Article Provincial Grand Lodge of Surrey. ← Page 5 of 5 Article Provincial Grand Lodge of Surrey. Page 5 of 5 Article Consecration of the Camden Place Lodge, No. 3042. Page 1 of 1
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Provincial Grand Lodge Of Surrey.
18 93 , which was followed by the higher appointment in the United Grand Lodge of England of Deputy Grand Registrar in 18 95 , a distinction that was further augmented by his being nominated by the late Grand Master to the rank of a Past junior Grand Warden in 18 99 . ^ ' Life Governor of the three principal Masonic Charities . Bro . Sir Thomas
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Surrey.
is , so far at least as we have been able to ascertain , the first judge of the High Court who has ever been appointed to the office of Provincial Grand Master of the Craft . He represented for about seven years the Epsom division of the county of Surrey in Parliament , and was Recorder of the City of Exeter for many years .
Consecration Of The Camden Place Lodge, No. 3042.
Consecration of the Camden Place Lodge , No . 3042 .
THE Camden Place Lodge , arising out of the Golf Club at Camden House , Chislehurst , formerly the residence of the Empress Eugenie , was formally constituted on Monday , the 27 th June , by M . W . Bro . Earl Amherst , Pi ovincial Grand Master for Kent , assisted by the following Provincial Grand Officers : — Bros . Alfred Spencer , Dep . Prov . G .
BRO . DR . ABRAHAM . Master , P . G . S . B . Eng . ; Edward Thomas Ward , as S . W . ; Surg . Maj . H . W . Roberts , as J . W . ; the Rev . T . W . Embleton Thomas , Prov . G . Chap ., as Chaplain ; W . Russell ,
P . G . Treas ., P . A . G . D . C . ; S . R . Macartney , Prov . G . Sec . ; R . H . Hale , Prov . G . D . C . ; and J . Percy White , P . M . 2277 and 2599 , as D . C . There were also present Bros , the Rev . Sir Borradaile Savory , Bart ., P . G . C ; Dr . Armitage , G . D . ; Clement
Godson , M . D ., P . G . D . ; Woocihouse Braine , F . R . C . S ., P . G . D . ; D'Arcy Power , P . G . D . ; T . G . A . Burns , P . G . D . ; — . Narme , P . G . D . ; F . W . Levander , P . G . D . ; Dr . F . Lawrance , P . A . G . D . C . ; Ex-Provost Kirkwood , P . D . G . M . Transvaal ; Edwin Fox , P . A . G . D . C . ; M . Slaughter , P . A . G . D . C . ; the Rev . E . V . Bryan , Prov . G . Chaplain ; W . E . Lucas , Prov . S . G . D . ; E . Evenden , Prov . S . G . D . ; F . Holme-Sumner ;
A . T . Day , G . Stwd ., Acting I . P . M . ; J . Allan , M . B ., S . W ., F . J . McCann , M . D ., J . W . ; J . H . Podmore , Sec . ; Jas . Ford , P . G . Std ., Treas . ; G . C . Cathcart , M . D . ; J . F . Roberts ; G . E . Lewis , P . P . G . Reg . ; E . Podmore , P . P . G . D . C ; Lauchi ; J . K . Murphy , M . D . ; J . H . Tallent ;
Vernon Taylor ; H . F . Cubitt ; R . P . Tebb , P . G . Supt . of Wks . ; and others . The charming natural surroundings of Camden House were enhanced by lovely weather , and the inaugural meeting of the new Kentish lodge could give no cause for
complaint to its most ardent well-wisher . At the conclusion of the consecration ceremony and the installation of Bro . Dr . Abraham as Worshipful Master , the compliment of honorary membership of the lodge was
conferred on the Consecrating Officers . The receipt of propositions for new membership concluded the business of the lodge . At the subsequent banquet , Bro . Dr . Abraham , W . M ., was supported by Earl Amherst and a large number of Grand and Provincial Grand OiTicers .
The toast of " The Grand Officers" was replied to by Bro . Dr . Armitage , who said that as a junior member of that body he felt very unprepared to respond in the presence of so many brethren of senior rank . : He had entered Freemasonry after a lapse of many years . He derived a great deal of pleasure from the study of Masonic ritual ,
because it took him into another sphere altogether . It was well in one ' s recreative moments to be well employed , and as W . M . of the University of Edinburgh Lodge he had plenty of the right kind of work to do . In conclusion he cordially thanked the lodge for the charming entertainment
they had afforded him . The toast of "The Prov . Grand Master , Earl Amherst , Pro Grand Master , " was received with great enthusiasm . His lordship , in reply , said he knew that the lodge would be a success , but he wished it to be so great a success
as to be a beacon light for other lodges in the Province of Kent , which held no mean position amongst the provinces of England . It was , he said , his 44 th year in Provincial Grand Lodge and his eighth year at head-quarters , and he had been delighted during that time to find how 7 much his
services had been appreciated by the Masons of England . His lordship went on to say that during the past three months he had constituted three new chapters , dedicated a Masonic Temple , installed a Grand Master and a Grand Superintendent , which was not a bad record for three months . His lordship expressed his pleasure at being with them and his regret at being obliged to leave early .
The toast of "The Worshipful Master , Bro . Dr . Abraham , " was next proposed by Bro . A . Day , G . Stwd ., Acting I . P . M ., and the W . M ., in response , said that he had only accepted office after it had been refused by brethren senior to himself in Masonry , and that he should do his best for the credit and honour of the lodge .
CAMDEX PLACE , CIIISLKH URST . The toast of " The Visitors , " replied to by Bro . Ex-Provost Kirkwood , P . D . G . M . Transvaal , and that of " The Officers of the Lodge " concluded the meeting .
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Provincial Grand Lodge Of Surrey.
18 93 , which was followed by the higher appointment in the United Grand Lodge of England of Deputy Grand Registrar in 18 95 , a distinction that was further augmented by his being nominated by the late Grand Master to the rank of a Past junior Grand Warden in 18 99 . ^ ' Life Governor of the three principal Masonic Charities . Bro . Sir Thomas
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Surrey.
is , so far at least as we have been able to ascertain , the first judge of the High Court who has ever been appointed to the office of Provincial Grand Master of the Craft . He represented for about seven years the Epsom division of the county of Surrey in Parliament , and was Recorder of the City of Exeter for many years .
Consecration Of The Camden Place Lodge, No. 3042.
Consecration of the Camden Place Lodge , No . 3042 .
THE Camden Place Lodge , arising out of the Golf Club at Camden House , Chislehurst , formerly the residence of the Empress Eugenie , was formally constituted on Monday , the 27 th June , by M . W . Bro . Earl Amherst , Pi ovincial Grand Master for Kent , assisted by the following Provincial Grand Officers : — Bros . Alfred Spencer , Dep . Prov . G .
BRO . DR . ABRAHAM . Master , P . G . S . B . Eng . ; Edward Thomas Ward , as S . W . ; Surg . Maj . H . W . Roberts , as J . W . ; the Rev . T . W . Embleton Thomas , Prov . G . Chap ., as Chaplain ; W . Russell ,
P . G . Treas ., P . A . G . D . C . ; S . R . Macartney , Prov . G . Sec . ; R . H . Hale , Prov . G . D . C . ; and J . Percy White , P . M . 2277 and 2599 , as D . C . There were also present Bros , the Rev . Sir Borradaile Savory , Bart ., P . G . C ; Dr . Armitage , G . D . ; Clement
Godson , M . D ., P . G . D . ; Woocihouse Braine , F . R . C . S ., P . G . D . ; D'Arcy Power , P . G . D . ; T . G . A . Burns , P . G . D . ; — . Narme , P . G . D . ; F . W . Levander , P . G . D . ; Dr . F . Lawrance , P . A . G . D . C . ; Ex-Provost Kirkwood , P . D . G . M . Transvaal ; Edwin Fox , P . A . G . D . C . ; M . Slaughter , P . A . G . D . C . ; the Rev . E . V . Bryan , Prov . G . Chaplain ; W . E . Lucas , Prov . S . G . D . ; E . Evenden , Prov . S . G . D . ; F . Holme-Sumner ;
A . T . Day , G . Stwd ., Acting I . P . M . ; J . Allan , M . B ., S . W ., F . J . McCann , M . D ., J . W . ; J . H . Podmore , Sec . ; Jas . Ford , P . G . Std ., Treas . ; G . C . Cathcart , M . D . ; J . F . Roberts ; G . E . Lewis , P . P . G . Reg . ; E . Podmore , P . P . G . D . C ; Lauchi ; J . K . Murphy , M . D . ; J . H . Tallent ;
Vernon Taylor ; H . F . Cubitt ; R . P . Tebb , P . G . Supt . of Wks . ; and others . The charming natural surroundings of Camden House were enhanced by lovely weather , and the inaugural meeting of the new Kentish lodge could give no cause for
complaint to its most ardent well-wisher . At the conclusion of the consecration ceremony and the installation of Bro . Dr . Abraham as Worshipful Master , the compliment of honorary membership of the lodge was
conferred on the Consecrating Officers . The receipt of propositions for new membership concluded the business of the lodge . At the subsequent banquet , Bro . Dr . Abraham , W . M ., was supported by Earl Amherst and a large number of Grand and Provincial Grand OiTicers .
The toast of " The Grand Officers" was replied to by Bro . Dr . Armitage , who said that as a junior member of that body he felt very unprepared to respond in the presence of so many brethren of senior rank . : He had entered Freemasonry after a lapse of many years . He derived a great deal of pleasure from the study of Masonic ritual ,
because it took him into another sphere altogether . It was well in one ' s recreative moments to be well employed , and as W . M . of the University of Edinburgh Lodge he had plenty of the right kind of work to do . In conclusion he cordially thanked the lodge for the charming entertainment
they had afforded him . The toast of "The Prov . Grand Master , Earl Amherst , Pro Grand Master , " was received with great enthusiasm . His lordship , in reply , said he knew that the lodge would be a success , but he wished it to be so great a success
as to be a beacon light for other lodges in the Province of Kent , which held no mean position amongst the provinces of England . It was , he said , his 44 th year in Provincial Grand Lodge and his eighth year at head-quarters , and he had been delighted during that time to find how 7 much his
services had been appreciated by the Masons of England . His lordship went on to say that during the past three months he had constituted three new chapters , dedicated a Masonic Temple , installed a Grand Master and a Grand Superintendent , which was not a bad record for three months . His lordship expressed his pleasure at being with them and his regret at being obliged to leave early .
The toast of "The Worshipful Master , Bro . Dr . Abraham , " was next proposed by Bro . A . Day , G . Stwd ., Acting I . P . M ., and the W . M ., in response , said that he had only accepted office after it had been refused by brethren senior to himself in Masonry , and that he should do his best for the credit and honour of the lodge .
CAMDEX PLACE , CIIISLKH URST . The toast of " The Visitors , " replied to by Bro . Ex-Provost Kirkwood , P . D . G . M . Transvaal , and that of " The Officers of the Lodge " concluded the meeting .