Article At the Sign of the Perfect Ashlar ← Page 3 of 4 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
At the quarterly court of subscribers to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls held at Freemasons' Hall , on the 13 th July , Sir Bruce M . Seton , P . G . D ., presided . As it was the first quarterly court since the death of Sir Reginald Hanson , the Treasurer of the Institutiona vote of condolence and
, sympathy with the family of the late Right Worshipful brother was adopted , on the proposition of Bro . J . M . McLeod , P . G . S . B ., seconded by Bro . J . Songhurst , Vice-president . Sir Joseph C . Dimsdale , M . P ., " P . G . W ., P . G . Treasurer , was unanimously elected Treasurer in succession to Sir Reginald
Hanson , and it was also resolved that during the reconstruction of Freemasons' Tavern the election courts and elections should be held at the King ' s Hall , Holborn Restaurant . An honorary vice-presidency of the institution was conferred ou Bro . J . F . Roberts for providing the vote of thanks to the
festival stewards for the past three years , and the list of candidates for the next election of girls into the school , on 12 th October , was settled , the number being thirty-live . Of this number , twenty-four will be elected .
© ¦© © Bro . C E . Keys : r , P . G . D ., Trustee and Patron of the Institution , presided at the Royal Institution for Boys , and there was an exceptionally large attendance for a July court . The brethren settled the list of candidates for the next
election , in October , for education in the institution . There will be forty-two candidates , and thirty of these will be elected . The result of the 107 th anniversary festival of the school ( which was held at the Crystal Palace , 011 June 28 ) , was announced by Bro . McLeod , Past ( hand Sword
Bearer , the secretary , and the contributions amounted to £ 25 , 046 . This sum has since been increased to £ 25 , 250 . It was announced that the chairman of the festival for 1906 would be Lord Leigh , the doyen of Provincial Grand Masters , who has held the office of chief of the Province of
Warwickshire since 1852 . The vote of thanks to the chairman for presiding at the meeting was followed by a special vote of thanks to the Secretary , Bro . J . McLeod , for his exertions on behalf of the institution .
One of our most cherished symbols is disposed of by an American Exchange in a very matter-of-fact way . The circle between two parallel lines is known to most of us or at all events has been explained to most of us . Now , says our
contemporary , the circle with parallel lines represents an implement well known to practical masons . It is , in fact , a sort of hand barrow . A barrel or tub for holding water was placed in the ring and the two parallel lines were the staves by which the labourers carried it to mix mortar with .
© © © In foreign parts an institution still maintains a fitful existence which , some five years ago , flourished exceedingly —we mean the Masonic sweep or raffle . Its vitality was sapped owing to the vigorous crusade undertaken against it
by our contemporary , the Indian Masonic Rcriciv . Ostensibly the sweepstake was got up to benefit a charity but as usually nine-tenths of the receipts went in prizes , and expenses were paid out of the balance , it does not seem clear where the charity came in . No one questions the zeal and good
intentions of the brethren who organize these , but we can only regret that it does not find a more Masonic channel . Masonry is speculative , not speculating .
We greatly regret to record the death , at the age of 66 , of Bro . Charles Thomas Tyler , who passed away at his residence , Send Lodge , on Wednesday , August 2 nd . Bro . Tyler was a well-known Freemason , being a P . A . G . D . C , Provincial Grand Secretary , and Provincial Grand H . of Surrey . He had performed the onerous duties of
Provincial Grand Secretary , and Provincial Grand Scribe E ., since 18 95 . He was initiated in the Weyside Lodge , No . 1 395 , in 18 73 , and occupied its chair in 1880 . In the following year he was appointed Prov . S . G . D ., and in 188 9 was again elected to the chair of his mother Lodge . In Royal Arch
Masonry , his services and distinctions were equally great . He was a P . Z . of the St . George ' s Chapter , No . 370 , and a founder as well as a P . Z . of the Weyside Chapter , No . 1395 . and the Cliertsey Abbey Chapter , No . 2120 . The Provincial
honours which he received in Capitular Masonry were those of Assistant Sojourner ( 1881 ) , of J . ( 1891 ) , of Scribe E . ( 1895 ) , and of Prov . Grand H . ( 1904 ) . His services to Royal Arch Masonry were recognised in 1899 by his appointment as ist A . G . D . C of the Supreme Grand Chapter , and the
distinction thus conferred was supplemented in 1902 by his nomination as a P . A . G . D . C . of the United Grand Lodge . He was a founder and P . M . of the Weyside Mark Lodge , No . 442 , and was Junior Grand Warden of the Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of Surrey , in 18 9 6 . He was also a Knight Templar ,
having been received into that Order in the Temple Court Preceptory , in 18 9 8 . The office of Provincial Herald was conferred upon him in 1903 . To the three central charities of the Craft he was a liberal benefactor , the R . M . I . B . having found in him a frequent subscriber , while he was a life
governor of the Girls' School and of the Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Brethren and the Widows of Freemasons . © © © Among the articles brought up by divers who are searching
for Spanish treasure in Tobermory Bay was a human rib , evidently that of a seaman of powerful build . Other artieles included masses of powder , bullets , and a copper plate bearing Masonic-emblems .
. V"" e 'V „ CONNOISSEURS SMOKE ~ , , - ^ - , -L - r " o ^ ^^ W § Silmft ^ 9 TEOFANI & . CO . 'S Cigarettes receive the Highest awards at all m ^^^^^& W ^ ^? B |® Sj (! 3 ;>^ International Exhibitions , and are sold by all Leading Purveyors through- % ^^^^^^ W ^ j / ^ * *' % , ^ ^ t & e- * ' ^ . out the WORLD . % a .. ^« S 2252 £ ^ ^ v * * * ° " * eSS THE KHE 31 VE "' ' * He KINO OF T >* '
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
At the quarterly court of subscribers to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls held at Freemasons' Hall , on the 13 th July , Sir Bruce M . Seton , P . G . D ., presided . As it was the first quarterly court since the death of Sir Reginald Hanson , the Treasurer of the Institutiona vote of condolence and
, sympathy with the family of the late Right Worshipful brother was adopted , on the proposition of Bro . J . M . McLeod , P . G . S . B ., seconded by Bro . J . Songhurst , Vice-president . Sir Joseph C . Dimsdale , M . P ., " P . G . W ., P . G . Treasurer , was unanimously elected Treasurer in succession to Sir Reginald
Hanson , and it was also resolved that during the reconstruction of Freemasons' Tavern the election courts and elections should be held at the King ' s Hall , Holborn Restaurant . An honorary vice-presidency of the institution was conferred ou Bro . J . F . Roberts for providing the vote of thanks to the
festival stewards for the past three years , and the list of candidates for the next election of girls into the school , on 12 th October , was settled , the number being thirty-live . Of this number , twenty-four will be elected .
© ¦© © Bro . C E . Keys : r , P . G . D ., Trustee and Patron of the Institution , presided at the Royal Institution for Boys , and there was an exceptionally large attendance for a July court . The brethren settled the list of candidates for the next
election , in October , for education in the institution . There will be forty-two candidates , and thirty of these will be elected . The result of the 107 th anniversary festival of the school ( which was held at the Crystal Palace , 011 June 28 ) , was announced by Bro . McLeod , Past ( hand Sword
Bearer , the secretary , and the contributions amounted to £ 25 , 046 . This sum has since been increased to £ 25 , 250 . It was announced that the chairman of the festival for 1906 would be Lord Leigh , the doyen of Provincial Grand Masters , who has held the office of chief of the Province of
Warwickshire since 1852 . The vote of thanks to the chairman for presiding at the meeting was followed by a special vote of thanks to the Secretary , Bro . J . McLeod , for his exertions on behalf of the institution .
One of our most cherished symbols is disposed of by an American Exchange in a very matter-of-fact way . The circle between two parallel lines is known to most of us or at all events has been explained to most of us . Now , says our
contemporary , the circle with parallel lines represents an implement well known to practical masons . It is , in fact , a sort of hand barrow . A barrel or tub for holding water was placed in the ring and the two parallel lines were the staves by which the labourers carried it to mix mortar with .
© © © In foreign parts an institution still maintains a fitful existence which , some five years ago , flourished exceedingly —we mean the Masonic sweep or raffle . Its vitality was sapped owing to the vigorous crusade undertaken against it
by our contemporary , the Indian Masonic Rcriciv . Ostensibly the sweepstake was got up to benefit a charity but as usually nine-tenths of the receipts went in prizes , and expenses were paid out of the balance , it does not seem clear where the charity came in . No one questions the zeal and good
intentions of the brethren who organize these , but we can only regret that it does not find a more Masonic channel . Masonry is speculative , not speculating .
We greatly regret to record the death , at the age of 66 , of Bro . Charles Thomas Tyler , who passed away at his residence , Send Lodge , on Wednesday , August 2 nd . Bro . Tyler was a well-known Freemason , being a P . A . G . D . C , Provincial Grand Secretary , and Provincial Grand H . of Surrey . He had performed the onerous duties of
Provincial Grand Secretary , and Provincial Grand Scribe E ., since 18 95 . He was initiated in the Weyside Lodge , No . 1 395 , in 18 73 , and occupied its chair in 1880 . In the following year he was appointed Prov . S . G . D ., and in 188 9 was again elected to the chair of his mother Lodge . In Royal Arch
Masonry , his services and distinctions were equally great . He was a P . Z . of the St . George ' s Chapter , No . 370 , and a founder as well as a P . Z . of the Weyside Chapter , No . 1395 . and the Cliertsey Abbey Chapter , No . 2120 . The Provincial
honours which he received in Capitular Masonry were those of Assistant Sojourner ( 1881 ) , of J . ( 1891 ) , of Scribe E . ( 1895 ) , and of Prov . Grand H . ( 1904 ) . His services to Royal Arch Masonry were recognised in 1899 by his appointment as ist A . G . D . C of the Supreme Grand Chapter , and the
distinction thus conferred was supplemented in 1902 by his nomination as a P . A . G . D . C . of the United Grand Lodge . He was a founder and P . M . of the Weyside Mark Lodge , No . 442 , and was Junior Grand Warden of the Provincial Grand Mark Lodge of Surrey , in 18 9 6 . He was also a Knight Templar ,
having been received into that Order in the Temple Court Preceptory , in 18 9 8 . The office of Provincial Herald was conferred upon him in 1903 . To the three central charities of the Craft he was a liberal benefactor , the R . M . I . B . having found in him a frequent subscriber , while he was a life
governor of the Girls' School and of the Royal Benevolent Institution for Aged Brethren and the Widows of Freemasons . © © © Among the articles brought up by divers who are searching
for Spanish treasure in Tobermory Bay was a human rib , evidently that of a seaman of powerful build . Other artieles included masses of powder , bullets , and a copper plate bearing Masonic-emblems .
. V"" e 'V „ CONNOISSEURS SMOKE ~ , , - ^ - , -L - r " o ^ ^^ W § Silmft ^ 9 TEOFANI & . CO . 'S Cigarettes receive the Highest awards at all m ^^^^^& W ^ ^? B |® Sj (! 3 ;>^ International Exhibitions , and are sold by all Leading Purveyors through- % ^^^^^^ W ^ j / ^ * *' % , ^ ^ t & e- * ' ^ . out the WORLD . % a .. ^« S 2252 £ ^ ^ v * * * ° " * eSS THE KHE 31 VE "' ' * He KINO OF T >* '