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Eighty-Fifth Anniversary Dinner Of The Stability Lodge Of Instruction.
Eighty-fifth Anniversary Dinner of the Stability Lodge of Instruction .
Presentation to the Preceptor . < 33 ro . Frederick W . Solbij , < P . < M . Neptune Bodge , JVo . 22 .
q ^ HE Stability Lodge of Instruction , one of the first ever J established , and which has been continuously Avorking since its foundation in the year 1817 , held its 85 th anniversary dinner on Friday , the 2 nd May , at the Frascati Restaurant , Oxford Street . The meeting was well attended , several well-known Masons being present , notably Bro . Henry
Birdseye , P . M . and Treasurer of the Panmure Lodge , No . 715 , the Chairman of the evening ; Bro . Henry Garrod , " P . G . P . ; Bro . Frederick W . Golby , P . M . and Secretary of the Neptune Lodge , No . 22 , the Preceptor and Vice-Chairman ; and many others .
BRO . FREDERICK AV . GOLBY' . After the dinner the toasts of " Tlie King , the Protector of the Craft , " and "The M . W . Grand Master , H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , " were given in a felicitous manner by
the Chairman and duly' honoured . The Chairman then gave the toast of the evening , " The Stability Lodge of Instruction , " and coupled with it the name of the Preceptor , Bro . Frederick W . Golby , A \ -hose untiring energy and zeal in the interests of the Lodge of Instruction
had materially aided in bringing about its present prosperous condition , and had earned for him the esteem of every one of the members ; although he had only been acting Preceptor for IAVO sessions , the members were so much impressed with the value of his ( Bro . Golby ' s ) sen-ices , that they had
subscribed for a testimonial , which he then called upon Bro . Cowley to present . The testimonial took the form of a handsome chased gilt and enamelled drawing-room time-piece , with an inscribed plate in the following terms : — " Presented to W . Bro .
Frederick W . Golby , P . M ., as a token of esteem and appreciation of valuable services generously given to the Stability Lodge of Instruction , during the years 1901 and 1902—2 nd May , 1902 . "
In making the presentation , Bro . Cowley , in well-chosen words , expressed to Bro . Golby the very great personal esteem and regard in which the members held him , and their thorough appreciation of his valuable services to the Lodge of Instruction , and the fervent hope of all of them that he might be spared many years of activity and live long after the clock had been worn out .
Bro . Golby , in reply , stated that tAventy-eight years ago the Annual Festival of the Stability Lodge of Instruction had been attended by 172 brethren , many of them distinguished Grand Officers , and that , according to the minutes in the same year ( 1874 ) , 359 members had subscribed to their funds . In the near future he hoped to see the Lodge of Instruction enjoying
its former popularity . He expressed gratification at the handsome testimonial presented , and assured the members IIOAV highly he esteemed their kindness . He had frequently wondered whether his manner of conducting the Lodge of Instruction had commended itself to the members ; their
testimonial Avas an encouraging and generous answer , for which he Avas grateful . Other toasts were cordially given and responded to , and a pleasant musical entertainment by the brethren Avas closed with the singing of " Auld Lang Syne . " Bro . Frederick W . Golby , whose portrait AA- give ,
hashad a somewhat remarkable though short Masonic career . He Avas initiated in November , 18 94 , in the Neptune Lodge ,. No . 22 , one of the very oldest lodges in the City of London , and was elected Worshipful Master five years later , serving that office during the year 1900 . He is now P . M . and Secretary of his mother lodge , a member and the Director
of Ceremonies of the Panmure Lodge , No . 715 , a member of the Jubilee Masters Lodge , No . 2712 , and Preceptor of the Stability Lodge of Instruction , one of the oldest in existence . He \ A-as exalted into Royal Arch Masonry in May , 18 9 6 , and is now Principal Sojourner in the United Pilgrim's Chapter ,
No . 507 . In the year 1900 he served as Steward , and is a Life Governor of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution ; and during the last and the present year he has inaugurated , and is the Secretary of , four Masonic Charitable Associations ,, which together subscribe forty-five guineas every year to one or other of the Masonic Charities . He is a member of the
Board of Benevolence at Grand Lodge , and is nominated a member of the Board of General Purposes , his nomination being supported by several distinguished brethren . Altogether a brilliant Masonic career for so short a period .
Those splendid steamboats of the Palace Company , the ' La Marguerite , " the " Royal Sovereign , " and the " Kohinoor , " have commenced their delightful trips to Margate , Boulogne , Ostend , & c , and the jaded Londoner and his country cousins , who have been Availing so long for the summer , may be expected to take full advantage of their
opportunities IIOAV that fair weather has really come . There is nothing available to the Londoner that can compare with the trip to Ostend and back , which the " La Marguerite" " accomplishes in one day .
Published monthly . Price Sixpence . Rales of Yearly Subscription ( including Postage ) : — The United Kingdom , India , America , } s . d . and the Colonies \ ... 76 Binding Cases for Vol . I . are now ready , prices—Cloth , 3 s . 6 d . ; Roan , 12 s . 6 d .
The Editor , lo whom all literary communications should be addressed , will be pleased to receive interesting photographs as well as items of news and comments Ihcreon , and io consider suggestions for lengthier arliclcs . Editorial and Publishing Offices : — 75 Great Queen StreetLoudonW . C .
,, , , All Business ' Coniinunicalioiis should be addressed lo THE PROPRIETORS , MESSRS . SPENCER & Co ., 15 , Great Queen Street , W . C . All Applications for Advertisements lo be made lo WALTER J , LTD ., 5 , Queen Victoria Street , London , E . C .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Eighty-Fifth Anniversary Dinner Of The Stability Lodge Of Instruction.
Eighty-fifth Anniversary Dinner of the Stability Lodge of Instruction .
Presentation to the Preceptor . < 33 ro . Frederick W . Solbij , < P . < M . Neptune Bodge , JVo . 22 .
q ^ HE Stability Lodge of Instruction , one of the first ever J established , and which has been continuously Avorking since its foundation in the year 1817 , held its 85 th anniversary dinner on Friday , the 2 nd May , at the Frascati Restaurant , Oxford Street . The meeting was well attended , several well-known Masons being present , notably Bro . Henry
Birdseye , P . M . and Treasurer of the Panmure Lodge , No . 715 , the Chairman of the evening ; Bro . Henry Garrod , " P . G . P . ; Bro . Frederick W . Golby , P . M . and Secretary of the Neptune Lodge , No . 22 , the Preceptor and Vice-Chairman ; and many others .
BRO . FREDERICK AV . GOLBY' . After the dinner the toasts of " Tlie King , the Protector of the Craft , " and "The M . W . Grand Master , H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , " were given in a felicitous manner by
the Chairman and duly' honoured . The Chairman then gave the toast of the evening , " The Stability Lodge of Instruction , " and coupled with it the name of the Preceptor , Bro . Frederick W . Golby , A \ -hose untiring energy and zeal in the interests of the Lodge of Instruction
had materially aided in bringing about its present prosperous condition , and had earned for him the esteem of every one of the members ; although he had only been acting Preceptor for IAVO sessions , the members were so much impressed with the value of his ( Bro . Golby ' s ) sen-ices , that they had
subscribed for a testimonial , which he then called upon Bro . Cowley to present . The testimonial took the form of a handsome chased gilt and enamelled drawing-room time-piece , with an inscribed plate in the following terms : — " Presented to W . Bro .
Frederick W . Golby , P . M ., as a token of esteem and appreciation of valuable services generously given to the Stability Lodge of Instruction , during the years 1901 and 1902—2 nd May , 1902 . "
In making the presentation , Bro . Cowley , in well-chosen words , expressed to Bro . Golby the very great personal esteem and regard in which the members held him , and their thorough appreciation of his valuable services to the Lodge of Instruction , and the fervent hope of all of them that he might be spared many years of activity and live long after the clock had been worn out .
Bro . Golby , in reply , stated that tAventy-eight years ago the Annual Festival of the Stability Lodge of Instruction had been attended by 172 brethren , many of them distinguished Grand Officers , and that , according to the minutes in the same year ( 1874 ) , 359 members had subscribed to their funds . In the near future he hoped to see the Lodge of Instruction enjoying
its former popularity . He expressed gratification at the handsome testimonial presented , and assured the members IIOAV highly he esteemed their kindness . He had frequently wondered whether his manner of conducting the Lodge of Instruction had commended itself to the members ; their
testimonial Avas an encouraging and generous answer , for which he Avas grateful . Other toasts were cordially given and responded to , and a pleasant musical entertainment by the brethren Avas closed with the singing of " Auld Lang Syne . " Bro . Frederick W . Golby , whose portrait AA- give ,
hashad a somewhat remarkable though short Masonic career . He Avas initiated in November , 18 94 , in the Neptune Lodge ,. No . 22 , one of the very oldest lodges in the City of London , and was elected Worshipful Master five years later , serving that office during the year 1900 . He is now P . M . and Secretary of his mother lodge , a member and the Director
of Ceremonies of the Panmure Lodge , No . 715 , a member of the Jubilee Masters Lodge , No . 2712 , and Preceptor of the Stability Lodge of Instruction , one of the oldest in existence . He \ A-as exalted into Royal Arch Masonry in May , 18 9 6 , and is now Principal Sojourner in the United Pilgrim's Chapter ,
No . 507 . In the year 1900 he served as Steward , and is a Life Governor of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution ; and during the last and the present year he has inaugurated , and is the Secretary of , four Masonic Charitable Associations ,, which together subscribe forty-five guineas every year to one or other of the Masonic Charities . He is a member of the
Board of Benevolence at Grand Lodge , and is nominated a member of the Board of General Purposes , his nomination being supported by several distinguished brethren . Altogether a brilliant Masonic career for so short a period .
Those splendid steamboats of the Palace Company , the ' La Marguerite , " the " Royal Sovereign , " and the " Kohinoor , " have commenced their delightful trips to Margate , Boulogne , Ostend , & c , and the jaded Londoner and his country cousins , who have been Availing so long for the summer , may be expected to take full advantage of their
opportunities IIOAV that fair weather has really come . There is nothing available to the Londoner that can compare with the trip to Ostend and back , which the " La Marguerite" " accomplishes in one day .
Published monthly . Price Sixpence . Rales of Yearly Subscription ( including Postage ) : — The United Kingdom , India , America , } s . d . and the Colonies \ ... 76 Binding Cases for Vol . I . are now ready , prices—Cloth , 3 s . 6 d . ; Roan , 12 s . 6 d .
The Editor , lo whom all literary communications should be addressed , will be pleased to receive interesting photographs as well as items of news and comments Ihcreon , and io consider suggestions for lengthier arliclcs . Editorial and Publishing Offices : — 75 Great Queen StreetLoudonW . C .
,, , , All Business ' Coniinunicalioiis should be addressed lo THE PROPRIETORS , MESSRS . SPENCER & Co ., 15 , Great Queen Street , W . C . All Applications for Advertisements lo be made lo WALTER J , LTD ., 5 , Queen Victoria Street , London , E . C .