Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Bygone Masonic Amenities.
London Docks , when they landed at Gun Dock , opposite Dr . Daniel ' s residence , and received three hearty cheers from the surrounding multitude . " Bro . Daniel ' s invention svas brought to the notice of the Royal Humane Society and was at once awarded a
medallion . It svas also laid before the Society of Arts , and upon a full investigation of its merits and mechanism , " The Society unanimously agreed in opinion that such a valuable discovery merited the highest prize , the gold medal . " The gold medal svas awarded , but certain jealous
individuals , according to the inventor ' s biographer , raised the question as to his being justly entitled to it , alleging that his life preserver svas not a nesv invention . This involved the doctor in a long and expensive lasssuit , which svas eventuall y decided in his favour , and not
only ss'as the gold medal returned to him , but some fesv years later he received the honour of knighthood for his valuable invention , svhich had been the means of saving a great number of lives .
Judging from the remarks of his biographer , Sir Francis svas as svell known in sporting circles as in his profession . " His favourite breed of horses has been the cream-coloured Arabian svith black legs , a pair of svhich he has driven for years in his chariot , generally accompanied by one or two beautiful spotted clogs . " He was also the owner of the
celebrated trotting mare , Phenomena , able to trot seventeen miles in fifty-three minutes . " Soon after settling at Wapping , Sir Francis had an affair of honour svith an army surgeon . The parties met , and one of them received a wound above the elbow , the ball
passing by the side of the os humeri , and coming out in a slanting direction near the axilla . This circumstance Sir Francis always mentions svith regret . " We must confess to being a little puzzled over this paragraph . The biographer leaves us to our choice as to svhich of the combatants came to grief , and to what extent over the encounter , and also as to svhat particular
circumstance Sir Francis most regretted in that connection ; whether it was the fact of "the ball passing by the side of the os humeri , " & c , or whether he svas sorry it didn't take a different and more satisfactory course . Our lire-eating friends across the channel , who are so
very fond of duelling , might do worse than take a lesson from the "Nation of shop-keepers" as they used to call our forefathers . They didn ' t waste best part of tsvo days in trying to skewer one another and then make a lot of fuss over a scratched hand—they settled their affairs of honour in a fesv minutes in the early morning before business began ,,
and went back to the shop to work—at least one of them generally did . Business must have been rather slack svith the doctors in those days , for sve are told that Sir Francis had a similar affair on hand " svith a surgeon of celebrity , in practice at
the west end of the town . " This " affair" seems to have been brought to an amicable conclusion by the exertions of the seconds on the ground svho svere the means of reconciling the parties without damage to the " axilla" or any other portion of the human anatomy .
The portrait of a boy , to svhom Sir Francis is pointing , in the picture , is that of Master David Humphreys , an orphan pupil in the school established iu 1808 , who seems to have been a boy of remarkable powers of oratory , and was presented by the Duke of Sussex with three medals at different anniversaries of the Institution .
The large cup or tankard so convenient to the elbow of Sir Francis svas probably placed in that position more for exhibition than actual use . It doubtless represents the silver cup ,- valued at . £ 20 , given him by the Royal Naval Lodge , on July 6 th , 1808 .
Without this explanation , it might possibly be thought that the habits of the worthy knight tended in some degree towards conviviality represented in the shape of a constant and liberal supply of liquid refreshment . HENRY SADLER .
& W . SILSBY , ^ Pianoforte Manufactu re rs
C L A SS I . C LAS S II . SPECIFICATION ' . —Full Trichord , German Screwed Action , Half Tup , SPECIFICATION ' . —Full Trichord , German Screwed Action , with Mahogany Marqueterie Panel , Solid and Moulded Top and Bottom Door , Fittings , Three Compartment Moulded and Solid Top Door , Solid and Moulded 4-ft . 3-in . high . Bottom Door , Special Hammers , All-over Gilded Iron Frame , 4-ft . 3-iii . high .
GENU , NE Munich Lager Beers
Is the finest and most highly recommended . GRAND PRIX , Paris Exhibition , 1900 . For Analysis see "' LANCET , " Feb . 16 , 1895 , which shows this beer to be an absolutely pure , wholesome and highly recommendable drink .
{ fi ^^ ^ ^^ Ta ) jm ^ S ^ - ^^ tm ^
Telephone : No . 1232 Holborn .
For sample ( free of charge ) and copy of book , " What to drink" apply 10
if -aa -o ^/ l ) ALL THE jt ^ jt / jSi IJKrJ^ i & m »^ wSft ^ " ^ ^ ^ , IMI ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Hi ^^^^ HIM ^ HHHHHi ^^^^^^ HM ^^^^^ H ^^^^^^^^^ HH ^^ H ^^^ HI ^^^ H ^^^^^ Mi
Pints 3 s . 6 d ., Quarts 4 s . 6 d . per Dozen Three dozen and six dozen eases carriage paid .
R . M . MILLS & CO ., Bourne , Lincolnshire .
. .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Bygone Masonic Amenities.
London Docks , when they landed at Gun Dock , opposite Dr . Daniel ' s residence , and received three hearty cheers from the surrounding multitude . " Bro . Daniel ' s invention svas brought to the notice of the Royal Humane Society and was at once awarded a
medallion . It svas also laid before the Society of Arts , and upon a full investigation of its merits and mechanism , " The Society unanimously agreed in opinion that such a valuable discovery merited the highest prize , the gold medal . " The gold medal svas awarded , but certain jealous
individuals , according to the inventor ' s biographer , raised the question as to his being justly entitled to it , alleging that his life preserver svas not a nesv invention . This involved the doctor in a long and expensive lasssuit , which svas eventuall y decided in his favour , and not
only ss'as the gold medal returned to him , but some fesv years later he received the honour of knighthood for his valuable invention , svhich had been the means of saving a great number of lives .
Judging from the remarks of his biographer , Sir Francis svas as svell known in sporting circles as in his profession . " His favourite breed of horses has been the cream-coloured Arabian svith black legs , a pair of svhich he has driven for years in his chariot , generally accompanied by one or two beautiful spotted clogs . " He was also the owner of the
celebrated trotting mare , Phenomena , able to trot seventeen miles in fifty-three minutes . " Soon after settling at Wapping , Sir Francis had an affair of honour svith an army surgeon . The parties met , and one of them received a wound above the elbow , the ball
passing by the side of the os humeri , and coming out in a slanting direction near the axilla . This circumstance Sir Francis always mentions svith regret . " We must confess to being a little puzzled over this paragraph . The biographer leaves us to our choice as to svhich of the combatants came to grief , and to what extent over the encounter , and also as to svhat particular
circumstance Sir Francis most regretted in that connection ; whether it was the fact of "the ball passing by the side of the os humeri , " & c , or whether he svas sorry it didn't take a different and more satisfactory course . Our lire-eating friends across the channel , who are so
very fond of duelling , might do worse than take a lesson from the "Nation of shop-keepers" as they used to call our forefathers . They didn ' t waste best part of tsvo days in trying to skewer one another and then make a lot of fuss over a scratched hand—they settled their affairs of honour in a fesv minutes in the early morning before business began ,,
and went back to the shop to work—at least one of them generally did . Business must have been rather slack svith the doctors in those days , for sve are told that Sir Francis had a similar affair on hand " svith a surgeon of celebrity , in practice at
the west end of the town . " This " affair" seems to have been brought to an amicable conclusion by the exertions of the seconds on the ground svho svere the means of reconciling the parties without damage to the " axilla" or any other portion of the human anatomy .
The portrait of a boy , to svhom Sir Francis is pointing , in the picture , is that of Master David Humphreys , an orphan pupil in the school established iu 1808 , who seems to have been a boy of remarkable powers of oratory , and was presented by the Duke of Sussex with three medals at different anniversaries of the Institution .
The large cup or tankard so convenient to the elbow of Sir Francis svas probably placed in that position more for exhibition than actual use . It doubtless represents the silver cup ,- valued at . £ 20 , given him by the Royal Naval Lodge , on July 6 th , 1808 .
Without this explanation , it might possibly be thought that the habits of the worthy knight tended in some degree towards conviviality represented in the shape of a constant and liberal supply of liquid refreshment . HENRY SADLER .
& W . SILSBY , ^ Pianoforte Manufactu re rs
C L A SS I . C LAS S II . SPECIFICATION ' . —Full Trichord , German Screwed Action , Half Tup , SPECIFICATION ' . —Full Trichord , German Screwed Action , with Mahogany Marqueterie Panel , Solid and Moulded Top and Bottom Door , Fittings , Three Compartment Moulded and Solid Top Door , Solid and Moulded 4-ft . 3-in . high . Bottom Door , Special Hammers , All-over Gilded Iron Frame , 4-ft . 3-iii . high .
GENU , NE Munich Lager Beers
Is the finest and most highly recommended . GRAND PRIX , Paris Exhibition , 1900 . For Analysis see "' LANCET , " Feb . 16 , 1895 , which shows this beer to be an absolutely pure , wholesome and highly recommendable drink .
{ fi ^^ ^ ^^ Ta ) jm ^ S ^ - ^^ tm ^
Telephone : No . 1232 Holborn .
For sample ( free of charge ) and copy of book , " What to drink" apply 10
if -aa -o ^/ l ) ALL THE jt ^ jt / jSi IJKrJ^ i & m »^ wSft ^ " ^ ^ ^ , IMI ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Hi ^^^^ HIM ^ HHHHHi ^^^^^^ HM ^^^^^ H ^^^^^^^^^ HH ^^ H ^^^ HI ^^^ H ^^^^^ Mi
Pints 3 s . 6 d ., Quarts 4 s . 6 d . per Dozen Three dozen and six dozen eases carriage paid .
R . M . MILLS & CO ., Bourne , Lincolnshire .
. .