Article The Right Hon. Bro. W. W. B. Beach, M.P. ← Page 2 of 2 Article Untitled Page 1 of 1
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The Right Hon. Bro. W. W. B. Beach, M.P.
io , London , and in 186 3 Avas installed as Master . During his connection with the lodge , at this period , he largely assisted in restoring it to that position and influence which it had occupied in former clays . In Hampshire , prior to his appointment as Provincial Grand Master , he had- joined and filled the chair of many private lodges , viz . : —the
Economy-Lodge , No . 76 , Winchester ; the Oakley Lodge , No . 6 94 , Basingstoke ; the Phcenix Lodge , No . 257 , Portsmouth , and others . In 18 58 he was appointed Provincial Senior Grand Warden of the then separate Province of Hampshire previous to its being amalgamated with the Isle of Wight .
In 186 9 , during the Grand Mastership of the Earl of Zetland , Bro . Beach was appointed Provincial Grand Master , a position he continued to occupy until his death . In Royal Arch Masonry Bro . Beach Avas also an active and zealous worker . He Avas exalted in the Alfred Chapter , No .
340 , Oxford , in which chapter he became First Principal , and afterwards assisted in founding the Westminster and KeA ' - stone Chapter , No . 10 , of which he was the first M . E . Z . At different periods subsequentl y he Avas again elected as First
Principal , and thus rendered excellent service in maintaining the efficiency of the chapter as he had previously clone in the lodge . Indeed , Royal Arch Masonry was ahvays a favoured Degree with Bro . Beach . He was never happier than when presiding at its meetings , Avhether in Supreme Grand Chapter , Provincial Grand Chapter , or a private chapter . In the
firstnamed his services Avere often in requisition , and his kindly and genial presence will perhaps be missed more there than at any other function . Since the retirement of Lord Leigh in 18 92 as Third Grand Principal of Supreme Grand Chapter , Bro . Beach has worthil y filled that high position .
In Mark Masonry he has occupied a prominent position since the formation of the Grand Lodge in 18 5 6 , having been appointed Senior Grand Warden in 1857 , and in the same year Provincial Grand Master of Berks and Hants , a position he continued to fill until the formation of the Province of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight in 1873 , and
on the death of Canon Portal , its first Grand Master , in 188 9 Bro . Beach Avas appointed as his successor , a position he held until his death .
Knight I emplary and the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite also came Avithin Bro . Beach ' s sphere of influence , he having been Prov . Prior of Hampshire for nearly thirty years and M . W . S . of the Royal Naval Chapter , No . 9 , at Portsmouth . It was not only as a ruler in the Craft that our deceased brother achieved a deservedl y high position . His devotion to the Charities was no less marked , and feAV have rendered more helpful service to our Institutions . He has presided at
no less than five of the Festivals , and has been largely instrumental in fostering that charitable spirit which is so marked a feature of Hampshire Freemasonry . Bro . Beach has been a member of the House of Commons continuously for forty-four years , and by virtue of this unbroken tenure he held the position of " Father of the House , "
an honour to which he succeeded on the death of Sir John Mowbray about two years ago . Bro . Beach never took a very prominent part in the debates of the House of Commons , but on account of his long experience , his opinions , when they were forthcoming on some point of
Parliamentary procedure , always carried great weight . He sat under fourteen ministers , and had seen the rise and fall of more leaders of the House than he could well remember off-hand . He AA'as full of interesting memories of the Parliamentary history of his time , but , as he never kept a
diary , his reminiscences are not likely to be handed down to posterity . The funeral took place on the 9 th of August , at Deane Cemetery , which is on the deceased's Oakley- Estate , in Hampshire . The church AA'as tilled Avith mourners and friends , and many were unable to gain admission . The
service AA-as conducted by the Bishop of Winchester , the Rector of Deane and Oakley , and the Rev . J . Scott Ramsay' . The mourners included Mrs . Beach , Bro . Beach ( son ) , Mr . Win . Nicholson , ALP ., and Airs . Nicholson , and Mr . Wm . Portal ( nephcAv ) . Sir Charles Scotter , Col . Campbell
( and other directors of the South Western Raihvay ) , Lord Northbrook , Sir Michael Hicks-Beach , Lord Bolton , and Bro . Edward LetcliAvorth ( Grand Secretary ) , representing the Grand Alaster , the Duke of Connaught , Avere amongst those AVIIO went by special train from Waterloo .
A full length cross covered the polished oak coffin , Avhich bore the inscription : — "William Wither Brainstem Beach . Born December 25 , 1826 . Died August 3 , 1901 . " The floral tributes Avere magnificent and numerous , and as the Afasonic representatives present riled past the grave , around Avhich was an escort of Hants Carabineers and
County Police , they dropped on the ceffin the custcmary emblem of acacia leaves . A memorial service was held at St . Alargartt ' s , Westminster , on the same clay , and was attended by many Alembers of Parliament , and a large number of ladies .
The Speaker of the House of Commons A \ : IS represented b y Air . Edward Gully . After the Benediction , pronounced by Archdeacon Wilberforce , the organist played Chopin ' s " Funeral Aiarch , " the whole congregation standing .
Jhe Masters of Dublin Hodges for 1900 .
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The Right Hon. Bro. W. W. B. Beach, M.P.
io , London , and in 186 3 Avas installed as Master . During his connection with the lodge , at this period , he largely assisted in restoring it to that position and influence which it had occupied in former clays . In Hampshire , prior to his appointment as Provincial Grand Master , he had- joined and filled the chair of many private lodges , viz . : —the
Economy-Lodge , No . 76 , Winchester ; the Oakley Lodge , No . 6 94 , Basingstoke ; the Phcenix Lodge , No . 257 , Portsmouth , and others . In 18 58 he was appointed Provincial Senior Grand Warden of the then separate Province of Hampshire previous to its being amalgamated with the Isle of Wight .
In 186 9 , during the Grand Mastership of the Earl of Zetland , Bro . Beach was appointed Provincial Grand Master , a position he continued to occupy until his death . In Royal Arch Masonry Bro . Beach Avas also an active and zealous worker . He Avas exalted in the Alfred Chapter , No .
340 , Oxford , in which chapter he became First Principal , and afterwards assisted in founding the Westminster and KeA ' - stone Chapter , No . 10 , of which he was the first M . E . Z . At different periods subsequentl y he Avas again elected as First
Principal , and thus rendered excellent service in maintaining the efficiency of the chapter as he had previously clone in the lodge . Indeed , Royal Arch Masonry was ahvays a favoured Degree with Bro . Beach . He was never happier than when presiding at its meetings , Avhether in Supreme Grand Chapter , Provincial Grand Chapter , or a private chapter . In the
firstnamed his services Avere often in requisition , and his kindly and genial presence will perhaps be missed more there than at any other function . Since the retirement of Lord Leigh in 18 92 as Third Grand Principal of Supreme Grand Chapter , Bro . Beach has worthil y filled that high position .
In Mark Masonry he has occupied a prominent position since the formation of the Grand Lodge in 18 5 6 , having been appointed Senior Grand Warden in 1857 , and in the same year Provincial Grand Master of Berks and Hants , a position he continued to fill until the formation of the Province of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight in 1873 , and
on the death of Canon Portal , its first Grand Master , in 188 9 Bro . Beach Avas appointed as his successor , a position he held until his death .
Knight I emplary and the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite also came Avithin Bro . Beach ' s sphere of influence , he having been Prov . Prior of Hampshire for nearly thirty years and M . W . S . of the Royal Naval Chapter , No . 9 , at Portsmouth . It was not only as a ruler in the Craft that our deceased brother achieved a deservedl y high position . His devotion to the Charities was no less marked , and feAV have rendered more helpful service to our Institutions . He has presided at
no less than five of the Festivals , and has been largely instrumental in fostering that charitable spirit which is so marked a feature of Hampshire Freemasonry . Bro . Beach has been a member of the House of Commons continuously for forty-four years , and by virtue of this unbroken tenure he held the position of " Father of the House , "
an honour to which he succeeded on the death of Sir John Mowbray about two years ago . Bro . Beach never took a very prominent part in the debates of the House of Commons , but on account of his long experience , his opinions , when they were forthcoming on some point of
Parliamentary procedure , always carried great weight . He sat under fourteen ministers , and had seen the rise and fall of more leaders of the House than he could well remember off-hand . He AA'as full of interesting memories of the Parliamentary history of his time , but , as he never kept a
diary , his reminiscences are not likely to be handed down to posterity . The funeral took place on the 9 th of August , at Deane Cemetery , which is on the deceased's Oakley- Estate , in Hampshire . The church AA'as tilled Avith mourners and friends , and many were unable to gain admission . The
service AA-as conducted by the Bishop of Winchester , the Rector of Deane and Oakley , and the Rev . J . Scott Ramsay' . The mourners included Mrs . Beach , Bro . Beach ( son ) , Mr . Win . Nicholson , ALP ., and Airs . Nicholson , and Mr . Wm . Portal ( nephcAv ) . Sir Charles Scotter , Col . Campbell
( and other directors of the South Western Raihvay ) , Lord Northbrook , Sir Michael Hicks-Beach , Lord Bolton , and Bro . Edward LetcliAvorth ( Grand Secretary ) , representing the Grand Alaster , the Duke of Connaught , Avere amongst those AVIIO went by special train from Waterloo .
A full length cross covered the polished oak coffin , Avhich bore the inscription : — "William Wither Brainstem Beach . Born December 25 , 1826 . Died August 3 , 1901 . " The floral tributes Avere magnificent and numerous , and as the Afasonic representatives present riled past the grave , around Avhich was an escort of Hants Carabineers and
County Police , they dropped on the ceffin the custcmary emblem of acacia leaves . A memorial service was held at St . Alargartt ' s , Westminster , on the same clay , and was attended by many Alembers of Parliament , and a large number of ladies .
The Speaker of the House of Commons A \ : IS represented b y Air . Edward Gully . After the Benediction , pronounced by Archdeacon Wilberforce , the organist played Chopin ' s " Funeral Aiarch , " the whole congregation standing .
Jhe Masters of Dublin Hodges for 1900 .