Article At the Sign of the Perfect Ashlar ← Page 2 of 9 →
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At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
W . Bro . Capt . C . de M . Franklyn , of the Royal Engineers , whose photograph sve reproduce , svas married to Miss Katie Edwardes , niece of Mr . George Edsvardes , of theatrical fame , on Tuesday , the 25 th June , at St . James ' s Church . The reception svas held at the Savoy Hotel . Bro . Capt .
Franklyn , has served as Adjutant to the Sussex R . E . Volunteers , and subsequently served as R . E . Division Officer at Shorncliffe Camp , up to the week before his marriage . Capt . Franklyn proceeds to Malta at' the end of July for Roval Engineer duties . This worthy brother svill be missed
by the Sussex brethren , particularly among the Eastbourne lodges , but svhat svill be the loss to Sussex , svill be a gain to the brethren of Malta . Bro . Capt . Franklyn was initiated in Friendship Lodge
No , 27 8 , Gibraltar , in 18 94 , elected J . W . of the Calpe Lodge ( Irish Constitution ) in 18 94 , and took the Mark and R . A . Degrees in 18 94 , and Knights Templar in 18 95 . Was appointed District Grand Standard Bearer of Gibraltar in 18 94 in the Craft and A . D . G . D . of C . in the Royal Arch at
Eastbourne in 18 95 . Bro . Frank ! vn joined the Anderida and Hartington Lodges , the Hartington Chapter , the Sussex Preceptors ' , and was first joining member of the Eastbourne Mark Lodge . He founded the United Service
AV . PRO . CAPT . c . nr : jr . FRANKLYN . Mark Lodge in London . He svas appointed Senior Warden of the Portsmouth Mark Lodge , No . 17 , in October , and took the Royal Ark Mariners Degree . He was appointed Prov . Grand Inner Guard of Hants and
Isle of Wight iu 18 9 6 , founded the Military Lodge in London , and svas appointed first S . W ., also the chapter attached to lodge , and svas appointed Scribe N . in 18 97 . Founded Royal Connaught Lodge at Eastbourne and svas appointed first W . M . ; was also W . M . of the Military Lodge ,
also W . M . of No 17 Mark Lodge , Portsmouth , W . Commander N . of the Ark No . 17 , Pros ' . Senior Grand Warden of Hants and Isle of Wight , E . Preceptor of the Sussex Preceptors ' , and Prov . Grand Marshall of Sussex in the Knights Templar . Joined the Victory Chapter of Rose Croix in London and also the Roval Order of Scotland , and svas also
appointed J . in the Military Chapter . In 18 9 8 he svas appointed Grand Stesvard in the Marie and Prov . Senior Grand Deacon of Sussex in the Craft . We give a portrait of Bro . William Webber , a member of an old London Lodge , the Percy , No . 19 8 . He svas born at Plymouth on the 5 th May , 1822 , and has been a
member of the Craft for upwards of fifty-six years . He was initiated on the 2 nd October , 18 44 , in the Lodge Brunswick , then meeting at Devonport . In 186 3 he occupied the
BRO . AVILLIAM WE 1 V . ; ER . distinguished position of Patron of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution and Vice-Patron of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls and the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , and has served the office of Steward at some
twentyfour different Festivals . He has been , and still continues to be a most generous supporter of the Charities . We trust our brother will yet be spared by the Great Architect of the Universe for many years to continue his good work . # ¦ « ¦ ¦ «
An interesting event took place at a special meeting of the All Souls' Chapter , Weymouth , on the 24 th June . The First Principal of the chapter , M . E . Comp . W . Barlow
COMI ' . AV . BARLOW MdXIiEII . Monger , P . Z ., P . P . G . J ., and P . G . S . E . of Dorset , svho at the last convocation of Supreme Grand Chapter svas appointed Grand Standard Bearer , svas presented svith the clothing
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At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
W . Bro . Capt . C . de M . Franklyn , of the Royal Engineers , whose photograph sve reproduce , svas married to Miss Katie Edwardes , niece of Mr . George Edsvardes , of theatrical fame , on Tuesday , the 25 th June , at St . James ' s Church . The reception svas held at the Savoy Hotel . Bro . Capt .
Franklyn , has served as Adjutant to the Sussex R . E . Volunteers , and subsequently served as R . E . Division Officer at Shorncliffe Camp , up to the week before his marriage . Capt . Franklyn proceeds to Malta at' the end of July for Roval Engineer duties . This worthy brother svill be missed
by the Sussex brethren , particularly among the Eastbourne lodges , but svhat svill be the loss to Sussex , svill be a gain to the brethren of Malta . Bro . Capt . Franklyn was initiated in Friendship Lodge
No , 27 8 , Gibraltar , in 18 94 , elected J . W . of the Calpe Lodge ( Irish Constitution ) in 18 94 , and took the Mark and R . A . Degrees in 18 94 , and Knights Templar in 18 95 . Was appointed District Grand Standard Bearer of Gibraltar in 18 94 in the Craft and A . D . G . D . of C . in the Royal Arch at
Eastbourne in 18 95 . Bro . Frank ! vn joined the Anderida and Hartington Lodges , the Hartington Chapter , the Sussex Preceptors ' , and was first joining member of the Eastbourne Mark Lodge . He founded the United Service
AV . PRO . CAPT . c . nr : jr . FRANKLYN . Mark Lodge in London . He svas appointed Senior Warden of the Portsmouth Mark Lodge , No . 17 , in October , and took the Royal Ark Mariners Degree . He was appointed Prov . Grand Inner Guard of Hants and
Isle of Wight iu 18 9 6 , founded the Military Lodge in London , and svas appointed first S . W ., also the chapter attached to lodge , and svas appointed Scribe N . in 18 97 . Founded Royal Connaught Lodge at Eastbourne and svas appointed first W . M . ; was also W . M . of the Military Lodge ,
also W . M . of No 17 Mark Lodge , Portsmouth , W . Commander N . of the Ark No . 17 , Pros ' . Senior Grand Warden of Hants and Isle of Wight , E . Preceptor of the Sussex Preceptors ' , and Prov . Grand Marshall of Sussex in the Knights Templar . Joined the Victory Chapter of Rose Croix in London and also the Roval Order of Scotland , and svas also
appointed J . in the Military Chapter . In 18 9 8 he svas appointed Grand Stesvard in the Marie and Prov . Senior Grand Deacon of Sussex in the Craft . We give a portrait of Bro . William Webber , a member of an old London Lodge , the Percy , No . 19 8 . He svas born at Plymouth on the 5 th May , 1822 , and has been a
member of the Craft for upwards of fifty-six years . He was initiated on the 2 nd October , 18 44 , in the Lodge Brunswick , then meeting at Devonport . In 186 3 he occupied the
BRO . AVILLIAM WE 1 V . ; ER . distinguished position of Patron of the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution and Vice-Patron of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls and the Royal Masonic Institution for Boys , and has served the office of Steward at some
twentyfour different Festivals . He has been , and still continues to be a most generous supporter of the Charities . We trust our brother will yet be spared by the Great Architect of the Universe for many years to continue his good work . # ¦ « ¦ ¦ «
An interesting event took place at a special meeting of the All Souls' Chapter , Weymouth , on the 24 th June . The First Principal of the chapter , M . E . Comp . W . Barlow
COMI ' . AV . BARLOW MdXIiEII . Monger , P . Z ., P . P . G . J ., and P . G . S . E . of Dorset , svho at the last convocation of Supreme Grand Chapter svas appointed Grand Standard Bearer , svas presented svith the clothing