consecrating Officers
were unanimously elected honorary members and presented with the founder ' s jewel , which is of appropriate design , and may be thus described : —In the centre is sheAvii the Monument as being typical of the energy of former Citizens of London in rebuilding the City after the
Great Fire . The supporters of the City arms are here supporting the column . On a garter surrounding the emblem of oi ' fice is a record that the lodge was consecrated in the Coronation year , 1902 . A banquet afterwards took place , and the Worshipful
Master proposed the usual toasts , that of " The Grand Officers " being responded to by Bro . the Rev . Sir Borradaile Savory , P . G . Chaplain .
In proposing the toast of " The Consecrating Officers , the Worshipful Master , in a happy speech , referred to the approaching marriage of the Grand Secretary , and on behalf of the lodge presented him with a rare punch bowl , of LoAA-estoft ware of the year 1790 . It is believed to be the only perfect piece of its age now in existence .
The Grand Secretary made a feeling reply , and assured his hearers that the gift would be valued not only for its rarity and intrinsic worth , but also for the kindly thought which prompted his friends to think of him . Bro . C . J . R . Tijou proposed the toast of "The Worshipful
Master , " and as Bro . GrimsdalPs oldest friend at that table he could say that in him as a Master they would find an ever ready friend , one who knew his work thoroughly and would perform it eloquently , and who at all times would conduct the affairs of the lodge with honour to himself , and would
fully justify the good judgment of the founders in nominating him iirst Master . The Worshipful Master responded , thanking the proposer and the brethren for the warm-hearted way in which the toast had been received . He fully recognised that his place
Avas one of trust and responsibility , and whilst the duties of a citizen were by no means light , the association with it of the duties of a Mason , if properly performed , would enable them to act as became good citizens . He hoped that at the end of his year the lodge would be able to show a good balance sheet , and that would be ample reward .
The Worshipful Master then proposed the toast of " The Visitors , " whom he thanked for coming in such large numbers and giving them such an excellent send-off . Amongst those who responded were Bro . Dr . Scott Sommerville , of Orange , NCAV Jersey , U . S . A . ; Bro . Meyer , the W . M . of the Benevolentia Lodge ; and Bro . J . Percy Fitzgerald .
The Worshipful Master next proposed the toast of "The Treasurer and Secretary , " who were friends of his youth , and paid a handsome compliment to the Secretary , Bro . F . Trehawke Davies , for the able way in which he had carried out the work which had culminated that evening .
An excellent musical programme was given by Bro . Herbert Schartau , assisted by Miss Lilian Gardner and Bros . F . Tebbutt , George Stubbs , and C . Emlyn Jones .
Festival Of The Royal Masonic Institution For Girls.
Festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls .
THE 115 th Annual festival of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls Avas held at Freemasons' Hall on the 14 th May , under the Presidency of the Earl of Lathom , R . W . Provincial Grand Master for the Western Division of Lancashire , and upwards of 700 brethren and ladies were present .
The usual loyal and Masonic toasts were proposed and duly honoured , that of " The Grand Officers" being replied to by R . W . Bro . Wesley Francis , District Grand Master of Natal , who gave some interesting particulars respecting Freemasonry in South Africa , remarking that as an evidence
of the genuiness of the bond of brotherhood which existed even among those who were engaged in mortal strife , that although even churches did not escape desecration , and in some instances destruction , there Avas not a single instance of the wanton destruction or even of injury to a Masonic
lodge room . He also paid a sympathetic tribute to the memory of the great man who had passed away—Cecil Rhodes —who had been a warm supporter of Freemasonry in Rhodesia . The Chairman , in proposing the toast of " Success to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , " referred in feeling terms to the interest taken by his father in the Institution , and expressed his earnest resolve , as far as in him lay , to continue
that interest . He delighted in visiting the Schools : there was something to his mind particularly touching in the sight of those children in the Alexandra Hall , which he had witnessed at the distribution of prizes on the previous Monday . He AA'as not ashamed to confess that it almost brought tears to his eyes to see all those children so very
bright and happy , so very proud of the Avay r in which they did their drill , and as one AVIIO had formerly had experience of such work amongst soldiers , he was pleased to compliment them upon their performance . He said God bless them now and God bless them in all their life in future .
Bro . Henry Smith , P . G . D ., replied to the toast , and the Secretary of the Institution , Bro . Hedges , then read a summary of the lists brought up by the SteAvards , which amounted to the splendid total of £ 30 , 000 , being made up of subscriptions of £ " , 098 is . 6 cl . from London , and
£ 17 , 901 18 s . 6 d . from the provinces , of which sum . £ 7 , 6 5 8 was contributed by the Chairman ' s Province of West Lancashire . The announcement was received with enthusiastic applause . Other speeches followed , and the company then joined the ladies in the Temple , where a concert AA'as being given under the direction of Bro . Dennant .