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History Of The Emulation Lodge Of Improvement, No. 256.——(Continued).
Further substantial aid is also given to these Institutions through the Lodge contributions , those members who have attended at least twenty meetings during the current year being permitted to participate in a ballot for Life Subscriberships as the funds will allow .
JOHN \\\ FREEMAN , P . M . No . 117 . Tyler of the Emulation J . odi / e of Imiiroreiiieiit . —( Photo Elite Portrait Co . ) The Lodge now meets at the Midland Grand Hotel , St . Pancras , every Tuesday evening at 7 . 30 . The joining fee is two shillings , which sum includes the visiting fee for the
evening . The contribution of members is sixpence each attendance . The visiting fee for a brother who does not join the Lodge is one shilling . Managing Committee : Bros . George Rankin , P . M . 2397 , 2508 , 2818 , Preceptor ; D . D . West , P . M . 108 , 2818 ; W . R . Bennett , P . M . 19652705 ,
, 2397 , 2 7 , 2818 ; A . M . Barnard , P . M . 1964 , 2818 ; and J . H . Jenks , P . G . S ., P . M . 8 , 26 3 , 7 , 2818 . Treasurer : Bro . H . S . Wellcome , P . M . 3 , 2397 . Secretaries : Bros . F . W . Ward , 31 , P . M . 250 S , and H . Billinghurst , 2508 . Curator : Bro . V . Codina Langlin , P . M . 2458 .
Eleven successful Annual Festivals have been held of the Kirby Lodge of Instruction , presided over by the following eminent brethren : —In 1890 , 1891 and 18 93 , R . Clay Sudlow , P . A . G . D . Ceremonies ; 18 94 , Sir Joseph C . Dimsdale , P . G . W . and P . G . Treasurer ( No Festival meeting in 18 95 on account
of the death of Bro . Kirby ) ; 18 9 6 , Sir Edward Letchworth , Grand Secretary ; 18 97 , Charles Edward Keyser , P . G . Deacon ; 18 9 8 , Ven . Archdeacon Sinclair , P . G . Chaplain ; 1899 , Sir Forrest Fulton , K . C ., P . Dep . G . Registrar ; 1900 , Harry Manfield , P . G . Treasurer ; 1901 , Sir John B . Monckton , P . G . Warden ; 1902 , Sir Horace Brooks Marshall , P . G . Treasurer .
From this Lodge of Instruction has sprung the " Kirby " Lodge , No . 2818 , constituted 9 th July , 1900 . This Lodge bids fair to become as great a success on the roll of regular Lodges as has its progenitor on that of Lodges of Instruction . The ceremonies of consecration and installation were performed by the Grand Secretary , the Founders all
being active members of the " Kirby " Lodge of Instruction , headed by Sir Forrest Fulton as first Worshipful Master , W . R . Bennett consented to act as I . P . M ., but found little scope for his abilities in that capacity , the Worshipful Master doing his own work and very
seldom being absent from his post . George Rankin , Preceptor of the Lodge of Instruction , was the first Senior Warden ; W . H . Oldham , Junior Warden ; F . T . Rushton , Treasurer ; D . D . West , Secretary ; J . M . Payne , S . Deacon ; H . Wakerell , J . D . ; Arthur Slee , I . G . ; Charles Lewis , D . C . ;
John Curran , Organist ; Albert G . Wedmore and H . R . Appleton , Stewards . Bro . Rankin was duly installed in the Master's chair by his predecessor on the 5 th of October , 1901 . The Founders of this Lodge wisely followed the good example set them by the Lodge of Progressthe 7 th By-law
, being the following : — "No refreshments are to be supplied to the Members out of the funds of the Lodge . " A proper performance of the ceremonies and clue support of the Charitable Institutions are considered of more importance than sumptuous banquets . The brethren , however , are not
entirely unmindful of creature comforts , nor do they send their guests empty away : they believe in moderate refreshment after labour , a plain repast being provided for all who can , or care to , remain . The present officers of the Lodge are David D . West ,
W . Master ; James M . Payne , S . W . ; Henry Wakerell , J . W . ; William R . Bennett , Treasurer ; George J . V . Rankin , Secretary ; Arthur Slee , S . D . ; Albert G . Wedmore , J . D . ; Arthur M . Barnard , P . M . No . 19 64 , I . G . ; Thomas W . Allsop , P . P . G . D . C . Bucks ., D . C . ; Morris B . Evans , P . G . S .,
and Reginald Hughes , P . P . G . Deacon , Herts , Stewards . Honorary Members : Sir Edward Letchworth , G . Secretary ; Rev . Canon Brownrigg , P . G . Chaplain ; Sir Joseph C . Dimsdale , Bart ., P . G . Warden ; Frank Richardson , P . Dep . G . Registrar ; Charles E . Keyser , P . G . Deacon ; Richard Clowes , P . G . Std . Bearer ; Henry Sadler , Grand Tyler .
THE GENERAL LODGE OF INSTRUCTION , NO . 5 87 . We are indebted to Bro . Arthur W . Adams , P . P . S . G . W . Warwickshire , for the following : — This Lodge of Instruction was founded at Birmingham about 18 4 8 by the members of the St . Paul's Lodge , No . 43
, one of the four Lodges then existing in that city . In 1851 the Howe Lodge , No . 587 , was consecrated , and shortly after that year we find that this Lodge of Instruction was working under its sanction , as it does still . The form of ritual taught in the Lodge has been always
that of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement , London . It was received in the first place from Bros . Honey and Vernon , members of that Lodge , who paid a visit of several weeks ' duration to Birmingham in 18 4 8 . The first Preceptor of the Lodge of Instruction was Bro .
Isaac H . Bedford , P . P . S . G . W ., P . M . Nos . 43 , 587 , 739 , from whom the Bedford Lodge , No . 925 , consecrated in 1862 , takes its name . He was succeeded by an excellent and successful teacher , Bro . John Pursall , P . P . G . S . W ., P . M . Nos . 74 , 1163 , who held the office of Preceptor till his death
in the early pait of 1890 . Bro . Pursall received great assistance during his preceptorship from Bro . Thomas Hawkins , P . P . S . G . W ., P . M . No . 4 68 , a most earnest exponent of our ritual . In May , 1890 , the vacant post was entrusted to the present Preceptor , Bro . Arthur W . Adams , P . P . S . G . W . Warwickshire , P . M . 16 44 .
The Lodge of Instruction has had a somewhat chequered career . At times its members have been few in number , and it has had a severe struggle to continue its existence . At other times it has been in a very satisfactory and prosperous condition . It is , we are happy to state , at the present moment in a more flourishing position than ever before .
When Bro . Adams was first appointed Preceptor it was thought desirable by the then Dep . P . G . M ., W . Bro . James T . Collins , P . G . S . B . England , that the teaching of the Lodge should be thoroughly revised . In order to effect this object , in 1891 W . Bro . R . Clay Sudlow was invited to attend a
meeting of the Lodge and act as Preceptor during the rehearsal of nearly the whole of the ritual . He also paid a similar visit in 1892 . It is admitted by old Masons that in the course of 40 years or so many errors had arisen in the ritual as taught here , and many unauthorised additions had
been made to it . These , it is needless to say , were objected to by Bro . Sudlow . The brethren who knew the Lodge in its early clays willingly acknowledged that the alterations suggested by Bro . Sudlow all tended to bring the ritual back to the form taught ' 30 or 40 years before . ( To be Continued ) .
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
History Of The Emulation Lodge Of Improvement, No. 256.——(Continued).
Further substantial aid is also given to these Institutions through the Lodge contributions , those members who have attended at least twenty meetings during the current year being permitted to participate in a ballot for Life Subscriberships as the funds will allow .
JOHN \\\ FREEMAN , P . M . No . 117 . Tyler of the Emulation J . odi / e of Imiiroreiiieiit . —( Photo Elite Portrait Co . ) The Lodge now meets at the Midland Grand Hotel , St . Pancras , every Tuesday evening at 7 . 30 . The joining fee is two shillings , which sum includes the visiting fee for the
evening . The contribution of members is sixpence each attendance . The visiting fee for a brother who does not join the Lodge is one shilling . Managing Committee : Bros . George Rankin , P . M . 2397 , 2508 , 2818 , Preceptor ; D . D . West , P . M . 108 , 2818 ; W . R . Bennett , P . M . 19652705 ,
, 2397 , 2 7 , 2818 ; A . M . Barnard , P . M . 1964 , 2818 ; and J . H . Jenks , P . G . S ., P . M . 8 , 26 3 , 7 , 2818 . Treasurer : Bro . H . S . Wellcome , P . M . 3 , 2397 . Secretaries : Bros . F . W . Ward , 31 , P . M . 250 S , and H . Billinghurst , 2508 . Curator : Bro . V . Codina Langlin , P . M . 2458 .
Eleven successful Annual Festivals have been held of the Kirby Lodge of Instruction , presided over by the following eminent brethren : —In 1890 , 1891 and 18 93 , R . Clay Sudlow , P . A . G . D . Ceremonies ; 18 94 , Sir Joseph C . Dimsdale , P . G . W . and P . G . Treasurer ( No Festival meeting in 18 95 on account
of the death of Bro . Kirby ) ; 18 9 6 , Sir Edward Letchworth , Grand Secretary ; 18 97 , Charles Edward Keyser , P . G . Deacon ; 18 9 8 , Ven . Archdeacon Sinclair , P . G . Chaplain ; 1899 , Sir Forrest Fulton , K . C ., P . Dep . G . Registrar ; 1900 , Harry Manfield , P . G . Treasurer ; 1901 , Sir John B . Monckton , P . G . Warden ; 1902 , Sir Horace Brooks Marshall , P . G . Treasurer .
From this Lodge of Instruction has sprung the " Kirby " Lodge , No . 2818 , constituted 9 th July , 1900 . This Lodge bids fair to become as great a success on the roll of regular Lodges as has its progenitor on that of Lodges of Instruction . The ceremonies of consecration and installation were performed by the Grand Secretary , the Founders all
being active members of the " Kirby " Lodge of Instruction , headed by Sir Forrest Fulton as first Worshipful Master , W . R . Bennett consented to act as I . P . M ., but found little scope for his abilities in that capacity , the Worshipful Master doing his own work and very
seldom being absent from his post . George Rankin , Preceptor of the Lodge of Instruction , was the first Senior Warden ; W . H . Oldham , Junior Warden ; F . T . Rushton , Treasurer ; D . D . West , Secretary ; J . M . Payne , S . Deacon ; H . Wakerell , J . D . ; Arthur Slee , I . G . ; Charles Lewis , D . C . ;
John Curran , Organist ; Albert G . Wedmore and H . R . Appleton , Stewards . Bro . Rankin was duly installed in the Master's chair by his predecessor on the 5 th of October , 1901 . The Founders of this Lodge wisely followed the good example set them by the Lodge of Progressthe 7 th By-law
, being the following : — "No refreshments are to be supplied to the Members out of the funds of the Lodge . " A proper performance of the ceremonies and clue support of the Charitable Institutions are considered of more importance than sumptuous banquets . The brethren , however , are not
entirely unmindful of creature comforts , nor do they send their guests empty away : they believe in moderate refreshment after labour , a plain repast being provided for all who can , or care to , remain . The present officers of the Lodge are David D . West ,
W . Master ; James M . Payne , S . W . ; Henry Wakerell , J . W . ; William R . Bennett , Treasurer ; George J . V . Rankin , Secretary ; Arthur Slee , S . D . ; Albert G . Wedmore , J . D . ; Arthur M . Barnard , P . M . No . 19 64 , I . G . ; Thomas W . Allsop , P . P . G . D . C . Bucks ., D . C . ; Morris B . Evans , P . G . S .,
and Reginald Hughes , P . P . G . Deacon , Herts , Stewards . Honorary Members : Sir Edward Letchworth , G . Secretary ; Rev . Canon Brownrigg , P . G . Chaplain ; Sir Joseph C . Dimsdale , Bart ., P . G . Warden ; Frank Richardson , P . Dep . G . Registrar ; Charles E . Keyser , P . G . Deacon ; Richard Clowes , P . G . Std . Bearer ; Henry Sadler , Grand Tyler .
THE GENERAL LODGE OF INSTRUCTION , NO . 5 87 . We are indebted to Bro . Arthur W . Adams , P . P . S . G . W . Warwickshire , for the following : — This Lodge of Instruction was founded at Birmingham about 18 4 8 by the members of the St . Paul's Lodge , No . 43
, one of the four Lodges then existing in that city . In 1851 the Howe Lodge , No . 587 , was consecrated , and shortly after that year we find that this Lodge of Instruction was working under its sanction , as it does still . The form of ritual taught in the Lodge has been always
that of the Emulation Lodge of Improvement , London . It was received in the first place from Bros . Honey and Vernon , members of that Lodge , who paid a visit of several weeks ' duration to Birmingham in 18 4 8 . The first Preceptor of the Lodge of Instruction was Bro .
Isaac H . Bedford , P . P . S . G . W ., P . M . Nos . 43 , 587 , 739 , from whom the Bedford Lodge , No . 925 , consecrated in 1862 , takes its name . He was succeeded by an excellent and successful teacher , Bro . John Pursall , P . P . G . S . W ., P . M . Nos . 74 , 1163 , who held the office of Preceptor till his death
in the early pait of 1890 . Bro . Pursall received great assistance during his preceptorship from Bro . Thomas Hawkins , P . P . S . G . W ., P . M . No . 4 68 , a most earnest exponent of our ritual . In May , 1890 , the vacant post was entrusted to the present Preceptor , Bro . Arthur W . Adams , P . P . S . G . W . Warwickshire , P . M . 16 44 .
The Lodge of Instruction has had a somewhat chequered career . At times its members have been few in number , and it has had a severe struggle to continue its existence . At other times it has been in a very satisfactory and prosperous condition . It is , we are happy to state , at the present moment in a more flourishing position than ever before .
When Bro . Adams was first appointed Preceptor it was thought desirable by the then Dep . P . G . M ., W . Bro . James T . Collins , P . G . S . B . England , that the teaching of the Lodge should be thoroughly revised . In order to effect this object , in 1891 W . Bro . R . Clay Sudlow was invited to attend a
meeting of the Lodge and act as Preceptor during the rehearsal of nearly the whole of the ritual . He also paid a similar visit in 1892 . It is admitted by old Masons that in the course of 40 years or so many errors had arisen in the ritual as taught here , and many unauthorised additions had
been made to it . These , it is needless to say , were objected to by Bro . Sudlow . The brethren who knew the Lodge in its early clays willingly acknowledged that the alterations suggested by Bro . Sudlow all tended to bring the ritual back to the form taught ' 30 or 40 years before . ( To be Continued ) .