Article A Family of Freemasons. Page 1 of 1 Article The Cornubian Lodge. Page 1 of 1 Article The Cornubian Lodge. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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A Family Of Freemasons.
A Family of Freemasons .
A GOODLY muster of brethren of the Witham Lodge , and the daughter lodges in the City of Lincoln ,
assembled in the lodge room recently to witness the initiation of Mr . William S . Dawson , a younger brother of the
Worshipful Master . The event was unique in the long annals of No . 297 , inasmuch as the name of the candidate ' s father
( a Past Treasurer ) together with those of three of his elder
brothers appear on its present roll of members—all having been initiated in the Witham Lodge during the past quarter of a century .
The Cornubian Lodge.
The Cornubian Lodge .
THE meeting of the Cornubian Lodge , No . 450 , Hayle , on the 29 th June , was of more than usual interest . After a candidate had been initiated by W . Bro . E . W . Pascoe , the W . M ., in an able manner , W . Bro . G . B . Pearce , P . M ., P . P . G . W ., said it was perhaps unique in the history of that
The Cornubian Lodge.
lodge that W . Bro . J . P . Smith , P . M ., P . P . S . G . D ., completed fifty years of Masonic life and his connection with the lodge . Initiated June 6 th , 1854 , he had continued his connection with the lodge without a break . Elected Worshipful Master in i 860 , he had carried out the duties of that office in a most satisfactory manner , and
shortly after was appointed Secretary , and for twenty-four years tilled that responsible oflice to the satisfaction of the various Worshipful Masters of the lodge . He was advanced in the Fortitude Mark Lodge on June 6 th , 1854 , and was one of the first to join the Cornubian Mark Lodge on its
formation in 1866 , and for twenty years filled the oflice of Secretary , and still continues a member . He joined the Loyal Cornubian Encampment of Knight Templars at Redruth on May 5 th , 1866 , and the Royal Arch in the Royal Cornubian Chapter , No . 331 , Truro , on November 13 th ,
1869 , and was one of the founders of the Hayle Chapter in 1874 , and still continues his membership . Perhaps few Masons can equal such a record of membership , and they hoped he would live many years to continue his ripened experience in the various degrees . He
was-presented with a P . M . 's jewel , and , on April 23 rd , 1891 , was presented with an illuminated address and a purse of gold . The occasion will be long remembered by the brethren who were privileged to be present . He congratulated W . Bro . Smith on attaining his jubilee in Freemasonry , and he sincerely
hoped the G . A . O . T . U . would make his closing years as happy as they could wish . W . Bros . J . G . Osborn , P . M ., P . P . G . W ., and B . Spray , P . M ., P . P . G . D ., added their testimony to the zeal and ability shown by W . Bro . Smith , and their good wishes for his health . W . Bro . Smith , rising to respond , referred to his long
connection with Freemasonry and the pleasure he had experienced when in active service in the lodge . He had served under three Prov . Grand Masters—Sir Charles Lemon , Augustus Smith , and their present Prov . Grand Master , the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe . He had known all the founders
of the lodge , and well remembered their lodge room in the White Hart Hotel , and then in part of their present dining room . In his long experience he had made many Masonic friends both in and out of the lodge , many of them had passed to the Grand Lodge above . He sincerely thanked them for
their kind expressions of esteem , and he hoped to meet them on many occasions . After the lodge was closed , the brethren adjourned to the Hall , where light refreshments had been provided . " Health and prosperity to W . Bro . Smith " was proposed by
the Worshipful Master , and responded to in an interesting speech . " The Initiate" and " the Visitors " were proposed and responded to , and the brethren spent a very pleasant evening .
( ESTABLISHED 1870 ) . Assets , . £ 597 , 790 . Liabilities , . £ 285 , 680 . Reserve , . £ 312 , 110
Loans of £ 50 to £ 5 , 000 made on any class of security . Two and a-half p € r cent , interest allowed 011 Current Accounts . Deposits of £ 10 and upwards received as under : — 5 per cent , per annum , subject to 3 months' notice of withdrawal . G ,. ,, ,, 0 ,, i ) 7 1 ' Special terms for longer periods . Interest paid Quarterly . The Terminable Deposit Bonds pay nearly ' J per cent ., and are a safe investment . Write or call for Prospectus . £ 1 AMS Jolnt
' Y ^ X \ , f Managers . lit Ja 1 / VL » L » J
..THE .. . .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
A Family Of Freemasons.
A Family of Freemasons .
A GOODLY muster of brethren of the Witham Lodge , and the daughter lodges in the City of Lincoln ,
assembled in the lodge room recently to witness the initiation of Mr . William S . Dawson , a younger brother of the
Worshipful Master . The event was unique in the long annals of No . 297 , inasmuch as the name of the candidate ' s father
( a Past Treasurer ) together with those of three of his elder
brothers appear on its present roll of members—all having been initiated in the Witham Lodge during the past quarter of a century .
The Cornubian Lodge.
The Cornubian Lodge .
THE meeting of the Cornubian Lodge , No . 450 , Hayle , on the 29 th June , was of more than usual interest . After a candidate had been initiated by W . Bro . E . W . Pascoe , the W . M ., in an able manner , W . Bro . G . B . Pearce , P . M ., P . P . G . W ., said it was perhaps unique in the history of that
The Cornubian Lodge.
lodge that W . Bro . J . P . Smith , P . M ., P . P . S . G . D ., completed fifty years of Masonic life and his connection with the lodge . Initiated June 6 th , 1854 , he had continued his connection with the lodge without a break . Elected Worshipful Master in i 860 , he had carried out the duties of that office in a most satisfactory manner , and
shortly after was appointed Secretary , and for twenty-four years tilled that responsible oflice to the satisfaction of the various Worshipful Masters of the lodge . He was advanced in the Fortitude Mark Lodge on June 6 th , 1854 , and was one of the first to join the Cornubian Mark Lodge on its
formation in 1866 , and for twenty years filled the oflice of Secretary , and still continues a member . He joined the Loyal Cornubian Encampment of Knight Templars at Redruth on May 5 th , 1866 , and the Royal Arch in the Royal Cornubian Chapter , No . 331 , Truro , on November 13 th ,
1869 , and was one of the founders of the Hayle Chapter in 1874 , and still continues his membership . Perhaps few Masons can equal such a record of membership , and they hoped he would live many years to continue his ripened experience in the various degrees . He
was-presented with a P . M . 's jewel , and , on April 23 rd , 1891 , was presented with an illuminated address and a purse of gold . The occasion will be long remembered by the brethren who were privileged to be present . He congratulated W . Bro . Smith on attaining his jubilee in Freemasonry , and he sincerely
hoped the G . A . O . T . U . would make his closing years as happy as they could wish . W . Bros . J . G . Osborn , P . M ., P . P . G . W ., and B . Spray , P . M ., P . P . G . D ., added their testimony to the zeal and ability shown by W . Bro . Smith , and their good wishes for his health . W . Bro . Smith , rising to respond , referred to his long
connection with Freemasonry and the pleasure he had experienced when in active service in the lodge . He had served under three Prov . Grand Masters—Sir Charles Lemon , Augustus Smith , and their present Prov . Grand Master , the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe . He had known all the founders
of the lodge , and well remembered their lodge room in the White Hart Hotel , and then in part of their present dining room . In his long experience he had made many Masonic friends both in and out of the lodge , many of them had passed to the Grand Lodge above . He sincerely thanked them for
their kind expressions of esteem , and he hoped to meet them on many occasions . After the lodge was closed , the brethren adjourned to the Hall , where light refreshments had been provided . " Health and prosperity to W . Bro . Smith " was proposed by
the Worshipful Master , and responded to in an interesting speech . " The Initiate" and " the Visitors " were proposed and responded to , and the brethren spent a very pleasant evening .
( ESTABLISHED 1870 ) . Assets , . £ 597 , 790 . Liabilities , . £ 285 , 680 . Reserve , . £ 312 , 110
Loans of £ 50 to £ 5 , 000 made on any class of security . Two and a-half p € r cent , interest allowed 011 Current Accounts . Deposits of £ 10 and upwards received as under : — 5 per cent , per annum , subject to 3 months' notice of withdrawal . G ,. ,, ,, 0 ,, i ) 7 1 ' Special terms for longer periods . Interest paid Quarterly . The Terminable Deposit Bonds pay nearly ' J per cent ., and are a safe investment . Write or call for Prospectus . £ 1 AMS Jolnt
' Y ^ X \ , f Managers . lit Ja 1 / VL » L » J
..THE .. . .