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Freemasonry In India.
Freemasonry in India .
THE annual banquet of Lodge Himalayan Brotherhood in celebration of the installation of W . Bro . Colonel Frank Leigh , V . D ., took place at the Town Hall , Simla , on Monday , June 13 th . This annual function has not been so enhanced in importance and brilliancy for some
years . The presence of his Excellency Lord Ampthill , Viceroy and Governor-General of India , of his Excellency Lord Kitchener , Commander-in-Chief in India , combined to accord special eclat to the occasion . Colonel Frank Leigh , who was installed , is now a retired Government official ,
whose long and faithful services to the Crown have earned for him the honoured name with which he has retired . The ceremony of installation was performed in the presence of their Excellencies Lords Ampthill and Kitchener . After eight o'clock the guests arrived and were received at the entrance lobby by W . Bros . D . Henry , R . Watson , Col .
Wickham , and J . Schwaiger . The reception room was most tastefully draped and furnished . At the banquet which followed , R . W . Bro . Lord Kitchener , in replying to the toast of " The R . W . the District Grand Master of the Punjab and District Grand Officers , Present and Past , " said that , as a member of Lodge
Himalayan Brotherhood , he felt he represented the feelings of all present in congratulating the Immediate Past Master and the officers of his time on the excellent service they had done to the lodge in carrying out its work during the past year . His Excellency described the state of the lodge
as most satisfactory , and went on to felicitate it on the excellent selection made in the person of the Worshipful Master for the current year . He could endorse what had been said by the latter in regard to the flourishing condition of Freemasonry in the Punjab . Besides the creation of a
new lodge , the old ones had been most extensively supported , and the charity and good fellowship which characterised Freemasonry had been greatly in evidence . He instanced the present successful banquet as proof of the supper ' which was accorded to it . His Excellency regretted that
his own duties prevented his taking a more active part himself in its proceedings . In this connection he cordially acknowledged the hard work which was being clone by his Deputy , the Worshipful Master , and his officers . He was glad to see that part of the evening ' s proceedings had been
the presentation of a Masonic jewel to one of his deputies , Bro . Colonel Lyons Montgomery , who , he hoped , would long live to wear it . It was by such presentations as this that the brethren recognised the services of those who gave up time and labour to the work of the cause . None better , he said , deserved the esteem and regard of his fellows than
Bro . Col . Lyons Montgomery . His Excellency concluded by cordially thanking the gathering in the name of the officers of the Dist Grand Lodge for the way the toast had been received . R . W . Bro . Lord Ampthill , replying to the toast of " The R . W . the District Grand Masters of Bengal , Madras , Bombay , and Burma , and all lodges working under them , "
said that he was present not as the civil ruler of India , but as a mere Freemason and as a Masonic District Grand Master . He had not expected to be called upon to reply in a prefunctory manner to any more than a toast of obligation , but his health had been so kindly proposed and
received , that what he had intended to say seemed inadequate . His Excellency said that though he did not know the other District Grand Masters personally , he could say with certainty that they would all have been gratified could they have seen how cordially the toast had been received .
{ West Side of First Avenue Hold )
Having received our New Stock comprising a large selection of the highest class of Worsted and Cheviot Coa ings , Scotch Suitings , and Cashmere Trouserings , we beg to solicit an early inspection , feeling sure we can give every satisfaction .
, - - - AND . .
T IS OB EustonLaboratory&SchoolofChemistry 4 , EUSTON BUILDINGS , EUSTON SQUARE , N . W . . Win- Gmcvr Stmt ( M . R . ) and Huston ( Z . & X . W . ) Stations . PREPARATORY AND ADVANCED CLASSES FOR INSTRUCTION In Medical , Veterinary , Pharmaceutical , Agricultural , and Technical Chemistry . Students Admitted to Courses or part of Courses Suitable to their Requirements . For Terms , etc ., apply to the Secretary . THERE IS A VACANCY FOR AN ARTICLED PUPIL . Director * of ( he Laboratories : Bro . Prof . JAMES BAYNE , F . I . C ., F . C . S . Mr . HUBERT E . ^ LINDLEY , F . C . S . SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO BACKWARD STUDENTS .
An eminent London Physician has , after several years of research _ « and trial , perfected an absolute preventative of Sea-sickness and V ^ / "lit Train-sickness . These distressing conditions arise from an irritation I UU of the pnenmogastrlc nerve acting directly through the brain upon — the stomach . YANATAS tranquilizes the entire nervous system and prevents Sea-sickness . This is no mere theorizing . Many -t members of the Royal Families of England and most other f \ *• £ European Countries have repeatedly used YANATAS and been * » *» saved from Sea-sickness . A copy of one letter will suffice . ~
A < i " Her Imperial Majesty /\ DIG the Tsarina of Russia 1 , ,, ( Princess Allx of Hesse ) , Her Imperial Highness f ~ r * the Grand Duchess Serge J O of Russia , and Her Royal mamm Highness Princess Henry of Prussia , have found A . - YANATAS a perfect f \ VOIQ remedy for Sea-sickness . "
1 / A 1 VT A T * A ^
SEA = SICKNESS IS PREVENTABLE . anaKBHHBHHHaaHDEBHIII ^ HHBG ^ MKaHHnW ^ D .I I .I R Jfl ^ H IJJ ^ 9 J | H | H ¦ 1 fl . I JJ IJ IJ ^ M H | pH M H Dj ^ M I ^^^^^^^^^^ M I I . ^ SiigggSP ^
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Freemasonry In India.
Freemasonry in India .
THE annual banquet of Lodge Himalayan Brotherhood in celebration of the installation of W . Bro . Colonel Frank Leigh , V . D ., took place at the Town Hall , Simla , on Monday , June 13 th . This annual function has not been so enhanced in importance and brilliancy for some
years . The presence of his Excellency Lord Ampthill , Viceroy and Governor-General of India , of his Excellency Lord Kitchener , Commander-in-Chief in India , combined to accord special eclat to the occasion . Colonel Frank Leigh , who was installed , is now a retired Government official ,
whose long and faithful services to the Crown have earned for him the honoured name with which he has retired . The ceremony of installation was performed in the presence of their Excellencies Lords Ampthill and Kitchener . After eight o'clock the guests arrived and were received at the entrance lobby by W . Bros . D . Henry , R . Watson , Col .
Wickham , and J . Schwaiger . The reception room was most tastefully draped and furnished . At the banquet which followed , R . W . Bro . Lord Kitchener , in replying to the toast of " The R . W . the District Grand Master of the Punjab and District Grand Officers , Present and Past , " said that , as a member of Lodge
Himalayan Brotherhood , he felt he represented the feelings of all present in congratulating the Immediate Past Master and the officers of his time on the excellent service they had done to the lodge in carrying out its work during the past year . His Excellency described the state of the lodge
as most satisfactory , and went on to felicitate it on the excellent selection made in the person of the Worshipful Master for the current year . He could endorse what had been said by the latter in regard to the flourishing condition of Freemasonry in the Punjab . Besides the creation of a
new lodge , the old ones had been most extensively supported , and the charity and good fellowship which characterised Freemasonry had been greatly in evidence . He instanced the present successful banquet as proof of the supper ' which was accorded to it . His Excellency regretted that
his own duties prevented his taking a more active part himself in its proceedings . In this connection he cordially acknowledged the hard work which was being clone by his Deputy , the Worshipful Master , and his officers . He was glad to see that part of the evening ' s proceedings had been
the presentation of a Masonic jewel to one of his deputies , Bro . Colonel Lyons Montgomery , who , he hoped , would long live to wear it . It was by such presentations as this that the brethren recognised the services of those who gave up time and labour to the work of the cause . None better , he said , deserved the esteem and regard of his fellows than
Bro . Col . Lyons Montgomery . His Excellency concluded by cordially thanking the gathering in the name of the officers of the Dist Grand Lodge for the way the toast had been received . R . W . Bro . Lord Ampthill , replying to the toast of " The R . W . the District Grand Masters of Bengal , Madras , Bombay , and Burma , and all lodges working under them , "
said that he was present not as the civil ruler of India , but as a mere Freemason and as a Masonic District Grand Master . He had not expected to be called upon to reply in a prefunctory manner to any more than a toast of obligation , but his health had been so kindly proposed and
received , that what he had intended to say seemed inadequate . His Excellency said that though he did not know the other District Grand Masters personally , he could say with certainty that they would all have been gratified could they have seen how cordially the toast had been received .
{ West Side of First Avenue Hold )
Having received our New Stock comprising a large selection of the highest class of Worsted and Cheviot Coa ings , Scotch Suitings , and Cashmere Trouserings , we beg to solicit an early inspection , feeling sure we can give every satisfaction .
, - - - AND . .
T IS OB EustonLaboratory&SchoolofChemistry 4 , EUSTON BUILDINGS , EUSTON SQUARE , N . W . . Win- Gmcvr Stmt ( M . R . ) and Huston ( Z . & X . W . ) Stations . PREPARATORY AND ADVANCED CLASSES FOR INSTRUCTION In Medical , Veterinary , Pharmaceutical , Agricultural , and Technical Chemistry . Students Admitted to Courses or part of Courses Suitable to their Requirements . For Terms , etc ., apply to the Secretary . THERE IS A VACANCY FOR AN ARTICLED PUPIL . Director * of ( he Laboratories : Bro . Prof . JAMES BAYNE , F . I . C ., F . C . S . Mr . HUBERT E . ^ LINDLEY , F . C . S . SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO BACKWARD STUDENTS .
An eminent London Physician has , after several years of research _ « and trial , perfected an absolute preventative of Sea-sickness and V ^ / "lit Train-sickness . These distressing conditions arise from an irritation I UU of the pnenmogastrlc nerve acting directly through the brain upon — the stomach . YANATAS tranquilizes the entire nervous system and prevents Sea-sickness . This is no mere theorizing . Many -t members of the Royal Families of England and most other f \ *• £ European Countries have repeatedly used YANATAS and been * » *» saved from Sea-sickness . A copy of one letter will suffice . ~
A < i " Her Imperial Majesty /\ DIG the Tsarina of Russia 1 , ,, ( Princess Allx of Hesse ) , Her Imperial Highness f ~ r * the Grand Duchess Serge J O of Russia , and Her Royal mamm Highness Princess Henry of Prussia , have found A . - YANATAS a perfect f \ VOIQ remedy for Sea-sickness . "
1 / A 1 VT A T * A ^
SEA = SICKNESS IS PREVENTABLE . anaKBHHBHHHaaHDEBHIII ^ HHBG ^ MKaHHnW ^ D .I I .I R Jfl ^ H IJJ ^ 9 J | H | H ¦ 1 fl . I JJ IJ IJ ^ M H | pH M H Dj ^ M I ^^^^^^^^^^ M I I . ^ SiigggSP ^