Article At the Sign of the perfect Ashlar ← Page 3 of 3 Article At the Sign of the perfect Ashlar Page 3 of 3 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
The American Tvlei is responsible for the statement that the Turkish Freemasons have lately addressed an appeal to King Edward on behalf of ex-Sultan Alourad , elder brother of the present ruler of Turkey . The appeal refers to him as " one who , for the last quarter of a century , has been
imprisoned on the pretext of a mental malady , " and begs King Edward to use his inlluence to secure " the freedom of a brother Mason . " It goes on to say , " It is fortunate that before the petition had reached its destination King Edward had surrendered the Grand Alastership of English Freemasons to the Duke of Connaught , and had severed his
connection with the Craft , otherwise he would have been placed in an exceedingly awkward position , since his Alasonic obligations would have clashed with the political interests of his kingdom . "
The writer in our usually well-informed and instructive contemporary must , we think , have drawn largely on his imagination in the above statement , but it serves to provide him for a reason for the retirement of His Majesty from the active government of the Order . " It is , " he says , " for the
purpose of avoiding just such quandaries as these that old world Sovereigns find it convenient to sever their connection with the Craft on ascending the throne , and King Edward had only followed the example of the King of Sweden , the Emperor of Germany , of Emperor Frederick , of the King of
Denmark , and of several of the Sovereigns of the German confederation . " And this is how Alasonic history is sometimes written !
We take leave to doubt whether any such petition has been received by His Alajesty , and we entertain much stronger doubts whether , if received while King Edward was still Grand Alaster , it would have placed him in such a quandary as the writer suggests , for it is a canon of English
Freemasonry , and we had fondly imagined also of the American Craft , that no interference with politics is permitted , and such a petition , therefore , could not have been entertained . Neither is it a fact that His Alajesty has severed his connection with the Craft ; on the contrary , he
has graciously accepted the title of Protector of the Order , and judging from the past , the Protectorate will be a real one . The statement with regard to the other crowned heads of Europe is also misleading , if not altogether devoid of truth . We had not heard that King Oscar had resigned the Grand Alastership of Sweden or Norway ; neither were we aware
that the German Emperor had ever been Grand Alaster of any Grand Body in Germany . Seriously our contemporary should put some little check on its too imaginative contributor .
Bro . W . Burdett Coutts , ALP ., Past Grand Deacon , whose recent efforts in connection with the working of the hospitals in South Africa will be still fresh in our minds , is , we are sorry to hear , still confined to his room , although he is making decided recovery from a rather severe illness . The rank
of Senior Grand Deacon was conferred on Bro . Burdett Coutts in 1887 . The limited accommodation of the Temple was taxed to its utmost at the last meeting of Grand Lodge , the large
attendance being chielly due to the annual election of members of the Board of General Purposes . We cannot help thinking that the question of the provision of further space for our legislative assembl y will soon have to be faced , for it is needless to say that at present , onl y a very small
proportion of the brethren qualified to attend Grand Lodge can be sealed there . It will be remembered that when additional premises were acquired by Grand Lodge last year at the rear of Freemasons' Hall , mention was made from the dais of the possible extension of our Temple , so that the authorities are , we have no doubt , quite alive to the situation .
At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
We have received from Bro . General J . Carson Smith the Venerable Chief of the Alasonic Veteran Association of Illinois , the following copy of a letter from Lord Lansdowne , acknowledging- the receipt of an address from that body to His Alajesty the King : — " Foreign Office , London ,
" Alay 13 th , 1901 . " Sir , —I duly laid before the King , my Sovereign , your letter of the 2 nd ultimo , transmitting an address which the Alasonic Association of Illinois desired to present to His Alajesty , as a token of their respect for Her late Alajesty Queen Victoria , and in which they also express their good
wishes on the occasion of His Alajesty's accession to the Throne . And I have received the King's commands to reques ' : you to be good enough to convey to the members of the Alasonic Veteran Association of Illinois , his sincere thanks for their message of sympathy and good-will , which
His Alajesty has received with high appreciation . " I am , Sir , " Your most humble servant , " LANSDOWNE . " General J . C . Smith , " 6 5 , Sibley Street , " Chicago . "
To advertise your Alasonic affiliations with your business is not only poor taste , but it is a sin against Masonry . Alasonry has no connection with business . It is as distant as possible from all pecuniary considerations . Business is business ; Alasonry is quite a different thing—entirel y
incompatible with it , keep them distinct . It is all very well to desire your brother to assist you by doing business with you , but if you cannot conduct your business successfull y without the aid that comes from your connection with Alasonry , you would better give up your business . There is one thing and only one that should commend you to the
buying public , and that is the merit of the article you have to sell . Advertising your Alasonic affiliations with your business is not much better as a business proposition than as a Alasonic proposition . Keep your business and your Alasonry separate and distinct—in this respect at least . Both will be the healthier for the separation . This is the advice of the American Tyler , with which we cordially agree .
We note that the New Palace Steamers have resumed their pleasant seaside trips , and that the " Royal Sovereign " sails daily ( Fridays excepted ) , with its freight of jaded Londoners to the sunny shores of Margate and Ramsgate . It
is also announced that on June 26 th the Continental trips will commence , the favourite , " La Marguerite , " under the command of our genial Bro . Fishenden , will sail on that clay , and each succeeding clay , for Boulogne and Ostend .
MUSIC IN OUR LODGE CEREMONIES . The Hicks-Beach Masonic Musical Service FOR THE THREE DEC , RICKS OF CRAFT MASONRY . THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE SERVICE EVER PUBLISHED . Selected and arranged by Won . Buo . HAROLD CADLI :, W . M . Zetland Lodge , 1005 . Prov . Grand Organist Gloucestershire . Music composed l > v BKOS . C . H . LLOYD , Mtis , Doc , Kiev . G . C . E . RYLKY , M . A ., Mus . B : ic , HAKOLD CADLE , and other well-known Organists . A great assistance to the Dignified rendering of the Ceremonies . 40 pages Imperial 4 to , strongly bound cloth , price 2 / -. SPENCER & . CO ,, 15 , Gt . Queen Street , London , W . C .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
The American Tvlei is responsible for the statement that the Turkish Freemasons have lately addressed an appeal to King Edward on behalf of ex-Sultan Alourad , elder brother of the present ruler of Turkey . The appeal refers to him as " one who , for the last quarter of a century , has been
imprisoned on the pretext of a mental malady , " and begs King Edward to use his inlluence to secure " the freedom of a brother Mason . " It goes on to say , " It is fortunate that before the petition had reached its destination King Edward had surrendered the Grand Alastership of English Freemasons to the Duke of Connaught , and had severed his
connection with the Craft , otherwise he would have been placed in an exceedingly awkward position , since his Alasonic obligations would have clashed with the political interests of his kingdom . "
The writer in our usually well-informed and instructive contemporary must , we think , have drawn largely on his imagination in the above statement , but it serves to provide him for a reason for the retirement of His Majesty from the active government of the Order . " It is , " he says , " for the
purpose of avoiding just such quandaries as these that old world Sovereigns find it convenient to sever their connection with the Craft on ascending the throne , and King Edward had only followed the example of the King of Sweden , the Emperor of Germany , of Emperor Frederick , of the King of
Denmark , and of several of the Sovereigns of the German confederation . " And this is how Alasonic history is sometimes written !
We take leave to doubt whether any such petition has been received by His Alajesty , and we entertain much stronger doubts whether , if received while King Edward was still Grand Alaster , it would have placed him in such a quandary as the writer suggests , for it is a canon of English
Freemasonry , and we had fondly imagined also of the American Craft , that no interference with politics is permitted , and such a petition , therefore , could not have been entertained . Neither is it a fact that His Alajesty has severed his connection with the Craft ; on the contrary , he
has graciously accepted the title of Protector of the Order , and judging from the past , the Protectorate will be a real one . The statement with regard to the other crowned heads of Europe is also misleading , if not altogether devoid of truth . We had not heard that King Oscar had resigned the Grand Alastership of Sweden or Norway ; neither were we aware
that the German Emperor had ever been Grand Alaster of any Grand Body in Germany . Seriously our contemporary should put some little check on its too imaginative contributor .
Bro . W . Burdett Coutts , ALP ., Past Grand Deacon , whose recent efforts in connection with the working of the hospitals in South Africa will be still fresh in our minds , is , we are sorry to hear , still confined to his room , although he is making decided recovery from a rather severe illness . The rank
of Senior Grand Deacon was conferred on Bro . Burdett Coutts in 1887 . The limited accommodation of the Temple was taxed to its utmost at the last meeting of Grand Lodge , the large
attendance being chielly due to the annual election of members of the Board of General Purposes . We cannot help thinking that the question of the provision of further space for our legislative assembl y will soon have to be faced , for it is needless to say that at present , onl y a very small
proportion of the brethren qualified to attend Grand Lodge can be sealed there . It will be remembered that when additional premises were acquired by Grand Lodge last year at the rear of Freemasons' Hall , mention was made from the dais of the possible extension of our Temple , so that the authorities are , we have no doubt , quite alive to the situation .
At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
We have received from Bro . General J . Carson Smith the Venerable Chief of the Alasonic Veteran Association of Illinois , the following copy of a letter from Lord Lansdowne , acknowledging- the receipt of an address from that body to His Alajesty the King : — " Foreign Office , London ,
" Alay 13 th , 1901 . " Sir , —I duly laid before the King , my Sovereign , your letter of the 2 nd ultimo , transmitting an address which the Alasonic Association of Illinois desired to present to His Alajesty , as a token of their respect for Her late Alajesty Queen Victoria , and in which they also express their good
wishes on the occasion of His Alajesty's accession to the Throne . And I have received the King's commands to reques ' : you to be good enough to convey to the members of the Alasonic Veteran Association of Illinois , his sincere thanks for their message of sympathy and good-will , which
His Alajesty has received with high appreciation . " I am , Sir , " Your most humble servant , " LANSDOWNE . " General J . C . Smith , " 6 5 , Sibley Street , " Chicago . "
To advertise your Alasonic affiliations with your business is not only poor taste , but it is a sin against Masonry . Alasonry has no connection with business . It is as distant as possible from all pecuniary considerations . Business is business ; Alasonry is quite a different thing—entirel y
incompatible with it , keep them distinct . It is all very well to desire your brother to assist you by doing business with you , but if you cannot conduct your business successfull y without the aid that comes from your connection with Alasonry , you would better give up your business . There is one thing and only one that should commend you to the
buying public , and that is the merit of the article you have to sell . Advertising your Alasonic affiliations with your business is not much better as a business proposition than as a Alasonic proposition . Keep your business and your Alasonry separate and distinct—in this respect at least . Both will be the healthier for the separation . This is the advice of the American Tyler , with which we cordially agree .
We note that the New Palace Steamers have resumed their pleasant seaside trips , and that the " Royal Sovereign " sails daily ( Fridays excepted ) , with its freight of jaded Londoners to the sunny shores of Margate and Ramsgate . It
is also announced that on June 26 th the Continental trips will commence , the favourite , " La Marguerite , " under the command of our genial Bro . Fishenden , will sail on that clay , and each succeeding clay , for Boulogne and Ostend .
MUSIC IN OUR LODGE CEREMONIES . The Hicks-Beach Masonic Musical Service FOR THE THREE DEC , RICKS OF CRAFT MASONRY . THE MOST COMPREHENSIVE SERVICE EVER PUBLISHED . Selected and arranged by Won . Buo . HAROLD CADLI :, W . M . Zetland Lodge , 1005 . Prov . Grand Organist Gloucestershire . Music composed l > v BKOS . C . H . LLOYD , Mtis , Doc , Kiev . G . C . E . RYLKY , M . A ., Mus . B : ic , HAKOLD CADLE , and other well-known Organists . A great assistance to the Dignified rendering of the Ceremonies . 40 pages Imperial 4 to , strongly bound cloth , price 2 / -. SPENCER & . CO ,, 15 , Gt . Queen Street , London , W . C .