Article The New Past Grand Officers.—(London.) ← Page 4 of 5 →
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The New Past Grand Officers.—(London.)
Bro . Thomas Francis Peacock was initiated in the Lodge of Emulation , No . 21 , and became W . M . in 188 3 . In the same Year he represented the lodge on the Board of Grand Stewards . He subsequently joined the Berkhampstead Lodge , No . 504 , and the Shirley Woolmer Lodge , No . 2530 , Sidcup . He is also a member of the Correspondence Circle
of the Ouatuor Coronati Lodge , No . 2076 . As a Royal Arch Mason lie was exalted in the Cvrus Chapter attached to the Lodge of Emulation in 1877 , and in 188 7 was installed as AI . E . Z . He has served three Stewardships for the Charities and is a Life Governor of each .
Bro . Illtyd Prichard was initiated in the Canterbury Lodge , No . 16 35 , in 1881 , and four years later was installed as W . AI . He was exalted in the Friends in Council Royal Arch Chapter in 18 91 , and became First Principal in 18 9 6 . In the same year he took part in founding the Canterbury Chapter , No . 16 35 , and was its first AI . E . Z . Bro . Prichard is a Life Governor of the three Charitable Institutions .
Bro . Arthur G . Sandberg , AI . D ., was initiated in the Unanimity Lodge , No . 102 , in 18 7 6 , and joined Fidelity Lodge , No . 3 , in 1886 , of which he became W . M . in 18 93 . In Royal Arch Masonry he was exalted in the Carnarvon Chapter , No . 1572 , in 1887 , filling the chair of First Principal in 18 9 6 . In 18 99 he received the appointment of
Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies in Supreme Grand Chapter . Bro . Sandberg has been a member of the Board of General Purposes since 18 93 , and in 1901 was elected Vice-President . He is a Life Governor of each of the Charities , and has served three Stewardships .
Bro . F . C . Van Duzer is , we believe , the first American citizen to receive an appointment to Grand rank in the Grand Lodge of England , and is well known as the Hon . Secretary and a Past President of the American Society in London . In addition to this he is Chairman of the Queen Victoria National Memorial Fund , and is Hon . Secretary of the
Royal Normal College and Academy of Alusic for the Blind , Upper Norwood , where upwards of 160 pupils are trained annually . Bro . Van Duzer was initiated in the Canterbury
liKO . V . I ' . VAN DIZER .
Lodge , No . 16 35 , in 188 9 , and became W . AI . in 18 97 . He was a founder of the Columbia Lodge , No . 2397 , in 18 9 6 , as well as of the Richard Eve Lodge , No . 2772 ; the Kirby
Lodge , No . 2818 ; and the Jubilee Alasters Lodge , No . 2 7 , of which distinguished lodge he is now the W . AI . In Royal Arch Masonry Bro . Van Duzer is a member of the Anglo-American Chapter , No . 21 9 , in which he was exalted , as well as of the Columbia Chapter , No . 2397 , and the Canterbury Chapter , No . 16 35 , of which latter lie is a
P . Z . He has served eight Stewardships for the Charitable Institutions . Bro . George William Alarsden was initiated in the Sphinx Lodge , No . 1329 , in November , 1874 , and twelve years later was elected and installed W . AI . He has also been affiliated
with the Eton Lodge , No . 245 8 , and the Grafton Lodge , No . 2347 . In Royal Arch Masonry , to which he was exalted in the Sphinx Chapter , No . 1329 , on the 28 th October , 18 76 , he has had the honour of presiding as First Principal , having
been installed as such in 1891 . He is a Vice-Patron of the Boys' and Benevolent Institutions and a Life Governor of the Girls' School , and has served two Stewardships for each of the former and one for the latter .
Bro . Alihill Slaughter was initiated in the Watford Lodge No . 404 , and in 188 7 became W . AL , receiving the appointment in the following year of Prow J . G . W . of Hertfordshire . He is also a Royal Arch Mason and a P . Z . of the Watford Chapter , and was Prow Grand Registrar in 1891 . In 18 97
Comp . Slaughter received the Past rank of Grand Sword Bearer in Supreme Grand Chapter . He is a Life Governor of each of our Institutions , and iias served three Stewardships .
Bro . William Ihomas has just attained his majority as a Mason , having been initiated in 1881 in the Caxton Lodge , No . 1853 , joining afterwards the Urban Lodge , No . 1196 ; the Peace and Harmony , No . 60 ; the Galen , No . 2394 ; the Wharton , No . 2045 ; the Frederick West , No . 2222 ; the Derby Allcroft , No . 2168 ; and the Fellowshi p , No . 2535 ;
and of the four latter he has filled ( lie Alaster ' s chair . Bro . Thomas was e : ; a ! te : l in t ' . ie R ival Arch in the I ) nnatic Chapter , No . 177 , in 1883 , filling the First Principal's chair twice , viz ., in 1881 and 1892 . He is also a member of the Plnenix Chapter , No . 173 , and was AI . E . Z . in 18 9 6 . Bro . Thomas is a Vice-Patron of the Boys' School , a Vice-President of the Benevolent Institution , and a Life Governor of
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The New Past Grand Officers.—(London.)
Bro . Thomas Francis Peacock was initiated in the Lodge of Emulation , No . 21 , and became W . M . in 188 3 . In the same Year he represented the lodge on the Board of Grand Stewards . He subsequently joined the Berkhampstead Lodge , No . 504 , and the Shirley Woolmer Lodge , No . 2530 , Sidcup . He is also a member of the Correspondence Circle
of the Ouatuor Coronati Lodge , No . 2076 . As a Royal Arch Mason lie was exalted in the Cvrus Chapter attached to the Lodge of Emulation in 1877 , and in 188 7 was installed as AI . E . Z . He has served three Stewardships for the Charities and is a Life Governor of each .
Bro . Illtyd Prichard was initiated in the Canterbury Lodge , No . 16 35 , in 1881 , and four years later was installed as W . AI . He was exalted in the Friends in Council Royal Arch Chapter in 18 91 , and became First Principal in 18 9 6 . In the same year he took part in founding the Canterbury Chapter , No . 16 35 , and was its first AI . E . Z . Bro . Prichard is a Life Governor of the three Charitable Institutions .
Bro . Arthur G . Sandberg , AI . D ., was initiated in the Unanimity Lodge , No . 102 , in 18 7 6 , and joined Fidelity Lodge , No . 3 , in 1886 , of which he became W . M . in 18 93 . In Royal Arch Masonry he was exalted in the Carnarvon Chapter , No . 1572 , in 1887 , filling the chair of First Principal in 18 9 6 . In 18 99 he received the appointment of
Deputy Grand Director of Ceremonies in Supreme Grand Chapter . Bro . Sandberg has been a member of the Board of General Purposes since 18 93 , and in 1901 was elected Vice-President . He is a Life Governor of each of the Charities , and has served three Stewardships .
Bro . F . C . Van Duzer is , we believe , the first American citizen to receive an appointment to Grand rank in the Grand Lodge of England , and is well known as the Hon . Secretary and a Past President of the American Society in London . In addition to this he is Chairman of the Queen Victoria National Memorial Fund , and is Hon . Secretary of the
Royal Normal College and Academy of Alusic for the Blind , Upper Norwood , where upwards of 160 pupils are trained annually . Bro . Van Duzer was initiated in the Canterbury
liKO . V . I ' . VAN DIZER .
Lodge , No . 16 35 , in 188 9 , and became W . AI . in 18 97 . He was a founder of the Columbia Lodge , No . 2397 , in 18 9 6 , as well as of the Richard Eve Lodge , No . 2772 ; the Kirby
Lodge , No . 2818 ; and the Jubilee Alasters Lodge , No . 2 7 , of which distinguished lodge he is now the W . AI . In Royal Arch Masonry Bro . Van Duzer is a member of the Anglo-American Chapter , No . 21 9 , in which he was exalted , as well as of the Columbia Chapter , No . 2397 , and the Canterbury Chapter , No . 16 35 , of which latter lie is a
P . Z . He has served eight Stewardships for the Charitable Institutions . Bro . George William Alarsden was initiated in the Sphinx Lodge , No . 1329 , in November , 1874 , and twelve years later was elected and installed W . AI . He has also been affiliated
with the Eton Lodge , No . 245 8 , and the Grafton Lodge , No . 2347 . In Royal Arch Masonry , to which he was exalted in the Sphinx Chapter , No . 1329 , on the 28 th October , 18 76 , he has had the honour of presiding as First Principal , having
been installed as such in 1891 . He is a Vice-Patron of the Boys' and Benevolent Institutions and a Life Governor of the Girls' School , and has served two Stewardships for each of the former and one for the latter .
Bro . Alihill Slaughter was initiated in the Watford Lodge No . 404 , and in 188 7 became W . AL , receiving the appointment in the following year of Prow J . G . W . of Hertfordshire . He is also a Royal Arch Mason and a P . Z . of the Watford Chapter , and was Prow Grand Registrar in 1891 . In 18 97
Comp . Slaughter received the Past rank of Grand Sword Bearer in Supreme Grand Chapter . He is a Life Governor of each of our Institutions , and iias served three Stewardships .
Bro . William Ihomas has just attained his majority as a Mason , having been initiated in 1881 in the Caxton Lodge , No . 1853 , joining afterwards the Urban Lodge , No . 1196 ; the Peace and Harmony , No . 60 ; the Galen , No . 2394 ; the Wharton , No . 2045 ; the Frederick West , No . 2222 ; the Derby Allcroft , No . 2168 ; and the Fellowshi p , No . 2535 ;
and of the four latter he has filled ( lie Alaster ' s chair . Bro . Thomas was e : ; a ! te : l in t ' . ie R ival Arch in the I ) nnatic Chapter , No . 177 , in 1883 , filling the First Principal's chair twice , viz ., in 1881 and 1892 . He is also a member of the Plnenix Chapter , No . 173 , and was AI . E . Z . in 18 9 6 . Bro . Thomas is a Vice-Patron of the Boys' School , a Vice-President of the Benevolent Institution , and a Life Governor of