Article At the Sign of the Perfect Ashlar ← Page 4 of 4 Ad Untitled Page 1 of 1
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At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
The annual summer outing of the members of the Quatuor Coronati Loclge , No . 2076 , London , commenced at Chester on Thursday evening , July 6 th . The party , numbering about seventy , arrived at Chester about six o ' clock . An emergencylodge was held at the Town Hall , which was attended by a
large number of Chester brethren , and afterwards an interesting lantern lecture was given by W . Bro . Henry Taylor , P . M ., 425 , P . P . G . R . The lecturer dealt chiefly with the foundation of Freemasonry in Chester . He said masonic historians were of opinion that the historical details of the constitution
oE masonry as laid down by Coope's manuscripts , which were written about 1400 , were taken from the Polycronicon of Ralph Higden , a monk of the Abbey of St . Werburgh , now Chester Cathedral . Randle Holme the Third was a member of an old lodge that existed in Chester in the 17 th
century . The earliest speculative Freemason known was Elias Ashmole , who was initiated in a loclge at Warrington a few years before Randle Holme mentioned that he was a member of the Chester lodge . That Chester lodge was probably far older than that at Warrington . The lecture was illustrated by- limelight views . One interesting picture
was of a monument erected to a centurion of the 20 th Legion by his widow , which had cut on the side two masons' tools , similar to the emblems of Freemasonry . The visitors remained in Chester until Sunday , when , accompanied by the Mayor ( Alderman Lamb ) , they attended service in the
Cathedral . © © © Bro . Sir Joseph C . Dimsdale , M . P ., P . G . W ., P . G . Treasurer , has been unanimously elected Treasurer of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , in succession to the late
Sir Reginald Hanson . © © © " Forward" is the motto of the Great Central Railway , and in no degree has it been more manifested than in their Excursion arrangements . The first Company to give
to Londoners the opportunity of seeing the Grand National and breakfasting and dining en route , as also to offer cheap fares to Doncaster for the LegerDay ; inclusive arrangements for the Stratford-on-Avon and other places . They now announce cheap tickets for every Saturday to over 200 of the principal towns and places in the Midlands and the North .
"Whereto go for the holidays , " is at the present time the most frequently-asked question . The Carron Line have a splendid solution of the difficulty , and passengers by their beautifully-appointed express steamers to Scotland are certain of a highly interesting and health-giving holiday .
We cordially advise our readers to take one of these trips , feeling sure that the moderation in price , the excellence of the cuisine and the comforts enjoyed on board will appeal to all in search of health and recreation . Briefly , the following are some of the advantages gained
by going by this route : — ( 1 ) Passengers have the opportunity of viewing the beautiful scenery of the Forth , as well as the greatest engineering feat of the age—the Forth Bridge .
( 2 ) Passengers are landed at the two most central ports in Scotland , whence full advantage can be taken of the numerous facilities offered by the principal Scotch Railway Companies for visiting all the most interesting places on special tourist terms .
( 3 ) The short sea route—averaging about 30 hours—and the frequent service—four limes weekly each way—enables those whose time is limited to take advantage of a pleasant sea voyage to Scotland or London , and be back at home within a few clays .
( 4 ) During the voyage , up or down the East Coast , the Steamers keep as close to land as permissible , in order that the many interesting landmarks may be seen by the passengers .
Jft*4ftMlfi^^,n 4 & v v , * ROYAL WARRANT ^| Br B B B "" Bj B ^ H Bfl A U e > C '' '' A Invigorating Water , H Jb || k ||* b ^| ° * fl I V ^^ f I B B Vr ^ I natural gas LJ y ^^^ p ^^ APPO . NTMENT M ^ D Bar A M . M . B ^ S I lde ! il WaiBr f ° r Whisk y' J 1 ' _ ' JL FRENCH WdTURAL SPARKLING TABLEWATER . AMfaMjeaenlfy . J ¦¦¦1Branmmmmm»9
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
The annual summer outing of the members of the Quatuor Coronati Loclge , No . 2076 , London , commenced at Chester on Thursday evening , July 6 th . The party , numbering about seventy , arrived at Chester about six o ' clock . An emergencylodge was held at the Town Hall , which was attended by a
large number of Chester brethren , and afterwards an interesting lantern lecture was given by W . Bro . Henry Taylor , P . M ., 425 , P . P . G . R . The lecturer dealt chiefly with the foundation of Freemasonry in Chester . He said masonic historians were of opinion that the historical details of the constitution
oE masonry as laid down by Coope's manuscripts , which were written about 1400 , were taken from the Polycronicon of Ralph Higden , a monk of the Abbey of St . Werburgh , now Chester Cathedral . Randle Holme the Third was a member of an old lodge that existed in Chester in the 17 th
century . The earliest speculative Freemason known was Elias Ashmole , who was initiated in a loclge at Warrington a few years before Randle Holme mentioned that he was a member of the Chester lodge . That Chester lodge was probably far older than that at Warrington . The lecture was illustrated by- limelight views . One interesting picture
was of a monument erected to a centurion of the 20 th Legion by his widow , which had cut on the side two masons' tools , similar to the emblems of Freemasonry . The visitors remained in Chester until Sunday , when , accompanied by the Mayor ( Alderman Lamb ) , they attended service in the
Cathedral . © © © Bro . Sir Joseph C . Dimsdale , M . P ., P . G . W ., P . G . Treasurer , has been unanimously elected Treasurer of the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls , in succession to the late
Sir Reginald Hanson . © © © " Forward" is the motto of the Great Central Railway , and in no degree has it been more manifested than in their Excursion arrangements . The first Company to give
to Londoners the opportunity of seeing the Grand National and breakfasting and dining en route , as also to offer cheap fares to Doncaster for the LegerDay ; inclusive arrangements for the Stratford-on-Avon and other places . They now announce cheap tickets for every Saturday to over 200 of the principal towns and places in the Midlands and the North .
"Whereto go for the holidays , " is at the present time the most frequently-asked question . The Carron Line have a splendid solution of the difficulty , and passengers by their beautifully-appointed express steamers to Scotland are certain of a highly interesting and health-giving holiday .
We cordially advise our readers to take one of these trips , feeling sure that the moderation in price , the excellence of the cuisine and the comforts enjoyed on board will appeal to all in search of health and recreation . Briefly , the following are some of the advantages gained
by going by this route : — ( 1 ) Passengers have the opportunity of viewing the beautiful scenery of the Forth , as well as the greatest engineering feat of the age—the Forth Bridge .
( 2 ) Passengers are landed at the two most central ports in Scotland , whence full advantage can be taken of the numerous facilities offered by the principal Scotch Railway Companies for visiting all the most interesting places on special tourist terms .
( 3 ) The short sea route—averaging about 30 hours—and the frequent service—four limes weekly each way—enables those whose time is limited to take advantage of a pleasant sea voyage to Scotland or London , and be back at home within a few clays .
( 4 ) During the voyage , up or down the East Coast , the Steamers keep as close to land as permissible , in order that the many interesting landmarks may be seen by the passengers .
Jft*4ftMlfi^^,n 4 & v v , * ROYAL WARRANT ^| Br B B B "" Bj B ^ H Bfl A U e > C '' '' A Invigorating Water , H Jb || k ||* b ^| ° * fl I V ^^ f I B B Vr ^ I natural gas LJ y ^^^ p ^^ APPO . NTMENT M ^ D Bar A M . M . B ^ S I lde ! il WaiBr f ° r Whisk y' J 1 ' _ ' JL FRENCH WdTURAL SPARKLING TABLEWATER . AMfaMjeaenlfy . J ¦¦¦1Branmmmmm»9