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History Of The Emulation Lodge Of Improvement, No. 256.——(Continued).
sum of Ten Pounds be given from the funds of the Lodge towards the subscription for the relief of three of the daughters of the late Bro . Stephen Barton Wilson . " 1872 . Nothing of importance is recorded in the minutes of this year beyond a change in the office of Secretary , Bro . Alfred Green , of Lodge No . 7 , being elected to that post vacated by Bro . C . A . Murton , who was elected on the Committee .
CHAS . A . MURTOX , T . G . D ., Si'cri' / niy , ( tint JjTcw / i / 'r of the Coinniittei > . The Annual Festival was held on the 29 th of November , John Hervey in the chair of W . M ., when part of the First Lecture was worked by the following : —J . F . Huggins , No . 18 ;
G . E . Wainwright , No . 370 ; W . Smallpiece , No . 1395 ; H . W ood , No . 1159 ; and J . A . Rucker , No . 66 . The members present numbered 112 , and the visitors 70 , besides several distinguished brethren who were invited as guests of the Lodge .
The usual vote of thanks to the workers of the sections was passed on the proposition of Lord Tenterden , C . B ., Senior Grand Warden , who subsequently presided at the banquet . Thirty brethren were proposed to become members , all of whom were elected at the next meeting of the Lodge . A brief notice of the meeting appears in The Freemason of December 14 th , wherein the writer comments on the workers .
" The earnest delivery , and the elocutionary ability of these brethren were most marked , and richly deserved the enthusiastic applause with which their efforts were received . " 1873 . A most unusual event , which is probably quite unique in the annals of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement , is recorded in the minutes of the 14 th of March , namely ,
the rejection of a brother on the ballot . The incident is the more remarkable as the brother in question was a member of a very celebrated Lodge , and had been proposed and seconded at the previous meeting by two of the most prominent members of the Committee . As a matter of
course , no reason was assigned for this extraordinary action , but from certain remarks overheard in the ante-room by the writer , he concluded that the objection was purely personal and not of a nature to justify the rejection of a brother who was at the same time deemed eligible for membership by one of the oldest and most reputable lodges in London .
On the 2 nd of May , " It was proposed by C . A . Murton , seconded by Erasmus Wilson , and carried unanimously , that the Tracing Boards be lent to the Grand Lodge for the purpose of being copied . " At the following meeting the death of the Earl of Zetland , Past Grand Master , was announced , and it was resolved " That an expression of deep
regret be recorded on the Minutes for the serious loss the Craft have sustained thereby . " May the 30 th : " Bro . J . Hervey alluded to an innovation which had recently been adopted in this Lodge , viz ., of applauding brethren who assist in the work , and remarked that although such demonstrations were made at the Annual
Festivals , and could not easily be prevented , yet it was not desirable for such a custom to prevail at the ordinary meetings , and he suggested that it should be discontinued . " The Annual Festival was held on the 28 th of November , John Hervey presiding as W . M ., who worked the Second
Lecture , assisted by Bros . W illiam Smallpiece , James Muzio , Erasmus W ilson , G . E . W ainwright , and Thomas Fenn . There were present 102 members , 71 visitors , and several invited guests . Twenty-eight propositions for membership having been received , the brethren adjourned to the banquet ,
at which Lieut .-Col . Francis Burdett , Provincial Grand Master for Middlesex , presided . On the 5 th of December a vote of thanks was passed to Bro . C . A . Swinburne for presenting to the Lodge a set of collars for the officers .
1874 . Nothing is recorded in the minutes during the year 1874 beyond the usual routine work of the Lodge . Bros . T . Fenn , C . A . Murton , and A . A . Richards were re-elected on the Committee , and Bros . John Hervey and Alfred Green continued in the offices of Treasurer and Secretary . Bro . Henry Sadler , P . M . of No . 147 , was elected Tyler .
The Annual Festival was held on the 27 th of November , and was even better attended than the preceding year , 119 members and 90 visitors being present , 52 of whom were proposed to become members . Bro . Thomas Fenn presided in the Lodge and conducted the work arranged for the occasion , which was the last four sections of the First Lecture and the three sections of the
Third Lecture , m which he was ably assisted by Bros . J . F . Huggins , P . M . No . 18 ; H . T . Wood , S . W . No . 1159 : G - E - Eachus , W . M . No . 33 ; H . Bishop , JAV . No . 66 ; Erasmus Wilson , JAV . No . 2 ; Montague Gosset , P . M . No . 66 ; and W . Smallpiece , P . M . No . 1395 . ^ Eneas J . Mclntyre , Grand Registrar , presided at the banquet , and was supported by a considerable number of Grand Officers and old members of the Lodge .
SAMUEL TOMKINS , GRAND TREASURER , Clinirum 11 of On' Fetl' mil in 1 H" 1 . In the course of the evening several good speeches were delivered , but as they appear in print in the Masonic papers of the following week we can well dispense with them here . ( To be Continued j . ' •'
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History Of The Emulation Lodge Of Improvement, No. 256.——(Continued).
sum of Ten Pounds be given from the funds of the Lodge towards the subscription for the relief of three of the daughters of the late Bro . Stephen Barton Wilson . " 1872 . Nothing of importance is recorded in the minutes of this year beyond a change in the office of Secretary , Bro . Alfred Green , of Lodge No . 7 , being elected to that post vacated by Bro . C . A . Murton , who was elected on the Committee .
CHAS . A . MURTOX , T . G . D ., Si'cri' / niy , ( tint JjTcw / i / 'r of the Coinniittei > . The Annual Festival was held on the 29 th of November , John Hervey in the chair of W . M ., when part of the First Lecture was worked by the following : —J . F . Huggins , No . 18 ;
G . E . Wainwright , No . 370 ; W . Smallpiece , No . 1395 ; H . W ood , No . 1159 ; and J . A . Rucker , No . 66 . The members present numbered 112 , and the visitors 70 , besides several distinguished brethren who were invited as guests of the Lodge .
The usual vote of thanks to the workers of the sections was passed on the proposition of Lord Tenterden , C . B ., Senior Grand Warden , who subsequently presided at the banquet . Thirty brethren were proposed to become members , all of whom were elected at the next meeting of the Lodge . A brief notice of the meeting appears in The Freemason of December 14 th , wherein the writer comments on the workers .
" The earnest delivery , and the elocutionary ability of these brethren were most marked , and richly deserved the enthusiastic applause with which their efforts were received . " 1873 . A most unusual event , which is probably quite unique in the annals of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement , is recorded in the minutes of the 14 th of March , namely ,
the rejection of a brother on the ballot . The incident is the more remarkable as the brother in question was a member of a very celebrated Lodge , and had been proposed and seconded at the previous meeting by two of the most prominent members of the Committee . As a matter of
course , no reason was assigned for this extraordinary action , but from certain remarks overheard in the ante-room by the writer , he concluded that the objection was purely personal and not of a nature to justify the rejection of a brother who was at the same time deemed eligible for membership by one of the oldest and most reputable lodges in London .
On the 2 nd of May , " It was proposed by C . A . Murton , seconded by Erasmus Wilson , and carried unanimously , that the Tracing Boards be lent to the Grand Lodge for the purpose of being copied . " At the following meeting the death of the Earl of Zetland , Past Grand Master , was announced , and it was resolved " That an expression of deep
regret be recorded on the Minutes for the serious loss the Craft have sustained thereby . " May the 30 th : " Bro . J . Hervey alluded to an innovation which had recently been adopted in this Lodge , viz ., of applauding brethren who assist in the work , and remarked that although such demonstrations were made at the Annual
Festivals , and could not easily be prevented , yet it was not desirable for such a custom to prevail at the ordinary meetings , and he suggested that it should be discontinued . " The Annual Festival was held on the 28 th of November , John Hervey presiding as W . M ., who worked the Second
Lecture , assisted by Bros . W illiam Smallpiece , James Muzio , Erasmus W ilson , G . E . W ainwright , and Thomas Fenn . There were present 102 members , 71 visitors , and several invited guests . Twenty-eight propositions for membership having been received , the brethren adjourned to the banquet ,
at which Lieut .-Col . Francis Burdett , Provincial Grand Master for Middlesex , presided . On the 5 th of December a vote of thanks was passed to Bro . C . A . Swinburne for presenting to the Lodge a set of collars for the officers .
1874 . Nothing is recorded in the minutes during the year 1874 beyond the usual routine work of the Lodge . Bros . T . Fenn , C . A . Murton , and A . A . Richards were re-elected on the Committee , and Bros . John Hervey and Alfred Green continued in the offices of Treasurer and Secretary . Bro . Henry Sadler , P . M . of No . 147 , was elected Tyler .
The Annual Festival was held on the 27 th of November , and was even better attended than the preceding year , 119 members and 90 visitors being present , 52 of whom were proposed to become members . Bro . Thomas Fenn presided in the Lodge and conducted the work arranged for the occasion , which was the last four sections of the First Lecture and the three sections of the
Third Lecture , m which he was ably assisted by Bros . J . F . Huggins , P . M . No . 18 ; H . T . Wood , S . W . No . 1159 : G - E - Eachus , W . M . No . 33 ; H . Bishop , JAV . No . 66 ; Erasmus Wilson , JAV . No . 2 ; Montague Gosset , P . M . No . 66 ; and W . Smallpiece , P . M . No . 1395 . ^ Eneas J . Mclntyre , Grand Registrar , presided at the banquet , and was supported by a considerable number of Grand Officers and old members of the Lodge .
SAMUEL TOMKINS , GRAND TREASURER , Clinirum 11 of On' Fetl' mil in 1 H" 1 . In the course of the evening several good speeches were delivered , but as they appear in print in the Masonic papers of the following week we can well dispense with them here . ( To be Continued j . ' •'