Article The New Past Grand Officers.—(London.) ← Page 5 of 5 Article Societas Rosicruciana in Ang lia.—York College. Page 1 of 1
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The New Past Grand Officers.—(London.)
the Girls School . He moreover enjoys , we imagine , the unique distinction of having qualified his son a Vice-President of the BOYS' School when seven weeks old . Bro . T . Blanco White , was initiated i : i Al-mnt Aloriah
Lodge , No . 34 , in 18 S 2 , and afterwards joined the Fulliam Lodge , No . 2512 ( of which he became W . AI . in 1894 ) , and the Putney Lodge , No . 27 66 . Asa Royal Arch Mas in he wasexalted in St . Ambrose Chapter , No . 1891 , in 1885 , joined the Afount Aloriah Chapter , No . 34 , in 18 91 , and has filled the chair of
First Principal in each . Bro . Blanco White has served no less than thirty-one Stewardships , and is a Patron of the Boys' School , and a Vice-Patron of both the Girls' School and the Benevolent Institution .
PAST GRAND STANDARD BEARERS . Bro . F . Atkinson Powell , although he commenced his Alasonic career in the Provinces , may now be fairly classed among Aletropolitan Alasons . He was initiated in the Loyal Alonmouth Lodge , No . 457 , in 1883 , becoming W . AI . in 1887 .
joined the Globe Lodge No . 2 ^ , in 18 91 , and in the same vear took part in founding the Hiram Lodge , No . 2416 , of which lodge he was elected W . AI . in 18 94 . He represents the Globe Lodge this year as Grand Steward . Bro . Powell was exalted in the Afount Edgcumbe Royal Arch Chapter ,
No . 144 6 , in 1886 , and filled the chair of First Principal in 1 . 890 . He is also a member of the Loyal Alonmouth Chapter , No . 457 ; the Hiram Chapter , No . 2416 ; and the Panmuie Chapter , No . 720 . In 188 7 he was appointed Prov Grand Superintendent of Works , and in 18 9 8 Prov . S . G . Warden of
Alonmouth in the Craft , and is a Past Prov . G . Registrar an-. ! P . Prov . G . J . in the Royal Arch . To this excellent record must Le added his membership of both the Board of General Purposes and the Grand Chapter Committee . Bro . Powell is a Vice-Patron of the Boys' School , a Vice-President of the Benevolent Institution , and a Life Governor of the Girls ' School , having served in all twenty-one Stewardships .
Bro . Major C . J . Knightly has been a member of the Order for twenty years , having been initiated in the Royal Savoy Lodge in 1882 , of which he became W . AI . in 18 93 . He was exalted in the Aletropolitan Royal Arch Chapter ,
No . 1507 , and took pari in founding the Henry Levander Chapter , No . 2048 , in 18 S 6 . Bro . Knightly is a Patron > l the Boys' School , a Vice-Patron of the Benevolent Institution , a Life Governor ( it the Girls' School , and bus sewed in al ! fifteen Stewardships . Bro . William Cleghorn was initiated in the Great
Northern Lodge , No . 1287 , in 1875 , and was elected W . AI . in 1882 . He was exalted in the Jerusalem Royal Arch Chapter , No . 185 , in 1881 , and became its first Principal in 1887 . Bro . Cleghorn , although confining his interests to tin
lodge and chapter in which he was initiated , has done excellent Alasonic work during the past few years , more especially as a member of the Board of General Purposes and of the Committee of Grand Chapter , of which bodies he is one of the most hard working and useful members . He is a Life Governor of the Girls' School .
We have given above the Alasonic records of the London brethren on whom Past Grand rank has been conferred . Our next issue will contain notices , with portraits , of the Provincial brethren who have been similarly honoured .
Societas Rosicruciana In Ang Lia.—York College.
Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia . — York College .
^ I ^ HIS flourishing College , which has now almost reached I its full complement of members , and is by far the most active and prosperous College in the Society , met in the ancient banqueting hall of Skipton Castle , on the 31 st May . There was an unusually large attendance of the fratres . The V . W . Celebrant , Fratre R . J . Smith , was supported by
Fratres C . L . Mason , J . L . Atherton , W . N . Cheesman , acting as C . of N . ; F . W . Halliwell , J . Smith , Secretary ; and W . Swales , all Past Celebrants ; also Fratres W . Davey , Deputy ; G . Alusgrove , P . A . ; R . Hudson , S . A . ; C . Scriven , as T . A . ; [ . W . Alonckman , as Q . A . ; C . A . Thompson ,
Organist ; the Rev . E . Richards , T . P . ; and J . E . Cawthern , as G . of T . The R . W . Chief Adept of the Province , Fratre T . B . Whytehead , jun ., Sub . Mag . IX ., was unable to be present on account of his severe accident during last winter , to the very great regret of the fratres . Sixteen aspirants were balloted
for and elected ; and eleven being present , were advanced to the Grade of Zelator , by the Celebrant , assisted by V . W . Fratre Jas . Smith . A paper on " Skipton Castle and its story , " tracing the history of the Castle and its inhabitants , notably the Cliffords , and dealing with some of the principal
events in their career , was read by the Celebrant , who received the thanks of the College . It was resolved to hold the next meeting at Richmond ( Yorks ) on Saturday , the 16 th August . Prior to the meeting , the fratres , accompanied by a large number of ladies , were conducted over the ancient fortress ,
and shown the various interesting features ; the old parish church was also visited . After dinner at the Devonshire Hotel , a large party of fratres and ladies drove to Grassington and Kettlewell , in Wharfedale , where Sunday was pleasantly spent ; and on
Monday morning proceeded , via Buckden and Cray , over the ridge and down Bishopsdale to Aysgarth and Leyburn . Various points of interest were visited , and the members of the party returned to their respective homes in the evening , after a most enjoyable excursion through one of the most beautiful and romantic parts of the county .
A very interesting feature of the excursion was the receipt by Fratre Fletcher , editor of the Yorkshire Herald , while at Grassington on Sunday evening , of the welcome news of " Peace , " which was immediately announced to the inhabitants of the village amid general congratulations and rejoicing .
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The New Past Grand Officers.—(London.)
the Girls School . He moreover enjoys , we imagine , the unique distinction of having qualified his son a Vice-President of the BOYS' School when seven weeks old . Bro . T . Blanco White , was initiated i : i Al-mnt Aloriah
Lodge , No . 34 , in 18 S 2 , and afterwards joined the Fulliam Lodge , No . 2512 ( of which he became W . AI . in 1894 ) , and the Putney Lodge , No . 27 66 . Asa Royal Arch Mas in he wasexalted in St . Ambrose Chapter , No . 1891 , in 1885 , joined the Afount Aloriah Chapter , No . 34 , in 18 91 , and has filled the chair of
First Principal in each . Bro . Blanco White has served no less than thirty-one Stewardships , and is a Patron of the Boys' School , and a Vice-Patron of both the Girls' School and the Benevolent Institution .
PAST GRAND STANDARD BEARERS . Bro . F . Atkinson Powell , although he commenced his Alasonic career in the Provinces , may now be fairly classed among Aletropolitan Alasons . He was initiated in the Loyal Alonmouth Lodge , No . 457 , in 1883 , becoming W . AI . in 1887 .
joined the Globe Lodge No . 2 ^ , in 18 91 , and in the same vear took part in founding the Hiram Lodge , No . 2416 , of which lodge he was elected W . AI . in 18 94 . He represents the Globe Lodge this year as Grand Steward . Bro . Powell was exalted in the Afount Edgcumbe Royal Arch Chapter ,
No . 144 6 , in 1886 , and filled the chair of First Principal in 1 . 890 . He is also a member of the Loyal Alonmouth Chapter , No . 457 ; the Hiram Chapter , No . 2416 ; and the Panmuie Chapter , No . 720 . In 188 7 he was appointed Prov Grand Superintendent of Works , and in 18 9 8 Prov . S . G . Warden of
Alonmouth in the Craft , and is a Past Prov . G . Registrar an-. ! P . Prov . G . J . in the Royal Arch . To this excellent record must Le added his membership of both the Board of General Purposes and the Grand Chapter Committee . Bro . Powell is a Vice-Patron of the Boys' School , a Vice-President of the Benevolent Institution , and a Life Governor of the Girls ' School , having served in all twenty-one Stewardships .
Bro . Major C . J . Knightly has been a member of the Order for twenty years , having been initiated in the Royal Savoy Lodge in 1882 , of which he became W . AI . in 18 93 . He was exalted in the Aletropolitan Royal Arch Chapter ,
No . 1507 , and took pari in founding the Henry Levander Chapter , No . 2048 , in 18 S 6 . Bro . Knightly is a Patron > l the Boys' School , a Vice-Patron of the Benevolent Institution , a Life Governor ( it the Girls' School , and bus sewed in al ! fifteen Stewardships . Bro . William Cleghorn was initiated in the Great
Northern Lodge , No . 1287 , in 1875 , and was elected W . AI . in 1882 . He was exalted in the Jerusalem Royal Arch Chapter , No . 185 , in 1881 , and became its first Principal in 1887 . Bro . Cleghorn , although confining his interests to tin
lodge and chapter in which he was initiated , has done excellent Alasonic work during the past few years , more especially as a member of the Board of General Purposes and of the Committee of Grand Chapter , of which bodies he is one of the most hard working and useful members . He is a Life Governor of the Girls' School .
We have given above the Alasonic records of the London brethren on whom Past Grand rank has been conferred . Our next issue will contain notices , with portraits , of the Provincial brethren who have been similarly honoured .
Societas Rosicruciana In Ang Lia.—York College.
Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia . — York College .
^ I ^ HIS flourishing College , which has now almost reached I its full complement of members , and is by far the most active and prosperous College in the Society , met in the ancient banqueting hall of Skipton Castle , on the 31 st May . There was an unusually large attendance of the fratres . The V . W . Celebrant , Fratre R . J . Smith , was supported by
Fratres C . L . Mason , J . L . Atherton , W . N . Cheesman , acting as C . of N . ; F . W . Halliwell , J . Smith , Secretary ; and W . Swales , all Past Celebrants ; also Fratres W . Davey , Deputy ; G . Alusgrove , P . A . ; R . Hudson , S . A . ; C . Scriven , as T . A . ; [ . W . Alonckman , as Q . A . ; C . A . Thompson ,
Organist ; the Rev . E . Richards , T . P . ; and J . E . Cawthern , as G . of T . The R . W . Chief Adept of the Province , Fratre T . B . Whytehead , jun ., Sub . Mag . IX ., was unable to be present on account of his severe accident during last winter , to the very great regret of the fratres . Sixteen aspirants were balloted
for and elected ; and eleven being present , were advanced to the Grade of Zelator , by the Celebrant , assisted by V . W . Fratre Jas . Smith . A paper on " Skipton Castle and its story , " tracing the history of the Castle and its inhabitants , notably the Cliffords , and dealing with some of the principal
events in their career , was read by the Celebrant , who received the thanks of the College . It was resolved to hold the next meeting at Richmond ( Yorks ) on Saturday , the 16 th August . Prior to the meeting , the fratres , accompanied by a large number of ladies , were conducted over the ancient fortress ,
and shown the various interesting features ; the old parish church was also visited . After dinner at the Devonshire Hotel , a large party of fratres and ladies drove to Grassington and Kettlewell , in Wharfedale , where Sunday was pleasantly spent ; and on
Monday morning proceeded , via Buckden and Cray , over the ridge and down Bishopsdale to Aysgarth and Leyburn . Various points of interest were visited , and the members of the party returned to their respective homes in the evening , after a most enjoyable excursion through one of the most beautiful and romantic parts of the county .
A very interesting feature of the excursion was the receipt by Fratre Fletcher , editor of the Yorkshire Herald , while at Grassington on Sunday evening , of the welcome news of " Peace , " which was immediately announced to the inhabitants of the village amid general congratulations and rejoicing .