Article At the Sign of the Perfect Ashlar ← Page 3 of 4 →
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At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
It is rumoured that the command of the Forces in India svill be g iven to our distinguished brother in succession to R . W . Bro . Sir Power Palmer , svhose appointment there shortly terminates , and whose mantle as District Grand Master of the Punjab it is not unreasonable to surmise may also descend on R . W . Bro . Lord Kitchener .
R . W . Bro . Lord Methuen , who has also arrived home , svas made a Senior Grand Warden in 18 9 6 . It is doubtful svliether the state of the gallant General ' s health svill allow of an } - public greetings being tendered him on his return , but the good wishes of the Craft are assuredly his .
< g : & . <"» Our readers svill be interested lo knosv that the honorary degree of LL . D . has been conferred at Trinity College , Dublin , upon Bro . Sir Horace B . Marshall , the immediate Past Grand Treasurer . We believe that this is the first time
a Sheriff of the City of London has during his term of office been the recip ient of such an honour . Sir Horace , of course , is well known to every member of the Craft , and he is equally well known to the general public for his great philanthropy , and for the useful services he has rendered in the cause of education .
«• ¦ <&¦ * The popularity of the Provincial Grand Master for Norfolk , R . W . Bro . Hamon Le Strange , and the esteem in which he is held , is not confined to the Masonic body . There svere many evidences of it a week or tsvo since , when ,
after an absence of many months in the East , he returned to his ancestral home , Hunstanton Hall . His severe illness and the surgical operation which had to be performed at Cairo , had called forth general sympathy , and on his arrival he was welcomed by a number of the tenantry and cottagers svho
had assembled to give him a hearty greeting . The brethren of his province will be no less hearty in their greetings when the opportunity comes to give him a Masonic welcome .
The Qualuor Coronati Ledge has held its summer outing at Norwich this year . The Castle svas visited , and features ot interest svere lucidl y described by Mr . Reeve ( curator ) and Mr . J . Tingcy . Under the guidance of the Dean and Dr . Jessop , the party svas conducted over the Cathedral , and , after lunch , the Guildhall , St . Peter Mancroft Church , the
Stranger ' s Hall , and other buildings svere inspected . In the evening the members of the Norsvich lodges provided an entertainment at the Assembly Room of the Agricultural Hall . The R . W . Prov . G . Master , Bro . Hamon Le Strange , occupied the chair and met svith a particularly cordial reception .
Ihe Worshipful Master , Bro . G . Greiner , Bro . Rylands , Secretary , and Bro . Dr . Chetwode Crawley , afforded valuable information to the brethren and others concerning the objects for svhich the lodge existed and of the work it svas accomplishing . Thev svere also unanimous in extolling the rich store of objects of archaeological interest
possessed by the city , and in declaring that they had never experienced a more hearty or hospitable welcome than that which had been extended to them in Norsvich . On the second day the brethren made a tour of the Broad district with Bro . Walter Rye as conductor , and in the evening thev entertained a number of members of the local lodges at the Maid ' s Head Hotel .
The Nesv Palace Steamers announce that they svill not make any alteration in their steamers' sailings for the Bank Holiday period . The " Royal Sovereign " svill sail as usual on the Monday and other days to Margate and Ramsgate at 9 . 20 from Old Swan Pier , London Bridge , and the " Koh-i-noor" at 8 . 50 for Southend and Margate . " La
Marguerite " on Saturday , 2 nd , and Sunday , 3 rd , to Southend and Margate from Tilbury , special train from Fenchurch Street Station 9 . 45 , St . Pancras 9 . 40 ; and Monday to Boulogne and back , calling at Southend and Margate , special train from Fenchurch Street at 6 . 15 a . m . Husbands' boatthe " Koh-i-noor "—on Saturday afternoon , leaving Old Swan Pier at 1 . 50 p . m .
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At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
It is rumoured that the command of the Forces in India svill be g iven to our distinguished brother in succession to R . W . Bro . Sir Power Palmer , svhose appointment there shortly terminates , and whose mantle as District Grand Master of the Punjab it is not unreasonable to surmise may also descend on R . W . Bro . Lord Kitchener .
R . W . Bro . Lord Methuen , who has also arrived home , svas made a Senior Grand Warden in 18 9 6 . It is doubtful svliether the state of the gallant General ' s health svill allow of an } - public greetings being tendered him on his return , but the good wishes of the Craft are assuredly his .
< g : & . <"» Our readers svill be interested lo knosv that the honorary degree of LL . D . has been conferred at Trinity College , Dublin , upon Bro . Sir Horace B . Marshall , the immediate Past Grand Treasurer . We believe that this is the first time
a Sheriff of the City of London has during his term of office been the recip ient of such an honour . Sir Horace , of course , is well known to every member of the Craft , and he is equally well known to the general public for his great philanthropy , and for the useful services he has rendered in the cause of education .
«• ¦ <&¦ * The popularity of the Provincial Grand Master for Norfolk , R . W . Bro . Hamon Le Strange , and the esteem in which he is held , is not confined to the Masonic body . There svere many evidences of it a week or tsvo since , when ,
after an absence of many months in the East , he returned to his ancestral home , Hunstanton Hall . His severe illness and the surgical operation which had to be performed at Cairo , had called forth general sympathy , and on his arrival he was welcomed by a number of the tenantry and cottagers svho
had assembled to give him a hearty greeting . The brethren of his province will be no less hearty in their greetings when the opportunity comes to give him a Masonic welcome .
The Qualuor Coronati Ledge has held its summer outing at Norwich this year . The Castle svas visited , and features ot interest svere lucidl y described by Mr . Reeve ( curator ) and Mr . J . Tingcy . Under the guidance of the Dean and Dr . Jessop , the party svas conducted over the Cathedral , and , after lunch , the Guildhall , St . Peter Mancroft Church , the
Stranger ' s Hall , and other buildings svere inspected . In the evening the members of the Norsvich lodges provided an entertainment at the Assembly Room of the Agricultural Hall . The R . W . Prov . G . Master , Bro . Hamon Le Strange , occupied the chair and met svith a particularly cordial reception .
Ihe Worshipful Master , Bro . G . Greiner , Bro . Rylands , Secretary , and Bro . Dr . Chetwode Crawley , afforded valuable information to the brethren and others concerning the objects for svhich the lodge existed and of the work it svas accomplishing . Thev svere also unanimous in extolling the rich store of objects of archaeological interest
possessed by the city , and in declaring that they had never experienced a more hearty or hospitable welcome than that which had been extended to them in Norsvich . On the second day the brethren made a tour of the Broad district with Bro . Walter Rye as conductor , and in the evening thev entertained a number of members of the local lodges at the Maid ' s Head Hotel .
The Nesv Palace Steamers announce that they svill not make any alteration in their steamers' sailings for the Bank Holiday period . The " Royal Sovereign " svill sail as usual on the Monday and other days to Margate and Ramsgate at 9 . 20 from Old Swan Pier , London Bridge , and the " Koh-i-noor" at 8 . 50 for Southend and Margate . " La
Marguerite " on Saturday , 2 nd , and Sunday , 3 rd , to Southend and Margate from Tilbury , special train from Fenchurch Street Station 9 . 45 , St . Pancras 9 . 40 ; and Monday to Boulogne and back , calling at Southend and Margate , special train from Fenchurch Street at 6 . 15 a . m . Husbands' boatthe " Koh-i-noor "—on Saturday afternoon , leaving Old Swan Pier at 1 . 50 p . m .