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History Of The Emulation Lodge Of Improvement, No. 256.——(Continued).
advantage , but that of the institution of which Ave are all members ; Avithout this , \ -ain are the precepts of Masonryvain will be the labours of our teachers . . . . . First and foremost , then , let us be careful of those whom Ave introduce into our ranks . Let us net introduce any man who is not likely either to confer additional honour , or at
least help us to maintain our already deservedly high character . And here I would observe that too much care and discrimination cannot be observed in the admission of HCAV members ; for there is too much reason to believe that in some Lodges men are admitted into Masonry , whose sole object is not that of ' rendering themselves more extensively
serviceable to their felloAV creatures . ' Nothing can be more subversive of the true interests of Masonry than the supposition that it can degenerate into a mere benefit
society . " Let no one suppose that he either is or ought to be an uninterested member , or that he is Avithout the power of contributing his share to the general welfare . All may help , and Masonry has a claim on the services of all her sons . Besides being a zealous brother in his Lodge , assiduous in
attending to his duties there—besides being a supporter of our charities—each may lind his place on one of the many committees of those charities , in our Boards , or in our Grand Lodge—each may lind a place according to his disposition , his leisure , and his power . Let no one imagine that this
great institution can be left to go on its way Avithout the assistance of the many who can and may , and ought to help it . Each one , I say , has his part to fullil , and the humblest labourer may contribute his quota to the general good .
" I have already said that no man can have a higher appreciation of the excellencies and advantages of Masonry than I have . I behold in it one of the most strange and striking brotherhoods which ever existed . I see it possessing a power 'to ope new fountains in the human heart , ' possessed by no other institution . I see it support , and nobly support ,
its vast and varied charities , I see it generally united and brotherly in its internal union . I behold in it a means of bringing together and uniting in one happy communion men of all kindreds and tongues , of every diversity of religious and political feeling—linking generations each to each in the bonds of the purest and most disinterested friendship .
Seeing all these things , and proud as every man must be of such an institution , I should like to see it do more , and identify itself IIOAV , as it did of old , in some degree with the prosecution of scientific and intellectual research . Masons of old were not less charitable , as far as their means permitted ,
nor were they less united than ourselves , and they did much for science . '' They identified themselves with it ; indeed , they were the leaders of one particular branch , and that the earliest and the most useful . Masonry , Iirst a religious mystery , afterwards became a scientific and social union .
Xeglected and almost forgotten , it at length appeared again as a charitable and social institution . May it be reserved for us to regain for it its former high position . I trust the day is not far distant when Masonry shall take an immense stride —Avhen private Lodges shall devote a portion of their time to the study of the arts and sciences—when men shall once
more seek our temples as a means of advancement in knowledge—when the parent body , with a local habitation worthv of its name , shall encourage the study of those liberal arts Avhich lie within its peculiar province . As the Iirst step in this direction , I hail with peculiar pleasure and delight the
prospect which appears to be opening before us . I long to see a library established within these Avails . I trust that one of the objects to be carried out in that library will be the delivery of lectures on scientific subjects connected especiall y with our institution . I should like to see its Avails adorned not only with the interesting relics of antiquity , its shelves
enriched with the Avorks of the learned of all ages , but I should like to see it adorned also with the busts and statues , the portraits and reminiscences of the great , the good , the noble—fitting testimonials to those who have distinguished themseh-es by their acquirements in science , or by their devotion to our Order . Whv should not our children and
our childrens' children see perpetuated in lasting marble , or in faithful portraiture , the lineaments of those Avho have laboured worthily and Avell in our cause ? Kv the side of Wren and Jones should stand the noble and the great , a Sussex or a Moira , and by them again , the humbler , but not
less useful , labourers in the Craft . Why should not our children gaze on their features and see what manner of men were they who taught and led in days gone by ? Whyshould not a Gilkes or a Wilson occupy with the great , side by side , a fitting place ? As in life , so in memory , side
byside , in Masonic equality , the noble and the learned , the great and the good—just tribute to their labour , just memorial to their worth . "
IIOOK-1 'L . ATK OR CAIII ) OK THE LATH I'KTKR CILKES , P . M . The earliest written records of the lodge IIOAV available begin on the 18 th of February , 1859 , all previous minute
books having mvsteriously disappeared during the rebuilding of the Freemasons' Tavern in 1867-68 . Judging from the minutes of this meeting the lodge appears to have been in a nourishing condition , there being twenty-live members and three visitors present , while the
cash account shows a balance of ^ " 34 is . brought foiAvard in favour of the lodge , and with £ 1 9 s . dues collected on that evening , making a total of £ 35 10 s . The leaders of the lodge evidently did not believe in allowing the funds to unduly accumulate and thus place temptation in the way of
the Treasurer , for a sum of / . " 20 10 s . AA'as deducted from the above-named for the Charities , " pursuant to the vote of the lodge on the 24 th of December last . " The lodge appears to have been then worked and conducted on much the same lines as in the present day , viz .,
opened in the three degrees , ceremony worked , minutes read , ballots taken , IICAV members proposed , sections worked , Master and officers for next week appointed , work named , and lodge closed .
This was the usual routine of each meeting , the minutes containing nothing of moment until October the 7 th , the annual election night , when Ave learn that Bro . John Hervey was re-elected Treasurer and Bro . Luis Artiis , Secretary for the ensuing year . Bro . S . B . Wilson , jun ., and Bro . George Barrett were re-elected as members of the permanent
committee in addition to the President , Treasurer , and Secretary . On the 28 th of October it was resolved " that in consequence of the hall being engaged on the 25 th of November , the Annual Festival ( for 1859 ) be held on the 9 th of December ,
and that Bro . Savage be asked to take the chair , the lodge having been informed by Bro . Hervey that the health of Bro . Beadon precluded his compliance with the request of the lodge to preside on that occasion .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
History Of The Emulation Lodge Of Improvement, No. 256.——(Continued).
advantage , but that of the institution of which Ave are all members ; Avithout this , \ -ain are the precepts of Masonryvain will be the labours of our teachers . . . . . First and foremost , then , let us be careful of those whom Ave introduce into our ranks . Let us net introduce any man who is not likely either to confer additional honour , or at
least help us to maintain our already deservedly high character . And here I would observe that too much care and discrimination cannot be observed in the admission of HCAV members ; for there is too much reason to believe that in some Lodges men are admitted into Masonry , whose sole object is not that of ' rendering themselves more extensively
serviceable to their felloAV creatures . ' Nothing can be more subversive of the true interests of Masonry than the supposition that it can degenerate into a mere benefit
society . " Let no one suppose that he either is or ought to be an uninterested member , or that he is Avithout the power of contributing his share to the general welfare . All may help , and Masonry has a claim on the services of all her sons . Besides being a zealous brother in his Lodge , assiduous in
attending to his duties there—besides being a supporter of our charities—each may lind his place on one of the many committees of those charities , in our Boards , or in our Grand Lodge—each may lind a place according to his disposition , his leisure , and his power . Let no one imagine that this
great institution can be left to go on its way Avithout the assistance of the many who can and may , and ought to help it . Each one , I say , has his part to fullil , and the humblest labourer may contribute his quota to the general good .
" I have already said that no man can have a higher appreciation of the excellencies and advantages of Masonry than I have . I behold in it one of the most strange and striking brotherhoods which ever existed . I see it possessing a power 'to ope new fountains in the human heart , ' possessed by no other institution . I see it support , and nobly support ,
its vast and varied charities , I see it generally united and brotherly in its internal union . I behold in it a means of bringing together and uniting in one happy communion men of all kindreds and tongues , of every diversity of religious and political feeling—linking generations each to each in the bonds of the purest and most disinterested friendship .
Seeing all these things , and proud as every man must be of such an institution , I should like to see it do more , and identify itself IIOAV , as it did of old , in some degree with the prosecution of scientific and intellectual research . Masons of old were not less charitable , as far as their means permitted ,
nor were they less united than ourselves , and they did much for science . '' They identified themselves with it ; indeed , they were the leaders of one particular branch , and that the earliest and the most useful . Masonry , Iirst a religious mystery , afterwards became a scientific and social union .
Xeglected and almost forgotten , it at length appeared again as a charitable and social institution . May it be reserved for us to regain for it its former high position . I trust the day is not far distant when Masonry shall take an immense stride —Avhen private Lodges shall devote a portion of their time to the study of the arts and sciences—when men shall once
more seek our temples as a means of advancement in knowledge—when the parent body , with a local habitation worthv of its name , shall encourage the study of those liberal arts Avhich lie within its peculiar province . As the Iirst step in this direction , I hail with peculiar pleasure and delight the
prospect which appears to be opening before us . I long to see a library established within these Avails . I trust that one of the objects to be carried out in that library will be the delivery of lectures on scientific subjects connected especiall y with our institution . I should like to see its Avails adorned not only with the interesting relics of antiquity , its shelves
enriched with the Avorks of the learned of all ages , but I should like to see it adorned also with the busts and statues , the portraits and reminiscences of the great , the good , the noble—fitting testimonials to those who have distinguished themseh-es by their acquirements in science , or by their devotion to our Order . Whv should not our children and
our childrens' children see perpetuated in lasting marble , or in faithful portraiture , the lineaments of those Avho have laboured worthily and Avell in our cause ? Kv the side of Wren and Jones should stand the noble and the great , a Sussex or a Moira , and by them again , the humbler , but not
less useful , labourers in the Craft . Why should not our children gaze on their features and see what manner of men were they who taught and led in days gone by ? Whyshould not a Gilkes or a Wilson occupy with the great , side by side , a fitting place ? As in life , so in memory , side
byside , in Masonic equality , the noble and the learned , the great and the good—just tribute to their labour , just memorial to their worth . "
IIOOK-1 'L . ATK OR CAIII ) OK THE LATH I'KTKR CILKES , P . M . The earliest written records of the lodge IIOAV available begin on the 18 th of February , 1859 , all previous minute
books having mvsteriously disappeared during the rebuilding of the Freemasons' Tavern in 1867-68 . Judging from the minutes of this meeting the lodge appears to have been in a nourishing condition , there being twenty-live members and three visitors present , while the
cash account shows a balance of ^ " 34 is . brought foiAvard in favour of the lodge , and with £ 1 9 s . dues collected on that evening , making a total of £ 35 10 s . The leaders of the lodge evidently did not believe in allowing the funds to unduly accumulate and thus place temptation in the way of
the Treasurer , for a sum of / . " 20 10 s . AA'as deducted from the above-named for the Charities , " pursuant to the vote of the lodge on the 24 th of December last . " The lodge appears to have been then worked and conducted on much the same lines as in the present day , viz .,
opened in the three degrees , ceremony worked , minutes read , ballots taken , IICAV members proposed , sections worked , Master and officers for next week appointed , work named , and lodge closed .
This was the usual routine of each meeting , the minutes containing nothing of moment until October the 7 th , the annual election night , when Ave learn that Bro . John Hervey was re-elected Treasurer and Bro . Luis Artiis , Secretary for the ensuing year . Bro . S . B . Wilson , jun ., and Bro . George Barrett were re-elected as members of the permanent
committee in addition to the President , Treasurer , and Secretary . On the 28 th of October it was resolved " that in consequence of the hall being engaged on the 25 th of November , the Annual Festival ( for 1859 ) be held on the 9 th of December ,
and that Bro . Savage be asked to take the chair , the lodge having been informed by Bro . Hervey that the health of Bro . Beadon precluded his compliance with the request of the lodge to preside on that occasion .