Article The New Commercial Travellers' Schools at Pinner. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Provincial Grand Lodge of Essex. Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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The New Commercial Travellers' Schools At Pinner.
they were good judges as to whether institutions were well managed . Anyone who was acquainted with the history of this great school could not deny that it had been singularly successful in the character and ability of the gentlemen who had voluntarily taken its management . He knew something
of education , and any who have experience of a great boarding school containing 350 scholars would know it was no easy organisation to work . The history of the schools had been remarkable , and it had shown a steady and
continued development , derived from charitable funds . He thought the company might fairly assume that the secret of success of the schools was that all the subscribers were satisfied that the institution was doing a real public duty . The company then rose and proceeded to the marquee which had been erected , and the usual ceremony was
performed . The brethren afterwards returned to Provincial Grand Lodge , which was duly closed .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Essex.
Provincial Grand Lodge of Essex .
SEVEN years have expired since the Essex Provincial Grand Lodge was last held at Colchester , and during that period important advances have been made in various departments of the Masonic life of the province . For example , the membership has grown perceptibly , the
roll being swelled by the consecration of something like a dozen new lodges . A happy idea in relation to some of the Essex lodges is that they have been named after prominent Masons , and a couple of those that have come into being since the Diamond Jubilee year take their names from
W . Bros . Albert Lucking ( who was prevented by illness from attending this year ' s Provincial Grand Lodge , this being the first occasion on which he has been an absentee during his thirty years' tenure of the office of Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies ) and Richard Clowes . The annual meeting ,
which took place on July 20 th at Colchester , was held in the Moot Hall , the entertaining lodges being the Angel , 51 ; United , 6 97 ; and Comrades , 2976 . The Provincial Grand Master ( R . W . Bro . Colonel Lockwood , M . P ., P . G . D . ) , presided , and was supported by the Deputy Provincial Grand
Master ( W . Bro . Claude E . Egerton-Green , P . D . G . D . C , P . P . S . G . W . ) , and a large number of Provincial Grand Officers and brethren . Provincial Grand Lodge having been opened , the minutes of last year ' s meeting were adopted . It was intimated that a large number of letters of regret for nonattendance had been received . The roll of lodges was next
called over . The report of the Board of General Purposes began with the following interesting entry : — " In the last report of the Board it was mentioned that in connection with Lord Warwick ' s retirement from the Provincial Grand Mastership after twenty years' service and the presentation to him of his portrait , the Countess of Warwick had been asked to accept a present of books . Colonel Lockwood , our Prov . G . M .,
kindly undertook to consult her ladyship on the subject , and she expressed a wish to have Charles Booth ' s recently issued work , entitled ' Life and Labour , ' which has been described as a monumental work on the poor of London , and has become a manual for all those interested in philanthropic or religious work . The seventeen volumes were accordingly
ordered and specially bound en suite with her ladyship ' s library ; and the subjoined letter in acknowledgment will , the Board is sure , be read with great interest by the brethren : — ' Dear Colonel Lockwood , —I have received the beautifully bound edition of Charles Booth ' s works , and must
ask you to convey to the Essex Freemasons my deep appreciation of their kind thought of me in thus including me in the presentation so generously made to their late Provincial Grand Master . The inscription in the first volume enhances the value of the gift to myself , and will be
a constant reminder ( as the books will be a constant source of pleasure and instruction to me ) of the kind friends I have had the pleasure of knowing for so many years in Essex . — Believe me , dear Colonel Lockwood , yours sincerely , Frances Evelyn Warwick . '"
The Charity Committee reported that the contributions of the province to the three great Charities for the current year have amounted to £ 1467 10 s ., divided as follows : — Benevolent Institution , £ 745 is . 6 d . ; Girls' School , ^ 418 9 s . ; Boys' School , £ 303 19 6 d .
The Provincial G . Master , in his address , apologised for appearing in light-coloured clothing , which he said was attributable to the vagaries of a polite assembly that was never mentioned at these meetings , which had been sitting all night , and was sitting now , like a hen . The same reason accounted for his being late in attending . Colonel Lockwood
went on to say that the report on the state of Masonry in the province was highly encouraging , and the spirit of Freemasonry had increased in proportion , while the business was working smoothly under the able guidance of the Prov . G . Secretary .
A vote of thanks to the entertaining lodges was passed on the motion of the Bishop of Barking . The Provincial Grand Master intimated that next year ' s meeting would be held at Chingford . Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed .
Freehold Land the safest investment—Land to suit all classes of customers .
M ESSRS . PAYNE , TRAPPS & CO ., in conjunction with Messrs . Protheroe & Morris , beg to announce the following forthcoming SALES of FREEHOLD LAND in plots : — STAINES ( Penton Hook Estate ) , WEDNESDAY , AUG . 10 th , 1904 . ASHFORD , MIDDLESEX , WEDNESDAY , AUG . 17 th , 1904 . ROMFORD , ESSEX , TUESDAY , AUG . 23 rd , 1904 . RAMSGATE ( Mansion Park Estate ) , MONDAY , AUG . 29 th , 1904 . The land will be sold free of tithe and land tax . The now roads at Ashford and Romford are kerbed , and the surface water drains laid in accordance with the local by-laws . The new roads at Ramsgate and Staines are well formed , free of expense to the purchaser . Intending purchasers will leave London on morning of sales . For full particulars , tickets , & c , apply Messrs . Payne , Trapps & Co ., ir , Queen Victoria-street , E . C .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
The New Commercial Travellers' Schools At Pinner.
they were good judges as to whether institutions were well managed . Anyone who was acquainted with the history of this great school could not deny that it had been singularly successful in the character and ability of the gentlemen who had voluntarily taken its management . He knew something
of education , and any who have experience of a great boarding school containing 350 scholars would know it was no easy organisation to work . The history of the schools had been remarkable , and it had shown a steady and
continued development , derived from charitable funds . He thought the company might fairly assume that the secret of success of the schools was that all the subscribers were satisfied that the institution was doing a real public duty . The company then rose and proceeded to the marquee which had been erected , and the usual ceremony was
performed . The brethren afterwards returned to Provincial Grand Lodge , which was duly closed .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Essex.
Provincial Grand Lodge of Essex .
SEVEN years have expired since the Essex Provincial Grand Lodge was last held at Colchester , and during that period important advances have been made in various departments of the Masonic life of the province . For example , the membership has grown perceptibly , the
roll being swelled by the consecration of something like a dozen new lodges . A happy idea in relation to some of the Essex lodges is that they have been named after prominent Masons , and a couple of those that have come into being since the Diamond Jubilee year take their names from
W . Bros . Albert Lucking ( who was prevented by illness from attending this year ' s Provincial Grand Lodge , this being the first occasion on which he has been an absentee during his thirty years' tenure of the office of Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies ) and Richard Clowes . The annual meeting ,
which took place on July 20 th at Colchester , was held in the Moot Hall , the entertaining lodges being the Angel , 51 ; United , 6 97 ; and Comrades , 2976 . The Provincial Grand Master ( R . W . Bro . Colonel Lockwood , M . P ., P . G . D . ) , presided , and was supported by the Deputy Provincial Grand
Master ( W . Bro . Claude E . Egerton-Green , P . D . G . D . C , P . P . S . G . W . ) , and a large number of Provincial Grand Officers and brethren . Provincial Grand Lodge having been opened , the minutes of last year ' s meeting were adopted . It was intimated that a large number of letters of regret for nonattendance had been received . The roll of lodges was next
called over . The report of the Board of General Purposes began with the following interesting entry : — " In the last report of the Board it was mentioned that in connection with Lord Warwick ' s retirement from the Provincial Grand Mastership after twenty years' service and the presentation to him of his portrait , the Countess of Warwick had been asked to accept a present of books . Colonel Lockwood , our Prov . G . M .,
kindly undertook to consult her ladyship on the subject , and she expressed a wish to have Charles Booth ' s recently issued work , entitled ' Life and Labour , ' which has been described as a monumental work on the poor of London , and has become a manual for all those interested in philanthropic or religious work . The seventeen volumes were accordingly
ordered and specially bound en suite with her ladyship ' s library ; and the subjoined letter in acknowledgment will , the Board is sure , be read with great interest by the brethren : — ' Dear Colonel Lockwood , —I have received the beautifully bound edition of Charles Booth ' s works , and must
ask you to convey to the Essex Freemasons my deep appreciation of their kind thought of me in thus including me in the presentation so generously made to their late Provincial Grand Master . The inscription in the first volume enhances the value of the gift to myself , and will be
a constant reminder ( as the books will be a constant source of pleasure and instruction to me ) of the kind friends I have had the pleasure of knowing for so many years in Essex . — Believe me , dear Colonel Lockwood , yours sincerely , Frances Evelyn Warwick . '"
The Charity Committee reported that the contributions of the province to the three great Charities for the current year have amounted to £ 1467 10 s ., divided as follows : — Benevolent Institution , £ 745 is . 6 d . ; Girls' School , ^ 418 9 s . ; Boys' School , £ 303 19 6 d .
The Provincial G . Master , in his address , apologised for appearing in light-coloured clothing , which he said was attributable to the vagaries of a polite assembly that was never mentioned at these meetings , which had been sitting all night , and was sitting now , like a hen . The same reason accounted for his being late in attending . Colonel Lockwood
went on to say that the report on the state of Masonry in the province was highly encouraging , and the spirit of Freemasonry had increased in proportion , while the business was working smoothly under the able guidance of the Prov . G . Secretary .
A vote of thanks to the entertaining lodges was passed on the motion of the Bishop of Barking . The Provincial Grand Master intimated that next year ' s meeting would be held at Chingford . Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed .
Freehold Land the safest investment—Land to suit all classes of customers .
M ESSRS . PAYNE , TRAPPS & CO ., in conjunction with Messrs . Protheroe & Morris , beg to announce the following forthcoming SALES of FREEHOLD LAND in plots : — STAINES ( Penton Hook Estate ) , WEDNESDAY , AUG . 10 th , 1904 . ASHFORD , MIDDLESEX , WEDNESDAY , AUG . 17 th , 1904 . ROMFORD , ESSEX , TUESDAY , AUG . 23 rd , 1904 . RAMSGATE ( Mansion Park Estate ) , MONDAY , AUG . 29 th , 1904 . The land will be sold free of tithe and land tax . The now roads at Ashford and Romford are kerbed , and the surface water drains laid in accordance with the local by-laws . The new roads at Ramsgate and Staines are well formed , free of expense to the purchaser . Intending purchasers will leave London on morning of sales . For full particulars , tickets , & c , apply Messrs . Payne , Trapps & Co ., ir , Queen Victoria-street , E . C .