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Some Account Of The Craft In Lincolnshire.
Some Account of the Craft in Lincolnshire .
Antiquity s p-ide Wc have on our side . SO sung Brother Matthew Biikhead some 180 years back . Antiquity , however , after all , is hut a vague term . To the Geologist and his recks , a feAV million years—to the Lady and her bonnet , a feAV months . So it is as regards
the Craft . The enthusiast assumes because Adam—Did apron put on he thereby Made himself one With a Free and Accented Mason .
1 SRO . AV . H . SMYTH , l'AST I'HOV . tiHAMl MASTER . and from the fact of something very like 3 rd D . signs being found on the Pyramid Avails , at once concluded that some Pharaoh—Ptolemy of the 150 th Dynasty had been regularly
" raised . " On the other hand there is the brother to whom speculative masonry is not—AVIIO scoffs at tradition , and for whose convincement nothing short of an attendance book is required . Between these extremes are those AVIIO never think at all—those who think that possibly " there's
something in it" and resolve to give more attention some day or other , and the feAV AVIIO have already devoted much time and study . Well , Ave are bold enough to think that in Lincolnshire Freemasonry Ave haA'e antiquity on our side sufficient to gratify all sections of the Craft . Tlie brother who sees the origin of our Society in the
Medieval Chinch builders Ave can refer to our glorious Cathedral , the graceful spires of Louth and Grantham , and the magnificent lantern lower of Boston . To the Mason ' s Marks on their stones . Those of the Cathedral alread y carefully copied and Availing for the Mark brother to further Advance and tell us their meaning .
We may also quote from the \\ liyt Boke in our Citv Archives— "Apl . 23 , 5 , Agreement with William Spencer , freemason , and his Fellows for the building of the Gild Hall , " which certainly smacks more of the Master and brethren than does a present da } - contract , "August , 1566 , Agreed that Hugh I've , freemason , for that he is a good workman shall have his franchise for 25 s . and the oflicers fees . "
The iirst connection of our County with the Grand Lodge of England Avas in 1 730 , when a Lodge was " constituted in Lincoln at the Saracen ' s Head , No . 73 , and meets first tuesday . " The general laws , Regulations and By-laws , together with continuous minutes for three years of this Lodge , have
fortunately come down tons , and are , of course , among the most valuable and interesting records of the Craft . The Saracen ' s Head , the sign of which Ave copy from an Engraved Lodge list of 1732 , stood on the site of the present Hostelrie , and from an inventory extant Temp . Eliz ., contained lifteen rooms and a gallery ground ; immediately opposite
stood its rival , the George , and the Corporation Cock-pit patronised by Roylalty . For it is recorded in 1617 , His most sacred Majesty , King James , during a ten days' visit to the City , after duly saying his prayers in the Minster , hearing sermons , and touching and healing over a hundred persons
of the King's evil , proceeded from labour to refreshment , and "did come in his earache to the Sign of the George by the StanboAve to see a cocking thear , when he appointed four cocks to be put on the pit together , which made his Majesty very merrie . " Mine host of the "Saracen ' s" Avas one William Velham ,
doubtless a Jit and proper person , as the Lodge agreed to make him a member " on his paying for his gloves , apron , and 2 S . 6 d . to ye Doorkeeper only . "
The Iirst Master of the Saracen ' s Head Lodge was Sir Cecil Wiay , Bait ., his brethren of No . 73 comprising—2 Baronets , a dozen or so of Country magnates , Aldermen , Apothecaries , Gents , and others . Sir Cecil , nth Baronet , was a wealthy man , High Sheriff of Lincolnshire , and who , during the time he presided over
the Lincoln brethren , also filled the position of Dep . G . Master and Master of the London Lodge- —IIOAV the Old King ' s Arms , No . 28 . He appears to have regularly attended the respective meetings , and was undoubtedl y held in high estimation hv his companions and felloAvs , as is shown b y his regular
re-election every six months . With such a President , it cannot be doubted but that everything , from the drawing up of the various regulations to the proceedings in the lodge , would be in due form ; consequently the Lincoln records , so far as they bear on
various disputed opinions , are of the greatest value . As , however , these points have IIOAV for some time been known to Masonic Students , Ave will pass on to extracts of general interest . The Lodge hours were from 6 to 10 in winter , 7 to 10
summer , punctual attendance being enforced b y a small line . Election of Master every six mouths . No mention of the F . C . degree . Initiation fee 5 guineas ; the Ceremony apparently occupying IAVO hours . There were lines varying from six pence to a Bottle of Wine—the latter ( generally fcr omission of duty ) "to be drank by the brethren to make them some part of amends . "
No mention of Office-bearers occurs other than Master , IAVO Wardens and Doorkeeper . When funds were wanted " it was proposed yt every Member should pay i a guinea towards a Bank for defraying ve Expenses of ye ensuing Year , into ye hands of Brother Thomas Becke as Treasurer , who is to be accountable for ye
same . " Brother Becke , who was Junior Warden several years , was doubtless , after the Master , the ruling spirit in the Lodge . The Becke family was then , and had been for several generations , of considerable inlluence in the City . An interesting brass tablet is yet to be seen poui'traying a numerous family of little Beckes , headed by their Mother and
Father in a devotional attitude . Bro . 'Thomas is buried in the neighbouring village of Willinghain , where his monument records that he was "The Founder and Patron of this Church ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Some Account Of The Craft In Lincolnshire.
Some Account of the Craft in Lincolnshire .
Antiquity s p-ide Wc have on our side . SO sung Brother Matthew Biikhead some 180 years back . Antiquity , however , after all , is hut a vague term . To the Geologist and his recks , a feAV million years—to the Lady and her bonnet , a feAV months . So it is as regards
the Craft . The enthusiast assumes because Adam—Did apron put on he thereby Made himself one With a Free and Accented Mason .
1 SRO . AV . H . SMYTH , l'AST I'HOV . tiHAMl MASTER . and from the fact of something very like 3 rd D . signs being found on the Pyramid Avails , at once concluded that some Pharaoh—Ptolemy of the 150 th Dynasty had been regularly
" raised . " On the other hand there is the brother to whom speculative masonry is not—AVIIO scoffs at tradition , and for whose convincement nothing short of an attendance book is required . Between these extremes are those AVIIO never think at all—those who think that possibly " there's
something in it" and resolve to give more attention some day or other , and the feAV AVIIO have already devoted much time and study . Well , Ave are bold enough to think that in Lincolnshire Freemasonry Ave haA'e antiquity on our side sufficient to gratify all sections of the Craft . Tlie brother who sees the origin of our Society in the
Medieval Chinch builders Ave can refer to our glorious Cathedral , the graceful spires of Louth and Grantham , and the magnificent lantern lower of Boston . To the Mason ' s Marks on their stones . Those of the Cathedral alread y carefully copied and Availing for the Mark brother to further Advance and tell us their meaning .
We may also quote from the \\ liyt Boke in our Citv Archives— "Apl . 23 , 5 , Agreement with William Spencer , freemason , and his Fellows for the building of the Gild Hall , " which certainly smacks more of the Master and brethren than does a present da } - contract , "August , 1566 , Agreed that Hugh I've , freemason , for that he is a good workman shall have his franchise for 25 s . and the oflicers fees . "
The iirst connection of our County with the Grand Lodge of England Avas in 1 730 , when a Lodge was " constituted in Lincoln at the Saracen ' s Head , No . 73 , and meets first tuesday . " The general laws , Regulations and By-laws , together with continuous minutes for three years of this Lodge , have
fortunately come down tons , and are , of course , among the most valuable and interesting records of the Craft . The Saracen ' s Head , the sign of which Ave copy from an Engraved Lodge list of 1732 , stood on the site of the present Hostelrie , and from an inventory extant Temp . Eliz ., contained lifteen rooms and a gallery ground ; immediately opposite
stood its rival , the George , and the Corporation Cock-pit patronised by Roylalty . For it is recorded in 1617 , His most sacred Majesty , King James , during a ten days' visit to the City , after duly saying his prayers in the Minster , hearing sermons , and touching and healing over a hundred persons
of the King's evil , proceeded from labour to refreshment , and "did come in his earache to the Sign of the George by the StanboAve to see a cocking thear , when he appointed four cocks to be put on the pit together , which made his Majesty very merrie . " Mine host of the "Saracen ' s" Avas one William Velham ,
doubtless a Jit and proper person , as the Lodge agreed to make him a member " on his paying for his gloves , apron , and 2 S . 6 d . to ye Doorkeeper only . "
The Iirst Master of the Saracen ' s Head Lodge was Sir Cecil Wiay , Bait ., his brethren of No . 73 comprising—2 Baronets , a dozen or so of Country magnates , Aldermen , Apothecaries , Gents , and others . Sir Cecil , nth Baronet , was a wealthy man , High Sheriff of Lincolnshire , and who , during the time he presided over
the Lincoln brethren , also filled the position of Dep . G . Master and Master of the London Lodge- —IIOAV the Old King ' s Arms , No . 28 . He appears to have regularly attended the respective meetings , and was undoubtedl y held in high estimation hv his companions and felloAvs , as is shown b y his regular
re-election every six months . With such a President , it cannot be doubted but that everything , from the drawing up of the various regulations to the proceedings in the lodge , would be in due form ; consequently the Lincoln records , so far as they bear on
various disputed opinions , are of the greatest value . As , however , these points have IIOAV for some time been known to Masonic Students , Ave will pass on to extracts of general interest . The Lodge hours were from 6 to 10 in winter , 7 to 10
summer , punctual attendance being enforced b y a small line . Election of Master every six mouths . No mention of the F . C . degree . Initiation fee 5 guineas ; the Ceremony apparently occupying IAVO hours . There were lines varying from six pence to a Bottle of Wine—the latter ( generally fcr omission of duty ) "to be drank by the brethren to make them some part of amends . "
No mention of Office-bearers occurs other than Master , IAVO Wardens and Doorkeeper . When funds were wanted " it was proposed yt every Member should pay i a guinea towards a Bank for defraying ve Expenses of ye ensuing Year , into ye hands of Brother Thomas Becke as Treasurer , who is to be accountable for ye
same . " Brother Becke , who was Junior Warden several years , was doubtless , after the Master , the ruling spirit in the Lodge . The Becke family was then , and had been for several generations , of considerable inlluence in the City . An interesting brass tablet is yet to be seen poui'traying a numerous family of little Beckes , headed by their Mother and
Father in a devotional attitude . Bro . 'Thomas is buried in the neighbouring village of Willinghain , where his monument records that he was "The Founder and Patron of this Church ,