Article At the sign of the Perfect Ashlar ← Page 3 of 4 →
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At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
We are pleased to notice the names of Bros . Viscount Valentia , M . P ., Past Grand Warden and Deputy Provincial Grand Master for Oxfordshire , and Lieut .-Col . T . C . Pleydell Galley , ist Life Guards , Past Grand Deacon , in the list of those recently appointed to be members of the fourth class of the Royal Victorian Order .
<©> » gi < £ » There died < -tt SheperdsAvell on June 29 th , in his eightyninth year , a brother who was probably the last link betAveen this railway and motor age and the old coaching clays . Bro . Stephen Philpott came to Dover to live in the early "forties , " and prior to the opening of the South-Eastem Railway he
drove the coach betAveen London and Dover . He had the honour of driving the first coach at the funeral of the Duke of Wellington from Walmer Castle to Deal Station , and Avell remembered meeting the Prince Consort on Grabble Hill when his Royal Highness Avas driving to London on landing
at Dover . Upon the London-Dover coach route being stopped , Bro . Philpott became driver of the Dover and Heme Bay coach , and in later years he was proprietor of the George and Royal Oak Hotels , retiring from business in 1872 . He was one of the oldest Freemasons of Kent , having been
initiated in the Peace and Harmony Lodge , No . 199 , Dover , in 18 45 . He was also an old Past Provincial Grand Officer of Kent , having been appointed in 18159 .
' ©> ® <©> A month seldom passes aAvay in which it is not our painful duty to have to record the death of some prominent member of our Order . On the 6 th July there passed aAvay Bro . Sir Cuthbert Edgar Peek , Bart ., a Magistrate for Devon , Middlesex , and London , and one of His Majesty's Lieutenants for
London . He Avas initiated while at Cambridge in the Isaac Newton University Lodge , No . 859 , subsequently joining the Alma Mater Lodge , No . 1492 , Cambridge , where he filled the office of Master . He Avas also a member of Friends in
Council Lodge , No . 1383 , London , and the Montagu Lodge , No . 66 5 , Lyme Regis . In 18 9 8 he became a founder of the Captain Coram Lodge , No . 2737 , connected with the Foundling Hospital . In the Royal Arch Degree he was exalted at Cambridge in the Euclid Chapter , No . 839 , Cambridge , and afterwards joined the St . Barnabas Chapter ,
No . 94 8 , Linslade . His loss Avill be felt not only by a Avide circle of the Craft , but by the many philanthropic and learned institutions with which he Avas connected .
The ranks of the Grand Officers of the year have already been diminished by the death of Bro . Colonel Malony , C . B ., Grand Sword Bearer , which took place recently at his residence . Bro . Colonel Malony Avas present at the installation oi the Most Worshipful Grand Master in July , and although at his request Bro . Colonel
Dixon , Deputy Grand Sword Bearer , performed the duties of the office at the commencement of the proceedings , the Grand Master , when he retired from the hall , was preceded by the senior officer , who , although evidently feeble and ill , preserved a soldierly bearing . Our deceased brother was much beloved and respected in till the circles in which he moved , whether social , military , or Masonic .
© © © The business on the agenda for the Quarterly Convocation of Supreme Grand Chapter , on the 7 th of August , was of a purely formal character , but sympathetic reference was made by the acting First Principal ( E . Comp . Canon Brownrigg ) , to the death of the Empress Frederick , and an
expression of condolence with the King and Royal Famil y Avas conveyed , but , according to precedent , formal resolutions were left to Grand Lodge . But with respect to the late Comp . Beach , AVIIO was Third Principal in Grand Chapter , a resolution , moved by Comp . Canon Brownrigg , and seconded
by Comp . Robert Grey , was unanimously carried and ordered lo be transmitted to Mrs . Beach , recording the deep SOITOAV of Grand Chapter at the loss Royal Arch Masonry has sustained by the sad and sudden death of Comp . Beach , Avho always had the best interests of the Order at heart , and Avhich he ahvays did his utmost lo promote . The Grand
Chapter Avas draped , and at the end of the proceedings Comp . Walmsley Little ( Grand Organist ) , played the " Dead March " in Saul on the organ , all the brethren standing . « £ < £ » . S « The following order for mourning has been issued by command of the M . E . First Grand Principal of Supreme
Grand Chapter of Roy ; tl Arch Masons : — " In consequence of the much lamented death of the Right Hon . William Wither Bramston Beach , Most Excellent Third Grand Principal , an event which has occasioned deep SOITOAV to every Member of the Order , by whom he was greatly
respected and beloved , it is ordered that the Supreme Grand Chapter , Provincial Grand Chapters , and all Subordinate Royal Arch Chapters , be placed in Masonic Mourning for a space of three months from this date . The mourning to be worn by Companions individually to be as
folloAvs : —Grand and Provincial Grand Officers , Present and Past , and Principals , Past Principals and Officers of Private Chapters—Three Rosettes of Black Crape on the apron and one at the point of the chain or collar , just above the jewel . Other Companions—Three Black Crape Rosettes on apron . " .
Ihe play entitled "Areyou a Mason , to be produced at a well-known London theatre , necessarily is the subject of some conjecture amongst the Craft . Freemasonry has of late years been the subject of a good many articles in the public press , but we imagine this to be the first time that our Order has furnished a theme for the playAvright .
«& , £ ? , , * $ ) Bro . David F . Norrington , the present Worshipful Master of St . Ambrose Lodge , No . 1891 , Avas installed in the Master ' s chair almost on his ninth birthday . as < a member of the Craft . During these years he had served in all the offices , and had by regular attendance and efficient work fairly earned his promotion to the highest honour the lodge could confer .
HRO . DAVID F . XOHItlXliTOX . Bro . Norrington was . a founder of the Alfred Newton Lodge , No . 2686 , and first Junior Warden , and is at present Worshipful Master , a dispensation having been issued by the M . W . Grand Master to enable him to occupy the chair
simultaneously with that of St . Ambrose Lodge . He is a Life Governor of each of the Masonic Institutions . The executors of the late Bro . Sir Arthur Sullivan , Past Grand Organist , have authorised a life of the popular
composer to be prepared by Bro . Arthur Lawrence , who is the author of a " Life Story " of Sir Arthur , which was published a iew years ago .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
We are pleased to notice the names of Bros . Viscount Valentia , M . P ., Past Grand Warden and Deputy Provincial Grand Master for Oxfordshire , and Lieut .-Col . T . C . Pleydell Galley , ist Life Guards , Past Grand Deacon , in the list of those recently appointed to be members of the fourth class of the Royal Victorian Order .
<©> » gi < £ » There died < -tt SheperdsAvell on June 29 th , in his eightyninth year , a brother who was probably the last link betAveen this railway and motor age and the old coaching clays . Bro . Stephen Philpott came to Dover to live in the early "forties , " and prior to the opening of the South-Eastem Railway he
drove the coach betAveen London and Dover . He had the honour of driving the first coach at the funeral of the Duke of Wellington from Walmer Castle to Deal Station , and Avell remembered meeting the Prince Consort on Grabble Hill when his Royal Highness Avas driving to London on landing
at Dover . Upon the London-Dover coach route being stopped , Bro . Philpott became driver of the Dover and Heme Bay coach , and in later years he was proprietor of the George and Royal Oak Hotels , retiring from business in 1872 . He was one of the oldest Freemasons of Kent , having been
initiated in the Peace and Harmony Lodge , No . 199 , Dover , in 18 45 . He was also an old Past Provincial Grand Officer of Kent , having been appointed in 18159 .
' ©> ® <©> A month seldom passes aAvay in which it is not our painful duty to have to record the death of some prominent member of our Order . On the 6 th July there passed aAvay Bro . Sir Cuthbert Edgar Peek , Bart ., a Magistrate for Devon , Middlesex , and London , and one of His Majesty's Lieutenants for
London . He Avas initiated while at Cambridge in the Isaac Newton University Lodge , No . 859 , subsequently joining the Alma Mater Lodge , No . 1492 , Cambridge , where he filled the office of Master . He Avas also a member of Friends in
Council Lodge , No . 1383 , London , and the Montagu Lodge , No . 66 5 , Lyme Regis . In 18 9 8 he became a founder of the Captain Coram Lodge , No . 2737 , connected with the Foundling Hospital . In the Royal Arch Degree he was exalted at Cambridge in the Euclid Chapter , No . 839 , Cambridge , and afterwards joined the St . Barnabas Chapter ,
No . 94 8 , Linslade . His loss Avill be felt not only by a Avide circle of the Craft , but by the many philanthropic and learned institutions with which he Avas connected .
The ranks of the Grand Officers of the year have already been diminished by the death of Bro . Colonel Malony , C . B ., Grand Sword Bearer , which took place recently at his residence . Bro . Colonel Malony Avas present at the installation oi the Most Worshipful Grand Master in July , and although at his request Bro . Colonel
Dixon , Deputy Grand Sword Bearer , performed the duties of the office at the commencement of the proceedings , the Grand Master , when he retired from the hall , was preceded by the senior officer , who , although evidently feeble and ill , preserved a soldierly bearing . Our deceased brother was much beloved and respected in till the circles in which he moved , whether social , military , or Masonic .
© © © The business on the agenda for the Quarterly Convocation of Supreme Grand Chapter , on the 7 th of August , was of a purely formal character , but sympathetic reference was made by the acting First Principal ( E . Comp . Canon Brownrigg ) , to the death of the Empress Frederick , and an
expression of condolence with the King and Royal Famil y Avas conveyed , but , according to precedent , formal resolutions were left to Grand Lodge . But with respect to the late Comp . Beach , AVIIO was Third Principal in Grand Chapter , a resolution , moved by Comp . Canon Brownrigg , and seconded
by Comp . Robert Grey , was unanimously carried and ordered lo be transmitted to Mrs . Beach , recording the deep SOITOAV of Grand Chapter at the loss Royal Arch Masonry has sustained by the sad and sudden death of Comp . Beach , Avho always had the best interests of the Order at heart , and Avhich he ahvays did his utmost lo promote . The Grand
Chapter Avas draped , and at the end of the proceedings Comp . Walmsley Little ( Grand Organist ) , played the " Dead March " in Saul on the organ , all the brethren standing . « £ < £ » . S « The following order for mourning has been issued by command of the M . E . First Grand Principal of Supreme
Grand Chapter of Roy ; tl Arch Masons : — " In consequence of the much lamented death of the Right Hon . William Wither Bramston Beach , Most Excellent Third Grand Principal , an event which has occasioned deep SOITOAV to every Member of the Order , by whom he was greatly
respected and beloved , it is ordered that the Supreme Grand Chapter , Provincial Grand Chapters , and all Subordinate Royal Arch Chapters , be placed in Masonic Mourning for a space of three months from this date . The mourning to be worn by Companions individually to be as
folloAvs : —Grand and Provincial Grand Officers , Present and Past , and Principals , Past Principals and Officers of Private Chapters—Three Rosettes of Black Crape on the apron and one at the point of the chain or collar , just above the jewel . Other Companions—Three Black Crape Rosettes on apron . " .
Ihe play entitled "Areyou a Mason , to be produced at a well-known London theatre , necessarily is the subject of some conjecture amongst the Craft . Freemasonry has of late years been the subject of a good many articles in the public press , but we imagine this to be the first time that our Order has furnished a theme for the playAvright .
«& , £ ? , , * $ ) Bro . David F . Norrington , the present Worshipful Master of St . Ambrose Lodge , No . 1891 , Avas installed in the Master ' s chair almost on his ninth birthday . as < a member of the Craft . During these years he had served in all the offices , and had by regular attendance and efficient work fairly earned his promotion to the highest honour the lodge could confer .
HRO . DAVID F . XOHItlXliTOX . Bro . Norrington was . a founder of the Alfred Newton Lodge , No . 2686 , and first Junior Warden , and is at present Worshipful Master , a dispensation having been issued by the M . W . Grand Master to enable him to occupy the chair
simultaneously with that of St . Ambrose Lodge . He is a Life Governor of each of the Masonic Institutions . The executors of the late Bro . Sir Arthur Sullivan , Past Grand Organist , have authorised a life of the popular
composer to be prepared by Bro . Arthur Lawrence , who is the author of a " Life Story " of Sir Arthur , which was published a iew years ago .