Article At the Sign of the Perfect Ashlar Page 1 of 9 →
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At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
At the Sign of the Perfect Ashlar
111 deference to the svish of many of our Subscribers , "THE MASOXIC ILLUSTRATED " svill in future be posted in envelopes instead of being rolled as hitherto . ( $ * <<&¦ The brilliant and imposing ceremony on the 17 th July
was an auspicious inauguration of a nesv era in the annals of Freemasonry , and a lasting impression svill have been left on the minds of those svho svere privileged to svitness the installation of H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught as Grand Master . The great gathering svhich assembled on the occasion is sufficient proof , if any svere needed , of ihe great
popularity in svhich our nesv Grand Master is held , and it will be the earnest Avish of every member of our Order that a rule Avhich has commenced so svell svill be attended with length of years and with continued prosperity to Freemasonry .
The fact that the great meeting fell on a Wednesday proved very propitious for Members of Parliament , as , on that day , the House always rises before 6 o ' clock . We noticed the Father of the House of Commons , Bro . the Right Hon . \ V . AY . B . Beach , M . P ., Provincial Grand Master for Hants
and the Isle of Wight , svho exchanged greetings with the Hon . James Hozier , Grand Master for Scotland , Avhilst there svere present Bros . Sir A . F . Godson , M . P ., Provincial Grand Master for Worcestershire ; J . Wimburn Laurie , M . P ., Provincial Grand Master for South Wales , W . D . ; Right Hon . T . F . Halsey , M . P ., Prov . Grand Master for Herts ; Colonel A . M . Locksvood , M . P ., and many more Members of both Houses .
It svas not a difficult matter to distinguish Provincial Craftsmen from their Metropolitan brethren on Wednesday , chiefly by reason of their tanned faces , and in some cases travel-worn appearance . Lodges as far south as Jersey , and as far north as Newcastle svere represented . The hot
sun svhich poured dosvn svith terrific force all that day seemed to have no terrors for some of the brethren . Many had arrived early , and had chosen the top step of the Albert Memorial as a resting place , where they waited patiently for the time when the doors of the great building should open .
« 8 > < gj - $ •It svill have been noticed svith great satisfaction by the Craft that many brethren on whom special honours were conferred on the 17 th July are prominent members of the Order in the Province of Sussex and in the District of Bombay , over which the Alost Worshipful Grand Master had presided
previously to his installation . Many of the brethren svho were included in the appointments hail from South Africa , where they have had such a difficulty in sustaining the various lodge meetings , whilst many svho have fallen in the field have been an almost irreparable loss to Masonry in that country .
The appointments to Past Grand rank , which was the Most Worshipful Grand Master ' s first official act after his installation , were on the whole satisfactory , and fairl y maintained the best traditions of such appointments . If any have been admitted into the " charmed circle" svhose claims do
not appear to be of the highest , others there are who have for many years done yeoman service to the Craft , and thus the average is more than maintained . The promotions , sve think , will be highly popular . Each of the brethren who have been " called up higher , " is specially distinguished amongst his fellows for Masonic svork or some service to the State , and has been fittingly rewarded .
A number of brethren svere on the evening of the 17 th entertained by the Provincial Grand Masters of some of the more distant counties , and these informal gatherings , no less than the fraternal courtesy displayed , were much appreciated by members svho had travelled long distances to be present at the great meeting .
r Lhe Earl of Shaftesbury , svho is specially connected by property and family connections with the County of Antrim , Ireland , svas recently installed as Grand Master of that province , an office svhich his distinguished grandfather held for nearly thirty years . The Earl of Shaftesbury osvns about 21 , 800 acres in the county . His lordship svas born in 186 9 ,
PRO . THE EARL OF . SH AFTESPUR Y . and is a son of the eighth Earl and Harriet , only daughter of the third Marquis of Donegal . He succeeded his father in 1886 , and married , tsvo years ago , the eldest daughter of the
late Earl Grosvcnor . He svas for several years an officer in the 1 oth Hussars , resigning his captaincy in 18 99 . His lordship's residences are Belfast Castle , Belfast , and St . Giles ' s House , Cranborne , Dorset .
The installation of the Earl of Radnor as Provincial Grand Master of Wiltshire , in succession to his father , took place at Salisbury on the 6 th July . Like other Masonic events of the last few weeks , it has been somewhat dwarfed by the great function svhich has just taken place at the Albeit Hall , but it
is of no less importance on that account . The late Lord Radnor , svhose appointment took place in 18 90 , svas universally popular , and no more Jilting successor could have been found than the present Earl , svho inherits much of his father ' s bonhomie and love of Masonry . Provincial Grand Lodges are at this season being held
almost weekly in different parts of the country , all of svhich are of supreme importance to the particular province in svhich they lake place , and many of them of general interest . . Much as sve should like to record them in our pages , the limits of space forbid , and sve have reluctantly to lease them to the faithful chronicler in the pages of the official reports .
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At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
At the Sign of the Perfect Ashlar
111 deference to the svish of many of our Subscribers , "THE MASOXIC ILLUSTRATED " svill in future be posted in envelopes instead of being rolled as hitherto . ( $ * <<&¦ The brilliant and imposing ceremony on the 17 th July
was an auspicious inauguration of a nesv era in the annals of Freemasonry , and a lasting impression svill have been left on the minds of those svho svere privileged to svitness the installation of H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught as Grand Master . The great gathering svhich assembled on the occasion is sufficient proof , if any svere needed , of ihe great
popularity in svhich our nesv Grand Master is held , and it will be the earnest Avish of every member of our Order that a rule Avhich has commenced so svell svill be attended with length of years and with continued prosperity to Freemasonry .
The fact that the great meeting fell on a Wednesday proved very propitious for Members of Parliament , as , on that day , the House always rises before 6 o ' clock . We noticed the Father of the House of Commons , Bro . the Right Hon . \ V . AY . B . Beach , M . P ., Provincial Grand Master for Hants
and the Isle of Wight , svho exchanged greetings with the Hon . James Hozier , Grand Master for Scotland , Avhilst there svere present Bros . Sir A . F . Godson , M . P ., Provincial Grand Master for Worcestershire ; J . Wimburn Laurie , M . P ., Provincial Grand Master for South Wales , W . D . ; Right Hon . T . F . Halsey , M . P ., Prov . Grand Master for Herts ; Colonel A . M . Locksvood , M . P ., and many more Members of both Houses .
It svas not a difficult matter to distinguish Provincial Craftsmen from their Metropolitan brethren on Wednesday , chiefly by reason of their tanned faces , and in some cases travel-worn appearance . Lodges as far south as Jersey , and as far north as Newcastle svere represented . The hot
sun svhich poured dosvn svith terrific force all that day seemed to have no terrors for some of the brethren . Many had arrived early , and had chosen the top step of the Albert Memorial as a resting place , where they waited patiently for the time when the doors of the great building should open .
« 8 > < gj - $ •It svill have been noticed svith great satisfaction by the Craft that many brethren on whom special honours were conferred on the 17 th July are prominent members of the Order in the Province of Sussex and in the District of Bombay , over which the Alost Worshipful Grand Master had presided
previously to his installation . Many of the brethren svho were included in the appointments hail from South Africa , where they have had such a difficulty in sustaining the various lodge meetings , whilst many svho have fallen in the field have been an almost irreparable loss to Masonry in that country .
The appointments to Past Grand rank , which was the Most Worshipful Grand Master ' s first official act after his installation , were on the whole satisfactory , and fairl y maintained the best traditions of such appointments . If any have been admitted into the " charmed circle" svhose claims do
not appear to be of the highest , others there are who have for many years done yeoman service to the Craft , and thus the average is more than maintained . The promotions , sve think , will be highly popular . Each of the brethren who have been " called up higher , " is specially distinguished amongst his fellows for Masonic svork or some service to the State , and has been fittingly rewarded .
A number of brethren svere on the evening of the 17 th entertained by the Provincial Grand Masters of some of the more distant counties , and these informal gatherings , no less than the fraternal courtesy displayed , were much appreciated by members svho had travelled long distances to be present at the great meeting .
r Lhe Earl of Shaftesbury , svho is specially connected by property and family connections with the County of Antrim , Ireland , svas recently installed as Grand Master of that province , an office svhich his distinguished grandfather held for nearly thirty years . The Earl of Shaftesbury osvns about 21 , 800 acres in the county . His lordship svas born in 186 9 ,
PRO . THE EARL OF . SH AFTESPUR Y . and is a son of the eighth Earl and Harriet , only daughter of the third Marquis of Donegal . He succeeded his father in 1886 , and married , tsvo years ago , the eldest daughter of the
late Earl Grosvcnor . He svas for several years an officer in the 1 oth Hussars , resigning his captaincy in 18 99 . His lordship's residences are Belfast Castle , Belfast , and St . Giles ' s House , Cranborne , Dorset .
The installation of the Earl of Radnor as Provincial Grand Master of Wiltshire , in succession to his father , took place at Salisbury on the 6 th July . Like other Masonic events of the last few weeks , it has been somewhat dwarfed by the great function svhich has just taken place at the Albeit Hall , but it
is of no less importance on that account . The late Lord Radnor , svhose appointment took place in 18 90 , svas universally popular , and no more Jilting successor could have been found than the present Earl , svho inherits much of his father ' s bonhomie and love of Masonry . Provincial Grand Lodges are at this season being held
almost weekly in different parts of the country , all of svhich are of supreme importance to the particular province in svhich they lake place , and many of them of general interest . . Much as sve should like to record them in our pages , the limits of space forbid , and sve have reluctantly to lease them to the faithful chronicler in the pages of the official reports .