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History Of The Emulation Lodge Of Improvement, No. 256.——(Continued).
History of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement , No . 256 . ——( Continued ) .
( By Bro . HEXRY SADLER , Sub-Librarian to the Grand Lodge of England ) .
ON the 3 rd of July , " Bro . Pike stated that Bro . Hervey had been twenty-four years Treasurer of the Lodge , that knowing how much he was esteemed by the brethren , he had no doubt he would be elected for the twenty-fifth time in October next , and suggested the propriety of presenting him with a suitable Testimonial at the next
Annual Festival to mark the brethren ' s appreciation of his valuable services . " Bro . Pike ' s suggestion was readily adopted , and a committee immediately appointed to carry it into effect . On ! the 21 st of August , " the hearty congratulations of the Lodge" were given to Bro . Hervey on his appointment to the important office of Grand Secretary .
A'ICTOR A . WILLIAMSON , C . M . G ., PAST GRAND WARDEN . Chairuttin of the Ffx / iral ill 1807 . The loss of the old minute books was brought to the notice of the Lodge on the 30 th of October , and it was
resolved to offer a reward of Five Guineas for their recovery . The Festival this year was held on the 27 th of November , when the First Lecture was worked by James Pike , assisted by Bros . H . W . Lindus , T . Cochrane , J . A . Rucker , J . A . Bergei ^ A . jGreen , I . C . Dowsing , and A . A . Richards ; 101 members
and 91 visitors were present . Twenty-three propositions for membership having been made , the Lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned to the " Banquet , at which Lord Eliot , Past Senior Grand Warden , presided . " In the course of the evening a Testimonial was presented to John Hervey ,
consisting of a silver tea and coffee service and gold pencil case . 1869 . In the minutes of the 5 th of March we find the following : — " A request having been made by Bro . R . R . Nelson , P . G . Secretary for W est Yorkshire , on the part of
several Brethren of that Province that the Three Degrees should be worked on Friday evening , the 12 th inst ., it was proposed by Bro . J . Pike , seconded by Bro . J . A . Rucker , and carried unanimously , that Bro . J . Hervey , Treasurer , be requested to take the chair and appoint his officers for that occasion . "
" Bro . Hervey appointed Bros . A . A . Richards , S . W . ; F . Hockley , J . W . ; J . A . Rucker , S . D . ; A . Green , J . D . ; and I . C . Dowsing , I . G . ; and , in deference to the wish expressed by the Brethren of West Yorkshire , announced that the Three Ceremonies would be worked . " In consequence of the foregoing announcement , a goodly
number of members and visitors attended the following meeting in the hope of witnessing the three degrees worked by the Grand Secretary , but " previously to the opening of the Lodge , the AV . M . stated that in consequence of the Bradford election taking place this day , the Brethren at
whose request the Three Degrees were appointed to be worked had been obliged to return to Yorkshire , and that he had been desired to express their regret at the circumstance , and to apologize on their behalf to the members of the Lodge for their non-attendance . "
Bro . C . A . Murton sat as W . M . at the Festival meeting on the 26 th of November , when the Second Lecture was worked by Bros . Thomas Fenn , J . F . Huggins , H . V . Crassweller , H . W . Lindus , and J . A . Rucker . Ninety-six members and seventy-two visitors were present ; twenty-eight of the latter
were proposed for ballot at the next meeting . The R . W . Bro . Sir Daniel Gooch , Bart ., M . P ., Provincial Grand Master for Berks , and Bucks ., presided at the banquet .
On the 31 st of December , " It was proposed by Br . Pike and carried unanimously , that a Committee be formed for the purpose of presenting a Testimonial to Br . C . A . Murton in acknowledgement of his services as Secretary for the past seven years , and of his devotion , both of his time and personal attention , to the Lodge and its many members . "
The members present , who were most regular in their attendance , at once volunteered to form a committee ( with power to add to their number ) for carrying into effect the foregoing proposition . The committee was considerably increased at subsequent meetings of the Lodge .
1870 . On January 7 th it was proposed by Bro . Murton and carried , that the three brass candlesticks which had been submitted for the approval of the members should be purchased of Bro . R . Spencer for the sum of ^ 25 . On the 4 th of February the compiler of this history had
the good fortune to be elected a member of the Lodge . The 6 th of May witnessed the last attendance of the veteran brother , James Pike , who had joined the Lodge in 18 33 , and until within a few clays of his decease had been constant in his attendance at , and most assiduous for its
welfare and progress . It is recorded on the 20 th May that " Bro . J . Hervey announced the decease of Bro . James Pike , which occurred on the 14 th instant , and proposed that the Ceremony and Lecture appointed for the evening should be deferred until the next meeting , as a mark of respect to his memory . "
A vote of condolence and sympathy with the widow and family of the deceased was passed . Bro . James Pike was a member of the Grenadiers' Lodge , No . 66 , in which Lodge he was initiated in January , 18 33 . On the 12 th of April following he joined the Emulation Lodge of Improvement , and , in all probability , he made
more attendances at the Lodge than anyone , either during his time or subsequently , not excepting the indefatigable Wilson . His name is mentioned in the early reports of the Festivals , and as far back as 1840 he is referred to as one of the leaders in the Lodge . A notable feature in this connection is the regular attendance of many of the old members , long after they had perfected themselves in the ceremonies
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History Of The Emulation Lodge Of Improvement, No. 256.——(Continued).
History of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement , No . 256 . ——( Continued ) .
( By Bro . HEXRY SADLER , Sub-Librarian to the Grand Lodge of England ) .
ON the 3 rd of July , " Bro . Pike stated that Bro . Hervey had been twenty-four years Treasurer of the Lodge , that knowing how much he was esteemed by the brethren , he had no doubt he would be elected for the twenty-fifth time in October next , and suggested the propriety of presenting him with a suitable Testimonial at the next
Annual Festival to mark the brethren ' s appreciation of his valuable services . " Bro . Pike ' s suggestion was readily adopted , and a committee immediately appointed to carry it into effect . On ! the 21 st of August , " the hearty congratulations of the Lodge" were given to Bro . Hervey on his appointment to the important office of Grand Secretary .
A'ICTOR A . WILLIAMSON , C . M . G ., PAST GRAND WARDEN . Chairuttin of the Ffx / iral ill 1807 . The loss of the old minute books was brought to the notice of the Lodge on the 30 th of October , and it was
resolved to offer a reward of Five Guineas for their recovery . The Festival this year was held on the 27 th of November , when the First Lecture was worked by James Pike , assisted by Bros . H . W . Lindus , T . Cochrane , J . A . Rucker , J . A . Bergei ^ A . jGreen , I . C . Dowsing , and A . A . Richards ; 101 members
and 91 visitors were present . Twenty-three propositions for membership having been made , the Lodge was closed and the brethren adjourned to the " Banquet , at which Lord Eliot , Past Senior Grand Warden , presided . " In the course of the evening a Testimonial was presented to John Hervey ,
consisting of a silver tea and coffee service and gold pencil case . 1869 . In the minutes of the 5 th of March we find the following : — " A request having been made by Bro . R . R . Nelson , P . G . Secretary for W est Yorkshire , on the part of
several Brethren of that Province that the Three Degrees should be worked on Friday evening , the 12 th inst ., it was proposed by Bro . J . Pike , seconded by Bro . J . A . Rucker , and carried unanimously , that Bro . J . Hervey , Treasurer , be requested to take the chair and appoint his officers for that occasion . "
" Bro . Hervey appointed Bros . A . A . Richards , S . W . ; F . Hockley , J . W . ; J . A . Rucker , S . D . ; A . Green , J . D . ; and I . C . Dowsing , I . G . ; and , in deference to the wish expressed by the Brethren of West Yorkshire , announced that the Three Ceremonies would be worked . " In consequence of the foregoing announcement , a goodly
number of members and visitors attended the following meeting in the hope of witnessing the three degrees worked by the Grand Secretary , but " previously to the opening of the Lodge , the AV . M . stated that in consequence of the Bradford election taking place this day , the Brethren at
whose request the Three Degrees were appointed to be worked had been obliged to return to Yorkshire , and that he had been desired to express their regret at the circumstance , and to apologize on their behalf to the members of the Lodge for their non-attendance . "
Bro . C . A . Murton sat as W . M . at the Festival meeting on the 26 th of November , when the Second Lecture was worked by Bros . Thomas Fenn , J . F . Huggins , H . V . Crassweller , H . W . Lindus , and J . A . Rucker . Ninety-six members and seventy-two visitors were present ; twenty-eight of the latter
were proposed for ballot at the next meeting . The R . W . Bro . Sir Daniel Gooch , Bart ., M . P ., Provincial Grand Master for Berks , and Bucks ., presided at the banquet .
On the 31 st of December , " It was proposed by Br . Pike and carried unanimously , that a Committee be formed for the purpose of presenting a Testimonial to Br . C . A . Murton in acknowledgement of his services as Secretary for the past seven years , and of his devotion , both of his time and personal attention , to the Lodge and its many members . "
The members present , who were most regular in their attendance , at once volunteered to form a committee ( with power to add to their number ) for carrying into effect the foregoing proposition . The committee was considerably increased at subsequent meetings of the Lodge .
1870 . On January 7 th it was proposed by Bro . Murton and carried , that the three brass candlesticks which had been submitted for the approval of the members should be purchased of Bro . R . Spencer for the sum of ^ 25 . On the 4 th of February the compiler of this history had
the good fortune to be elected a member of the Lodge . The 6 th of May witnessed the last attendance of the veteran brother , James Pike , who had joined the Lodge in 18 33 , and until within a few clays of his decease had been constant in his attendance at , and most assiduous for its
welfare and progress . It is recorded on the 20 th May that " Bro . J . Hervey announced the decease of Bro . James Pike , which occurred on the 14 th instant , and proposed that the Ceremony and Lecture appointed for the evening should be deferred until the next meeting , as a mark of respect to his memory . "
A vote of condolence and sympathy with the widow and family of the deceased was passed . Bro . James Pike was a member of the Grenadiers' Lodge , No . 66 , in which Lodge he was initiated in January , 18 33 . On the 12 th of April following he joined the Emulation Lodge of Improvement , and , in all probability , he made
more attendances at the Lodge than anyone , either during his time or subsequently , not excepting the indefatigable Wilson . His name is mentioned in the early reports of the Festivals , and as far back as 1840 he is referred to as one of the leaders in the Lodge . A notable feature in this connection is the regular attendance of many of the old members , long after they had perfected themselves in the ceremonies