Article Provincial Grand Lodge of Shropshire. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Provincial Grand Lodge of Surrey. Page 1 of 3 →
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Provincial Grand Lodge Of Shropshire.
Brother Venables , who spoke with much emotion , said nothing could exceed the kindness he had received at all times from one and all in the Province of Shropshire . He thanked Brother Graham and the Worshipful Master for their exceedingly kind words , and more especially would he value those words printed in the address . As long as life
was spared they would remain a pride and pleasure to him . He thanked the members very sincerely for their handsome presents . The address was very much admired . At the top are the arms of the Province and Bro . Venables' crest , and the corners are embellished with Masonic emblems .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Surrey.
Provincial Grand Lodge of Surrey .
'PHE Provincial Grand Lodge of Surrey held its annual I meeting at St . Anne ' s Schools , Redhill , on the 15 th July . It was presided over by the Provincial Grand Master , R . W . Bro . the Hon . Justice Bucknill , who was supported by the Deputy Grand Master , W . Bro . J . D . Langton , P . D . G . D . C , and other Grand Officers , Provincial
Grand Officers , and brethren . The usual business of Provincial Grand Loclge was proceeded with , and a sum of one hundred guineas was voted to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls to be placed on the list of the Provincial Grand Master on the occasion of his filling the chair at the
festival in 1906 . Ten guineas was also voted to the Tyler Testimonial Fund , ten guineas to the St . Anne ' s Schools , and two guineas to the Schools' Sports Fund . The Report of the Charity Committee was also read and adopted .
Bro . R . Fairclough , I . P . M . East Surrey Loclge , was unanimously elected as Prov . G . Treasurer . The Prov . Grand Master , in appointing the following
Prov . Grand Officers , referred in sympathetic terms to the illness of the Prov . G . Secretary , Bro . Tyler , whom at the last meeting they congratulated upon his recovery : —Bros . H . M . Grellior , 2 4 , Prov . S . G . W . ; F . H . Cripps , 2756 , Prov . J . G . W . ; the Revs . G . I . Svvinnerton , 1872 , and J . O . Young , 370 , Prov . G . Chaps . ; R . Fairclough , East
Surrey-Lodge , Prov . G . Treas . ; J . A . Athertou , 2652 , Prov . G . Reg . ; C . T . Tyler , 1 395 , Prov . G . Sec ; J . A . Stovell , 155 6 , and C . J . Scott , 2858 , Prov . S . G . Ds . ; J . Smyth , 1395 , and A . Edis , 1362 , Prov . J . G . Ds . ; C . G . Mason , 777 , Prov . G . S . of W . ; C . T . Lewis , 889 , Prov . G . D . C . ; W . H . Steggles , 2101 ,
Prov . D . G . D . C ; C . H . Hewlett , 1929 , D . A . McAdam , 463 , and R . S . Cobden , 1981 , Prov . A . G . D . Cs . ; H . W . Lifts , 1347 , Prov . G . S . B . ; R . W . Steggles , 2502 , and W . F . T . Westwood , 1790 , Prov . G . Std . Brs . ; E . F . James , 1920 , Prov . G . Org . ; W . A . Latham , 410 , Prov . " A . G . Sec . ;
Joseph Mee , 1714 , Prov . G . Purst . ; F . Mills , 2540 , Prov . A . G . Purst . ; F . Theobald , 1564 , T . N . Reeder , 16 3 8 , A . G . Hutchins , 2120 ; H . G . R . Hart , 2149 , W . J . Hill , 2234 , and T . R . Dickason , 1861 , Prov . G . Stwds . ; R . F . Potter , Prov . G . Tyler .
Bro . Latham was re-appointed Secretary to the Charity Committee , and the following brethren were appointed to the Audit Committee : Bros . Bedwell , Roberts , Pile , Field and Gibbs . The Prov . Grand Master , in addressing the brethren , thanked them for their kind expressions of feeling at his
recent accident in the hunting field . It gave him great delight to meet them once again , and so long as they all pulled together , and he had the continued assistance of his officers , so long would it give him pleasure to try and carry out the duties of Prov . Grand Master . He had one idea , and
that was to be industrious , and if they were not that , they were not good Masons . He hoped it would be understood that he did his best to visit the lodges , but in consequence of his long illness and absence on circuit it had not been possible to pay as many visits as last year . He congratulated
the brethren of the Cyclists' Lodge on being present , as they were unrepresented on the previous occasion . He also congratulated Bro . the Rev . H . W . Turner on recovery from illness . He was sorry to inform them that Bro . Woodward ,
a well-known Mason in the district of Croydon , was no longer with them . He had consecrated one new loclge since last they met . It was a very great responsibility for the Prov . Grand Master to decide about new lodges , for there were so many things to consider . He had had three or four applications of which one had borne fruit , but if he was not
thoroughly satisfied he was bound to say no . Those disappointed would understand that there was no personal feeling , but a Masonic duty . They had been successful in the Charity elections , four boys , four old people , and one girl having been elected , and he wished to draw their attention to
rule No . 18 , in which they were exhorted to assist the Charity Committee with their votes for the election of candidates . On the question of vagrancy , he urged the necessity of the appointment of an Almoner in those towns where it had not already been clone . He hoped before they
met again to succeed in taking the chair at the Girls' School Festival , and to be able to say that his province had backed him up . It was not a personal question , although he must confess there was just a suspicion of it . If they wished to help him they would do their best to see that such a sum was
collected as would make them proud of their province and . gratify their Prov . Grand Master . They all knew of the Charity Associations scheme , cf which the D . P . G . M . would give them any useful information . They had a grand meeting on the present occasion which made him feel he was
rewarded for the little he was able to do . He hoped a year hence to be able to report another successful year and to look forward to a brilliant future .
The Provincial Grand Loclge was closed , and a banquet was subsequently held at the Market Hall , Redhill . The usual toasts were heartily honoured under the genial presidency of the Prov . Grand Master . Bro . Hedges , P . G . S . B ., replied for " The Grand Officers , "
and returned sincere thanks on their behalf . His selection for the duty of replying was clue to the fact that the Prov . Grand Master had announced his intention of acting as Chairman at the next Festival of the Girls' School , and he was glad of the opportunity of tendering his sincere thanks
on behalf of the Executive Committee of the Institution . He desired by his presence to show his gratitude , but he esteemed it a greater honour to have the opportunity of putting those thanks into words . He need not press the claims of the Girls' School , for such a Prov . Grand Master ,
assisted by his Dep . Prov . G . M . and Prov . A . G . Secretary , it would not be necessary . The way in which the Prov . Grand Master ' s announcement was received in Provincial Grand Loclge was sufficient proof that it would meet with a grand response from the Brethren . Bro . the Rev . H . W . Turner , P . G . Chap ., in proposing
" The Health of the Prov . Grand Master , " said the office was one of great responsibility and great dignity , not only in the eyes of Masons but in the outside world . In addition to that it called for tact , sympathy , and wisdom . Their Prov . Grand Master had not held the office long , but it was long
enough to justify their fullest expectations . In the past year his illness had prevented him coming amongst them , but their prayer had been that the Great Architect would spare him and restore him to them in good health . The Prov .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Shropshire.
Brother Venables , who spoke with much emotion , said nothing could exceed the kindness he had received at all times from one and all in the Province of Shropshire . He thanked Brother Graham and the Worshipful Master for their exceedingly kind words , and more especially would he value those words printed in the address . As long as life
was spared they would remain a pride and pleasure to him . He thanked the members very sincerely for their handsome presents . The address was very much admired . At the top are the arms of the Province and Bro . Venables' crest , and the corners are embellished with Masonic emblems .
Provincial Grand Lodge Of Surrey.
Provincial Grand Lodge of Surrey .
'PHE Provincial Grand Lodge of Surrey held its annual I meeting at St . Anne ' s Schools , Redhill , on the 15 th July . It was presided over by the Provincial Grand Master , R . W . Bro . the Hon . Justice Bucknill , who was supported by the Deputy Grand Master , W . Bro . J . D . Langton , P . D . G . D . C , and other Grand Officers , Provincial
Grand Officers , and brethren . The usual business of Provincial Grand Loclge was proceeded with , and a sum of one hundred guineas was voted to the Royal Masonic Institution for Girls to be placed on the list of the Provincial Grand Master on the occasion of his filling the chair at the
festival in 1906 . Ten guineas was also voted to the Tyler Testimonial Fund , ten guineas to the St . Anne ' s Schools , and two guineas to the Schools' Sports Fund . The Report of the Charity Committee was also read and adopted .
Bro . R . Fairclough , I . P . M . East Surrey Loclge , was unanimously elected as Prov . G . Treasurer . The Prov . Grand Master , in appointing the following
Prov . Grand Officers , referred in sympathetic terms to the illness of the Prov . G . Secretary , Bro . Tyler , whom at the last meeting they congratulated upon his recovery : —Bros . H . M . Grellior , 2 4 , Prov . S . G . W . ; F . H . Cripps , 2756 , Prov . J . G . W . ; the Revs . G . I . Svvinnerton , 1872 , and J . O . Young , 370 , Prov . G . Chaps . ; R . Fairclough , East
Surrey-Lodge , Prov . G . Treas . ; J . A . Athertou , 2652 , Prov . G . Reg . ; C . T . Tyler , 1 395 , Prov . G . Sec ; J . A . Stovell , 155 6 , and C . J . Scott , 2858 , Prov . S . G . Ds . ; J . Smyth , 1395 , and A . Edis , 1362 , Prov . J . G . Ds . ; C . G . Mason , 777 , Prov . G . S . of W . ; C . T . Lewis , 889 , Prov . G . D . C . ; W . H . Steggles , 2101 ,
Prov . D . G . D . C ; C . H . Hewlett , 1929 , D . A . McAdam , 463 , and R . S . Cobden , 1981 , Prov . A . G . D . Cs . ; H . W . Lifts , 1347 , Prov . G . S . B . ; R . W . Steggles , 2502 , and W . F . T . Westwood , 1790 , Prov . G . Std . Brs . ; E . F . James , 1920 , Prov . G . Org . ; W . A . Latham , 410 , Prov . " A . G . Sec . ;
Joseph Mee , 1714 , Prov . G . Purst . ; F . Mills , 2540 , Prov . A . G . Purst . ; F . Theobald , 1564 , T . N . Reeder , 16 3 8 , A . G . Hutchins , 2120 ; H . G . R . Hart , 2149 , W . J . Hill , 2234 , and T . R . Dickason , 1861 , Prov . G . Stwds . ; R . F . Potter , Prov . G . Tyler .
Bro . Latham was re-appointed Secretary to the Charity Committee , and the following brethren were appointed to the Audit Committee : Bros . Bedwell , Roberts , Pile , Field and Gibbs . The Prov . Grand Master , in addressing the brethren , thanked them for their kind expressions of feeling at his
recent accident in the hunting field . It gave him great delight to meet them once again , and so long as they all pulled together , and he had the continued assistance of his officers , so long would it give him pleasure to try and carry out the duties of Prov . Grand Master . He had one idea , and
that was to be industrious , and if they were not that , they were not good Masons . He hoped it would be understood that he did his best to visit the lodges , but in consequence of his long illness and absence on circuit it had not been possible to pay as many visits as last year . He congratulated
the brethren of the Cyclists' Lodge on being present , as they were unrepresented on the previous occasion . He also congratulated Bro . the Rev . H . W . Turner on recovery from illness . He was sorry to inform them that Bro . Woodward ,
a well-known Mason in the district of Croydon , was no longer with them . He had consecrated one new loclge since last they met . It was a very great responsibility for the Prov . Grand Master to decide about new lodges , for there were so many things to consider . He had had three or four applications of which one had borne fruit , but if he was not
thoroughly satisfied he was bound to say no . Those disappointed would understand that there was no personal feeling , but a Masonic duty . They had been successful in the Charity elections , four boys , four old people , and one girl having been elected , and he wished to draw their attention to
rule No . 18 , in which they were exhorted to assist the Charity Committee with their votes for the election of candidates . On the question of vagrancy , he urged the necessity of the appointment of an Almoner in those towns where it had not already been clone . He hoped before they
met again to succeed in taking the chair at the Girls' School Festival , and to be able to say that his province had backed him up . It was not a personal question , although he must confess there was just a suspicion of it . If they wished to help him they would do their best to see that such a sum was
collected as would make them proud of their province and . gratify their Prov . Grand Master . They all knew of the Charity Associations scheme , cf which the D . P . G . M . would give them any useful information . They had a grand meeting on the present occasion which made him feel he was
rewarded for the little he was able to do . He hoped a year hence to be able to report another successful year and to look forward to a brilliant future .
The Provincial Grand Loclge was closed , and a banquet was subsequently held at the Market Hall , Redhill . The usual toasts were heartily honoured under the genial presidency of the Prov . Grand Master . Bro . Hedges , P . G . S . B ., replied for " The Grand Officers , "
and returned sincere thanks on their behalf . His selection for the duty of replying was clue to the fact that the Prov . Grand Master had announced his intention of acting as Chairman at the next Festival of the Girls' School , and he was glad of the opportunity of tendering his sincere thanks
on behalf of the Executive Committee of the Institution . He desired by his presence to show his gratitude , but he esteemed it a greater honour to have the opportunity of putting those thanks into words . He need not press the claims of the Girls' School , for such a Prov . Grand Master ,
assisted by his Dep . Prov . G . M . and Prov . A . G . Secretary , it would not be necessary . The way in which the Prov . Grand Master ' s announcement was received in Provincial Grand Loclge was sufficient proof that it would meet with a grand response from the Brethren . Bro . the Rev . H . W . Turner , P . G . Chap ., in proposing
" The Health of the Prov . Grand Master , " said the office was one of great responsibility and great dignity , not only in the eyes of Masons but in the outside world . In addition to that it called for tact , sympathy , and wisdom . Their Prov . Grand Master had not held the office long , but it was long
enough to justify their fullest expectations . In the past year his illness had prevented him coming amongst them , but their prayer had been that the Great Architect would spare him and restore him to them in good health . The Prov .