Article The Right Hon. Bro. W. W. B. Beach, M.P. Page 1 of 2 →
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The Right Hon. Bro. W. W. B. Beach, M.P.
The Right Hon . Bro . W. W. B . Beach , M. P.
''pHE UCAVS of the death , on the 3 rd August , of Bro . the J [ Right Hon . W . W . B . Beach , M . P ^ the respected Provincial Grand Master for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight , has been received everywhere throughout the country Avith a feeling of most sincere regret . FeAV provincial brethren have been more widel y known outside ,
thenimmediate sphere of duty , and none have been more successful in securing the esteem and respect of all with whom they have been brought in contact , Avhether in their OAVU or in more remote provinces . Nor were his services confined to provincial duties . Probably no brother living has so often
THI-: laATK MHO . AV . W . It . ISKACH .
filled the Grand Master ' s chair in Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter , and his devotion to the Craft has been one of the most prominent features of his long and honourable public career . During the thirty-two years of his presidency over the brethren of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight the
number of lodges under his rule has doubled , and it is not only in increasing numbers that Bro . Beach ' s influence has been felt , he has watched over his province with , an almost paternal care , his chief ambition having always been to strengthen and extend the influence of Freemasonry and to zealously promote its interests .
Nothing Avas more characteristic oi Bro . Beach than his readiness to undertake Masonic duty in any part of the country , often at great personal inconvenience and sacrifice of time . It had only to be represented to him that his services Avere urgently required to secure his ready assent . His wonderful memory and intimate knowledge of the ritual
and ceremonies , not only of Craft Masonry , but of the Royal Arch and other Degrees , rendered his help in many instances of supreme \ -alue , Avhen unlocked for circumstances had prevented the attendance of those responsible for the Avork . In his own province he was continually moving about
amongst the lodges and chapters , and ahvays entered into every movement calculated to promote the well-being of his province and the interests of Masonry generally . So recently as July he presided at the 103 rd Festival of the Boys' School , Avhen he had the good fortune to announce the largest
amount ever subscribed at an ordinary Festival . Bro . Beach was initiated in the Apollo University Lodge , No . 337 , Oxford , in 18 4 8 , and filled the chair of W . M . in 1852 and 18 54 . He afterwards joined the Churchill Lodge , No . 478 , Oxford , and the CheiAvell Lodge , No . 599 , Banbury . Later he joined the Westminster and Keystone Lodge , No .
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The Right Hon. Bro. W. W. B. Beach, M.P.
The Right Hon . Bro . W. W. B . Beach , M. P.
''pHE UCAVS of the death , on the 3 rd August , of Bro . the J [ Right Hon . W . W . B . Beach , M . P ^ the respected Provincial Grand Master for Hampshire and the Isle of Wight , has been received everywhere throughout the country Avith a feeling of most sincere regret . FeAV provincial brethren have been more widel y known outside ,
thenimmediate sphere of duty , and none have been more successful in securing the esteem and respect of all with whom they have been brought in contact , Avhether in their OAVU or in more remote provinces . Nor were his services confined to provincial duties . Probably no brother living has so often
THI-: laATK MHO . AV . W . It . ISKACH .
filled the Grand Master ' s chair in Grand Lodge and Grand Chapter , and his devotion to the Craft has been one of the most prominent features of his long and honourable public career . During the thirty-two years of his presidency over the brethren of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight the
number of lodges under his rule has doubled , and it is not only in increasing numbers that Bro . Beach ' s influence has been felt , he has watched over his province with , an almost paternal care , his chief ambition having always been to strengthen and extend the influence of Freemasonry and to zealously promote its interests .
Nothing Avas more characteristic oi Bro . Beach than his readiness to undertake Masonic duty in any part of the country , often at great personal inconvenience and sacrifice of time . It had only to be represented to him that his services Avere urgently required to secure his ready assent . His wonderful memory and intimate knowledge of the ritual
and ceremonies , not only of Craft Masonry , but of the Royal Arch and other Degrees , rendered his help in many instances of supreme \ -alue , Avhen unlocked for circumstances had prevented the attendance of those responsible for the Avork . In his own province he was continually moving about
amongst the lodges and chapters , and ahvays entered into every movement calculated to promote the well-being of his province and the interests of Masonry generally . So recently as July he presided at the 103 rd Festival of the Boys' School , Avhen he had the good fortune to announce the largest
amount ever subscribed at an ordinary Festival . Bro . Beach was initiated in the Apollo University Lodge , No . 337 , Oxford , in 18 4 8 , and filled the chair of W . M . in 1852 and 18 54 . He afterwards joined the Churchill Lodge , No . 478 , Oxford , and the CheiAvell Lodge , No . 599 , Banbury . Later he joined the Westminster and Keystone Lodge , No .