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Lnstallation Of His Royal Highness The Duke Of Connaught As M.W. Grand Master Of England.
numbered amongst its members my brother , the late Duke of Albany , svho became Provincial Grand Master of Oxfordshire , and my nephew , the late lamented Duke of Clarence , who at the time of his lamented death filled the office of Provincial Grand Master of Berkshire . It is a subject of pride to the
Order that among those upon svhom the rank of Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge has been conferred are his Majesty Oscar King of Sweden and Norway , H . R . H . the Crown Prince of Denmark , and H . R . H . Prince Frederick Leopold of Prussia . But , brethren , without doubt the most
eventful period in the history of Freemasonry , the one which has witnessed the most phenomenal progress is that svhich followed the installation as Grand Master of his present Majesty—then Prince of Wales—in the year 1875 , and has continued until his Majesty's accession to the Throne . I feel sure that every member of the Craft hailed svith satisfaction and
¦ deli ght his Majesty ' s gracious intimation that he svould continue his intimate connection svith the Order by assuming the position of Protector of the Order . During the twenty-live years his Majesty filled the office of Grand Master prosperity has attended our Order in a very marked degree . Not only have
1311 nesv lodges been added to the roll of English Freemasonry , but the Order has attracted to its ranks a very large number of brethren holding high positions in the Church and State , the Army and Navy , the Bench and Bar , leading members of both Houses of Parliament , and other distinguished men throughout the country . As evidence of the manner in
which practical effect has been given to one of the cardinal principles of the Order—I mean Charity—I may mention that , irrespective of the large sums given b y the Craft to local Charitable Institutions , a sum little short of £ 2 , 000 , 000 has during the past twenty-five years been subscribed by
English Freemasons to the Benevolent Fund of Grand Lodge and the three Central Masonic Charities , namely , the Girls' and Boys' Schools and the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and Widows . In addition to this amount , £ 20 , 000 has during that period been voted from the
funds of Grand Lodge for the relief of distress outside the Masonic Body . Brethren , but fesv months have passed since my election to the honourable position I nosv occupy , but I have for many years been associated with the Craft in England and India , and have watched svith satisfaction and
pride the good work svhich quietly it has carried on . I recognise in it a power for the ' greatest good . It is a Body composed of God-fearing men , wliose watchwords are Religion , Loyalty , and Charity , and to be unanimously chosen Head of that Body is to occupy a position in svhich any man might svell feel proud .
Bro . the Hon . James Hozier , ALP ., Grand Master- Mason of Scotland : I beg leave on behalf of 100 , 000 Masons holding under the Scottish Constitution at home , in India , the Colonies , and foreign parts , to convey our heartiest and most respectful congratulations on the magnificent enthusiasm of this installation . The highest honour that the Grand Lodge
of Scotland has in its power to bestow is Honorary Membership . It is an honour that we confer very sparingly . At the present moment there are only two Honorary Grand Members of the Grand Lodge of Scotland . One is H . R . H .
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Lnstallation Of His Royal Highness The Duke Of Connaught As M.W. Grand Master Of England.
numbered amongst its members my brother , the late Duke of Albany , svho became Provincial Grand Master of Oxfordshire , and my nephew , the late lamented Duke of Clarence , who at the time of his lamented death filled the office of Provincial Grand Master of Berkshire . It is a subject of pride to the
Order that among those upon svhom the rank of Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge has been conferred are his Majesty Oscar King of Sweden and Norway , H . R . H . the Crown Prince of Denmark , and H . R . H . Prince Frederick Leopold of Prussia . But , brethren , without doubt the most
eventful period in the history of Freemasonry , the one which has witnessed the most phenomenal progress is that svhich followed the installation as Grand Master of his present Majesty—then Prince of Wales—in the year 1875 , and has continued until his Majesty's accession to the Throne . I feel sure that every member of the Craft hailed svith satisfaction and
¦ deli ght his Majesty ' s gracious intimation that he svould continue his intimate connection svith the Order by assuming the position of Protector of the Order . During the twenty-live years his Majesty filled the office of Grand Master prosperity has attended our Order in a very marked degree . Not only have
1311 nesv lodges been added to the roll of English Freemasonry , but the Order has attracted to its ranks a very large number of brethren holding high positions in the Church and State , the Army and Navy , the Bench and Bar , leading members of both Houses of Parliament , and other distinguished men throughout the country . As evidence of the manner in
which practical effect has been given to one of the cardinal principles of the Order—I mean Charity—I may mention that , irrespective of the large sums given b y the Craft to local Charitable Institutions , a sum little short of £ 2 , 000 , 000 has during the past twenty-five years been subscribed by
English Freemasons to the Benevolent Fund of Grand Lodge and the three Central Masonic Charities , namely , the Girls' and Boys' Schools and the Royal Masonic Benevolent Institution for Aged Freemasons and Widows . In addition to this amount , £ 20 , 000 has during that period been voted from the
funds of Grand Lodge for the relief of distress outside the Masonic Body . Brethren , but fesv months have passed since my election to the honourable position I nosv occupy , but I have for many years been associated with the Craft in England and India , and have watched svith satisfaction and
pride the good work svhich quietly it has carried on . I recognise in it a power for the ' greatest good . It is a Body composed of God-fearing men , wliose watchwords are Religion , Loyalty , and Charity , and to be unanimously chosen Head of that Body is to occupy a position in svhich any man might svell feel proud .
Bro . the Hon . James Hozier , ALP ., Grand Master- Mason of Scotland : I beg leave on behalf of 100 , 000 Masons holding under the Scottish Constitution at home , in India , the Colonies , and foreign parts , to convey our heartiest and most respectful congratulations on the magnificent enthusiasm of this installation . The highest honour that the Grand Lodge
of Scotland has in its power to bestow is Honorary Membership . It is an honour that we confer very sparingly . At the present moment there are only two Honorary Grand Members of the Grand Lodge of Scotland . One is H . R . H .