Article At the Sign of the Perfect Ashlar ← Page 4 of 9 →
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At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
Bro . George Simonds Avas initiated in the Globe Lodge , No . 23 , in 1877 , and Avas installed as W . M . in 188 9 . .. He Avas a founder and first W . M . of the Arts Lodge , No . 2751 , svhich svas formed in 18 99 , and is composed principally of painters
PRO . CF . OKOE SIMONDS . and sculptors , of svhich latter profession he is a well known member . Bro . Simonds represented the Globe Lodge on the Board of Grand Stesvards in 1888 , and has served three Stewardships-for the Charities .
PAST ASSISTANT GRAND DIRECTOR OF CEREMONIES . Fesv men are better known in London Masonic circles than Bro . A . J . Thomas , and his activities embrace every phase of Masonic interest . It svill be a matter of surprise
to many of his friends to learn that he svas initiated so long ago as 1871 in the Ionic Lodge , No . 227 / Since then he has successively joined the Cornhill Lodge , No . 1803 ; the Thames Vallev , No . 14 60 ; St . Alban ' s , No . 29 ; Drury Lane , No . 2127 ; Eccentric , No . 24 88 ; jubilee Masters , No . 2712 ; Cutlers , No . 2730 ; Richard Eve , No . 2772 ; Grand Masters , No . 1 ,
and the Regularity , No . 91 , of which latter he is , this year , the W . M ., and representative on the Board of Grand Stewards . He has also filled the Master ' s chair in the Ionic Lodge , both in 1875 and 1885 , and that of the Cornhill Lodge in 18 79 . He was exalted in the Roval York Chapter of
BRO . ALFRED J . THOMAS . Perseverance , No . 7 , of which he is a past Z ., and aftersvards joined Grand Masters Chapter , No . 1 , the Bedford , No . 157 . In other Degrees Bro . Thomas has been no less activeand it
, svould be somewhat difficult to name a ' Masonic Degree or Order of which he is not a member . In all this Bro . Thomas has not lost sight of the greatest of all Masonic virtues , that of Charity , as his seventeen Stewardships at the Festivals of the Institutions so fully attest . He svas a Life Governor of the
Boys' School so long ago as 1874 , and is nosv a Patron of the Boys' and Girls' Schools and the Benevolent Institution . W e should also add that Bro . Thomas has rendered good service to the Boys' School as a member of the Board of Management .
PAST ASSISTANT GRAND DIRECTOR OF CEREMONIES . Bro . William Elvin has had a Masonic experience of nearly a quarter of a century , and during that time has done excellent work , especially in connection with the Charities . His introduction to Freemasonry svas through the portals of
La Tolerance Lodge , No . 538 , early in 1878 , of which lodge he became W . M . in 1885 , aftersvards joining the Anglo-American Lodge , No . 2191 ; the Avondale , No . 2395 ; and the Graystone , No . 1915 , of all of svhich he subsequently became Worshipful Master . In 1900 he was appointed Provincial Junior Grand Warden of Kent . In Royal Arch
Masonry he AA'as exalted in the Vane Chapter , No . 53 8 , and became First Principal in 188 9 . Bro . Elvin is a Patron of all three Charities , and has served no less than twenty-one Stesvardships—nine for the Girls' School , live for the Boys ' School , and seven for the Benevolent Institution .
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At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
Bro . George Simonds Avas initiated in the Globe Lodge , No . 23 , in 1877 , and Avas installed as W . M . in 188 9 . .. He Avas a founder and first W . M . of the Arts Lodge , No . 2751 , svhich svas formed in 18 99 , and is composed principally of painters
PRO . CF . OKOE SIMONDS . and sculptors , of svhich latter profession he is a well known member . Bro . Simonds represented the Globe Lodge on the Board of Grand Stesvards in 1888 , and has served three Stewardships-for the Charities .
PAST ASSISTANT GRAND DIRECTOR OF CEREMONIES . Fesv men are better known in London Masonic circles than Bro . A . J . Thomas , and his activities embrace every phase of Masonic interest . It svill be a matter of surprise
to many of his friends to learn that he svas initiated so long ago as 1871 in the Ionic Lodge , No . 227 / Since then he has successively joined the Cornhill Lodge , No . 1803 ; the Thames Vallev , No . 14 60 ; St . Alban ' s , No . 29 ; Drury Lane , No . 2127 ; Eccentric , No . 24 88 ; jubilee Masters , No . 2712 ; Cutlers , No . 2730 ; Richard Eve , No . 2772 ; Grand Masters , No . 1 ,
and the Regularity , No . 91 , of which latter he is , this year , the W . M ., and representative on the Board of Grand Stewards . He has also filled the Master ' s chair in the Ionic Lodge , both in 1875 and 1885 , and that of the Cornhill Lodge in 18 79 . He was exalted in the Roval York Chapter of
BRO . ALFRED J . THOMAS . Perseverance , No . 7 , of which he is a past Z ., and aftersvards joined Grand Masters Chapter , No . 1 , the Bedford , No . 157 . In other Degrees Bro . Thomas has been no less activeand it
, svould be somewhat difficult to name a ' Masonic Degree or Order of which he is not a member . In all this Bro . Thomas has not lost sight of the greatest of all Masonic virtues , that of Charity , as his seventeen Stewardships at the Festivals of the Institutions so fully attest . He svas a Life Governor of the
Boys' School so long ago as 1874 , and is nosv a Patron of the Boys' and Girls' Schools and the Benevolent Institution . W e should also add that Bro . Thomas has rendered good service to the Boys' School as a member of the Board of Management .
PAST ASSISTANT GRAND DIRECTOR OF CEREMONIES . Bro . William Elvin has had a Masonic experience of nearly a quarter of a century , and during that time has done excellent work , especially in connection with the Charities . His introduction to Freemasonry svas through the portals of
La Tolerance Lodge , No . 538 , early in 1878 , of which lodge he became W . M . in 1885 , aftersvards joining the Anglo-American Lodge , No . 2191 ; the Avondale , No . 2395 ; and the Graystone , No . 1915 , of all of svhich he subsequently became Worshipful Master . In 1900 he was appointed Provincial Junior Grand Warden of Kent . In Royal Arch
Masonry he AA'as exalted in the Vane Chapter , No . 53 8 , and became First Principal in 188 9 . Bro . Elvin is a Patron of all three Charities , and has served no less than twenty-one Stesvardships—nine for the Girls' School , live for the Boys ' School , and seven for the Benevolent Institution .