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Lnstallation Of His Royal Highness The Duke Of Connaught As M.W. Grand Master Of England.
lnstallation of His Royal Highness The Duke of Connaught As M . W . Grand Master of England .
" Hail to the Master ! "—( Old Chorus . )
AFTER a brilliant and beneficent reign , extending to more than a quarter of a century , His Majesty King Edward VII . resigns the government of the English Craft to another Prince , H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , whom may the Great Architect of the universe long preserve !
THE PRESENT AND PAST GRAND MASTERS . The British Royal Family has ever been closely identified Avith Freemasonry as it is and has been practised in England from the earliest days of the institution as an organised body ; indeed , the Duke of Connaught , in his
installation address , hereafter it svill be seen , amplified the interesting subject , and detailed his ancestors , svho had identified themselves svith the Craft , as far back as the year 1 737 . Political strife and revolutionary upheavals are not permitted within its portals ; in short , the precepts of our
Craft svere most happily and truthfully defined six and twenty years ago by the present King , on the occasion of his installation , when he proclaimed far and wide that its watchwords svere " Charity " and " Loyalty . " Those of us svho svere present in the Royal Albert Hall on that
memorable day have never forgotten the then nesv Grand Master ' s striking testimony to the aims and teachings of British Freemasonry as distinguished , one is sorry to sav it , from that practised in some parts of the continent . These characteristics moreover svere forcibly exemplified , as svill lie seen in the Pro Grand Master ' s admirable address to the newly installed Grand Master .
Thus sve work and progress in our quiet and useful way , conscious in our minds that the bulls , edicts , and fulminations of the Vatican do not apply to , and cannot possibly have any effect on , the good and welfare of Freemasonry , as practised by the English-speaking race in all parts of the Universe .
Casual mention has been made of the connection of our Royalties svith English Freemasonry . . It is svell to add to the reference by remarking that prior to his present Majesty the King , the Grand Master ' s throne has been occupied by four other Princes of the Blood , namely , the Duke of
Cumberland , the Prince of Wales ( Prince Regent ) , the Duke of Kent , and the Duke of Sussex , and the Duke of Connaught makes the sixth of the Royal line . After the lamented death of the Duke of Clarence , his illustrious uncle , the Duke of Connaught , was by general consent looked upon as the next
Grand Master , whenever the time arrived that the Prince of Wales should seek retirement . The prediction , in point of fact , was a safe one from the very outset , the more so that His Royal Highness , during his long connection svith the
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Lnstallation Of His Royal Highness The Duke Of Connaught As M.W. Grand Master Of England.
lnstallation of His Royal Highness The Duke of Connaught As M . W . Grand Master of England .
" Hail to the Master ! "—( Old Chorus . )
AFTER a brilliant and beneficent reign , extending to more than a quarter of a century , His Majesty King Edward VII . resigns the government of the English Craft to another Prince , H . R . H . the Duke of Connaught , whom may the Great Architect of the universe long preserve !
THE PRESENT AND PAST GRAND MASTERS . The British Royal Family has ever been closely identified Avith Freemasonry as it is and has been practised in England from the earliest days of the institution as an organised body ; indeed , the Duke of Connaught , in his
installation address , hereafter it svill be seen , amplified the interesting subject , and detailed his ancestors , svho had identified themselves svith the Craft , as far back as the year 1 737 . Political strife and revolutionary upheavals are not permitted within its portals ; in short , the precepts of our
Craft svere most happily and truthfully defined six and twenty years ago by the present King , on the occasion of his installation , when he proclaimed far and wide that its watchwords svere " Charity " and " Loyalty . " Those of us svho svere present in the Royal Albert Hall on that
memorable day have never forgotten the then nesv Grand Master ' s striking testimony to the aims and teachings of British Freemasonry as distinguished , one is sorry to sav it , from that practised in some parts of the continent . These characteristics moreover svere forcibly exemplified , as svill lie seen in the Pro Grand Master ' s admirable address to the newly installed Grand Master .
Thus sve work and progress in our quiet and useful way , conscious in our minds that the bulls , edicts , and fulminations of the Vatican do not apply to , and cannot possibly have any effect on , the good and welfare of Freemasonry , as practised by the English-speaking race in all parts of the Universe .
Casual mention has been made of the connection of our Royalties svith English Freemasonry . . It is svell to add to the reference by remarking that prior to his present Majesty the King , the Grand Master ' s throne has been occupied by four other Princes of the Blood , namely , the Duke of
Cumberland , the Prince of Wales ( Prince Regent ) , the Duke of Kent , and the Duke of Sussex , and the Duke of Connaught makes the sixth of the Royal line . After the lamented death of the Duke of Clarence , his illustrious uncle , the Duke of Connaught , was by general consent looked upon as the next
Grand Master , whenever the time arrived that the Prince of Wales should seek retirement . The prediction , in point of fact , was a safe one from the very outset , the more so that His Royal Highness , during his long connection svith the