Article Provincial Grand Lodge of Bucks. Page 1 of 1 Article Presentation to Bro. Brazier. Page 1 of 1 Article Rising Star Lodge, Bloemfontein. Page 1 of 1
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Provincial Grand Lodge Of Bucks.
Provincial Grand Lodge of Bucks .
THERE was a very large gathering of Bucks brethren at Aylesbury on the 9 th July , when Provincial Grand Lodge was held under the banner of the Buckingham Lodge , No . 591 , which this year celebrates its jubilee , having been consecrated as far back as 1851 , and is thus by far the
oldest lodge in the province . Grand Lodge was opened at three o ' clock in the Masonic Hall by Bro . Lord Addington , Provincial Grand Master , who was supported by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master ( Bro . J . E . Bowen ) , the Provincial Grand Secretary ( Bro . Rev . C . E . Roberts ) , and many wellknown brethren .
After the usual preliminary business , Bro . Stephens presented the report of the Charity Committee , which was passed . On the motion of the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , seconded by Bro . Simcox , the bye-laws and regulations of the Provincial Benevolent Fund , formulated by the Committee
appointed for that purpose at the Provincial Grand Lodge , 1901 , were confirmed . The Provincial Grand Treasurer submitted his report and statement of accounts , which showed a substantial balance in hand , and these were passed .
The Provincial Grand Officers were then appointed and invested by the Provincial Grand Master . Past Provincial Grand rank of Senior Warden was conferred upon Bros . F . J . Hubbard , W . J . Cannon , A . Bullock , and R . W . Locke .
A very handsome service of silver plate , purse , cheque , and illuminated address were presented to Bro . Woollett in recognition of his services as Provincial Grand Secretary , a post he resigned last year ; and Bro . W oollett suitably returned thanks .
Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed , and the brethren dined together at the Town Hall , under the presidency of the Provincial Grand Master .
Presentation To Bro. Brazier.
Presentation to Bro . Brazier .
A VERY interesting function took place in the Masonic Hall , Bournemouth , at the regular meeting of the Horsa Lodge , No . 2208 , on Monday , iSth August . Bro . J . J . Brazier ( the Secretary ) , who has been intimately associated with the lodge from its consecration fifteen years ago , is this month celebrating his silver wedding , and the Worshipful
Master ( Bro . H . T . Pottle ) and the brethren decided to mark the occasion in an appropriate manner . At the conclusion of the general business the Worshipful Master presented the Secretary with a sterling silver tea and coffee service , suitably inscribed , and a set of silver spoons as a separate gift to Mrs .
Brazier . In doing so he referred to the services rendered by Bro . Brazier as founder , Worshipful Master , and particularly during the last seven years as Secretary , and mentioned as a record that would be hard to beat that of the 16 4 meetings held since the consecration of the lodge , the Secretary had
attended all save ten . Several officers and brethren , each speaking in a highly appreciative manner of some different phases of the work of the Secretary , confirmed the remarks made by the Worshipful Master . In returning thanks , Bro . Brazier said that although he had received an intimation of their kind intentions he felt
quite unable to thank them as he would like . Indeed , he had seldom found it so difficult to express himself . Such proof of fraternal regard was sufficient to move the most stolid and phlegmatic brother . It was most gratifying to receive an honour of this kind from brethren whose sincerity could not be questioned , and to whom he was so well knownand who
, , moreover , had always been generous to his faults and failings . He thanked them for their kind references to the services it had been his privilege to perforin , and to the number of years he had been permitted to serve . Although he accepted the post
of Secretary seven years ago with considerable diffidence , it said much for their forbearance that he had never regretted the step . It would be mere affectation to say that the duties were not arduous , because many of them knew better . Still , the work had its compensations . In Freemasonry he had made many good and valued friends , whose kindness could not
be acknowledged through the poor medium of words . He felt fortunate in having won and retained the goodwill and esteem of the brethren , which that evening had found expression in such a valuable gift as fell to the lot of few Secretaries . He appreciated the kind reference to his wife , which was richly
deserved , as she was as much a Mason at heart as he himself , and he was sure she would be delighted to know that she was remembered . The service bore the following inscription : — " Presented by the members of the Horsa Lodge 2208 to W . Bro . J . J .
, , Brazier , P . M ., P . P . S . G . D . Hants and Isle of Weight , in commemoration of his silver wedding , and in appreciation of his valuable services as Secretary for a period of seven years . August 6 th , 1902 . Fundator Horsa , 2208 . "
Rising Star Lodge, Bloemfontein.
Rising Star Lodge , Bloemfontein .
THE installation of Bro . Ivan Haarburger , P . A . G . D . C . England , as W ' orshipful Master for the fourth time of the Rising Star Lodge , Bloemfontein , took place recently in the presence of a large and distinguished gathering of the Craft in the Masonic Temple , Bloemfontein . Before
the proceedings commenced a cable was read from His Majesty the King , the brethren standing the while . A telegram was also received from RAV . Bro . Lord Kitchener . W . Bro . H . F . Gill installed W . Bro . Haarburger as Worshipful Master , who then installed his officers for the year .
At the banquet , the speech of Bro . Rev . J . Craig , who proposed " The health of the W orshipful Master , " was listened to with great attention by the brethren present . He emphasised the interesting fact that Bro . Haarburger , a German subject , held the distinguished post of a Past Grand Officer of the Grand Lodge of England , an honour of which
the Rising Star Lodge was justly proud . Bro . Haarburger , who replied in an admirable speech , reminded the brethren of a clever oration by Lord Goschen , who complained that men were too busy in these days for thinking . But Bro . Haarburger appealed to the brethren to think of the important work before them in the near future ,
and exhorted them to aid the authorities in the gigantic task of reconstruction and reconciliation . He quoted some stirring passages from Wordsworth and Robert Louis Stevenson , and concluded a masterly speech by calling upon the members of the Masonic fraternity " to be foremost in character and the
sense of duty , the Alpha and Omega of Masonic aspirations , and to evince to the world that Freemasons would never be found wanting in the right attitude of man to man . " Bro . Haarburger ' s remarks were received with deafening applause .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS . —A special court of the governors and subscribers of the institution was held on Ausust 11 tli at Freemasons' Hall , for the purpose of passing a resolution approving of negotiations which had taken place between the House Committee and Dr . Conor and others for the purchase of the house , buildings , and land
adjoining the junior school of the institution and authorising the trustees to carry the same into effect . Bro . Frank Richardson , P . G . Registrar , who was voted to the chair , explained the steps which had been taken for acquiring the property in question , and said as there were sufficient funds
in hand lo pay the price it might be desirable to close with the vendors . He then moved the resolution , and Bro . Letchworth , Grand Secretary , in seconding it , expressed his satisfaction with the proposal . The motion was carried , and the proceedings terminated with a vote of thanks to the chairman .
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Provincial Grand Lodge Of Bucks.
Provincial Grand Lodge of Bucks .
THERE was a very large gathering of Bucks brethren at Aylesbury on the 9 th July , when Provincial Grand Lodge was held under the banner of the Buckingham Lodge , No . 591 , which this year celebrates its jubilee , having been consecrated as far back as 1851 , and is thus by far the
oldest lodge in the province . Grand Lodge was opened at three o ' clock in the Masonic Hall by Bro . Lord Addington , Provincial Grand Master , who was supported by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master ( Bro . J . E . Bowen ) , the Provincial Grand Secretary ( Bro . Rev . C . E . Roberts ) , and many wellknown brethren .
After the usual preliminary business , Bro . Stephens presented the report of the Charity Committee , which was passed . On the motion of the Deputy Provincial Grand Master , seconded by Bro . Simcox , the bye-laws and regulations of the Provincial Benevolent Fund , formulated by the Committee
appointed for that purpose at the Provincial Grand Lodge , 1901 , were confirmed . The Provincial Grand Treasurer submitted his report and statement of accounts , which showed a substantial balance in hand , and these were passed .
The Provincial Grand Officers were then appointed and invested by the Provincial Grand Master . Past Provincial Grand rank of Senior Warden was conferred upon Bros . F . J . Hubbard , W . J . Cannon , A . Bullock , and R . W . Locke .
A very handsome service of silver plate , purse , cheque , and illuminated address were presented to Bro . Woollett in recognition of his services as Provincial Grand Secretary , a post he resigned last year ; and Bro . W oollett suitably returned thanks .
Provincial Grand Lodge was then closed , and the brethren dined together at the Town Hall , under the presidency of the Provincial Grand Master .
Presentation To Bro. Brazier.
Presentation to Bro . Brazier .
A VERY interesting function took place in the Masonic Hall , Bournemouth , at the regular meeting of the Horsa Lodge , No . 2208 , on Monday , iSth August . Bro . J . J . Brazier ( the Secretary ) , who has been intimately associated with the lodge from its consecration fifteen years ago , is this month celebrating his silver wedding , and the Worshipful
Master ( Bro . H . T . Pottle ) and the brethren decided to mark the occasion in an appropriate manner . At the conclusion of the general business the Worshipful Master presented the Secretary with a sterling silver tea and coffee service , suitably inscribed , and a set of silver spoons as a separate gift to Mrs .
Brazier . In doing so he referred to the services rendered by Bro . Brazier as founder , Worshipful Master , and particularly during the last seven years as Secretary , and mentioned as a record that would be hard to beat that of the 16 4 meetings held since the consecration of the lodge , the Secretary had
attended all save ten . Several officers and brethren , each speaking in a highly appreciative manner of some different phases of the work of the Secretary , confirmed the remarks made by the Worshipful Master . In returning thanks , Bro . Brazier said that although he had received an intimation of their kind intentions he felt
quite unable to thank them as he would like . Indeed , he had seldom found it so difficult to express himself . Such proof of fraternal regard was sufficient to move the most stolid and phlegmatic brother . It was most gratifying to receive an honour of this kind from brethren whose sincerity could not be questioned , and to whom he was so well knownand who
, , moreover , had always been generous to his faults and failings . He thanked them for their kind references to the services it had been his privilege to perforin , and to the number of years he had been permitted to serve . Although he accepted the post
of Secretary seven years ago with considerable diffidence , it said much for their forbearance that he had never regretted the step . It would be mere affectation to say that the duties were not arduous , because many of them knew better . Still , the work had its compensations . In Freemasonry he had made many good and valued friends , whose kindness could not
be acknowledged through the poor medium of words . He felt fortunate in having won and retained the goodwill and esteem of the brethren , which that evening had found expression in such a valuable gift as fell to the lot of few Secretaries . He appreciated the kind reference to his wife , which was richly
deserved , as she was as much a Mason at heart as he himself , and he was sure she would be delighted to know that she was remembered . The service bore the following inscription : — " Presented by the members of the Horsa Lodge 2208 to W . Bro . J . J .
, , Brazier , P . M ., P . P . S . G . D . Hants and Isle of Weight , in commemoration of his silver wedding , and in appreciation of his valuable services as Secretary for a period of seven years . August 6 th , 1902 . Fundator Horsa , 2208 . "
Rising Star Lodge, Bloemfontein.
Rising Star Lodge , Bloemfontein .
THE installation of Bro . Ivan Haarburger , P . A . G . D . C . England , as W ' orshipful Master for the fourth time of the Rising Star Lodge , Bloemfontein , took place recently in the presence of a large and distinguished gathering of the Craft in the Masonic Temple , Bloemfontein . Before
the proceedings commenced a cable was read from His Majesty the King , the brethren standing the while . A telegram was also received from RAV . Bro . Lord Kitchener . W . Bro . H . F . Gill installed W . Bro . Haarburger as Worshipful Master , who then installed his officers for the year .
At the banquet , the speech of Bro . Rev . J . Craig , who proposed " The health of the W orshipful Master , " was listened to with great attention by the brethren present . He emphasised the interesting fact that Bro . Haarburger , a German subject , held the distinguished post of a Past Grand Officer of the Grand Lodge of England , an honour of which
the Rising Star Lodge was justly proud . Bro . Haarburger , who replied in an admirable speech , reminded the brethren of a clever oration by Lord Goschen , who complained that men were too busy in these days for thinking . But Bro . Haarburger appealed to the brethren to think of the important work before them in the near future ,
and exhorted them to aid the authorities in the gigantic task of reconstruction and reconciliation . He quoted some stirring passages from Wordsworth and Robert Louis Stevenson , and concluded a masterly speech by calling upon the members of the Masonic fraternity " to be foremost in character and the
sense of duty , the Alpha and Omega of Masonic aspirations , and to evince to the world that Freemasons would never be found wanting in the right attitude of man to man . " Bro . Haarburger ' s remarks were received with deafening applause .
ROYAL MASONIC INSTITUTION FOR GIRLS . —A special court of the governors and subscribers of the institution was held on Ausust 11 tli at Freemasons' Hall , for the purpose of passing a resolution approving of negotiations which had taken place between the House Committee and Dr . Conor and others for the purchase of the house , buildings , and land
adjoining the junior school of the institution and authorising the trustees to carry the same into effect . Bro . Frank Richardson , P . G . Registrar , who was voted to the chair , explained the steps which had been taken for acquiring the property in question , and said as there were sufficient funds
in hand lo pay the price it might be desirable to close with the vendors . He then moved the resolution , and Bro . Letchworth , Grand Secretary , in seconding it , expressed his satisfaction with the proposal . The motion was carried , and the proceedings terminated with a vote of thanks to the chairman .