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Lnstallation Of His Royal Highness The Duke Of Connaught As M.W. Grand Master Of England.
Bro . J . \ Y . Elvin ... ... ... P . A . G . D . C . ,, L H . Haarburger ( vSou' . h Africa ) ... P . A . G . D . C . ,, D . J . Haarhoff ( South Africa ) ... P . A . G . D . C . ,, H . Courtney Luck ( Queensland ) ... P . A . G . D . C . ,, Major Herbert Green ... ... P . G . Swd . Br .
,, Capt . Williams Freeman ... ... P . G . Swd . Br . „ Capt . Arthur Lee Mitchell ... P . G . Swd . Br . „ Capt . Thos . F . Cooper , R . A . ( Gibraltar ) P . G . Ssvd . Br . ,, J . P .. Joaquim ( Eastern Archipelago ) P . G . Ssvd . Br . „ W . J . ' Spratling ... ... ... P . G . Swd . Br .
,, William Hollis ... ... ... P . G . Swd . Br . „ W . Bull ( Punjaub ) ... ... P . G . Ssvd . Br . „ John Williams ... ... ... P . D . G . Ssvd . Br . „ Joseph Russell ... ... ... P . G . St . Br . „ A . Clegg ... ... ... P . G . St . Br .
„ James Speller ... ... ... P . G . St . Br . „ John Leach Barrett ... ... P . G . St . Br . „ Henry J . Lardner ... ... P . G . St . Br . ,, Fountain Meen ... ... ... P . G . Organist . The Grand Secretary read a number of congratulatory cablegrams , amongst others from the Grand Lodge of
Canada , svhich Grand Lodge svas also represented by a brother , who had made the long journey from Toronto for this special purpose ; the Grand Lodge of Quebec , the Grand Lodge of Nesv South Wales , and the
Cambrian Lodge of Australia , No . 6 5 6 , the only English lodge nosv svorking in the State . of Nesv South Wales . The Grand Lodge of Victoria svas represented by R . W . Bro . W . C . Vahland , Past Deputy Grand Master . Grand Lodge was finally closed in ample form , and the
National Anthem was again sung by the assemblage . The great gathering ended as successfully as it had began , there being at the departure of the brethren scarcely the semblance of a crush . Including the Jubilee and Diamond Jubilee celebrations , svith the Centenary Festivals of the
Boys' and Girls' Schools , the Royal Albert Hall has now been the scene of no fewer than half-a-dozen important assemblages in connection svith English Freemasonry . The capacity of the vast structure , therefore , intimately associated as it is with the Royal Family , seeing that His Majesty the King was practically its founder , has been amply tried to its
fullest extent , so far as the bringing together of large representative gatherings of the Craft is concerned . From every aspect the building is singularly well adapted , and the experience gained by its nosv frequent use , may well entitle it to the name of England's Masonic Temple . In the evening V . W . Bro . R . Keating , Grand Treasurer
of Ireland , celebrated the day by a dinner at Claridge ' s Restaurant . Amongst the company present svas the M . W . Grand Master of Ireland , his Grace the Duke of Abercorn .
Brethren Upon Whom Past Grand Rank Has Been Conferred.
Brethren upon whom Past Grand Rank has been conferred .
PAST GRAND WARDEN . Bro . the Right Hon . Sir Frederick G . Milner , Bart ., M . P ., was initiated in the Churchill Lodge , No . 478 , Oxford , and aftersvards joined the Eboracum , No . 1611 , York , and the Vernon , No . 1802 , East Retford , in both of svhich he filled the chair of Master . He is a Past Provincial Senior Grand
PRO . THE RIGHT HON . SIR F . G . MILNER , PART . Warden of North and East Yorkshire , and is at present Provincial Senior Grand Warden of Nottinghamshire . In Rowil Arch Masonry , Sir Frederick Milner svas exalted in the Eboracum Chapter , No . 1611 , York , and svas elected to the First Principal ' s chair in 1890 .
PAST DKITTY GRAND REGISTRAR . Bro . Emanuel Macguire Underdown , K . C , became a member of the Craft in 1874 , in the Bard of Avon Lodge , No . 778 , and in 18 9 6 joined the Universal Lodge , No . 181 , of which he was installed Master in 18 97 . Last year he took part in founding the Devonian Lodge , No . 28 34 , of
PRO . E . At . UNDERDOWX , K . C . svhich the Lord Chancellor svas the first Master . Bro Underdown holds a prominent position at the Chancer ) Bar , and his appointment is a distinct gain to the already strong legal element in Grand Lodge .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Lnstallation Of His Royal Highness The Duke Of Connaught As M.W. Grand Master Of England.
Bro . J . \ Y . Elvin ... ... ... P . A . G . D . C . ,, L H . Haarburger ( vSou' . h Africa ) ... P . A . G . D . C . ,, D . J . Haarhoff ( South Africa ) ... P . A . G . D . C . ,, H . Courtney Luck ( Queensland ) ... P . A . G . D . C . ,, Major Herbert Green ... ... P . G . Swd . Br .
,, Capt . Williams Freeman ... ... P . G . Swd . Br . „ Capt . Arthur Lee Mitchell ... P . G . Swd . Br . „ Capt . Thos . F . Cooper , R . A . ( Gibraltar ) P . G . Ssvd . Br . ,, J . P .. Joaquim ( Eastern Archipelago ) P . G . Ssvd . Br . „ W . J . ' Spratling ... ... ... P . G . Swd . Br .
,, William Hollis ... ... ... P . G . Swd . Br . „ W . Bull ( Punjaub ) ... ... P . G . Ssvd . Br . „ John Williams ... ... ... P . D . G . Ssvd . Br . „ Joseph Russell ... ... ... P . G . St . Br . „ A . Clegg ... ... ... P . G . St . Br .
„ James Speller ... ... ... P . G . St . Br . „ John Leach Barrett ... ... P . G . St . Br . „ Henry J . Lardner ... ... P . G . St . Br . ,, Fountain Meen ... ... ... P . G . Organist . The Grand Secretary read a number of congratulatory cablegrams , amongst others from the Grand Lodge of
Canada , svhich Grand Lodge svas also represented by a brother , who had made the long journey from Toronto for this special purpose ; the Grand Lodge of Quebec , the Grand Lodge of Nesv South Wales , and the
Cambrian Lodge of Australia , No . 6 5 6 , the only English lodge nosv svorking in the State . of Nesv South Wales . The Grand Lodge of Victoria svas represented by R . W . Bro . W . C . Vahland , Past Deputy Grand Master . Grand Lodge was finally closed in ample form , and the
National Anthem was again sung by the assemblage . The great gathering ended as successfully as it had began , there being at the departure of the brethren scarcely the semblance of a crush . Including the Jubilee and Diamond Jubilee celebrations , svith the Centenary Festivals of the
Boys' and Girls' Schools , the Royal Albert Hall has now been the scene of no fewer than half-a-dozen important assemblages in connection svith English Freemasonry . The capacity of the vast structure , therefore , intimately associated as it is with the Royal Family , seeing that His Majesty the King was practically its founder , has been amply tried to its
fullest extent , so far as the bringing together of large representative gatherings of the Craft is concerned . From every aspect the building is singularly well adapted , and the experience gained by its nosv frequent use , may well entitle it to the name of England's Masonic Temple . In the evening V . W . Bro . R . Keating , Grand Treasurer
of Ireland , celebrated the day by a dinner at Claridge ' s Restaurant . Amongst the company present svas the M . W . Grand Master of Ireland , his Grace the Duke of Abercorn .
Brethren Upon Whom Past Grand Rank Has Been Conferred.
Brethren upon whom Past Grand Rank has been conferred .
PAST GRAND WARDEN . Bro . the Right Hon . Sir Frederick G . Milner , Bart ., M . P ., was initiated in the Churchill Lodge , No . 478 , Oxford , and aftersvards joined the Eboracum , No . 1611 , York , and the Vernon , No . 1802 , East Retford , in both of svhich he filled the chair of Master . He is a Past Provincial Senior Grand
PRO . THE RIGHT HON . SIR F . G . MILNER , PART . Warden of North and East Yorkshire , and is at present Provincial Senior Grand Warden of Nottinghamshire . In Rowil Arch Masonry , Sir Frederick Milner svas exalted in the Eboracum Chapter , No . 1611 , York , and svas elected to the First Principal ' s chair in 1890 .
PAST DKITTY GRAND REGISTRAR . Bro . Emanuel Macguire Underdown , K . C , became a member of the Craft in 1874 , in the Bard of Avon Lodge , No . 778 , and in 18 9 6 joined the Universal Lodge , No . 181 , of which he was installed Master in 18 97 . Last year he took part in founding the Devonian Lodge , No . 28 34 , of
PRO . E . At . UNDERDOWX , K . C . svhich the Lord Chancellor svas the first Master . Bro Underdown holds a prominent position at the Chancer ) Bar , and his appointment is a distinct gain to the already strong legal element in Grand Lodge .