Article At the sign of the Perfect Ashlar ← Page 4 of 4
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At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
The report of the proceedings at the Annual Communication of the District Grand Lodge of South Africa , Western Division , in March last , gives evidence of steady progress , notwithstanding the want of rest and general turmoil in the Colony caused by the Avar , which might well be expected to lessen the energy and activity of our brethren
there , but the Board of General Purposes had to congratulate the assembly on the addition of IAVO lodges to the roll and the increase in numbers of membership generally . The District Grand Master , in his annual address , referred , in eloquent and touching . language , to the anxieties , troubles and sorrows
which had pressed so heavily upon till during the past year , and Avhich had been to many hundreds of our brethren in South Africa the cause of such misery and distress as they had never knoAvn before . The prolongation of the Avar , Avith its attendant horrors , the outbreak of plague , the disasters on
land and sea of this most eventful year to the Colony , were spoken of , and the great national sorrow in the death of our late beloved and revered Queen were touched upon in most feeling terms .
, £ ¦) ^> ®> The death of Sir Richard Southey , K . C . M . G ., removes a most enthusiastic Freemason from the ranks of the South African Brotherhood . He A \ as initiated in the Hope Lodge , Avhich Avas Avont to meet in the old Commercial
Exchange , Atkleriey Street , Cape TOAVII , in 18 4 8 . In 186 3 he Avas created " Provincial Grand Alaster of South Africa and the Colonies adjacent thereto . " Subsequentl \ -, Avhen the District was divided , he Avas offered , but declined , the post of District Grand Master of the Western Division , and retired
from active Masonic Avork Avith the rank of Past District Grand Master . He was also a Royal Arch Mason and a member of the Southern Cross Chapter , while for many years he AVIIS President of the Masonic Education Fund for South Africa . He died at Southfield , Plumstead , S . A ., on the 22 nd July , in his 94 th year .
• £ > <¦? ' « 3 > We are glad to note that the Grand Lodge of Victoria has fallen into line with the Grand Lodge of England on the question of the installation ceremony , and the so-called Installed Masters " Degree . " The Australasian Keystone , for
June , contains the following note on the subject : — " The Grand Master promulgated his decision upon the question of the installation ceremony which will give entire satisfaction to a vast majority of the brethren in this jurisdiction and to the Avhole of the expert and experienced Craftsmen AVIIO have had this matter thrust upon their 'attention during the
past IAVO or three years . The Avhole of the frills sought to be imposed upon this ancient function are unmistakabl y lopped off . The careful avoidance of the Avord ' Degree , ' and the exclusive use of the term ' ceremony , ' should be a significant hint to those AVIIO have sought to convert the
ceremony into a Degree . The emphatic manner in which the Grand Master has formulated his decision into a decree , clearly indicates that it is his intention to insist upon uniformity of practice in this matter under his jurisdiction . The loyalty of the brethren who have been captivated by
this modern innovation leaves no doubt but that they will IIOAV to the decision and cheerfully comply Avith the Grand Master ' s Avishes . "
On the 13 H 1 August , in the course of a private visit to Edingburgh , the Lord Mayor of London , the Lady Mayoress , and Miss Green , visited the chapel of Lodge Canongate Kilwinning ( St . John ' s Chapel ) , the oldest Masonic chapel in the Avorld . They were accompanied by Bailies Gilsin and Waterston and Avere received by Bro . Bathgate , P . M ., and
Bro . Murray , Secretary . The poor box , the treasure chest of 1567 , organ , and other antiquities Avere examined with much interest . His lordship is to be assumed an honorary member of the lodge at the first regular business meeting of the Avinler session . The lodge holds its St . John ' s Day in summer , the Craft incorporation from which it sprang having held its annual election on Beltane ( ist May ) .
Bro . Matier , Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons , has just issued his annual report of the proceedings of this Body . It is a record of prosperity and progress , and gives unmistakable proof of the zeal and capacity of its rulers and the ability of its executive . The time and space at our disposal at this time will not admit of
au analysis of the contents of this interesting and instructive issue , but Ave hope to return to the subject in our next number .
A charter has recently been granted for a lodge to be held at the Polytechnic , Regent Street , London , to be called the Polytechnic Lodge . It will be composed mainly of those AVIIO are associated with that Avell-knoAvn institution . Bro . A . G . Lee will be first Master and Bros . Leonard H . Harris and C . E . Roberts will be Senior and Junior Wardens respectively . The consecration will take place some time in September .
A Avriter in a contemporary remarks good humouredly on what will be neAvs to many : "To the grey-haired 'junior ' Avho sees the grand climacteric looming near with little prospect of discarding his gown of stuff for one of silk , there is a certain grim humour in the thought that some men have achieved within the compass of a feAV pleasant hours
what a life-time of strugg le has not enabled him to accomplish . To enter into the precincts of the Temple as ignorant of law as a baby , and to emerge IAVO or three hours later in all the dignity of a full-bloAvn barrister and Bencher , is a feat of which Royalty has a monopoly . The Prince of Wales and
his ill-fated son , Prince Albert Victor , performed the feat at the Middle Temple ; the Duke of Connaught did it at Gray ' s Inn ; and Prince Christian at the Inner Temple ; and the price they paid for such rapid promotion was a good dinner and an interchange of compliments . Ah , well ! to us others Dis aliler visum / but there is no tincture of envy in the pride Ave have in our Royal fellcnv barristers . "
•& v- «? A very interesting ceremony took p lace at the Masonic Hall , Vepery , Madras , recently , when , at the regular meeting of Lodge Universal Charity , an address was presented to Bro . J . T . Greatorex , District Grand Secretary , and Past
Grand SAVOI ' CI Bearer England , by the members of the lodge , on the occasion of his Masonic Jubilee . There was a very full attendance , and the meeting Avas a representative one . The address , Avhich Avas beautifully illuminated , stated that Bro . Greatorex Avas initiated in this same lodge just
fiftyyears ago , and the opportunity Avas taken of giving expression to the feeling of esteem for the probity of his civil , Masonic , and public life Avhich actuated the brethren . Not only had Bro . Greatorex been a Mason for fifty years , but he had continued an active member during the Avhole of that
period , a record Avhich , Ave think , is rarely equalled . His appointment as District Grand Secretary dates from 1868 , an office which he held up to a few months ago , Avhen failing health demanded his resignation . Bro . Greatorex very feelingly acknoAvledged the presentation . In addition
to the illuminated address , the brethren have decided to found a scholarship , to be called the " Greatorex Jubilee Scholarship , " in connection Avith the Civil Orphan Asylums , with Avhich Bro . Greatorex had been connected for a very long
time . The New Palace Steamers , Limited , announce that , pending the repairs to the P . S . " Koh-i-noor , " they have made arrangements for the " Royal Sovereign" to continue running her usual trito Margate and Ramsgale daily , as hitherto ,
p from Old Swan Pier at 9 . 20 a . m ., but there will not be any sailing on Fridays at present , and "La Marguerite's" Saturday sailing to Margate and back will be altered from the existing times to 9 . 45 a . m . from Tilbury , with the special train from Fenchiireli Street at 8 . 38 a . m ., this being an hour
earlier than before , though it is exactly same time as last year , when so many people patronised this boat in order lo have the long time ashore at Margate .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
At The Sign Of The Perfect Ashlar
The report of the proceedings at the Annual Communication of the District Grand Lodge of South Africa , Western Division , in March last , gives evidence of steady progress , notwithstanding the want of rest and general turmoil in the Colony caused by the Avar , which might well be expected to lessen the energy and activity of our brethren
there , but the Board of General Purposes had to congratulate the assembly on the addition of IAVO lodges to the roll and the increase in numbers of membership generally . The District Grand Master , in his annual address , referred , in eloquent and touching . language , to the anxieties , troubles and sorrows
which had pressed so heavily upon till during the past year , and Avhich had been to many hundreds of our brethren in South Africa the cause of such misery and distress as they had never knoAvn before . The prolongation of the Avar , Avith its attendant horrors , the outbreak of plague , the disasters on
land and sea of this most eventful year to the Colony , were spoken of , and the great national sorrow in the death of our late beloved and revered Queen were touched upon in most feeling terms .
, £ ¦) ^> ®> The death of Sir Richard Southey , K . C . M . G ., removes a most enthusiastic Freemason from the ranks of the South African Brotherhood . He A \ as initiated in the Hope Lodge , Avhich Avas Avont to meet in the old Commercial
Exchange , Atkleriey Street , Cape TOAVII , in 18 4 8 . In 186 3 he Avas created " Provincial Grand Alaster of South Africa and the Colonies adjacent thereto . " Subsequentl \ -, Avhen the District was divided , he Avas offered , but declined , the post of District Grand Master of the Western Division , and retired
from active Masonic Avork Avith the rank of Past District Grand Master . He was also a Royal Arch Mason and a member of the Southern Cross Chapter , while for many years he AVIIS President of the Masonic Education Fund for South Africa . He died at Southfield , Plumstead , S . A ., on the 22 nd July , in his 94 th year .
• £ > <¦? ' « 3 > We are glad to note that the Grand Lodge of Victoria has fallen into line with the Grand Lodge of England on the question of the installation ceremony , and the so-called Installed Masters " Degree . " The Australasian Keystone , for
June , contains the following note on the subject : — " The Grand Master promulgated his decision upon the question of the installation ceremony which will give entire satisfaction to a vast majority of the brethren in this jurisdiction and to the Avhole of the expert and experienced Craftsmen AVIIO have had this matter thrust upon their 'attention during the
past IAVO or three years . The Avhole of the frills sought to be imposed upon this ancient function are unmistakabl y lopped off . The careful avoidance of the Avord ' Degree , ' and the exclusive use of the term ' ceremony , ' should be a significant hint to those AVIIO have sought to convert the
ceremony into a Degree . The emphatic manner in which the Grand Master has formulated his decision into a decree , clearly indicates that it is his intention to insist upon uniformity of practice in this matter under his jurisdiction . The loyalty of the brethren who have been captivated by
this modern innovation leaves no doubt but that they will IIOAV to the decision and cheerfully comply Avith the Grand Master ' s Avishes . "
On the 13 H 1 August , in the course of a private visit to Edingburgh , the Lord Mayor of London , the Lady Mayoress , and Miss Green , visited the chapel of Lodge Canongate Kilwinning ( St . John ' s Chapel ) , the oldest Masonic chapel in the Avorld . They were accompanied by Bailies Gilsin and Waterston and Avere received by Bro . Bathgate , P . M ., and
Bro . Murray , Secretary . The poor box , the treasure chest of 1567 , organ , and other antiquities Avere examined with much interest . His lordship is to be assumed an honorary member of the lodge at the first regular business meeting of the Avinler session . The lodge holds its St . John ' s Day in summer , the Craft incorporation from which it sprang having held its annual election on Beltane ( ist May ) .
Bro . Matier , Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons , has just issued his annual report of the proceedings of this Body . It is a record of prosperity and progress , and gives unmistakable proof of the zeal and capacity of its rulers and the ability of its executive . The time and space at our disposal at this time will not admit of
au analysis of the contents of this interesting and instructive issue , but Ave hope to return to the subject in our next number .
A charter has recently been granted for a lodge to be held at the Polytechnic , Regent Street , London , to be called the Polytechnic Lodge . It will be composed mainly of those AVIIO are associated with that Avell-knoAvn institution . Bro . A . G . Lee will be first Master and Bros . Leonard H . Harris and C . E . Roberts will be Senior and Junior Wardens respectively . The consecration will take place some time in September .
A Avriter in a contemporary remarks good humouredly on what will be neAvs to many : "To the grey-haired 'junior ' Avho sees the grand climacteric looming near with little prospect of discarding his gown of stuff for one of silk , there is a certain grim humour in the thought that some men have achieved within the compass of a feAV pleasant hours
what a life-time of strugg le has not enabled him to accomplish . To enter into the precincts of the Temple as ignorant of law as a baby , and to emerge IAVO or three hours later in all the dignity of a full-bloAvn barrister and Bencher , is a feat of which Royalty has a monopoly . The Prince of Wales and
his ill-fated son , Prince Albert Victor , performed the feat at the Middle Temple ; the Duke of Connaught did it at Gray ' s Inn ; and Prince Christian at the Inner Temple ; and the price they paid for such rapid promotion was a good dinner and an interchange of compliments . Ah , well ! to us others Dis aliler visum / but there is no tincture of envy in the pride Ave have in our Royal fellcnv barristers . "
•& v- «? A very interesting ceremony took p lace at the Masonic Hall , Vepery , Madras , recently , when , at the regular meeting of Lodge Universal Charity , an address was presented to Bro . J . T . Greatorex , District Grand Secretary , and Past
Grand SAVOI ' CI Bearer England , by the members of the lodge , on the occasion of his Masonic Jubilee . There was a very full attendance , and the meeting Avas a representative one . The address , Avhich Avas beautifully illuminated , stated that Bro . Greatorex Avas initiated in this same lodge just
fiftyyears ago , and the opportunity Avas taken of giving expression to the feeling of esteem for the probity of his civil , Masonic , and public life Avhich actuated the brethren . Not only had Bro . Greatorex been a Mason for fifty years , but he had continued an active member during the Avhole of that
period , a record Avhich , Ave think , is rarely equalled . His appointment as District Grand Secretary dates from 1868 , an office which he held up to a few months ago , Avhen failing health demanded his resignation . Bro . Greatorex very feelingly acknoAvledged the presentation . In addition
to the illuminated address , the brethren have decided to found a scholarship , to be called the " Greatorex Jubilee Scholarship , " in connection Avith the Civil Orphan Asylums , with Avhich Bro . Greatorex had been connected for a very long
time . The New Palace Steamers , Limited , announce that , pending the repairs to the P . S . " Koh-i-noor , " they have made arrangements for the " Royal Sovereign" to continue running her usual trito Margate and Ramsgale daily , as hitherto ,
p from Old Swan Pier at 9 . 20 a . m ., but there will not be any sailing on Fridays at present , and "La Marguerite's" Saturday sailing to Margate and back will be altered from the existing times to 9 . 45 a . m . from Tilbury , with the special train from Fenchiireli Street at 8 . 38 a . m ., this being an hour
earlier than before , though it is exactly same time as last year , when so many people patronised this boat in order lo have the long time ashore at Margate .