Article History of the Lodge of Emulation , No. 21. ← Page 3 of 4 →
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History Of The Lodge Of Emulation , No. 21.
vouched for by some well known brother , or producing a certificate from a regular Grand Lodge as a proof of identity . 1868 , Feb . 17 th . — " Bro . T . R . White , P . AL and P . G . D ., . generously presented to the Lodge printed copies of the Book of Constitutions of the following dates , altogether twelve
volumes viz ., istEdition of 1723 , —reprint of 2 nd Edition , 1746 , —3 rd Edition , 1756 ,-4111 Edition , 1767 ,-5111 Edition , 1784 , —6 th Edition ( after the union ) 1815—also Editions of 1827—1841—1847—1853— 185 S—1 S 61 . A vote of thanks was passed to Bro . White for his very
valuable gift , " the value of which was much enhanced by the books having been bequeathed by the late Grand Secretary . " At the April meeting , William Wing P . AL , following the example of the previous donor , presented the lodge with a copy of the very rare edition of the Constitutions of 1738 and
, some curious copies of the Old Freemasons Calendar , for which he received the thanks of the Lodge . 1869 , March 15 . — " A letter was read from the Secretaries of the Zetland Commemoration Fund , stating that it was intended by the M . W . the Grand Master to apply the fund
to provide for the relief of distinguished Brothers who may become distressed , their widows or relatives depending on them , the fund to be called " The Zetland Fund . On 16 th November 1868 , the Lodge had voted Five Guineas to this Fund , which was inaugurated to commemorate the 25 th year of the Grand Mastership of the Earl of Zetland .
GRIFFITHS SMITH , W . MASTER OF THE I . ODGF OF KML'J . ATIO . V , lS / 2 , ASST . G . D . CKKI ' MOXII'S , 1 884 . 1870 , Feb . 21 . —After considerable discussion and several amendments it was resolved that the Initiation and Joining Fees be , £ 8 8 s . in each case .
In previous Inventories of the Lodge property a Lodge die Seal had been mentioned , as well as the smaller Seal for the use of the Secretary but this year the former is omitted from the list , and it does not reappear therein , the inference is that it had been lost , which is greatly to be regretted .
April 18 th . — " Bro . R . Berriclge proposed , and Bro . J . K . Stead seconded that ' A Committee be formed for the purpose ¦ of consulting together and advising as to the expediency of having a Summer entertainment to which ladies may be invited , and to report to next Lodge . " This motion was
carried and a Committee of eight appointed forthwith . The report was read at the Alay meeting to the following purport , " That this Committee do not deem it expedient ( in deference to the expressed opinion of several members of the Lodge ) to invite ladies to a Summer Banquet , but they recommend that the Lodge do dine together in the country in June or July next at an expense not exceeding 21 - per head ,
and that a Sub Committee be appointed to carry out the arrangements . " The report was adopted on condition " that no portion of the expenses is to be defrayed by the lodge . " This was one of the earliest attempts in the Metropolis to inaugurate a
practice which has since become popular , —that of propitiating the ladies by inviting them to a recreation banquet . 1871 , Jan . 16 th . — On this occasion the Lodge was summoned at the unusually early hour of 12 o ' clock for the purpose of installing T . Davies Sewell as W . Alaster , which
having been done and the officers appointed , the meeting was adjourned till 5 o ' clock , when the business was resumed . " Allusion was made by some of the Brethren to the fact of the Lodge having been summoned at 12 , Noon , when the late W . ALBro . Aleggy , explained that in the exercise of his
, prerogative he had clone so because Bro . Sewell , the W . AL elect was unable to attend in the evening to be installed in consequence of his duties elsewhere as a public officer , and unless installed on this day he would not be qualified hereafter
to attend Grand Lodge as a P . AL ' This explanation was deemed quite satisfactory . Alay 15 th . —The minutes of this meeting contain an item of so unusual a character , for the Lodge of Emulation , that I am tempted to place it on record . A certain brother who appears to have been of a somewhat cantankerous disposition
had quarrelled with another member and had been virtually " sent to Coventry " by the brethren , who evidently desired to be rid of him , but in spite of sundry inducements to resign , he had persistently refused to do so . This unpleasantness had been going on for about five years , and doubtless the
members were not a little pleased when , on the clay above mentioned , a letter was read tending his resignation . ' It was moved , seconded , and carried unanimously , ' That Bro . R . B . ' s resignation be accepted , and that the Brethren view with great satisfaction his ultimate though too
long deferred retirement from the Lodge . ' " It was then unanimously resolved , " That a copy of this Resolution be transmitted to Bro . R . B . "
Oct . 16 th . —It w ; ts moved , seconded and resolved unanimously , " That a vote of congratulation be given to the W . Alaster , [ T . Davies Sewell ] on the occasion of his marriage . " 1872 , Jan . 15 th . —It was resolved unanimously , " That the
sum of £ 5 5 s . be given out of the Charity Fund to the Fund which is now being raised for the relief of three of the daughters of the late Bro . Stephen Barton Wilson . " At this meeting it was resolved to increase the Initiation Fee from £ 8 8 s . to £ 10 10 s , and the Joining Fee from £ 8 8 s . to £ 21 ,
and that the yearly subscription be raised from £ 4 4 s . to £ 5 5 s ., and of that increased subscription at least 10- be appropriated to Charity each year . It was also resolved , " That the circulation of the Charity Box at the Banquets be discontinued , and that the Cabinet purchased by Bro . T .
Taylor , P . AL , be paid for out of the Funds of the Lodge . " 1873 , April 21 st . — " Brother H . J . Godclen , P . AL , proposed , and Brother Griffiths Smith , P . AL , seconded , and it was carried unanimously , 'That the 150 th Anniversary be celebrated on the 26 th Ala } ' next at such place as the Committee may
suggest , and that each Brother be entitled to attend on payment of 25 ' -, the Lodge providing an additional sum , not exceeding 10 / - for each member attending , visitors' fee on invitation of Brethren , being 35 / - . '" A Committee , consisting of the Alaster , Wardens , Treasurer , Secretary , two Past Alasters , and one lay member , was then appointed to make the necessary arrangements .
Oct . 20 th . —A vote of thanks was passed to " Brothers Henry J . Godclen , P . AL , Griffiths Smith , P . AI , and Thomas Davies Sewell , P . AL , for the great care and attention they gave to the arrangements for the celebration of the 150 th Anniversary of the Lodge of Emulation , by which the Meeting was brought to a happy and successful issue . "
Brackstone Baker ( who seems to have been looked upon as the Litterateur of the Lodge ) was then requested to draw up an account of the commemoration of the 150 th Anniversary of Lodge , which he readily undertook to do . The
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History Of The Lodge Of Emulation , No. 21.
vouched for by some well known brother , or producing a certificate from a regular Grand Lodge as a proof of identity . 1868 , Feb . 17 th . — " Bro . T . R . White , P . AL and P . G . D ., . generously presented to the Lodge printed copies of the Book of Constitutions of the following dates , altogether twelve
volumes viz ., istEdition of 1723 , —reprint of 2 nd Edition , 1746 , —3 rd Edition , 1756 ,-4111 Edition , 1767 ,-5111 Edition , 1784 , —6 th Edition ( after the union ) 1815—also Editions of 1827—1841—1847—1853— 185 S—1 S 61 . A vote of thanks was passed to Bro . White for his very
valuable gift , " the value of which was much enhanced by the books having been bequeathed by the late Grand Secretary . " At the April meeting , William Wing P . AL , following the example of the previous donor , presented the lodge with a copy of the very rare edition of the Constitutions of 1738 and
, some curious copies of the Old Freemasons Calendar , for which he received the thanks of the Lodge . 1869 , March 15 . — " A letter was read from the Secretaries of the Zetland Commemoration Fund , stating that it was intended by the M . W . the Grand Master to apply the fund
to provide for the relief of distinguished Brothers who may become distressed , their widows or relatives depending on them , the fund to be called " The Zetland Fund . On 16 th November 1868 , the Lodge had voted Five Guineas to this Fund , which was inaugurated to commemorate the 25 th year of the Grand Mastership of the Earl of Zetland .
GRIFFITHS SMITH , W . MASTER OF THE I . ODGF OF KML'J . ATIO . V , lS / 2 , ASST . G . D . CKKI ' MOXII'S , 1 884 . 1870 , Feb . 21 . —After considerable discussion and several amendments it was resolved that the Initiation and Joining Fees be , £ 8 8 s . in each case .
In previous Inventories of the Lodge property a Lodge die Seal had been mentioned , as well as the smaller Seal for the use of the Secretary but this year the former is omitted from the list , and it does not reappear therein , the inference is that it had been lost , which is greatly to be regretted .
April 18 th . — " Bro . R . Berriclge proposed , and Bro . J . K . Stead seconded that ' A Committee be formed for the purpose ¦ of consulting together and advising as to the expediency of having a Summer entertainment to which ladies may be invited , and to report to next Lodge . " This motion was
carried and a Committee of eight appointed forthwith . The report was read at the Alay meeting to the following purport , " That this Committee do not deem it expedient ( in deference to the expressed opinion of several members of the Lodge ) to invite ladies to a Summer Banquet , but they recommend that the Lodge do dine together in the country in June or July next at an expense not exceeding 21 - per head ,
and that a Sub Committee be appointed to carry out the arrangements . " The report was adopted on condition " that no portion of the expenses is to be defrayed by the lodge . " This was one of the earliest attempts in the Metropolis to inaugurate a
practice which has since become popular , —that of propitiating the ladies by inviting them to a recreation banquet . 1871 , Jan . 16 th . — On this occasion the Lodge was summoned at the unusually early hour of 12 o ' clock for the purpose of installing T . Davies Sewell as W . Alaster , which
having been done and the officers appointed , the meeting was adjourned till 5 o ' clock , when the business was resumed . " Allusion was made by some of the Brethren to the fact of the Lodge having been summoned at 12 , Noon , when the late W . ALBro . Aleggy , explained that in the exercise of his
, prerogative he had clone so because Bro . Sewell , the W . AL elect was unable to attend in the evening to be installed in consequence of his duties elsewhere as a public officer , and unless installed on this day he would not be qualified hereafter
to attend Grand Lodge as a P . AL ' This explanation was deemed quite satisfactory . Alay 15 th . —The minutes of this meeting contain an item of so unusual a character , for the Lodge of Emulation , that I am tempted to place it on record . A certain brother who appears to have been of a somewhat cantankerous disposition
had quarrelled with another member and had been virtually " sent to Coventry " by the brethren , who evidently desired to be rid of him , but in spite of sundry inducements to resign , he had persistently refused to do so . This unpleasantness had been going on for about five years , and doubtless the
members were not a little pleased when , on the clay above mentioned , a letter was read tending his resignation . ' It was moved , seconded , and carried unanimously , ' That Bro . R . B . ' s resignation be accepted , and that the Brethren view with great satisfaction his ultimate though too
long deferred retirement from the Lodge . ' " It was then unanimously resolved , " That a copy of this Resolution be transmitted to Bro . R . B . "
Oct . 16 th . —It w ; ts moved , seconded and resolved unanimously , " That a vote of congratulation be given to the W . Alaster , [ T . Davies Sewell ] on the occasion of his marriage . " 1872 , Jan . 15 th . —It was resolved unanimously , " That the
sum of £ 5 5 s . be given out of the Charity Fund to the Fund which is now being raised for the relief of three of the daughters of the late Bro . Stephen Barton Wilson . " At this meeting it was resolved to increase the Initiation Fee from £ 8 8 s . to £ 10 10 s , and the Joining Fee from £ 8 8 s . to £ 21 ,
and that the yearly subscription be raised from £ 4 4 s . to £ 5 5 s ., and of that increased subscription at least 10- be appropriated to Charity each year . It was also resolved , " That the circulation of the Charity Box at the Banquets be discontinued , and that the Cabinet purchased by Bro . T .
Taylor , P . AL , be paid for out of the Funds of the Lodge . " 1873 , April 21 st . — " Brother H . J . Godclen , P . AL , proposed , and Brother Griffiths Smith , P . AL , seconded , and it was carried unanimously , 'That the 150 th Anniversary be celebrated on the 26 th Ala } ' next at such place as the Committee may
suggest , and that each Brother be entitled to attend on payment of 25 ' -, the Lodge providing an additional sum , not exceeding 10 / - for each member attending , visitors' fee on invitation of Brethren , being 35 / - . '" A Committee , consisting of the Alaster , Wardens , Treasurer , Secretary , two Past Alasters , and one lay member , was then appointed to make the necessary arrangements .
Oct . 20 th . —A vote of thanks was passed to " Brothers Henry J . Godclen , P . AL , Griffiths Smith , P . AI , and Thomas Davies Sewell , P . AL , for the great care and attention they gave to the arrangements for the celebration of the 150 th Anniversary of the Lodge of Emulation , by which the Meeting was brought to a happy and successful issue . "
Brackstone Baker ( who seems to have been looked upon as the Litterateur of the Lodge ) was then requested to draw up an account of the commemoration of the 150 th Anniversary of Lodge , which he readily undertook to do . The