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Consecration Of The Frietuna Lodge, No. 2949.
Consecration of the Frietuna Lodge , No . 2949 .
ON Tuesday , May 12 th , Bro . Colonel Lockwood , M . P ., Provincial Grand Master of Essex , consecrated the Frietuna Lodge , No . 2949 , the promoters of which are members of the Golf Club at Frinton-on-Sea . By dispensation from H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , M . W . Grand Master , the ceremony took place at the Great Eastern Hotel ,
Liverpool Street , E . G ., the gallant Colonel being assisted by the Earl of Donoughmore , P . G . W ., as Deputy Provincial Grand Master—in the unavoidable absence of Bro . Claude E . Egerton-Green—Bros . Lewis Beale , Prov . S . G . W . ; H . A . Baxter , Prov . J . G . W . ; the Rev . C . E . Barnes , Prov . G .
Chaplain ; Thos . J . Railing , Prov . G . Secretary ; Albert Lucking , Prov . G . Director of Ceremonies ; and James Berry , Prov . A . G . Pursuivant . At its conclusion , Bro . A . Lucking installed as first Worshipful Master of the lodge , Bro . Vesey Fitzgerald , K . C , P . D . G . R ., who invested as his officers the following brethren : —Bros . Sydney Davis , P . M . 25 , S . W . ; Arthur S .
Main , J . W . 2744 , J . W . ; A . R . Chamberlayne , P . P . G . R ., Treasurer ; William Walden , Secretary ; Samuel James , J . D . 2 7 , S . D . ; A . Lewis Browne , J . D . ; A . G . Browne , I . G . ; C . J . Gilbert , Organist ; R . Ashmore Cooper and Francis Cooper , Stewards ; and Geo . Gooch , Tyler . A vote of thanks was passed to the Provincial Grand
Master and those who assisted him in the ceremony , and they were all elected honorary members . The Worshipful Master was elected to represent the lodge on the Essex Provincial Charity Committee ; and a committee having been formed to frame by-laws , the lodge business was closed .
About sixty brethren afterwards dined together in the handsome Norfolk room of the hotel , a very elegant repast being well served under the direction of Bro . Amendt , the courteous and able manager . The usual Masonic toasts were duly honoured , and all the speakers expressed their hope that the lodge so auspiciously started might have a long and prosperous future .
Skelmersdale Lodge, No. 1729. —Reception Of The Earl Of Lathom.
Skelmersdale Lodge , No . 1729 . —Reception of the Earl of Lathom .
MONDAY , the 9 th clay of March , was a red-letter day in the history of the Skelmersdale Lodge , No . 1729 , meeting at Pietermaritzburg , Natal , South Africa , the occasion being the reception and entertainment of the patron of the lodge , Colonel the Right Hon . the Earl of Lathom , Provincial Grand Master for West Lancashire , and Past
Grand Warden of England . When the Skelmersdale Lodge was formed in the year 1877 , the then Baron Skelmersdale ( afterwards created Earl of Lathom ) , who at that time was Deputy Grand Master of England , graciously gave permission for the lodge to bear his name , and also to use his arms and
armorial bearings , at the same time accepting the position of patron of the lodge . On his decease , the present Earl , in response to a request preferred by the lodge , agreed to continue the patronage of his uoble house , and it was therefore with no little pride that the members of the
Skelmersdale Lodge received an intimation from his lordship , who was making a brief tour through South Africa , that he would be pleased to accept their invitation to attend an emergency meeting of the lodge , convened especially for the purpose of meeting him . A deputation from the lodge ,
consisting of Bros . W . Matthew , P . M . ( acting Master of the lodge ); S . Stranack ( Town Clerk of the City and J . P . ) , P . M . ; W . J . O'Brien ( City Councillor and J . P . ) , P . M . ; Sowersby
J . Mason ( Mayor of Maritzburg ) , P . M . ; Cecil Holliday ( City Councillor and J . P . ) , P . M . ; G . H . Edmonds , P . M . " ; H . W . Wade , P . M . ; O . Dimmick , P . M . ; F . G Pennellsj S . W . ; W . H . Loney , J . W . ; F . C . Loney , D . C . ; F . Collier , Secretary ; and G . G . Hard } -, J . D ., met the distinguished guest on his arrival in the capital city of Natal , and
subsequently his lordship , who was accompanied by his brother , the Hon . Reginald Wilbraham , P . M . 2682 ; W . B . Marcus , P . M . 2918 ; and Capt . Smitheman , 1703 , attended a meeting of the lodge , at which over a hundred brethren were present . The District Grand Master of the
English Constitution ( Bro . Wesley Francis ) , and the District Grand Master of the Scottish Constitution ( Bro . J . Fraser ) , attended with their District Grand Officers , and among other distinguished guests present were Bro . Edward Terry , Past Grand Treasurer of England , and Bro . C . W . P .
Douglasde-Fenzi , Past Grand Deacon of England and District Grand Secretary of Natal . In the regretted absence of the Worshipful Master ( Bro . R . J . Marshall ) , who was prevented by ill-health from being present , the chair of the lodge was taken by Bro . Matthew , the I . P . M ., who was supported by the
following Past Masters of the lodge : —Bros . S . Stranack ( foundation Master ) , P . D . G . W . ; G H . Edmonds , P . D . G . W . ; T . Reid , D . S . G . W . ; W . J . O'Brien , P . D . G . W ., President of the District Board of General Purposes ; H . Wade , P . D . G . D . ; A . W . Rowsell , P . D . G . D . ; Sowersby J . Mason , P . D . G . W ., District Grand Treasurer ; Cecil Holliday , P . D . G . Std . Br . ;
J . Stewart , P . D . G . P . ; O . Dimmick , P . D . G . P . ; and G . J . Bouslield . During the proceedings in lodge the Earl of Lathom was presented with an illuminated address bound up in a handsome volume of Natal views . The address was as
follows : — " To the Right Hon . the Earl of Lathom , Baron Skelmersdale , Provincial Grand Master of West Lancashire , Past Grand Warden of England , & c , & c , & c . " My Lord and R . W . Sir , "We , the Worshipful Master , Officers , and
Brethren of the Skelmersdale Lodge , No . 1729 , holding under the registry of the Grand Lodge of England , wish to extend to you a most sincere and hearty welcome to the Capital of the Colony of Natal , and particularly to this Lodge , of which you are Patron .
" It is with peculiar and especial pleasure that we have assembled to greet your Lordship on this occasion , and we would desire to convey to you our deep sense of appreciation of the gracious support accorded to this Lodge by those bearing your distinguished name , dating , in fact , from its
formation , when , on the application of the Foundation Master , your noble father was pleased to become its Patron , and upon his lamented decease your Lordship graciously continued that patronage . " The name of the late Lord Lathom is well known and
held in high esteem throughout the whole Masonic world of English speaking Masons , and the honour accorded this Lodge by that illustrious member of the Fraternity , and so kindly maintained by yourself , will ever be a matter of grateful remembrance , and we would venture to express the
hope that so long as the Lodge endures it will not lack a Patron from your noble house . '' We trust that this visit , although of such short duration , will prove to be of an enjoyable nature , a source of interesting experience in the present , and of happy recollections in
the time to come . "We have the honour to remain , " Yours ' faithfully , "WILL MATTHEW , I . P . M . " FRANK COLLIER , Secretary . "
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of The Frietuna Lodge, No. 2949.
Consecration of the Frietuna Lodge , No . 2949 .
ON Tuesday , May 12 th , Bro . Colonel Lockwood , M . P ., Provincial Grand Master of Essex , consecrated the Frietuna Lodge , No . 2949 , the promoters of which are members of the Golf Club at Frinton-on-Sea . By dispensation from H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , M . W . Grand Master , the ceremony took place at the Great Eastern Hotel ,
Liverpool Street , E . G ., the gallant Colonel being assisted by the Earl of Donoughmore , P . G . W ., as Deputy Provincial Grand Master—in the unavoidable absence of Bro . Claude E . Egerton-Green—Bros . Lewis Beale , Prov . S . G . W . ; H . A . Baxter , Prov . J . G . W . ; the Rev . C . E . Barnes , Prov . G .
Chaplain ; Thos . J . Railing , Prov . G . Secretary ; Albert Lucking , Prov . G . Director of Ceremonies ; and James Berry , Prov . A . G . Pursuivant . At its conclusion , Bro . A . Lucking installed as first Worshipful Master of the lodge , Bro . Vesey Fitzgerald , K . C , P . D . G . R ., who invested as his officers the following brethren : —Bros . Sydney Davis , P . M . 25 , S . W . ; Arthur S .
Main , J . W . 2744 , J . W . ; A . R . Chamberlayne , P . P . G . R ., Treasurer ; William Walden , Secretary ; Samuel James , J . D . 2 7 , S . D . ; A . Lewis Browne , J . D . ; A . G . Browne , I . G . ; C . J . Gilbert , Organist ; R . Ashmore Cooper and Francis Cooper , Stewards ; and Geo . Gooch , Tyler . A vote of thanks was passed to the Provincial Grand
Master and those who assisted him in the ceremony , and they were all elected honorary members . The Worshipful Master was elected to represent the lodge on the Essex Provincial Charity Committee ; and a committee having been formed to frame by-laws , the lodge business was closed .
About sixty brethren afterwards dined together in the handsome Norfolk room of the hotel , a very elegant repast being well served under the direction of Bro . Amendt , the courteous and able manager . The usual Masonic toasts were duly honoured , and all the speakers expressed their hope that the lodge so auspiciously started might have a long and prosperous future .
Skelmersdale Lodge, No. 1729. —Reception Of The Earl Of Lathom.
Skelmersdale Lodge , No . 1729 . —Reception of the Earl of Lathom .
MONDAY , the 9 th clay of March , was a red-letter day in the history of the Skelmersdale Lodge , No . 1729 , meeting at Pietermaritzburg , Natal , South Africa , the occasion being the reception and entertainment of the patron of the lodge , Colonel the Right Hon . the Earl of Lathom , Provincial Grand Master for West Lancashire , and Past
Grand Warden of England . When the Skelmersdale Lodge was formed in the year 1877 , the then Baron Skelmersdale ( afterwards created Earl of Lathom ) , who at that time was Deputy Grand Master of England , graciously gave permission for the lodge to bear his name , and also to use his arms and
armorial bearings , at the same time accepting the position of patron of the lodge . On his decease , the present Earl , in response to a request preferred by the lodge , agreed to continue the patronage of his uoble house , and it was therefore with no little pride that the members of the
Skelmersdale Lodge received an intimation from his lordship , who was making a brief tour through South Africa , that he would be pleased to accept their invitation to attend an emergency meeting of the lodge , convened especially for the purpose of meeting him . A deputation from the lodge ,
consisting of Bros . W . Matthew , P . M . ( acting Master of the lodge ); S . Stranack ( Town Clerk of the City and J . P . ) , P . M . ; W . J . O'Brien ( City Councillor and J . P . ) , P . M . ; Sowersby
J . Mason ( Mayor of Maritzburg ) , P . M . ; Cecil Holliday ( City Councillor and J . P . ) , P . M . ; G . H . Edmonds , P . M . " ; H . W . Wade , P . M . ; O . Dimmick , P . M . ; F . G Pennellsj S . W . ; W . H . Loney , J . W . ; F . C . Loney , D . C . ; F . Collier , Secretary ; and G . G . Hard } -, J . D ., met the distinguished guest on his arrival in the capital city of Natal , and
subsequently his lordship , who was accompanied by his brother , the Hon . Reginald Wilbraham , P . M . 2682 ; W . B . Marcus , P . M . 2918 ; and Capt . Smitheman , 1703 , attended a meeting of the lodge , at which over a hundred brethren were present . The District Grand Master of the
English Constitution ( Bro . Wesley Francis ) , and the District Grand Master of the Scottish Constitution ( Bro . J . Fraser ) , attended with their District Grand Officers , and among other distinguished guests present were Bro . Edward Terry , Past Grand Treasurer of England , and Bro . C . W . P .
Douglasde-Fenzi , Past Grand Deacon of England and District Grand Secretary of Natal . In the regretted absence of the Worshipful Master ( Bro . R . J . Marshall ) , who was prevented by ill-health from being present , the chair of the lodge was taken by Bro . Matthew , the I . P . M ., who was supported by the
following Past Masters of the lodge : —Bros . S . Stranack ( foundation Master ) , P . D . G . W . ; G H . Edmonds , P . D . G . W . ; T . Reid , D . S . G . W . ; W . J . O'Brien , P . D . G . W ., President of the District Board of General Purposes ; H . Wade , P . D . G . D . ; A . W . Rowsell , P . D . G . D . ; Sowersby J . Mason , P . D . G . W ., District Grand Treasurer ; Cecil Holliday , P . D . G . Std . Br . ;
J . Stewart , P . D . G . P . ; O . Dimmick , P . D . G . P . ; and G . J . Bouslield . During the proceedings in lodge the Earl of Lathom was presented with an illuminated address bound up in a handsome volume of Natal views . The address was as
follows : — " To the Right Hon . the Earl of Lathom , Baron Skelmersdale , Provincial Grand Master of West Lancashire , Past Grand Warden of England , & c , & c , & c . " My Lord and R . W . Sir , "We , the Worshipful Master , Officers , and
Brethren of the Skelmersdale Lodge , No . 1729 , holding under the registry of the Grand Lodge of England , wish to extend to you a most sincere and hearty welcome to the Capital of the Colony of Natal , and particularly to this Lodge , of which you are Patron .
" It is with peculiar and especial pleasure that we have assembled to greet your Lordship on this occasion , and we would desire to convey to you our deep sense of appreciation of the gracious support accorded to this Lodge by those bearing your distinguished name , dating , in fact , from its
formation , when , on the application of the Foundation Master , your noble father was pleased to become its Patron , and upon his lamented decease your Lordship graciously continued that patronage . " The name of the late Lord Lathom is well known and
held in high esteem throughout the whole Masonic world of English speaking Masons , and the honour accorded this Lodge by that illustrious member of the Fraternity , and so kindly maintained by yourself , will ever be a matter of grateful remembrance , and we would venture to express the
hope that so long as the Lodge endures it will not lack a Patron from your noble house . '' We trust that this visit , although of such short duration , will prove to be of an enjoyable nature , a source of interesting experience in the present , and of happy recollections in
the time to come . "We have the honour to remain , " Yours ' faithfully , "WILL MATTHEW , I . P . M . " FRANK COLLIER , Secretary . "