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Brethren Upon Whom Past Grand Rank Has Been Conferred.
Sussex Lodge of Emulation , No . 355 ; the Household Brigade Lodge , No . 2614 ; and the Lodge of Assistance , No . 2773 ; of svhich tsvo latter he svas a founder . He became W . M . of the Household Brigade Lodge in 18 99 . Col . Galley is a Royal Arch Mason , having been exalted in the Marlborough Chapter , No . 1399 , Woodstock . In 188 3 he svas appointed Prov . G . Sword Bearer of Wiltshire .
PAST GRAXD DEACOX . Bro . Gerald Walter Erskine Loder , ALP ., is the popular member for Brighton , and his introduction to Masonry svas through the Earl of Sussex Lodge , No . 2201 , which meets at the Royal Pavilion in that town . He became Worshipful
Master in 18 9 6 , and is a Past Provincial Senior Grand Warden of Sussex . Bro . Loder is a Vice-Patron of the three Institutions . PAST GRAXD DEACOX .
Bro . Colonel H . Grier hails from the Irish Constitution , but subsequently joined lodges under the Grand Lodge in Malta and Halifax , N . S ., and in 1882 , he took part in founding the Aldershot Army and Navy Lodge , No . 1971 , of svhich lodge he is also a P . M . He svas appointed
Prov . G . Deacon of Hants and the Isle of Wight in 188 4 , and aftersvards took office under the Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia . In Roval Arch Masonry , he was a founder of the Connaught Chapter , No . 1971 , of which chapter he is a past First Principal . Bro . Grier holds the Albert Medal of the first class for saving life , a distinction won under peculiar circumstances of personal courage and devotion .
PAST GRAND DEACON . Bro . Harrv James Sparks' Masonic career , in common with many of those now appointed to Past Grand rank , has been a long one , dating back as far as 1858 , in svhich year he was initiated in the Star of the East Lodge , and afterwards joined the St . George ' s Lodge , No . 370 ( Chertsev ) , the Morning Star Lodge , No . 552 , the Bayard , No . 1615 , the
PRO . IIF . NRY . 1 . SI'ARKFS . Sondes , No . 99 6 , and during the present year he has taken part in successfully founding the Norfolk Lodge , svhich , like the Cornish , the Devonian and others , ha \ 'e been established
as county lodges in London . Of the above , Bro . Sparks has filled the chair of W . M . in the Morning Star Lodge , No . 552 ( Lucknosv ) . In the district of Bengal he successively filled the offices of District Grand Registrar and Deputy District Grand Master , and in the Province of Norfolk that of Senior Grand Warden and Deputy Provincial Grand Master . Bro .
Sparks has taken special interest in Royal Arch Masonry . He was exalted in Fidelity Chapter , No . 3 , in 1 S 61 , and \ s as elected Z . of the Ramsay Chapter , No . 552 ( Lucknosv ) , in 1 F 76 , aftersvards becoming Second Grand Principal of Bengal , and finally Grand Superintendent of the Province
of Norfolk , to svhich office he svas appointed on the retirement of Lord Suflield in 1900 . Bro . Sparks is a Vice-Patron of the Benevolent Institution and a Vice-President of both the Bovs' and Girls' Schools .
PAST GRAXD DEACOX . Bro . Henry Percy Harris , L . C . C . was initiated in the Westminster and Keystone Ledge , No . 10 , in 188 9 , and joined the Middlesex Lodge , No . 143 , in the same year , as svell as
PRO . PERCY HARRIS . the Methuen Lodge , No . 6 31 , in 1890 . He also took part in founding the Chancery Bar Lodge in 18 93 , and the London County Council Lodge in 18 9 6 , becoming Worshipful Master
of the Methuen Lodge in 18 91 , the Middlesex in 18 9 6 , and the Chancery Bar in the present year . In Royal Arch Masonry Bro . Harris svas exalted in the Friends in Council Chapter , No . 13 8 3 and filled the First Principal's chair in 18 93 , as svell as that of the Herschell Chapter in 1897-8 . He is also a Past
Provincial Grand Officer of Bucks , and is a Life Governor of the three Masonic Charities , having seivcd four Stesvardships , tsvo for the Girls' School , one for the Boys' and one for the Benevolent Institution . Bro . Harris is the son of the General President of the Committee of Grand Chapter and is himself a leading member of the London County Council .
PAST GRAND DEACOX . Bro . Frederick Stanhope Hanson comes of a good Masonic stock ' , being the eldest son of Bro . Sir Reginald Hanson , Bart ., Past Grand Warden . He svas initiated in the Lodge of Antiquity , No . 2 , in 18 92 , and represented that lodge as Grand Steward in 18 9 8 ; in the succeeding year he was installed as W . M . He assisted in founding the Trained
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Brethren Upon Whom Past Grand Rank Has Been Conferred.
Sussex Lodge of Emulation , No . 355 ; the Household Brigade Lodge , No . 2614 ; and the Lodge of Assistance , No . 2773 ; of svhich tsvo latter he svas a founder . He became W . M . of the Household Brigade Lodge in 18 99 . Col . Galley is a Royal Arch Mason , having been exalted in the Marlborough Chapter , No . 1399 , Woodstock . In 188 3 he svas appointed Prov . G . Sword Bearer of Wiltshire .
PAST GRAXD DEACOX . Bro . Gerald Walter Erskine Loder , ALP ., is the popular member for Brighton , and his introduction to Masonry svas through the Earl of Sussex Lodge , No . 2201 , which meets at the Royal Pavilion in that town . He became Worshipful
Master in 18 9 6 , and is a Past Provincial Senior Grand Warden of Sussex . Bro . Loder is a Vice-Patron of the three Institutions . PAST GRAXD DEACOX .
Bro . Colonel H . Grier hails from the Irish Constitution , but subsequently joined lodges under the Grand Lodge in Malta and Halifax , N . S ., and in 1882 , he took part in founding the Aldershot Army and Navy Lodge , No . 1971 , of svhich lodge he is also a P . M . He svas appointed
Prov . G . Deacon of Hants and the Isle of Wight in 188 4 , and aftersvards took office under the Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia . In Roval Arch Masonry , he was a founder of the Connaught Chapter , No . 1971 , of which chapter he is a past First Principal . Bro . Grier holds the Albert Medal of the first class for saving life , a distinction won under peculiar circumstances of personal courage and devotion .
PAST GRAND DEACON . Bro . Harrv James Sparks' Masonic career , in common with many of those now appointed to Past Grand rank , has been a long one , dating back as far as 1858 , in svhich year he was initiated in the Star of the East Lodge , and afterwards joined the St . George ' s Lodge , No . 370 ( Chertsev ) , the Morning Star Lodge , No . 552 , the Bayard , No . 1615 , the
PRO . IIF . NRY . 1 . SI'ARKFS . Sondes , No . 99 6 , and during the present year he has taken part in successfully founding the Norfolk Lodge , svhich , like the Cornish , the Devonian and others , ha \ 'e been established
as county lodges in London . Of the above , Bro . Sparks has filled the chair of W . M . in the Morning Star Lodge , No . 552 ( Lucknosv ) . In the district of Bengal he successively filled the offices of District Grand Registrar and Deputy District Grand Master , and in the Province of Norfolk that of Senior Grand Warden and Deputy Provincial Grand Master . Bro .
Sparks has taken special interest in Royal Arch Masonry . He was exalted in Fidelity Chapter , No . 3 , in 1 S 61 , and \ s as elected Z . of the Ramsay Chapter , No . 552 ( Lucknosv ) , in 1 F 76 , aftersvards becoming Second Grand Principal of Bengal , and finally Grand Superintendent of the Province
of Norfolk , to svhich office he svas appointed on the retirement of Lord Suflield in 1900 . Bro . Sparks is a Vice-Patron of the Benevolent Institution and a Vice-President of both the Bovs' and Girls' Schools .
PAST GRAXD DEACOX . Bro . Henry Percy Harris , L . C . C . was initiated in the Westminster and Keystone Ledge , No . 10 , in 188 9 , and joined the Middlesex Lodge , No . 143 , in the same year , as svell as
PRO . PERCY HARRIS . the Methuen Lodge , No . 6 31 , in 1890 . He also took part in founding the Chancery Bar Lodge in 18 93 , and the London County Council Lodge in 18 9 6 , becoming Worshipful Master
of the Methuen Lodge in 18 91 , the Middlesex in 18 9 6 , and the Chancery Bar in the present year . In Royal Arch Masonry Bro . Harris svas exalted in the Friends in Council Chapter , No . 13 8 3 and filled the First Principal's chair in 18 93 , as svell as that of the Herschell Chapter in 1897-8 . He is also a Past
Provincial Grand Officer of Bucks , and is a Life Governor of the three Masonic Charities , having seivcd four Stesvardships , tsvo for the Girls' School , one for the Boys' and one for the Benevolent Institution . Bro . Harris is the son of the General President of the Committee of Grand Chapter and is himself a leading member of the London County Council .
PAST GRAND DEACOX . Bro . Frederick Stanhope Hanson comes of a good Masonic stock ' , being the eldest son of Bro . Sir Reginald Hanson , Bart ., Past Grand Warden . He svas initiated in the Lodge of Antiquity , No . 2 , in 18 92 , and represented that lodge as Grand Steward in 18 9 8 ; in the succeeding year he was installed as W . M . He assisted in founding the Trained