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History Of The Emulation Lodge Of Improvement, No. 256.——(Continued).
THE KIRBY LODGE OF INSTRUCTION , NO . 263 . We believe the above named Lodge of Instruction was the lirst , not only to emanate directly from the Emulation Lodge of Improvement , but to have been started on strictly " Emulation " lines and under its auspices . It is the
Lodge of Instruction referred to by Bro . Sudlow at the festival of the Langton Lodge of Instruction in 1890 , previously quoted . The writer having in December , 188 9 , been asked to assist in forming a Lodge of Instruction , consented , on the conditions that the work was to be
strictly " Emulation , " and that neither drinking nor smoking should be permitted during business . Several preliminary meetings were held at ' Tupp's Restaurant , in Tottenham Court Road , when it was decided to form a Lodge of Instruction under the name of the
" Clarence , " and the present writer was asked to take the preceptorship , but declined on the ground of his inability to attend regularly . He , however , promised to endeavour to secure a competent Preceptor , also the
JOSEPH RUSSELL , P . G . S ., P . O . STD . HEARER , Secre / iirj / of the Knii ' . lation T . odije of fiiijirorenif-til . sanction of a regular Lodge and to attend the meetings as often as possible . Having been for some
years out of : ouch with the " Emulation " workers he had recourse to Bro . Sudlow , who suggested Bro . William Henry Kirby of the Eastes Lodge , No . 1965 , for Preceptor , and the Bank of England Lodge , No . 26 3 , of which he , Bro . Sudlow , was a member , as a likely Lodge to
give its sanction . Accordingly , in response to an application , a formal Warrant , dated December 12 th , 188 9 , was issued by the W . Master of the Bank of England Lodge to Bro . Henry Sadler , authorizing the holding of " The Clarence Lodge of Instruction " weekly at No . 8 , Tottenham
Court Road . This Warrant was read at a meeting of the new Lodge of Instruction on December 19 th , when a vote of thanks was passed to the Bank of England Lodge , and also to " Bro . Sadler for his kindness and ability in conducting the business of the evening , and for the important services he has rendered in connection with the formation of this
Lodge of Instruction . " Several members of the Bank of England Lodge subsequently joined the Lodge of Instruction , and were amongst its most regular attendants . Bro . Kirby justified to the fullest extent the selection of Bro . Sudlow by proving himself a most efficient Preceptor . He was
seldom absent from the weekly meetings which were held all the year round , and when he was unable to be present , his post for the first two or three years was invariably filled by the writer or by Bro . Sudlow , so that the Lodge was then ,
as indeed it has been ever since , in close touch with the " Emulation , " a majority of its members , certainly all its workers , regularly attending that Lodge . Indeed the " Clarence" soon came to be looked upon as a sort of preparatory school for the older Lodge , the business being so arranged that the " Clarence" did the same work on
Thursday evenings as was done at the " Emulation " on the following Friday . In October , 1891 , the Lodge was removed to a private room at No . IA , Fitzroy Square , and in January , 18 93 , it was particularly fortunate in securing a home on very reasonable
conditions at the Midland Grand Hotel . In September , 18 95 , the members generally received a severe shock owing to the lamentable death of the Preceptor , in consequence of an explosion of gas at his private residence .
On the 1 st of October following , Bro . Charles Lewis was elected Preceptor and Bro . D . D . West Assistant Preceptor . In order to perpetuate the name of one who had endeared himself to all with whom he had been associated ,
it was resolved on the 15 th October that henceforth the Lodge should be known as " The Kirby Lodge of Instruction . "
At a Regular meeting of the Bank of England Lodge on the 14 th of November , 18 95 , permission was given to change the name of the Lodge of Instruction in conformity with the foregoing resolution . A committee was appointed to consider the question of erecting a memorial to the late Preceptor , for which purpose a sum of money was raised by a small
subscription amongst the members , which was largely augmented by a very liberal contribution from the Treasurer of the Lodge , Bro . Henry S . Wellcome , P . M . of the Lodge of Fidelity , No . 3 , who also furnished a design for the proposed memorialwith the result that on the 6 th of
, N ovember , 18 97 , a massive Masonic monument of unmistakable solidity and of noble simplicity , was unveiled in the cemetery at High Wycombe , over the grave of the late Bro . Kirby , by the V . W . Bro . Edward Letchworth , Grand
Secretary . On the 25 th of January , 18 9 8 , Bro . Charles Lewis retired from the preceptorship , and proposed as his successor Bro . George Rankin , who was accordingly elected . The " Kirby" may fairly be considered as one of the most successful Lodges of Instruction in London , second
only to the " Emulation " itself . It has always been peculiarly fortunate in the selection of its Preceptors and executive officers , brethren who have not only been remarkable for their Masonic knowledge and their ability for imparting that knowledge to others , but also for the energy and tact which
they have invariably displayed in the conduct of the business of the Lodge . A complete outfit of furniture and jewels was presented by members of the Lodge , chiefly by the founders , including a handsome set of tracing boards by Sir John Blundell Maple .
Bro . Charles E . Bulling , of the Great Northern Lodge , was the first Treasurer , and in January , 18 93 , he was succeeded by the present holder of the office—Bro . Henry S . Wellcome , P . M . of the Lodge of Fidelity No . 3 . The office of Secretary was at lirst filled by Bro . William Freemantle , " Jersey " Lodge , No . 216 3 who , finding it inconvenient to attend the
, Lodge regularly , retired from the Secretaryship in December , 1890 , when Bro . William Baker , " Pegasus " Lodge , No . 220 c ; , was chosen as his successor . Bro . Baker most ably discharged the onerous duties of the office , single handed , till January , 18 9 8 , when Bro . Frank W . Ward , of Lodges X os . 31 and
2508 , was appointed to assist him . In December , 1 9 , Bro . Baker retired from the Secretaryship and was succeeded by his assistant , Bro . F . W . Ward . The Lodge has on its roll nearly 1000 members , and the average attendance of brethren , for some years past , at the
weekly meetings has been about 22 . In connection with the Lodge there is a Masonic Charities Association whereby the brethren by a weekly subscription of not less than one shilling are enabled to acquire Life Governorships of the various Charitable Institutions of the Order .
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History Of The Emulation Lodge Of Improvement, No. 256.——(Continued).
THE KIRBY LODGE OF INSTRUCTION , NO . 263 . We believe the above named Lodge of Instruction was the lirst , not only to emanate directly from the Emulation Lodge of Improvement , but to have been started on strictly " Emulation " lines and under its auspices . It is the
Lodge of Instruction referred to by Bro . Sudlow at the festival of the Langton Lodge of Instruction in 1890 , previously quoted . The writer having in December , 188 9 , been asked to assist in forming a Lodge of Instruction , consented , on the conditions that the work was to be
strictly " Emulation , " and that neither drinking nor smoking should be permitted during business . Several preliminary meetings were held at ' Tupp's Restaurant , in Tottenham Court Road , when it was decided to form a Lodge of Instruction under the name of the
" Clarence , " and the present writer was asked to take the preceptorship , but declined on the ground of his inability to attend regularly . He , however , promised to endeavour to secure a competent Preceptor , also the
JOSEPH RUSSELL , P . G . S ., P . O . STD . HEARER , Secre / iirj / of the Knii ' . lation T . odije of fiiijirorenif-til . sanction of a regular Lodge and to attend the meetings as often as possible . Having been for some
years out of : ouch with the " Emulation " workers he had recourse to Bro . Sudlow , who suggested Bro . William Henry Kirby of the Eastes Lodge , No . 1965 , for Preceptor , and the Bank of England Lodge , No . 26 3 , of which he , Bro . Sudlow , was a member , as a likely Lodge to
give its sanction . Accordingly , in response to an application , a formal Warrant , dated December 12 th , 188 9 , was issued by the W . Master of the Bank of England Lodge to Bro . Henry Sadler , authorizing the holding of " The Clarence Lodge of Instruction " weekly at No . 8 , Tottenham
Court Road . This Warrant was read at a meeting of the new Lodge of Instruction on December 19 th , when a vote of thanks was passed to the Bank of England Lodge , and also to " Bro . Sadler for his kindness and ability in conducting the business of the evening , and for the important services he has rendered in connection with the formation of this
Lodge of Instruction . " Several members of the Bank of England Lodge subsequently joined the Lodge of Instruction , and were amongst its most regular attendants . Bro . Kirby justified to the fullest extent the selection of Bro . Sudlow by proving himself a most efficient Preceptor . He was
seldom absent from the weekly meetings which were held all the year round , and when he was unable to be present , his post for the first two or three years was invariably filled by the writer or by Bro . Sudlow , so that the Lodge was then ,
as indeed it has been ever since , in close touch with the " Emulation , " a majority of its members , certainly all its workers , regularly attending that Lodge . Indeed the " Clarence" soon came to be looked upon as a sort of preparatory school for the older Lodge , the business being so arranged that the " Clarence" did the same work on
Thursday evenings as was done at the " Emulation " on the following Friday . In October , 1891 , the Lodge was removed to a private room at No . IA , Fitzroy Square , and in January , 18 93 , it was particularly fortunate in securing a home on very reasonable
conditions at the Midland Grand Hotel . In September , 18 95 , the members generally received a severe shock owing to the lamentable death of the Preceptor , in consequence of an explosion of gas at his private residence .
On the 1 st of October following , Bro . Charles Lewis was elected Preceptor and Bro . D . D . West Assistant Preceptor . In order to perpetuate the name of one who had endeared himself to all with whom he had been associated ,
it was resolved on the 15 th October that henceforth the Lodge should be known as " The Kirby Lodge of Instruction . "
At a Regular meeting of the Bank of England Lodge on the 14 th of November , 18 95 , permission was given to change the name of the Lodge of Instruction in conformity with the foregoing resolution . A committee was appointed to consider the question of erecting a memorial to the late Preceptor , for which purpose a sum of money was raised by a small
subscription amongst the members , which was largely augmented by a very liberal contribution from the Treasurer of the Lodge , Bro . Henry S . Wellcome , P . M . of the Lodge of Fidelity , No . 3 , who also furnished a design for the proposed memorialwith the result that on the 6 th of
, N ovember , 18 97 , a massive Masonic monument of unmistakable solidity and of noble simplicity , was unveiled in the cemetery at High Wycombe , over the grave of the late Bro . Kirby , by the V . W . Bro . Edward Letchworth , Grand
Secretary . On the 25 th of January , 18 9 8 , Bro . Charles Lewis retired from the preceptorship , and proposed as his successor Bro . George Rankin , who was accordingly elected . The " Kirby" may fairly be considered as one of the most successful Lodges of Instruction in London , second
only to the " Emulation " itself . It has always been peculiarly fortunate in the selection of its Preceptors and executive officers , brethren who have not only been remarkable for their Masonic knowledge and their ability for imparting that knowledge to others , but also for the energy and tact which
they have invariably displayed in the conduct of the business of the Lodge . A complete outfit of furniture and jewels was presented by members of the Lodge , chiefly by the founders , including a handsome set of tracing boards by Sir John Blundell Maple .
Bro . Charles E . Bulling , of the Great Northern Lodge , was the first Treasurer , and in January , 18 93 , he was succeeded by the present holder of the office—Bro . Henry S . Wellcome , P . M . of the Lodge of Fidelity No . 3 . The office of Secretary was at lirst filled by Bro . William Freemantle , " Jersey " Lodge , No . 216 3 who , finding it inconvenient to attend the
, Lodge regularly , retired from the Secretaryship in December , 1890 , when Bro . William Baker , " Pegasus " Lodge , No . 220 c ; , was chosen as his successor . Bro . Baker most ably discharged the onerous duties of the office , single handed , till January , 18 9 8 , when Bro . Frank W . Ward , of Lodges X os . 31 and
2508 , was appointed to assist him . In December , 1 9 , Bro . Baker retired from the Secretaryship and was succeeded by his assistant , Bro . F . W . Ward . The Lodge has on its roll nearly 1000 members , and the average attendance of brethren , for some years past , at the
weekly meetings has been about 22 . In connection with the Lodge there is a Masonic Charities Association whereby the brethren by a weekly subscription of not less than one shilling are enabled to acquire Life Governorships of the various Charitable Institutions of the Order .