Article Consecration of the Chapel of the Boys' School at Bushey. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of Essex. Page 1 of 1 Article The Citizen Lodge, No. 2911. Page 1 of 1
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Consecration Of The Chapel Of The Boys' School At Bushey.
one of the finest educational establishments throughout the world . He would have wished to have issued a larger number of invitations , but they could not accommodate more in the Hall . He wished to point out that , although their School was undenominational , the consecration of the chapel would make no difference in the School . The boys would have that elementary teaching which could not be harmful to boys of any denomination . At the next Festival he hoped to
celebrate his fiftieth Stewardship , and he wished to provide a sum of money to go into the ordinary coffers of the Institution ,, but sufficient to produce an income to maintain the chapel for all time . He thanked them all for their presence , and he hoped they would take an increased interest in the great Institution at Bushey , which they all had so much at heart . A confirmation service was afterwards held , at which about thirty boys were confirmed .
Provincial Grand Mark Lodge Of Essex.
Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of Essex .
ON Thursday , May 14 th , the Right Hon . the Earl of Warwick , Provincial Grand Master of the Mark Masons of Essex , visited Forest Gate , and held his annual Provincial Grand Lodge , under the banner of the West Ham Lodge , No . 4 67 . The meeting took place at the Public Hall ,
Woodgrange Road , and was largely attended . The minutes of the last meeting having been confirmed , the roll of lodges was called by the Provincial Grand Secretary , and all the eight comprising the province were found to be fully represented . Bro . John J . C . Turner , P . P . S . G . W ., presented the report
of the Board of General Purposes and moved its adoption . The report showed that there was a slight increase in the number of Mark Masons comprising the province , and the accounts showed a satisfactory balance in hand . The motion was seconded by Bro . J . Ramsey , P . A . G . D . C .,
P . P . G . W ., and unanimously carried . The Earl of Warwick addressed the brethren , expressing his gratification that there was such a large gathering to support him on that occasion . Owing to increased calls on his time he had felt compelled to resign his position as
Provincial Grand Master of Craft Masonry , but , as in the Mark Degree the lodges were less numerous , he had acceded to the wishes of the brethren that he should continue for
a little longer to rule over them . He remembered that it was but four years ago since their province was constituted , and he felt gratified they were holding their own , and that their finances were in every way satisfactory . It was with regret he had to announce that Colonel Lockwood , who had succeeded him as Provincial Grand Master of Craft Masonry ,
had felt that the increase of Masonic work consequent on that position , as well as his Parliamentary duties , compelled him to resign his position as Deputy in the Mark Degree . In that emergency he had invited Colonel Ward , of
Dovercourt , to undertake the position , and from the large number of members of the Harwich Lodge who had come that day to support the gallant Colonel , he felt sure that the appointment would be a popular one , for if a man was popular in his own locality it was a pretty good indication that he would be popular elsewhere . In conclusion , Lord
Warwick expressed the hope that the Masters of the various lodges would do all they could to promote the prosperity of the Order in their various localities . He then installed Bro . Colonel Ward into his office , and he received the hearty plaudits of the brethren .
The election of four members of the Board of General Purposes then took place , and Bro . J . H . Salter , P . M . 145 , was for the fifth time unanimously re-elected Provincial
Grand Treasurer . The Earl of Warwick then appointed the officers for the ensuing year as follows : —Bros . Colonel W . J . Burgess , Prov . S . GAV . ; Walter Fisher , Prov . J . G . W . ; Frederick England , Prov . G . M . O . ; W . H . Brough , Prov . S . G . O . ; Captain Walter , Prov . J . G . O . ; Canon Quennell , Prov . G .
Chaplain ; W . G . Blakemore , Prov . G . Registrar ; Thos . J . Railing , Prov . G . Secretary ; W . J . Johnstone , Prov . S . G . Deacon ; G . W . Pascall , Prov . J . G . Deacon ; R . Clowes , Prov . G . D . C . ; G . A . Harris , Prov . G . Swd . Br . ; W . G . Puttick ,. Prov . G . Organist ; Jas . Duffy , Prov . Asst . G . Secretary ; J . T .
Ward , Prov . G . I . G . ; Wm . Hy . Allerton and Frank H . Avent , Prov . G . Stewards ; and Arthur Wright , Prov . G . Tyler . Between fifty and sixty brethren afterwards dined together at the Princess Alice Hotel , under the genial presidency of the Earl of Warwick .
In the absence of Bro . R . Clowes , through indisposition , the position of Director of Ceremonies was ably filled by Bro . J . P . Lewin , P . G . Std . Br ., P . P . G . W .
The Citizen Lodge, No. 2911.
The Citizen Lodge , No . 2911 .
THE installation meeting of the above lodge was held at the Cannon Street Hotel on April 27 th , when Bro . H . Grimsdall installed his successor , Bro . W . Foxton , as Worshipful Master . The Worshipful Master appointed and invested his officers as follows : —Bros . Maurice Miroy , S . W . ; W . J . Lodge , J . W . ; the Rev . D . L . Scott , LL . D .,
Chaplain ; J . H . Merritt , P . M ., Treasurer ; H . Grimsdall , P . M ., Secretary and I . P . M . ; J . Seaman , P . M ., S . D . ; W . F . Millmaker , J . D . ; . Maurice Garland , I . G . ; C . B . Lumley , D . of C . ; R . Bellew , Organist ; W . B . Smith and C . H . Ellis , Stewards ; and J . Ellis , Tyler .
At the banquet which followed , after the usual loyal toasts , the Worshipful Master proposed that of "The Grand Officers , " which was responded to by Bro . G . Everett , P . G . Treasurer . The I . P . M ., in proposing the toast of " The Worshipful
Master , " said , although the lodge had only been consecrated twelve months ago , it had made excellent progress , and he had been relieved of all anxiety as to the coming year by the election of the present Worshipful Master , who , he was sure , would carry out his duties worthily and well .
The Worshipful Master , thanking the brethren for their kind reception of the toast , said he could not agree that he would hand over the lodge in a better state than he received
it , that was impossible , but he would do his utmost to carry out his obligation . He compared the lodge to a baby just casting aside its long clothes and beginning to toddle alone . He did not measure their success by the number of initiates , but desired rather to go slow and sure . He then proposed the toast of " The Installing Master , Bro . Grimsdall , " who
had given them a splendid start , and he wished he could express all his merits . In presenting him with the lirst Past Master ' s jewel , he hoped he would live long to wear it and look upon it as a pleasant souvenir . He then asked him to present a Past Master ' s jewel to the Acting I . P . M ., Bro .
Goldstein . Bro . Grimsdall said it was with pleasure he did so , and if he should go through another chair , he would not wish for a better I . P . M . He had been a pillar of strength . If he ( Bro . Grimsdall ) had been able to place the lodge on a firm
foundation , it was only with the help of the brethren , who had all pulled together . Bro . the Rev . D . L . Scott replied on behalf of the Past Masters . The Worshipful Master next proposed the toast of " The
Officers of the Lodge , " which was acknowledged by Bro . Seaman . The Tyler's toast brought a pleasant evening to a close .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Consecration Of The Chapel Of The Boys' School At Bushey.
one of the finest educational establishments throughout the world . He would have wished to have issued a larger number of invitations , but they could not accommodate more in the Hall . He wished to point out that , although their School was undenominational , the consecration of the chapel would make no difference in the School . The boys would have that elementary teaching which could not be harmful to boys of any denomination . At the next Festival he hoped to
celebrate his fiftieth Stewardship , and he wished to provide a sum of money to go into the ordinary coffers of the Institution ,, but sufficient to produce an income to maintain the chapel for all time . He thanked them all for their presence , and he hoped they would take an increased interest in the great Institution at Bushey , which they all had so much at heart . A confirmation service was afterwards held , at which about thirty boys were confirmed .
Provincial Grand Mark Lodge Of Essex.
Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of Essex .
ON Thursday , May 14 th , the Right Hon . the Earl of Warwick , Provincial Grand Master of the Mark Masons of Essex , visited Forest Gate , and held his annual Provincial Grand Lodge , under the banner of the West Ham Lodge , No . 4 67 . The meeting took place at the Public Hall ,
Woodgrange Road , and was largely attended . The minutes of the last meeting having been confirmed , the roll of lodges was called by the Provincial Grand Secretary , and all the eight comprising the province were found to be fully represented . Bro . John J . C . Turner , P . P . S . G . W ., presented the report
of the Board of General Purposes and moved its adoption . The report showed that there was a slight increase in the number of Mark Masons comprising the province , and the accounts showed a satisfactory balance in hand . The motion was seconded by Bro . J . Ramsey , P . A . G . D . C .,
P . P . G . W ., and unanimously carried . The Earl of Warwick addressed the brethren , expressing his gratification that there was such a large gathering to support him on that occasion . Owing to increased calls on his time he had felt compelled to resign his position as
Provincial Grand Master of Craft Masonry , but , as in the Mark Degree the lodges were less numerous , he had acceded to the wishes of the brethren that he should continue for
a little longer to rule over them . He remembered that it was but four years ago since their province was constituted , and he felt gratified they were holding their own , and that their finances were in every way satisfactory . It was with regret he had to announce that Colonel Lockwood , who had succeeded him as Provincial Grand Master of Craft Masonry ,
had felt that the increase of Masonic work consequent on that position , as well as his Parliamentary duties , compelled him to resign his position as Deputy in the Mark Degree . In that emergency he had invited Colonel Ward , of
Dovercourt , to undertake the position , and from the large number of members of the Harwich Lodge who had come that day to support the gallant Colonel , he felt sure that the appointment would be a popular one , for if a man was popular in his own locality it was a pretty good indication that he would be popular elsewhere . In conclusion , Lord
Warwick expressed the hope that the Masters of the various lodges would do all they could to promote the prosperity of the Order in their various localities . He then installed Bro . Colonel Ward into his office , and he received the hearty plaudits of the brethren .
The election of four members of the Board of General Purposes then took place , and Bro . J . H . Salter , P . M . 145 , was for the fifth time unanimously re-elected Provincial
Grand Treasurer . The Earl of Warwick then appointed the officers for the ensuing year as follows : —Bros . Colonel W . J . Burgess , Prov . S . GAV . ; Walter Fisher , Prov . J . G . W . ; Frederick England , Prov . G . M . O . ; W . H . Brough , Prov . S . G . O . ; Captain Walter , Prov . J . G . O . ; Canon Quennell , Prov . G .
Chaplain ; W . G . Blakemore , Prov . G . Registrar ; Thos . J . Railing , Prov . G . Secretary ; W . J . Johnstone , Prov . S . G . Deacon ; G . W . Pascall , Prov . J . G . Deacon ; R . Clowes , Prov . G . D . C . ; G . A . Harris , Prov . G . Swd . Br . ; W . G . Puttick ,. Prov . G . Organist ; Jas . Duffy , Prov . Asst . G . Secretary ; J . T .
Ward , Prov . G . I . G . ; Wm . Hy . Allerton and Frank H . Avent , Prov . G . Stewards ; and Arthur Wright , Prov . G . Tyler . Between fifty and sixty brethren afterwards dined together at the Princess Alice Hotel , under the genial presidency of the Earl of Warwick .
In the absence of Bro . R . Clowes , through indisposition , the position of Director of Ceremonies was ably filled by Bro . J . P . Lewin , P . G . Std . Br ., P . P . G . W .
The Citizen Lodge, No. 2911.
The Citizen Lodge , No . 2911 .
THE installation meeting of the above lodge was held at the Cannon Street Hotel on April 27 th , when Bro . H . Grimsdall installed his successor , Bro . W . Foxton , as Worshipful Master . The Worshipful Master appointed and invested his officers as follows : —Bros . Maurice Miroy , S . W . ; W . J . Lodge , J . W . ; the Rev . D . L . Scott , LL . D .,
Chaplain ; J . H . Merritt , P . M ., Treasurer ; H . Grimsdall , P . M ., Secretary and I . P . M . ; J . Seaman , P . M ., S . D . ; W . F . Millmaker , J . D . ; . Maurice Garland , I . G . ; C . B . Lumley , D . of C . ; R . Bellew , Organist ; W . B . Smith and C . H . Ellis , Stewards ; and J . Ellis , Tyler .
At the banquet which followed , after the usual loyal toasts , the Worshipful Master proposed that of "The Grand Officers , " which was responded to by Bro . G . Everett , P . G . Treasurer . The I . P . M ., in proposing the toast of " The Worshipful
Master , " said , although the lodge had only been consecrated twelve months ago , it had made excellent progress , and he had been relieved of all anxiety as to the coming year by the election of the present Worshipful Master , who , he was sure , would carry out his duties worthily and well .
The Worshipful Master , thanking the brethren for their kind reception of the toast , said he could not agree that he would hand over the lodge in a better state than he received
it , that was impossible , but he would do his utmost to carry out his obligation . He compared the lodge to a baby just casting aside its long clothes and beginning to toddle alone . He did not measure their success by the number of initiates , but desired rather to go slow and sure . He then proposed the toast of " The Installing Master , Bro . Grimsdall , " who
had given them a splendid start , and he wished he could express all his merits . In presenting him with the lirst Past Master ' s jewel , he hoped he would live long to wear it and look upon it as a pleasant souvenir . He then asked him to present a Past Master ' s jewel to the Acting I . P . M ., Bro .
Goldstein . Bro . Grimsdall said it was with pleasure he did so , and if he should go through another chair , he would not wish for a better I . P . M . He had been a pillar of strength . If he ( Bro . Grimsdall ) had been able to place the lodge on a firm
foundation , it was only with the help of the brethren , who had all pulled together . Bro . the Rev . D . L . Scott replied on behalf of the Past Masters . The Worshipful Master next proposed the toast of " The
Officers of the Lodge , " which was acknowledged by Bro . Seaman . The Tyler's toast brought a pleasant evening to a close .