Article Centenary of Freemasonry in Australia. ← Page 2 of 2 Article The late Bro . Major Charles W. Carrell, P.A.G.D.C. Page 1 of 2 →
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Centenary Of Freemasonry In Australia.
England , he endeared himself to every Mason during his subsequent two years' term of office . He was succeeded by the new Governor , Sir Robert Duff , who was installed as Grand Master in ] uly , 18 93 , and was re-elected in ' # 94 , though his health and important duties elsewhere left him little time for Masonic work . At his death on the 15 th
March , 18 95 , the duties of the chair were assumed by M . W . Bro . Sir Joseph Palmer Abbott , who had been Pro Grand Master for about six months previously . He was elected Grand Master in the following June , and re-elected in 18 9 6 , 1897 and 1898 .
, The present occupant of the Grand Master ' s chair was unanimously elected on the 14 th June , 18 99 , and the honour was again conferred upon him in 1900 , 1 9 , and 1902 , and in June last . Early in his lirst year of office he aided in the successful establishment of the Grand Lodge of West
Australia , and hoped to see the whole of the Craft there as absolutely united as it was in New South Wales . Its first Grand Master was Sir Gerard Smith , then Governor of West Australia . Of the progress in recent years , the Grand Master said the union in 1888 was followed by large accessions to the
ranks of members ; although the actual number of lodges was reduced by fourteen amalgamations between lodges then existing in various towns , which naturally ensued upon the disappearance of any cause for divided interests . Tlie progress was checked by tlie financial crisis of 1893 . Five years later an improvement began to be manifested , and the
progress since made in every direction had been most gratifying , and it was never more marked than at tlie present time . The Grand Master said , in conclusion , fifteen years agoat the great meeting in the University , he ventured to
, forecast that , great as had been the progress of the Craft heretofore , it would be tenfold greater , and its influence a hundredfold more , when it confronted its detractors as a strong , because united , band , powerful to diffuse the light of wisdom , aid the strength of reason , dispense the bounties
of Charity , and lessen the aggregate of human misery and vice . Let it be their part to so govern themselves , and guard the Order , that it may realise the highest aspirations of its most zealous adherents , not only under its present rulers , but those who succeeded them in their high offices in all the years to come .
The Late Bro . Major Charles W. Carrell, P.A.G.D.C.
The late Bro . Major Charles W . Carrell , P . A . G . D . C .
IT is with the deepest regret we have to record the death of Bro . Major C . W . Carrell , whose sudden and tragic disappearance from our midst will cause a sorrowful feeling of loss for many a clay in Masonic circles . Bro . Carrell was a major in the London Irish Rifle Volunteers , and wore the volunteer decoration for long
service . For a number of years he has been president of the officers' mess of the regiment . It was at the camp at Shorncliffe that the unfortunate accident took place . It appears
THE LATE IIRO . MA . IOH CARRELL . that about eight o ' clock in the evening an officer ' s servant was standing outside a tent adjoining that of the deceased when he heard a shot , followed by a heavy fall , and on
entering found Major Carrell lying on the Iloor . The regimental sports had been held in the afternoon , and deceased , being one of the officials , his revolver was to have been used for starting competitions , but as there were no blank cartridges to lit it , it was not used . A witness at the inquest described the usual method of cleaning a revolver ,
stating that without doubt the muzzle of the weapon would be pointed to the abdomen , and in the hurry of dressing for the mess it was evident the trigger had been accidentally pulled . The jury , after short deliberation , returned a verdict of accidental death . Although Bro . Carrell's introduction into Masonry
occurred some twenty-five years ago , it was not until his advancement to the Mark Degree , which took place in 18 90 , that he became so prominent a figure in London Masonic life . Few men possessed a more attractive and genial personality , and to those more intimate associates amongst
the Craft with whom he was in almost daily intercourse his loss will be acutely felt . Bro . Carrell was initiated in the Victoria Park Lodge ,. No . 1816 , in 1879 , and has twice filled the chair . In the following year he joined the Old King ' s Arms Lodge , No . 28 ,
and was twice installed as W . M . He was one of the founders of the West Ham Abbey Lodge , No . 2291 , and in 188 9 he became a founder of the London Irish Rifles Lodge , and was its first Deputy Master , under H . R . H . the Duke of
Connaught , who was the Master Designate . He further had the honour of installing His Royal Highness on his return from India in the same year . He became a joining member of Doyle ' s Lodge of Friendship , No . 8 4 , Guernsey , and in 18 95 was appointed Provincial Senior Grand Warden of that province . In 18 9 6 he was appointed Grand Sword Bearer of
England , and last year was promoted to the rank of P . A . G . D . C . In the Royal Arch Degree he was exalted in Mount Sion Chapter , No . 22 , in 1886 , joining afterwards the Old King ' s Arms Chapter , No . 28 , becoming M . E . Z . in 18 94 . In 18 9 6 he was appointed Past Grand Standard Bearer of
Supreme Grand Chapter . But it was in the Degree of Mark Master Mason that Bro . Carrell became in later years more intimately associated , and in which he rendered the more active service . He was advanced in the Scots Lodge , No . 406 , in 1890 , and became Worshipful Master in 18 93 . In rapid
succession he joined , or took part in founding , the Grafton Lodge , No . 415 ; Hibernia Lodge , No . 431 ; Grand Master ' s Lodge , No . 1 ; West Ham Lodge , No . 4 67 ; Dramatic Lodge , So . 4 87 ; and the Empress Lodge , No . 333 , in most of which he has filled the Master ' s chair .
Bro . Carrell ' s services in connection with the Grand Mark Lodge have been no less distinguished than those he has rendered to the many private lodges of which he was a member . His record as a Grand Officer stands thus : Grand Steward , 18 91 ; Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies ,
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Centenary Of Freemasonry In Australia.
England , he endeared himself to every Mason during his subsequent two years' term of office . He was succeeded by the new Governor , Sir Robert Duff , who was installed as Grand Master in ] uly , 18 93 , and was re-elected in ' # 94 , though his health and important duties elsewhere left him little time for Masonic work . At his death on the 15 th
March , 18 95 , the duties of the chair were assumed by M . W . Bro . Sir Joseph Palmer Abbott , who had been Pro Grand Master for about six months previously . He was elected Grand Master in the following June , and re-elected in 18 9 6 , 1897 and 1898 .
, The present occupant of the Grand Master ' s chair was unanimously elected on the 14 th June , 18 99 , and the honour was again conferred upon him in 1900 , 1 9 , and 1902 , and in June last . Early in his lirst year of office he aided in the successful establishment of the Grand Lodge of West
Australia , and hoped to see the whole of the Craft there as absolutely united as it was in New South Wales . Its first Grand Master was Sir Gerard Smith , then Governor of West Australia . Of the progress in recent years , the Grand Master said the union in 1888 was followed by large accessions to the
ranks of members ; although the actual number of lodges was reduced by fourteen amalgamations between lodges then existing in various towns , which naturally ensued upon the disappearance of any cause for divided interests . Tlie progress was checked by tlie financial crisis of 1893 . Five years later an improvement began to be manifested , and the
progress since made in every direction had been most gratifying , and it was never more marked than at tlie present time . The Grand Master said , in conclusion , fifteen years agoat the great meeting in the University , he ventured to
, forecast that , great as had been the progress of the Craft heretofore , it would be tenfold greater , and its influence a hundredfold more , when it confronted its detractors as a strong , because united , band , powerful to diffuse the light of wisdom , aid the strength of reason , dispense the bounties
of Charity , and lessen the aggregate of human misery and vice . Let it be their part to so govern themselves , and guard the Order , that it may realise the highest aspirations of its most zealous adherents , not only under its present rulers , but those who succeeded them in their high offices in all the years to come .
The Late Bro . Major Charles W. Carrell, P.A.G.D.C.
The late Bro . Major Charles W . Carrell , P . A . G . D . C .
IT is with the deepest regret we have to record the death of Bro . Major C . W . Carrell , whose sudden and tragic disappearance from our midst will cause a sorrowful feeling of loss for many a clay in Masonic circles . Bro . Carrell was a major in the London Irish Rifle Volunteers , and wore the volunteer decoration for long
service . For a number of years he has been president of the officers' mess of the regiment . It was at the camp at Shorncliffe that the unfortunate accident took place . It appears
THE LATE IIRO . MA . IOH CARRELL . that about eight o ' clock in the evening an officer ' s servant was standing outside a tent adjoining that of the deceased when he heard a shot , followed by a heavy fall , and on
entering found Major Carrell lying on the Iloor . The regimental sports had been held in the afternoon , and deceased , being one of the officials , his revolver was to have been used for starting competitions , but as there were no blank cartridges to lit it , it was not used . A witness at the inquest described the usual method of cleaning a revolver ,
stating that without doubt the muzzle of the weapon would be pointed to the abdomen , and in the hurry of dressing for the mess it was evident the trigger had been accidentally pulled . The jury , after short deliberation , returned a verdict of accidental death . Although Bro . Carrell's introduction into Masonry
occurred some twenty-five years ago , it was not until his advancement to the Mark Degree , which took place in 18 90 , that he became so prominent a figure in London Masonic life . Few men possessed a more attractive and genial personality , and to those more intimate associates amongst
the Craft with whom he was in almost daily intercourse his loss will be acutely felt . Bro . Carrell was initiated in the Victoria Park Lodge ,. No . 1816 , in 1879 , and has twice filled the chair . In the following year he joined the Old King ' s Arms Lodge , No . 28 ,
and was twice installed as W . M . He was one of the founders of the West Ham Abbey Lodge , No . 2291 , and in 188 9 he became a founder of the London Irish Rifles Lodge , and was its first Deputy Master , under H . R . H . the Duke of
Connaught , who was the Master Designate . He further had the honour of installing His Royal Highness on his return from India in the same year . He became a joining member of Doyle ' s Lodge of Friendship , No . 8 4 , Guernsey , and in 18 95 was appointed Provincial Senior Grand Warden of that province . In 18 9 6 he was appointed Grand Sword Bearer of
England , and last year was promoted to the rank of P . A . G . D . C . In the Royal Arch Degree he was exalted in Mount Sion Chapter , No . 22 , in 1886 , joining afterwards the Old King ' s Arms Chapter , No . 28 , becoming M . E . Z . in 18 94 . In 18 9 6 he was appointed Past Grand Standard Bearer of
Supreme Grand Chapter . But it was in the Degree of Mark Master Mason that Bro . Carrell became in later years more intimately associated , and in which he rendered the more active service . He was advanced in the Scots Lodge , No . 406 , in 1890 , and became Worshipful Master in 18 93 . In rapid
succession he joined , or took part in founding , the Grafton Lodge , No . 415 ; Hibernia Lodge , No . 431 ; Grand Master ' s Lodge , No . 1 ; West Ham Lodge , No . 4 67 ; Dramatic Lodge , So . 4 87 ; and the Empress Lodge , No . 333 , in most of which he has filled the Master ' s chair .
Bro . Carrell ' s services in connection with the Grand Mark Lodge have been no less distinguished than those he has rendered to the many private lodges of which he was a member . His record as a Grand Officer stands thus : Grand Steward , 18 91 ; Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies ,