Article The New Grand Officers. ← Page 2 of 5 →
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The New Grand Officers.
Lancashire , and has taken an active part in the management of the local charities of that important province . He was exalted in the Unanimity Royal Arch Chapter , No . 42 , Bury , in 18 94 , and has since filled the chair of M . E . Z . He is IIOAV Provincial Grand Scribe N . of East Lancashire . Bro . Barlow is a Patron of each of the three Institutions , and has served
several Stewardships . In 1901 he Avas unsuccessful in his candidature for the Grand Treasurership , but Avas this year elected Avithout opposition . DEPUTY GRAND REGISTRAR .
Bro . Herbert F . Manisty , K . C , who succeeds Bro . J . Vesey Fitzgerald as Deputy Grand Registrar , is a son of the late Avell known judge , and himself occupies a prominent position as one of His Majesty ' s King ' s Council . He was initiated in 1879 in the Northern Bar Lodge , No . 1610 , and in 18 94 took part in founding the Old Westminster' Lodge ,
HIiO . HERISKRT F . MANISTY . ( 1 'lioln Elite Vorlmil Co . ) No . 223 ^ . Ill the same year he became a joining member of the Lodge of Antiquity , No . 2 , of which lodge he is at present the Worshipful Master . He was exalted in the
Royal Arch Chapter of Friendship , No . 6 , attached to the lodge of that name . He represented the Lodge of Antiquity on the Board of Grand SteAvards during the past year . Bro . Manisty has served several SteAvardships for the three Masonic Charities .
SENIOR GRAND DEACONS . Bro . Sir W . H . B . Ffolkes , Bart ., AA \ as initiated in the Isaac NeAvton University Lodge , No . 859 , Cambridge , in 1868 , and three years afterwards joined the Philanthropic Lodge , No . 107 , King's Lynn . In 1880 he was installed as
W . M ., and again tilled the chair in 1899 . During the latter year he received the appointment of S . G . W . of the province . He became a Royal Arch Mason in 18 77 , and was installed as M . E . Z . of the Philanthropic Chapter in 1882 . In 1885 he was appointed by Lord Suflield , then Grand Superintendent , to the office of Prov . G . J . Bro . Sir W . H . B . Ffolkes is a member of the A . and A . Rite and has taken the 30 .
Bro . C . N . P . Phipps was initiated in the St . George ' s Lodge of Harmony , No . 32 , Liverpool , and joined the White Horse Lodge , No . 2227 , Westbury , in 1887 , and became W . M . in 1888 . In 188 9 he was appointed to the office of Prov . S . G . D ., and is now Deputy Provincial Grand Master of the Province of Wiltshire . Bro . Phipps is a Life Governor of both tlie Girls' School and the Benevolent Institution .
Bro . A . E . Sansom , M . D ., F . R . C . P ., was initiated in the Felix Lodge , No . 1404 , then held at Teddington , in 1879 , and
BRO . A . E . SANSOM .- ( Pliolo Elite I ' urlmil Co . ) became its Worshipful Master in 1886 . In 188 4 he took part in founding the University of London Lodge , No . 2033 , and four years later was installed as Master . He also founded the London Hospital Lodge , No . 28 45 of
, which lodge he was the first Master . Dr . Sansom Avas exalted in the Felicity Royal Arch Chapter , No . 5 8 , in 1880 , and filled the first Principal ' s chair in 1891 . At present and for several years past he has been its Treasurer . He has served SteAvardships for the Girls' School and the Benevolent Institution , and is a Life Governor of each .
J UNIOR GRAND DEACONS . Bro . Sir J . E . Backhouse was initiated in the Rose of Raby Lodge , No . 1650 , Staindrop , and Avas elected to the Master ' s chair in 18 9 6 . He is also a Past Prov . S . G . W . of
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The New Grand Officers.
Lancashire , and has taken an active part in the management of the local charities of that important province . He was exalted in the Unanimity Royal Arch Chapter , No . 42 , Bury , in 18 94 , and has since filled the chair of M . E . Z . He is IIOAV Provincial Grand Scribe N . of East Lancashire . Bro . Barlow is a Patron of each of the three Institutions , and has served
several Stewardships . In 1901 he Avas unsuccessful in his candidature for the Grand Treasurership , but Avas this year elected Avithout opposition . DEPUTY GRAND REGISTRAR .
Bro . Herbert F . Manisty , K . C , who succeeds Bro . J . Vesey Fitzgerald as Deputy Grand Registrar , is a son of the late Avell known judge , and himself occupies a prominent position as one of His Majesty ' s King ' s Council . He was initiated in 1879 in the Northern Bar Lodge , No . 1610 , and in 18 94 took part in founding the Old Westminster' Lodge ,
HIiO . HERISKRT F . MANISTY . ( 1 'lioln Elite Vorlmil Co . ) No . 223 ^ . Ill the same year he became a joining member of the Lodge of Antiquity , No . 2 , of which lodge he is at present the Worshipful Master . He was exalted in the
Royal Arch Chapter of Friendship , No . 6 , attached to the lodge of that name . He represented the Lodge of Antiquity on the Board of Grand SteAvards during the past year . Bro . Manisty has served several SteAvardships for the three Masonic Charities .
SENIOR GRAND DEACONS . Bro . Sir W . H . B . Ffolkes , Bart ., AA \ as initiated in the Isaac NeAvton University Lodge , No . 859 , Cambridge , in 1868 , and three years afterwards joined the Philanthropic Lodge , No . 107 , King's Lynn . In 1880 he was installed as
W . M ., and again tilled the chair in 1899 . During the latter year he received the appointment of S . G . W . of the province . He became a Royal Arch Mason in 18 77 , and was installed as M . E . Z . of the Philanthropic Chapter in 1882 . In 1885 he was appointed by Lord Suflield , then Grand Superintendent , to the office of Prov . G . J . Bro . Sir W . H . B . Ffolkes is a member of the A . and A . Rite and has taken the 30 .
Bro . C . N . P . Phipps was initiated in the St . George ' s Lodge of Harmony , No . 32 , Liverpool , and joined the White Horse Lodge , No . 2227 , Westbury , in 1887 , and became W . M . in 1888 . In 188 9 he was appointed to the office of Prov . S . G . D ., and is now Deputy Provincial Grand Master of the Province of Wiltshire . Bro . Phipps is a Life Governor of both tlie Girls' School and the Benevolent Institution .
Bro . A . E . Sansom , M . D ., F . R . C . P ., was initiated in the Felix Lodge , No . 1404 , then held at Teddington , in 1879 , and
BRO . A . E . SANSOM .- ( Pliolo Elite I ' urlmil Co . ) became its Worshipful Master in 1886 . In 188 4 he took part in founding the University of London Lodge , No . 2033 , and four years later was installed as Master . He also founded the London Hospital Lodge , No . 28 45 of
, which lodge he was the first Master . Dr . Sansom Avas exalted in the Felicity Royal Arch Chapter , No . 5 8 , in 1880 , and filled the first Principal ' s chair in 1891 . At present and for several years past he has been its Treasurer . He has served SteAvardships for the Girls' School and the Benevolent Institution , and is a Life Governor of each .
J UNIOR GRAND DEACONS . Bro . Sir J . E . Backhouse was initiated in the Rose of Raby Lodge , No . 1650 , Staindrop , and Avas elected to the Master ' s chair in 18 9 6 . He is also a Past Prov . S . G . W . of