Article Freemasons' Hall. Page 1 of 1
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Freemasons' Hall.
Freemasons'Hall .
In connection with the present scheme , sanctioned by Grand Lodge , for the rebuilding of Freemasons' Tavern , the following facsimile reproduction of a portion of the statement of accounts for the building of Freemasons' Hall in 1779 , will be of interest to our readers .
IN the Year 1775 ,- Five Thoufand Pounds was raifed on Survivor / hip at
Five per Cent . ; One Thoufand Pounds was alfo borrowed from the Fund of Charity , which , with Gifts and Fees from the Grand Officers and other Brethren , and Subfcriptions and Fees from fundry Lodges , enabled the SOCIETY to pay for the Freehold in Great ^ ueen-Jlreet , Lincoln s-Inn
Fields , and the following Tradefmen , & c . on Account of the Building the Hall , to the 4 th November , 1779 : 1 The Eftate coltwith fome Intereft Amount brought forward — £ 8222 6
, . 9 due thereon — — £ . 3200 o o Weeks , Meafurer , — " 50 o o Intereft to Mr . Lufhington - 131 ut 6 Kay , plumbing and g lazing 21 92 Ditto to Meflrs . Cox , Sandby , Allen . Horth , Painter , — 10 15 3 & Bottomley — — 100 o o Mill , Brazier , — 1760 Do . to Charity Fund — —> 80 o o LinnellCarver 19 e o
, , Thomas Dight , Carpenter , 1718 14 o Brookes , Paper-ftainer , 3 8 o 9 ! Alexander M'Kowl , Bricklayer , 2312 6 6 Sparrow , Wire-worker , 28 9 o Richard Cox , Plaifterer , — 500 o o Strickland , Carpenter , ¦— 20 o o John Campion , Smith , — 306 10 6 Mackintoih & Rofe , Chandeliers , 222 12 o I ! J . Underwood & Co . Plumb . & Glaz . 375 o o ¦ Canon , Painter , — tc o o Painter —¦
Prodtor , , 331 11 o Mr . Allen , Solicitor , 3 8 o o j Hinchcliffe , Stone-mafon — 90 14 o Infurance ¦ — 30 18 o j Roberts , Slater , 76 2 o Dividends — 1000 o o Carried up £ . 8222 9 6 ] £ . 9734 4 8
AT an Extraordinary GRAND LODGE , held 21 ft June , 1779 ,, Propofals were made and agreed to , that a Subfcription ihould be entered into for paying off the Remainder of the Debt contracted by the Building
! of the Hall ; fince which Time many Subfcriptions have been received 5 and the following is a General State of the Hal ] Accounts from that-Period . ( See the Propofals at large in the Calendar for 1782 and 178 3 . )
I 779 ° £ s . d . 1779 . £ . s . £ Nov . 4 . To the Night ' s Collection 55 18 6 Nov . 4 . By Bal . due to Treafurer 125 o 3 Sundry Sums received for the By Cafh to Reill — 7 12 6
y Hall , & c . — 72 9 1 Feb . 1 . Dividend to Chriftmas , 1779 , 125 o o 1780 . Feb . 2 . To the Ni ght ' s Collect . 3 6 7 6 Grand Secretary — 3 16 6 April 3 . Of Sundries for Hall 8 4 o o April 6 . Half Year ' s Rent for Stables 8 10 o Of MrReillfor Rent 75 o o JohHele 6 6
I . y n , Surveyor — o 12 . The Colle & ion this Ni ght 100 19 6 Grand Secretary ' s Bill 4 18 o Rum from Jamaica — 16 18 3 Sundry Taxes 75 17 0 Of Sundries for the Hall 35 9 1 May 6 . Mr . Bottomley for Coke 090 Do . Calendars 33 1 o Do . iool . and Intereft : oG 2 6 Subfcri from 8 Gentle
ption 3 - Mr . Allen iool . and Intereft 108 2 6 men and Lodges , 25 I . each 950 o o Mr . Sandby 200 I . & Intereft 216 5 o Nov . 1 . The Collection this Night 57 10 6 Mr . Cox , Intereft on 1200 I . ifilx Feb . 7 . Do . this Ni ght 68 10 3 one Year and an half to Sundries for the Hall 21 o ol Lady-day —— 90 o o ¦
j . Carried over £ . 1607 3 8 I Carried over £ . 8 79 19 1
Note: This text has been automatically extracted via Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software.
Freemasons' Hall.
Freemasons'Hall .
In connection with the present scheme , sanctioned by Grand Lodge , for the rebuilding of Freemasons' Tavern , the following facsimile reproduction of a portion of the statement of accounts for the building of Freemasons' Hall in 1779 , will be of interest to our readers .
IN the Year 1775 ,- Five Thoufand Pounds was raifed on Survivor / hip at
Five per Cent . ; One Thoufand Pounds was alfo borrowed from the Fund of Charity , which , with Gifts and Fees from the Grand Officers and other Brethren , and Subfcriptions and Fees from fundry Lodges , enabled the SOCIETY to pay for the Freehold in Great ^ ueen-Jlreet , Lincoln s-Inn
Fields , and the following Tradefmen , & c . on Account of the Building the Hall , to the 4 th November , 1779 : 1 The Eftate coltwith fome Intereft Amount brought forward — £ 8222 6
, . 9 due thereon — — £ . 3200 o o Weeks , Meafurer , — " 50 o o Intereft to Mr . Lufhington - 131 ut 6 Kay , plumbing and g lazing 21 92 Ditto to Meflrs . Cox , Sandby , Allen . Horth , Painter , — 10 15 3 & Bottomley — — 100 o o Mill , Brazier , — 1760 Do . to Charity Fund — —> 80 o o LinnellCarver 19 e o
, , Thomas Dight , Carpenter , 1718 14 o Brookes , Paper-ftainer , 3 8 o 9 ! Alexander M'Kowl , Bricklayer , 2312 6 6 Sparrow , Wire-worker , 28 9 o Richard Cox , Plaifterer , — 500 o o Strickland , Carpenter , ¦— 20 o o John Campion , Smith , — 306 10 6 Mackintoih & Rofe , Chandeliers , 222 12 o I ! J . Underwood & Co . Plumb . & Glaz . 375 o o ¦ Canon , Painter , — tc o o Painter —¦
Prodtor , , 331 11 o Mr . Allen , Solicitor , 3 8 o o j Hinchcliffe , Stone-mafon — 90 14 o Infurance ¦ — 30 18 o j Roberts , Slater , 76 2 o Dividends — 1000 o o Carried up £ . 8222 9 6 ] £ . 9734 4 8
AT an Extraordinary GRAND LODGE , held 21 ft June , 1779 ,, Propofals were made and agreed to , that a Subfcription ihould be entered into for paying off the Remainder of the Debt contracted by the Building
! of the Hall ; fince which Time many Subfcriptions have been received 5 and the following is a General State of the Hal ] Accounts from that-Period . ( See the Propofals at large in the Calendar for 1782 and 178 3 . )
I 779 ° £ s . d . 1779 . £ . s . £ Nov . 4 . To the Night ' s Collection 55 18 6 Nov . 4 . By Bal . due to Treafurer 125 o 3 Sundry Sums received for the By Cafh to Reill — 7 12 6
y Hall , & c . — 72 9 1 Feb . 1 . Dividend to Chriftmas , 1779 , 125 o o 1780 . Feb . 2 . To the Ni ght ' s Collect . 3 6 7 6 Grand Secretary — 3 16 6 April 3 . Of Sundries for Hall 8 4 o o April 6 . Half Year ' s Rent for Stables 8 10 o Of MrReillfor Rent 75 o o JohHele 6 6
I . y n , Surveyor — o 12 . The Colle & ion this Ni ght 100 19 6 Grand Secretary ' s Bill 4 18 o Rum from Jamaica — 16 18 3 Sundry Taxes 75 17 0 Of Sundries for the Hall 35 9 1 May 6 . Mr . Bottomley for Coke 090 Do . Calendars 33 1 o Do . iool . and Intereft : oG 2 6 Subfcri from 8 Gentle
ption 3 - Mr . Allen iool . and Intereft 108 2 6 men and Lodges , 25 I . each 950 o o Mr . Sandby 200 I . & Intereft 216 5 o Nov . 1 . The Collection this Night 57 10 6 Mr . Cox , Intereft on 1200 I . ifilx Feb . 7 . Do . this Ni ght 68 10 3 one Year and an half to Sundries for the Hall 21 o ol Lady-day —— 90 o o ¦
j . Carried over £ . 1607 3 8 I Carried over £ . 8 79 19 1